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and Tomorrow
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Celebrating 88 Years of Social Security
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
For 88 years, Social Security has provided income protection to millions of retirees, people with disabilities, dependents, and families that lose a wage earner. This year, we will administer more than $1.3 trillion in benefits and payments to more than 70 million beneficiaries and cover 181 million workers and their families. In addition to paying […]
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Smart Social Security Strategies for Women
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
While many women plan to claim Social Security retirement benefits, they may not know about how various factors could impact their monthly payment. More women are working than ever before, but their average benefits are lower than those for men because women typically earn less over their lifetime. In addition, falling marriage rates mean fewer women […]
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Remembering Judy Heumann, the Mother of Disability Rights
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
As Disability Pride Month comes to a close, Betsy Beaumon, Social Security’s Chief Transformation Officer, reflects on the legacy of disability rights leader, Judy Heumann. On March 4, 2023, the world lost one of the leading voices for people with disabilities. Because of her pivotal and relentless work throughout her life, Judy was often called […]
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The ADA Benefits All People, Not Just “Americans with Disabilities”
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
July 26, 2023, marks the 33rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This landmark civil rights law protects millions of people with disabilities across the country. The Access Board is celebrating accessible design features encountered in everyday life that benefit everyone, not just those with disabilities. Read on to learn more! Ramps and […]
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How Helps You
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
We’re excited to announce that we’ve added two screening tools to our redesigned website! provides you with many ways to learn about our programs and do business with us online. These tools are designed to help you determine your eligibility for benefits and help you request a replacement Social Security card. Benefits Screener You […]
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Social Security Supports Rural Communities
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Social Security touches the lives of nearly every American. Millions count on us — retirees who worked hard their whole lives, people no longer able to work due to disability, dependents, and survivors. As a member of the Rural Partners Network, we want to continue reaching out to rural communities. We make it easy for […]
Continue reading "Social Security Supports Rural Communities" →Tags: Medicare, retirement, retirement benefits, SSI, supplemental security income, survivors benefits

Are You Age 70 or Older and Not Yet Getting Your Social Security Retirement Benefits?
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Retirement is not one-size-fits-all. It can mean different things to different people. Perhaps you have not applied for Social Security retirement benefits because you’re still working or are delaying applying so you can get the higher benefit. If you’re age 70 or older, you should apply now for the benefits you’re owed. Your benefits will […]
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US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is Helping Rural Families Close the Digital Divide
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
The USDA’s Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement (OPPE) develops and maintains partnerships to address challenges facing rural and underserved communities. We connect those communities to USDA resources—including internet access. Navigating the 21st century is challenging without access to high-speed internet. OPPE wants to make sure everyone can fully participate in the wide range of […]
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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Combating Injustice
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
The COVID-19 pandemic may have led us to focus more on ourselves – and forget about checking in with others. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day reminds us about the importance of staying in touch with older persons. Elder abuse is the intentional mistreatment or harming of an older person. An older person is defined by […]
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Minimizing the Risk of Scams for People Living with Dementia
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Financial crime against older Americans is a growing problem. People living with dementia are at an especially high risk of becoming victims of fraud and financial abuse. That’s why we’re grateful for Social Security’s unwavering commitment to combatting fraud. As their memory and other thinking skills decline, people with dementia may struggle to make financial […]
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