COVID-19, General

New Guidance about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments

April 10, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

“The Treasury Department launched a new web tool allowing quick registration for Economic Impact Payments for eligible individuals who do not normally file a tax return, and also announced that it would begin making automatic payments.  However, for some people receiving benefits from the Social Security Administration—specifically those who have dependent children under the age of 17—it is to their advantage to go to this portal to ensure they also get the $500 per dependent Economic Impact Payment.  I encourage them to do this as soon as possible, and want to provide the following details:

People who receive Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability insurance benefits and who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019 and who have qualifying children under age 17 should now go to the IRS’s webpage to enter their information instead of waiting for their automatic $1,200 Economic Impact Payment.  By taking proactive steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment.  If Social Security beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, they will have to wait to receive their $500 per qualifying child.

The same new guidance also applies to SSI recipients, especially those who have qualifying children under age 17.  To receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for, go to the IRS’s Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info page and provide information about yourself and your qualifying children.

Additionally, any new beneficiaries since January 1, 2020, of either Social Security or SSI benefits, who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019, will also need to go to the IRS’s Non-Filers website to enter their information.

Lastly, for Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries who do not have qualifying children under age 17, you do not need to take any action with the IRS.  You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS as long as you received an SSA-1099 for 2019.

For SSI recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17, we continue to work closely with Treasury in our efforts to make these payments automatically.  Please note that we will not consider Economic Impact Payments as income for SSI recipients.

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found at the IRS’s Coronavirus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payments page.  In addition, please continue to visit the IRS for the latest information.”

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Denis

    Hi! Could you help me to understand if me family can receive Economic Impact Payment? We moved to the USA in February 2020. We have a work visa and SSN.

    • V.V.

      Hi Denis, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

  2. Kim L.

    Where is my impact payment I am on ssi and ssa
    And it should have been on my direct Express card and it is not

  3. Mary L.

    I have not received any stimulus support as of May 12, 2020,How sad for the lowincome Americans on Ssi! Don’t look like i will be receiving that bull….t. God is just a prayer away, those last shall become 1st!. So i am tired of stressing for help. Can’t miss what ya never had!

  4. Mary L.

    I have not eeceived any stimulus support as of May 12, 2020,How sad for the lowincome Americans on Ssi!

  5. Dean E.

    My name is Dean E Walker. I receive my social security check thru direct deposit the 10th of each month. Will my stimulus check be included in this deposit? If not where can l go to check when I can expect to receive it.

  6. wb

    130 million people have already received their Economic Impact Payment. 20 million, including me, have yet to receive them, including everyone who’s posted here. What happened to “lowest income people receiving 1st?”

  7. Anthony B.

    I am on ssi and ssa retirement with my wife as payee, what should I do

    • V.V.

      Hi Anthony, thank you for your question. The Internal Revenue Service, which is part of the Department of Treasury, will be making Economic Income Payments to eligible people. To help you quickly and easily determine whether you need to take any action to receive your Economic Impact Payment, check out the step-by-step instructions on the Social Security and Coronavirus web page: On that page, you will also find details about how the IRS will send economic impact payments to individuals that have a representative payee.

  8. Kimberey

    Is there a date yet on payment status for ppl that have a payee when can I count on getting my stimulus payment…

    • V.V.

      Hi Kimberey, thank you for your question. The Internal Revenue Service, which is part of the Department of Treasury, will be making Economic Income Payments to eligible people. To help you quickly and easily determine whether you need to take any action to receive your Economic Impact Payment, check out the step-by-step instructions on the Social Security and Coronavirus web page: On that page, you will also find details about how the IRS will send economic impact payments to individuals that have a representative payee.

  9. Gloria F.

    Where should I go or do if I got a notice that my check was sent and deposited in an unknown account that is not mine.

    • V.V.

      Hi Gloria, thank you for using our blog. The Internal Revenue Service, which is part of the Department of Treasury, will be making Economic Income Payments to eligible people. You may find the IRS Get My Payment Frequently Asked Questions web page helpful.

  10. Thomas S.

    I have two children and I’m on SSDI and both my children receive benefits under my benefits grandmother gets that money the mother and I also separated she worked in 2018 in 2019 she received her stimulus check along with the extra $500 for each kid I’m confused do I also have the right what do I have to sign up or should I sign up for the extra $500 also my children don’t live with me they live with their mother but am I also entitled to the extra 500 or no that’s what I’m wondering I’m not sure if I should be filing on the nine phyla to for my children as well what should I not do that because of the mother already got their stimulus money what should I do

    • V.V.

      Hi Thomas, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

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