Frauds & Scams

Is that Phone Call From Us?

October 30, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

woman talking on the phone It’s the morning of a busy day at home and you get a call from an unknown number. You answer only to find yourself on the receiving end of a threatening message saying your Social Security benefits will stop immediately unless you provide your personal information. It happens every day to thousands of Americans.  And it’s not Social Security calling.

Scammers have many ways to lure their victims into providing information and then stealing their identities. Sometimes they call under a guise of helping you complete a disability application.

Protecting your information is an important part of Social Security’s mission to secure today and tomorrow. SSA employees occasionally contact citizens by telephone for customer-service purposes.  In only a few special situations, usually already known to the citizen, an SSA employee may request the citizen confirm personal information over the phone. If you do receive a call from one of our representatives, they will provide you with a telephone number and extension.

The Acting Inspector General for Social Security, Gail Stallworth Stone, urges everyone to stay vigilant of impersonation schemes and to not be afraid to hang up.

You must always remember that you’re in control. Also remember that Social Security will never do any of the following:

  • Call you to demand an immediate payment.
  • Demand that you pay a debt without the ability to appeal the amount you owe.
  • Require a specific means of payment, such as requiring you to pay with a prepaid debit card.
  • Ask you for your personal information or credit or debit card numbers over the phone.
  • Threaten you with arrest or deportation.

If you receive one of these scam calls or emails, do not provide them with any information. You should:

  • Hang up immediately.
  • For Social Security impersonations, contact Social Security’s Office of Inspector General at

If you receive a notice from Social Security, please use the telephone numbers provided in the notice sent to you. You can also call 1-800-772-1213 or visit for how to contact Social Security. Remember that scammers try to stay a step ahead of the curve. You can do the same by protecting your information.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Karin

    They all have some Indian Accent. Their scam phone number is 804.203-1340

    • L.A.

      Hi Karin. Thanks for letting us know. Generally, we will only contact you if you have requested a call or have ongoing business with us. Recently, scams—misleading victims into making cash or gift card payments to avoid arrest for Social Security number problems—have skyrocketed. Our employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.
      If you receive a suspicious call like this: 1) Hang up. 2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards. 3) Report suspicious calls here. For more information on how to protect yourself, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

  2. Nehemiah D.

    I got a call from +8002160257 is this the ssa number or a scam?

  3. R S.

    Received a phone call from a scammer on 833-872-2682 from a Sean Anderson Badge # 1947 for a case # 40387 saying a car was used just south of the Texas border in my name with blood and drugs and I was going to prison for counts 1-3 of murder and drug trafficking… because that’s something the social security office would call and tell me giving me saying they are suspending my social and sending the U.S. Marshalls after me… pretty sure I would have gotten a certified letter or had police show up before now.

    • L.A.

      Hi. Thanks for letting us know. Generally, we will only contact you if you have requested a call or have ongoing business with us. Recently, scams—misleading victims into making cash or gift card payments to avoid arrest for Social Security number problems—have skyrocketed. Our employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.
      If you receive a suspicious call like this: 1) Hang up. 2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards. 3) Report suspicious calls here. For more information on how to protect yourself, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

  4. Charles

    I just received a call from an automated voice stating that legal action was going to be taken on my SSA account if I did not return a call to the phone number 361-223-6141 which is the same as on my caller ID. The Time of the call was 9:12 11/27/19

    • L.A.

      Hi Charles. Thanks for letting us know. Generally, we will only contact you if you have requested a call or have ongoing business with us. Recently, scams—misleading victims into making cash or gift card payments to avoid arrest for Social Security number problems—have skyrocketed. Our employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.
      If you receive a suspicious call like this: 1) Hang up. 2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards. 3) Report suspicious calls here. For more information on how to protect yourself, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.


    Tried to file a report of pishing phone call. Would not except phone number of caller, no matter which format I put the number in. Could not submit the information. Someone needs to fix that, if you really care about protecting citizens from scams.

    • L.A.

      Hi Michael. Thanks for letting us know. Generally, we will only contact you if you have requested a call or have ongoing business with us. Recently, scams—misleading victims into making cash or gift card payments to avoid arrest for Social Security number problems—have skyrocketed. Our employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.
      If you receive a suspicious call like this: 1) Hang up. 2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards. 3) Report suspicious calls here. For more information on how to protect yourself, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

  6. Jackette B.

    I just received a phone call from 855/447-4671, I did not accept the phone call but the lady on the lady very quickly told me that my SSN had been comprised and that I needed to contact the above number quickly to prevent any further abused to my SSN. I researched the number qand discovered that this was a robocall. Thank you

    • L.A.

      Hi Jackette. Thanks for letting us know. Generally, we will only contact you if you have requested a call or have ongoing business with us. Recently, scams—misleading victims into making cash or gift card payments to avoid arrest for Social Security number problems—have skyrocketed. Our employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.
      If you receive a suspicious call like this: 1) Hang up. 2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards. 3) Report suspicious calls here. For more information on how to protect yourself, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

  7. Jenny A.

    I received a voice mail saying SS needs to update my information. If I don’t comply my benefits will cut. I also received an email stating my information needs to be updated. I have not returned the call/email knowing this must be fraud.

    • L.A.

      Hi Jenny. Thanks for letting us know. Generally, we will only contact you if you have requested a call or have ongoing business with us. Recently, scams—misleading victims into making cash or gift card payments to avoid arrest for Social Security number problems—have skyrocketed. Our employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.
      If you receive a suspicious call like this: 1) Hang up. 2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards. 3) Report suspicious calls here. For more information on how to protect yourself, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

  8. Allen S.

    I received a scam call from 866-201-3006 saying it from SSA and the inspector generals office. I hung up immediately. I then called and was told to report it to official web site Using two different browsers, it was a bad address and could not report it. Please fix web site. Why doesn’t congress give more tax money to the SSA and post office??? Thanks for everything you do at the SSA!

    • L.A.

      Hi Allen. Thanks for letting us know. Generally, we will only contact you if you have requested a call or have ongoing business with us. Recently, scams—misleading victims into making cash or gift card payments to avoid arrest for Social Security number problems—have skyrocketed. Our employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.
      If you receive a suspicious call like this: 1) Hang up. 2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards. 3) Report suspicious calls here. For more information on how to protect yourself, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

  9. Kristene F.

    I received a text saying a message was waiting for me at
    Is this legitimate?
    I am a little worried because someone used my name & SS # to open a credit card & charged almost $1,000. Of stuff.
    I look forward to your reply.
    Kristene F. Pierce

    • L.A.

      Hi Kristene. Thanks for letting us know. Generally, we will only contact you if you have requested a call or have ongoing business with us. Recently, scams—misleading victims into making cash or gift card payments to avoid arrest for Social Security number problems—have skyrocketed. Our employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.
      If you receive a suspicious call like this: 1) Hang up. 2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards. 3) Report suspicious calls here. For more information on how to protect yourself, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

  10. Raymond M.

    I tried to submit a report on the form, but it is not set up to process my kind of complaint because there was no loss.
    On November 22, 2019 I received a series of 8 phone calls with a recorded message that my social security number was breached. The calls were all from the area code 866. The numbers were: 449-2346, 011-8662,971-5930, 650-5420, 964-2038, 860-3584, 722-1213, and 253-0146.

    • L.A.

      Hi Raymond. Thanks for letting us know. Generally, we will only contact you if you have requested a call or have ongoing business with us. Recently, scams—misleading victims into making cash or gift card payments to avoid arrest for Social Security number problems—have skyrocketed. Our employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.
      If you receive a suspicious call like this: 1) Hang up. 2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards. 3) Report suspicious calls here. For more information on how to protect yourself, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

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