Online Services, Retirement

National my Social Security Week: April 4-13, 2016

April 4, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

For more than 80 years, Social Security has helped secure today and tomorrow with information, tools, and resources to meet your changing needs and lifestyles.

Mature African American Couple Using Laptop At Breakfast

Today begins National my Social Security Week. With the help of a myriad of groups and organizations, Social Security will host numerous events and activities across the country to raise awareness about the benefits of opening a secure online my Social Security account.

With a my Social Security account, you can:

  • Keep track of your earnings and verify them every year;
  • Get an estimate of your future benefits, if you are still working;
  • Get a letter with proof of your benefits, if you currently receive them; and
  • Manage your benefits:
    • Change your address;
    • Start or change your direct deposit;
    • Get a replacement Medicare card; and
    • Get a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S for tax season.

In some states, you can also request a replacement Social Security card online using my Social Security . This service is currently available in the District of Columbia, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Nebraska, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wisconsin. It’s an easy, convenient, and secure way to request a replacement card online. To request a replacement card online, you must:

  • Have or create a my Social Security  account;
  • Have a valid driver’s license in a participating state or the District of Columbia (or a state-issued identification card in some states);
  • Be age 18 or older and a United States citizen with a domestic U.S. mailing address (this includes APO, FPO, and DPO addresses); and
  • Not be requesting a name change or any other changes to your card.

We will provide updates when the service becomes available in additional states.

During National my Social Security Week and in conjunction with Financial Literacy Month, we will hold “Check Your Statement Day” on Thursday, April 7, 2016 to encourage others to join the millions who regularly check their Social Security Statement. By supporting our Thunderclap campaign, you can join us to rally the public and use social media to encourage workers to check their Statement every year. This is important because we base your future benefits on your recorded earnings. Your Statement can help you plan for your financial future. We encourage you to go online to my Social Security  to access your Statement whenever you have a change of employment or wish to verify any changes in your benefit estimate.

Help secure your today and tomorrow. Open a my Social Security account at

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. George S.

    I paid social security deducts while working as a federal employee,because I supplemented my income. Not able to collect SS benefits, No excuse S S should refund or pay me what is due. I have no faith or respect for SS.

    • Ella

      You’ve captured this peylrctfe. Thanks for taking the time!

  2. Rick

    I’ve had SS premiums withheld for only 28 quarters during my working years. I’m unable to collect SS. Is it possible to get just the amount I paid in back? As I will never be able to file for any SS benefits.

  3. John O.

    There is no desk number. As with any other citizen, employees should be allowed to keep their email addresses private. If you have a problem, call and ask for a supervisor.

  4. Maria

    How is possible that if husband and wife worked hard to have the benefit of the Social Security, that if one of both dies, the other one have not the right to collect for both, what happen with all the quotes for the person that pass away, does the government keep them?

    • John O.

      Usually, it costs less for one person than a couple to meet their daily needs. Both members of a couple could receive survivor benefits but the amount paid is effected by an individuals own benefit. SS is an insurance program and like with most programs the benefits are defined by what legislation Congress passes. You could ask why would a widow receive anything if she never worked outside of the household. The money that SS collects now is used to pay other beneficiaries.

  5. helen

    they should have social security workers desk number and email address every time you get notices from them

    • Prudence

      Chiretins, I had the Jacques Torres chocolate chip cookie today from his store at Chelsea Market in New York and it is fab! I shall be attempting it when I get home!

  6. William F.

    Please have the back all the funds that it stole from the Social Security Trust

    • John O.

      SS can’t advance payments nor can they pay out more each month than the law allows.

      • William

        Well then let’s start a petition to force the govt. to pay back what they stole. How about that!!!

    • R.F.

      Social Security is a pay-as-you-go system. Social Security taxes collected from today’s workers pay the benefits of today’s retirees. Any funds in excess of what is needed to pay today’s benefits are invested in special issue, U.S. Government, interest-bearing securities. This investment – the purchase of U.S. Government securities – is what constitutes the “borrowing” that people are sometimes concerned about. Any funds that have been “borrowed” from the Social Security Trust Funds have always been paid back in full, plus interest. Please check out our Trust Fund Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

      • Summer

        A simple and inelleigtnt point, well made. Thanks!

  7. helen

    we all should have a block on our social security numbers in order to stop fraud on some one else getting our number to commit fraud. send a memo it is mandatory to block it and only you can use that number

  8. Melissa

    I wish I could make an acct (I’ve tried), but I’m dealing with identity fraud, and my social security number is within the system of the IRS investigating it, so it is a waiting game. But I would really like to make an account. If anyone knows how I could, please let me know.

    • M. E.

      You need to go to your local social security office with a picture ID and your social security card. I had to do this because I had frozen my credit. Once you prove you are you they will help you set up an account.

    • R.F.

      We apologize for the inconvenience Melissa. You cannot create a my Social Security account online if you have a security freeze, fraud alert, or both on your credit report. You can still create an account without removing the security freeze or fraud alert, but you will have to visit your local Social Security office. Hope this helps!

  9. Janet P.

    We need to work with more vigor to “Scrap the Cap”
    This has been the theme of the VT-ARA and our work with Vermont Seniors.
    As retired nurse (long before retirement funds were available for our profession), living on Social Security is tough in 2016.

    • John O.

      Without a CAP then any amount would be paid out. SS was never meant to cover 100% of a person’s retirement income. It is meant to supplement retirement plans and a person’s savings. If you are paying someone to lobby for you in their “Scrap the CAP” efforts you are probably being defrauded. Keep the money, you need it more than a lobbyist.

      • Rick W.

        The “cap” is the cap on how much higher paid workers pay into the system, not how much is paid out. If we could get Congress “To scrap the cap!”, then the solvency of the SS retirement benefits would be extended by more than 20 years, even if no other changes where made.

  10. Diane L.

    how can I find out about how I can get an advancement of my Social Security benefits and how to receive more by some law that allows social security to pay out more each month?

    • John O.

      SS can’t advance payments nor can they pay out more each month than the law allows.

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