General, Retirement

Military Service and Increased Social Security Benefits

January 13, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: January 18, 2022

Air Force Service Member at homeA misleading letter, from an unknown source, is circulating online that mentions a $1,200 special Social Security earnings credit for people who served in the military. We want to make sure veterans with active and inactive service have the appropriate information that they need and do not take unnecessary action.

Under certain circumstances, special earnings can be credited to your military pay record for Social Security purposes. Since 1957, if you have earnings for active-duty military service or active-duty training, your military service earnings have been covered under Social Security. Since 1988, inactive duty service in the armed forces reserves (such as weekend drills) is also covered by Social Security. If you served in the military before 1957 and did not pay Social Security taxes, we have added special credit to your earnings record for some of your service. These extra earnings may help you qualify for Social Security benefits or increase the amount of your benefit.

These special earnings credits are added to your earnings record automatically when you apply for Social Security benefits. You do not need to contact Social Security.

You can read more in our Military Service and Social Security fact sheet. We take your benefits seriously because we know you depend on them. Thank you for your service!

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About the Author

Dawn Bystry, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications

Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications


  1. Richard J.

    I serve

  2. themyweb

    Sometimes there are some problems in our body and only then do we go to the doctor.
    But sometimes we do not even know that there is any problem in our body and suddenly we feel a lot of pain.
    And after going to the doctor ,we come to know that we have a very big disease, so my question is to you ,how do we detect such disease and also tell that how we take care of our Health/a>

  3. Connie

    I’ve always been told that I’m not a “VETERAN!!” I haven’t served a substantial amount of active military time, however I do have a DD-214

    • Bill

      same for me . USAR 1970 to 1977 , have a DD-214 but not a Veteran.

  4. James G.

    This is just another thing that the Military, Social Security, and V.A. forgot to tell us about. They never told me that my S.S. withholdings while
    I served from 1974 to 1981would be eligible to increase my future Social Security retirement, and disability benefits.

  5. James W.

    Reserve and active duty; a total of 24-yrs. Am, I entitled to anything ?

    • A.C.

      Hi, James. These special earnings credits are added to your earnings record when you apply for Social Security benefits. For more information, please visit our Retirement Planner page. Thanks! 

  6. Eddie P.

    My Active time was 7/79; 2 yrs 8 Mos 21 dys, if it mean anything…

  7. Eddie P.

    I want to know if I can get this benefit you’ll are talking about…

    • A.C.

      Hi, Eddie. These special earnings credits are added to your earnings record when you apply for Social Security benefits. For more information, please visit our Retirement Planner page. Thanks! 

  8. jose b.

    I served in the US Army from 1977 to 1997 how can i find out about SS any benefit

    • A.C.

      Hi, Jose. If your active duty was after 1967, the extra earnings are already on your record. There are no special extra earnings credits for military service after 2001. For more information, please visit our Retirement Planner. We hope this helps. 

  9. Daniel J.

    I served in the US Navy from 1953 to 1956. How can I find out if SSA tax was taken from my salary? If it was not, how can I receive a benefit?

    • Daniel J.

      ? Same as before.

    • Daniel J.

      I checked my pay record for 1953,1954,1955. It indicates only $58,$0,$0 for those years. How can I can I get the special credit indicated.

    • Brian H.

      I serve 1972 to 1974 E4
      Brian herbrand
      How will I find out if I’m entitled to it
      Thank you. Brian
      2067 1d willow brooke Woodstock,ill 6098

      • A.C.

        Hi, Brian. Thank you for your service. If your active duty was after 1967, the extra earnings are already on your record. There are no special extra earnings credits for military service after 2001. For more information, please visit our Retirement Planner page. Thanks! 

    • A.C.

      Hi, Daniel. These special earnings credits are added to your earnings record when you apply for Social Security benefits. For more information, please visit our Retirement Planner page. Thanks! 

  10. Dottie N.

    How do I verify if I received “special credits” for my 5 yrs reserve duty?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Dottie. If you were in the active military service from 1957 through 1967, special extra earnings are added to your earnings record when you apply for Social Security benefits. If your active duty was after 1967, the extra earnings are already on your record. There are no special extra earnings credits for military service after 2001. For more information, please visit our Retirement Planner. We hope this helps. 

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