
Men’s Health and Social Security

June 16, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

little boy holding father's hand Father’s Day is a perfect time for focusing on health education and awareness, disease prevention, and family. Social Security encourages you to support fathers and friends everywhere in their efforts to stay healthy. The right balance of diet, exercise, regular visits to doctors and health care providers, and overall healthy living can go a long way to help everyone remain a part of your daily life for years to come.

Part of staying healthy and happy is reducing the amount of stress in your life. That’s where opening a my Social Security  online account can help. Our online services make doing business with us fast and easy. At my Social Security , you can:

  • Keep track of your earnings and verify them every year;
  • Get an estimate of your future benefits, if you are still working;
  • Get a letter with proof of your benefits, if you currently receive them; and
  • Manage your benefits:
    • Change your address;
    • Start or change your direct deposit;
    • Request a replacement Medicare card; and
    • Get a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S for tax season.

In some states, you can even request a replacement Social Security card online using my Social Security . Currently available in several states, it’s an easy, convenient, and secure way to request a replacement card online. We continue to add more states, so we encourage you to check where this service is available. Tell dad to check out the healthy amount of features we have to offer.

In addition to using my Social Security , there are a number of other things you can do online with Social Security. For example, you can use the Retirement Estimator to plug in different numbers, retirement dates, and scenarios to help you decide the best time for you to retire.

And when that time comes, you can apply for retirement benefits online at It can take as little as 15 minutes from start to finish. In most cases, once you submit your electronic application, that’s it, you’re done—no papers to sign or documents to submit.

Learn more about Social Security retirement benefits by reading our publication on the subject at

When you’re ready to retire, the best place to apply is from the comfort of your home computer, with some of your favorite music playing in the background. Now that’s a great start to a healthy retirement!

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. فروش �.

    Thanks for this.

  2. tabloaraz

    I’m a fan of your blog and as always I liked the post. Please keep us updated as we love your blog.

    • R.F.

      Thanks for your comment! Your thoughts are important to us and we’re pleased when feedback is positive. We try hard to provide the best possible service to our customers and your satisfaction is our reward.

  3. Michael L.

    My name is Michael and i am writing you because i have been disabled and not walking for over 6 years but for some reason my wife has been turned down twice. for about 5 years before i had those medical problems I had myself as an employer and i chose not to pay myself because my wife and my savings were enough to support me. when doing that i did not know that only my recent employment was considered eventhough i had been on a payroll for about 30 years before that and filing tax returns. Nobody ever told me that only my recent employment would be considered. My medical problems occured just two days before my scheduled preventive surgery.

    • R.F.

      Hi Michael. When it comes to qualifying for disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance program (SSDI), you must be “currently insured” or have worked long enough–and recently enough under Social Security. See Insured Status Requirements for more information.

  4. Aziz

    Great Post Thanks

  5. Rimijakson

    It is a great article regarding Men’s Health and Social Security. People really need such kind of efforts in order to get optimum health conditions. We also aim to provide people with the helping stuff which will enable them to live a health life and enjoy their prosperous lifestyle. In this regard we update articles based on health on daily basis on our blog. Here you will find a great information about healthy and sound life. All health related information about diseases, diet plans, CDC instructions and precautions against alarming diseases etc from health department will be available here for your successful and healthy life. Our aim is to provide essential guidelines for your healthy life.
    We need your appreciation on our blog, do visit at Greencarelife.

  6. LESLY F.

    I am very surprise we understand what men’s is in general.We the people.

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  7. Uncle B.

    I has the confused! The blog is s’posed to be about Men’s Health, but is instead ‘tips’ on setting up an account and managing your social security. NOT what I was expecting, nor what I am hoping to learn from this blog.

    Then, I see a comments post by/from someone who has cut and paste information from a publication or regulation (TLDR)?!

    I will give this blog a couple more looks, but if this initial foray is the norm, looks like I will be unsuscribing in the not too distant future.


    • vjones

      I believe the reference is about Financial Health. My Social Security Account contains information to estimate your future benefits when you retire and begin receiving SS benefits. In order to check your financial health, check your “My Social Security” account to ensure your employers have credited your account with your earnings. If you were in the military, this is most important. at a certain point in time they did not credit your social security account. They have begun to credit peoples social security record with the past missed payment credits. Don’t assume your employer paid in the Social Security credits. Check your account with “My Social Security” account. Granted, not every posting is information you want to read, but you can learn new things if you check in from time to time. Remember a title is to grab your attention, whether you care to read it is your choice.
      Have a nice belated fathers day:)

  8. john

    I ran for 30 years and that is why I am healthy today with normal BP and pulse. Almost all of my contemporaries did nothing throughout their lives. At this time I wake up at 4:00 AM because of a sleep disorder and go out and walk 4 miles.I am going to keep this up until I die.

  9. Hospitals &.

    To replace Demonstration Projects with ‘Maternity Protection’ Section 305 of the Social Security Act 42USC§505.

    (a) To expedite the reemployment of mothers who have established a benefit year to claim unemployment compensation under State law the Secretary of Labor shall pay unemployment compensation for 14 weeks of Maternity Protection under International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No. 183 (2000).

    (b) On production of a medical certificate, stating the presumed date of childbirth, a woman shall be entitled to a period of maternity leave of not less than 14 weeks. Cash benefits shall be provided at a level which ensures that the woman can maintain herself and her child in proper conditions of health and with a suitable standard of living.

    (1) Where a woman does not meet the conditions to qualify for cash benefits under national laws and regulations or in any other manner consistent with national practice, she shall be entitled to adequate benefits out of social assistance funds, subject to the means test required for eligibility for such assistance, from the Supplemental Security Income Program for the Aged, Blind and Disabled under Sec. 1611 of Title XVI of the Social Security Act 42USC§1382.

    (2) Medical benefits shall be provided for the woman and her child. Medical benefits shall include prenatal, childbirth and postnatal care, as well as hospitalization care when necessary.

    (c) Employers shall provide at least 3 weeks of paid leave annually to uphold the Holiday with Pay ILO Convention No. 132 (1970) and Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention No. 156 (1981). Employers shall provide up to 12 week of unpaid leave to care for the severe sickness of a child under the Family and Medical Leave Act of February 5, 1993 (PL-303-3).

    To provide for low-income workers to compete with 2.7% average annual inflation the minimum wage must automatically increase ‘three percent every year thereafter’ from $7.25 (2009-2017) in one final sentence to 29USC§206(a)(1)(D).

    Be it enacted in the House and Senate assembled

    6 weeks of paid parental leave for “mothers, fathers and adoptive parents” and 0.3% UC spending growth or 14 weeks of maternity protection and up to 3% annual welfare program spending growth for middle-income unemployment insurance contributors? The new DOL Secretary is better at firing neoplastic terrorist employment growth than HHS, but can he stop the terrorist nature of the 0.3% deprivation of relief benefits due 3% growth from preventing the nation from purchasing more defective child welfare laws.

    The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women of 18 December 1979 bears in mind the great contribution of women to the welfare of the family and to the development of society. Article 11(1)(e) The right to social security, particularly in cases of unemployment, sickness, invalidity and old and other incapacity to work, as well as the right to paid leave; (2)(b) to introduce maternity leave with pay or with comparable social benefits without loss of former employment, seniority of social allowances.

    A. The Department of Labor (DOL) was created in the DOL Organic Act of March 4, 1913. DOL fosters and promotes the welfare of the job seekers, wage earners, and retirees of the United States. In carrying out this mission, the Department administers a variety of Federal labor laws including those that guarantee workers’ rights to safe and healthful working conditions; a minimum hourly wage and overtime pay; freedom from employment discrimination; unemployment insurance; and other income support. The Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces more than 180 federal laws.

    1. Department of Labor spending rose from $31.9 billion FY2000 to a high of $173 billion FY2010 and is increasing 17% to $51 billion FY 2017 according to the Historical records of OMB. The FY 2017 request for the Department of Labor (DOL) was $12.8 billion in discretionary authority for 4.6% growth to 17,663 full-time equivalent employees (FTE) and $33.1 billion in mandatory funding for a total of $45.9 billion, 0.4% growth from the previous year. CR17 reduced discretionary spending to $12.2 billion and increased mandatory to $33.8. The FY 2018 request is $9.7 billion in discretionary and $33.9 billion in mandatory spending for a total of $43.6 billion FY 18 without $600 million in legislative proposals. There are two labor issues that require the $600 million of Congress: (1) The US must pay for 14 weeks Maternity Protection to comply with ILO Convention No. 183 (2000) and an amendment of the Social Security Act is proposed at the end of this section (2) For low-income workers to compete with 2.7% average annual inflation the minimum wage must automatically increase ‘three percent every year thereafter’ from $7.25 (2009-2017) in one final sentence at 29USC§206(a)(1)(D).

    Labor Department Budget FY16-17

    FY 18
    % Change FY17-18
    UC Benefits
    Legislative Proposals
    Total with Legislative Proposals
    Full Time Equivalents
    Source: Labor Department. FY 2018 Budget-in-brief.

    2. The Budget saves American taxpayers $237.5 million by closing Job Corps centers and the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), which is ineffective in transitioning youth and seniors into unsubsidized employment, for a savings of $433.5 million. To reduce the regulatory burden the FY 2018 Budget provides $543,257,000 and 1,969 FTE for OSHA a decrease of $8,479,000 and 26 FTE from the FY 2017 Full Year Continuing Resolution (CR) Level. The layoffs go far beyond the planned FY 17 department employment surge. It must be construed as punishment for the >$150 billion labor department spending during the Great Recession to ensure labor subsidies don’t become expensive again.

    B. Unemployment compensation should stabilize at 3% annual growth while agency spending should growth at a rate of 2.5%. UC is growing at a rate of 0.3% and agency spending is declining by 20.5%. The 0.3% growth rate may constitute a terrorist attempt to coerce the unemployment compensation program into buying a defective 6 week maternity leave policy although it would be wiser to adopt 14 weeks of paid maternity protection to comply with ILO convention No. 183 (2000). The Social Security Actuary certainly didn’t file a timely 20187 annual report after anemic 0.3% growth . The Budget proposes “to establish a paid parental leave benefit within the UI program to provide six weeks of paid family leave to new mothers and fathers, including adoptive parents, so all families can afford to take time to recover from childbirth and bond with a new child without worrying about paying their bills”. The labor department needs to pay for the full 14 months of maternity protection required by international law. The department must drop the queer language regarding paid leave for “mother, father, and adoptive parents”. The department of labor is discriminating against the high cost of insuring the 4 million women who go into labor and deliver a child in the United States annually, maybe half of them contributing to UC. UC benefits are a welfare program that theoretically should grow 3% annually for middle-income benefit and enrollment growth to compete with 2.7% annual inflation. UC benefits are currently 77% of total labor department spending total outlays could be estimated increase 2.88% annually F Y18. It may be necessary to reinvest the $1.8 billion spending reduction from CY 17 in UC or increase spending as much as 2.88% over $46 billion FY 17 to $47.3 billion FY 18 for the Labor Department to go into labor.

    1. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) prescribes standards for minimum wages, child labor and overtime pay, which affect most private and public employment. The act is administered by the Wage and Hour Division of the Employment Standards Administration (ESA) that also supervises the garnishment of wages under the Consumer Credit Protection Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act. The Family and Medical Leave Act of February 5, 1993 (PL-303-3) is considered substandard and the U.S. provides only 12 weeks of unpaid leave to approximately half of mothers in the U.S. and nothing for the remainder. 45 countries ensure that fathers either receive paid paternity leave or have a right to paid parental leave. The United States guarantees fathers neither paid paternity nor paid parental leave. At least 96 countries around the world in all geographic regions and at all economic levels mandate paid annual leave. The U.S. does not require employers to provide paid annual leave. At least 37 countries have policies guaranteeing parents some type of paid leave specifically for when their children are ill. Of these countries, two-thirds guarantee more than a week of paid leave, and more than one-third guarantee 11 or more days. 139 countries provide paid leave for short- or long-term illnesses, with 117 providing a week or more annually. The U.S. provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for delivery and sever sickness of a child through the FMLA. Pregnant women are expected to pay the doctor for an estimated twenty pre-natal care visits plus expensive hospital births $2,500 + $2,500 = $5,000 for normal vaginal delivery. In 2016 the Medicaid price for uncomplicated hospital delivery in Texas was $435. To find out about the state program call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229).

    • John

      This has nothing to do with the topic, Men’s health or setting up an account to track your progress toward retirement. Your cut and paste BS is that pure BS and should be taken down by the site administrator.

      • Mil

        So True John! I feel the same way about this article. It has nothing to do with the subject which is “Men’s Health”!

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  10. lesly f.

    i don’t i am count….

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