Online Services

It’s More Convenient Than Ever to Apply for Social Security Benefits

July 6, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

man and woman looking at each other and smiling You’ve worked hard your whole life, and receiving your Social Security benefits should be the icing on the cake at your retirement party. We’re working hard to make it as quick and seamless as possible for you to apply for benefits from Social Security.

Simply visit our Apply for Social Security Benefits page to get started. Through our safe and secure website, you can apply for:

  • Retirement benefits.
  • Spousal benefits.
  • Medicare.
  • Disability benefits.
  • Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug plan costs.
  • Supplemental Security Income.

You don’t have to be internet savvy to finish most of our online applications in one sitting with your computer. Or, if you prefer, we offer you the options to apply in person at your Social Security office or by telephone with one of our application representatives. Please call 1-800-772-1213 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays to schedule an appointment.

You should also call us to schedule an appointment if you wish to apply for certain family benefits, including those for surviving spouses and children, divorced spouses and dependent children, and parents of beneficiaries.

After you’ve applied for benefits — whether online, by phone, or in person — you can securely and quickly check the status of a pending claim through your online my Social Security account. If you haven’t created your account yet, you can do so today.

You can also use my Social Security to view estimates of how much you would receive in retirement benefits and potential disability benefits and how much your loved ones could receive in family or survivor benefits.

We’re with you throughout life’s journey, from applying for your first job to receiving your first retirement payment. And we’re proud to help ensure a secure future for you and your loved ones.

To learn more about our programs and online services, please visit our website.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. K. M.

    I appreciate the convenience of being able to apply for benefits online. However, what really needs updating is the speed of determining benefits for applicants. I know there are certain applicants that get an almost immediate approval because of their medical diagnosis. New applicants have to go through reviewing. But what if you’re receiving disability benefits on one record, such as a parent but also qualify for benefits on your own record so you apply. This is my current situation. My disability benefits were reinstated on my deceased father’s record in April. In July I applied for benefits on my own work record. I am not working and I can’t tell you why I didn’t apply for them when I applied to have my benefits reinstated. It really didn’t occur to me to do so. After finally hearing back from my DDS after a week I got no real information when asking her. I was told my application is only 60 days old. There was no indication of when there might be a determination. It seems like because benefits are already being issued a new claim wouldn’t be subject to the standard wait period.

  2. michael m.

    If I am still employed after I turn 65 do I have to sign up for medicare and social security when I turn 65?

  3. Extensão d.

    Abundância a Janeiro, 1997. ARABUTÃ. Apostolado da Saúde.

  4. Jonathan O.

    Dear Sir
    Good day to you all this blissful hour to you all within the management sector in administration,written from A TRACKING NUMBER IN EMBASSY USA IN LAGOS STATE NIGERIA ,TRACKING 01013148205,,,Bearer name: Jonathan OJorumi UKWUJEDE,Born August7,1975.Nigeria,,, ,,,,,,company name: See & Observe,,contact phone:+2347019798117,,,+2348022233232

  5. Saad A.

    Thank you

  6. Llinell S.

    I do needed move information on and all i need to get my disabled stard up and how long it going to take.

    • R.F.

      Hi Llinell. Typically, you can expect to hear a decision on your disability claim in three to five months after you submit your application. However, this can vary depending on the nature of your disability, how quickly we obtain medical evidence from your doctor or other medical source and whether it is necessary to send you for a medical examination in order to obtain evidence to support your claim. See our Disability Determination Process for more information. Disability Benefits are paid to people who are unable to work because of a medical condition that is expected to last one year or more or to end in death. We pay disability benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance program (SSDI), and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSI is a needs based disability program that pays benefits to people with limited income and resources who are disabled, blind, or age 65 or older. The SSDI program provides benefits to insured disabled or blind adults covered by workers’ contributions to the Social Security trust funds. If you feel that you meet our definition of disability, you can apply online. We hope this information helps.

  7. Llinell S.

    I am tring to get my starded.

  8. Ruben M.

    I know there is an agreement between USA and Uruguay that could make possible to use both countries working
    contributions to qualify for retirement.
    I also know that the agreement must be signed for both countries to go into effect.
    My question are: how long this process coultd take to be signed up? Should I wait until that law pass through the sign in process in order to apply for retirement and get a better retirement plan?
    I ealready made 15 years contributions in Uruguay plus the working years in USA.
    Thank you for your help.

    • R.F.

      Hi Ruben. For information on the recently signed, International Agreement between Uruguay and the United States, please read the section “The Americas” in our publication International Update. Thanks!

  9. JIM

    Do I need my birth certificate when I apply for Social Security Retirement if I have my U.S passport, drivers license, and my original SS card? If I do need my birth ceryificate, can Social Security obtain it for me? How soon should I request this assistance if I am eligible in the middle of next year (2018).

  10. Melissia B.

    I got a Disablity why is it that I cannot get my befits back I drew a Disablity check when I was a child and now I’m 37 years old in worst shape now than then . I have a bone deficiency just had knee replacement in jan17 . I have osteroposis and ptsd ,depression,anixty and asthma I had two surgery on my right wrist and still get no funds to lib e on.

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