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5 Ways to Apply for Social Security Benefits Online
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
We continue to make it easier for you to access our programs and benefits. Our website offers a convenient way to apply for benefits online. You can apply online for: Retirement or Spouse’s Benefits – You must be at least 61 years and 9 months in age and want your benefits to start in no […]
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You and Your Family May Be Eligible for Increased Benefits
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
We know your circumstances may change after you apply—or become eligible—for benefits. If you, or a family member, receive Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), certain life changes could entitle you to an increase in your benefit amount. As part of our Potential Entitlement initiative, we want to help you identify where you might […]
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Understanding Social Security Disability Benefits
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Disability is something most people don’t like to think about, but the chances that you’ll become disabled are greater than you realize. Studies show that a 20-year-old worker has a 1-in-4 chance of becoming disabled before reaching full retirement age. Social Security pays disability benefits through two programs: The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) […]
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Helpful Facts About Social Security Disability Benefits
Reading Time: 1 Minute
When the unexpected happens and you can no longer work due to a serious medical condition, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can be a lifeline for you and your family. Most American workers contribute to Social Security through federal payroll taxes. If your working years are cut short by a severe and lasting illness […]
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Understanding Social Security Survivors Benefits
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Unfortunately, tragedy can strike without any warning. The loss of the family wage earner can be devastating both emotionally and financially. Social Security helps by providing income for the families of workers who die. Some of the Social Security taxes you pay go toward survivors benefits for workers and their families. The value of the […]
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Social Security Benefits: a Lifetime of Protections for Your Loved Ones
Reading Time: 1 Minute
At Social Security, we know how much your loved ones mean to you—that’s why our promise of lifetime protections extends to them. When you work and pay Social Security taxes, some of your immediate family may also qualify to receive benefits on your record. We pay benefits to: Did you find this Information helpful? Yes […]
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Our Online Benefits Application
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Social Security is committed to protecting and securing the information entrusted to us. We’re constantly looking for ways for you to save time by conducting your business anytime, anywhere, using our online services. Our online benefits application provides a high level of security and protection for the information you provide. Filing online gives you the […]
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It’s More Convenient Than Ever to Apply for Social Security Benefits
Reading Time: 1 Minute
You’ve worked hard your whole life, and receiving your Social Security benefits should be the icing on the cake at your retirement party. We’re working hard to make it as quick and seamless as possible for you to apply for benefits from Social Security. Simply visit our Apply for Social Security Benefits page to get started. […]
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When Is a Good Time to Start Receiving Social Security Benefits?
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Enjoying a comfortable retirement is everyone’s dream. For over 80 years, Social Security has been helping people realize those dreams, assisting people through life’s journey with a variety of benefits. It’s up to you as to when you can start retirement benefits. You could start them a little earlier or wait until your “full retirement […]
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Social Security Benefits U.S. Citizens Outside the United States
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Over half a million people who live outside the United States receive some kind of Social Security benefit, including retired and disabled workers, as well as spouses, widows, widowers, and children. Did you find this Information helpful? Yes No Thanks for your feedback!
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