General, Online Services

Help us Create Open Government Plan 4.0

February 18, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

Business Gears and Success

Social Security is always looking for ways to enhance your access to our information.  We are preparing to publish our fourth Open Government Plan in June. Your input regarding ways to improve our programs and services is invaluable. Our last plan, published in 2014, reflected our commitments to transparency and outlined our efforts. In our 4.0 plan, you will find the milestones from our previous plans as well as our strategies moving forward.

Do you have any suggestions for making our data more transparent? Do you have any bold and innovative ideas for using open government techniques and principles to help improve our services?? Do you know of other federal agencies Social Security should work with, or any initiatives we should consider?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, we want to hear from you as we create our Open Government 4.0 Plan!

We encourage you to share your ideas on how we can improve our transparency, participation, and collaboration through our Open Government Plan 4.0 Feedback Process. Once there, you can review our last Open Government Plan and take part in the conversation for the next one!

Social Security is committed to providing you with world-class service. Your feedback is vital to our success. After all, who knows what you need better than you? Share your ideas today!

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About the Author

Ruby Burrell, Chief Strategic Officer, Social Security Administration

Ruby Burrell, Chief Strategic Officer, Social Security Administration


  1. Chris

    Thanks for the info. Good views and source of information.

  2. LAURA S.

    I’m so Sick of the website,s repeating , what will happen if you didn’t file in the last 2 years and if you have children under 17 this is what to expect . There’s other people out here with different situations . I was married in 2018 But separated. My ex husband filed a joint return . There for I’m assuming if and WHEN I RECEIVE MY STIMULUS PAYMENT the IRS will send my check to my Ex Or maybe just maybe Someone can . ADVISE ME ON HOW TO UPDATE MY CURRENT INFORMATION .I tried to file on tne non filter but I cant because I never seen the tax papers from 2018. So I don’t know all the information they’re are requesting

  3. Betpas

    I would like to know why we can’t raise the top of social security so every dime that people make pay all their money into the fund?

  4. Joseph A.

    Ruby Burrell
    Julie Schoen

    My name is Joseph Allegro I am the inventor of a product now known as solar roofing. I received US and patents for the first technology in 1979 for solar roof water heating. Then, I submitted for a grant in 1984 and received a grant by the DOE May 9, 1989, Grant No.DE-FG01-89CE15379 to continue research. In 1992 further US patent led to the Hybrid Solar Electric, Water Heating Roof Panel. Providing solar water heating and electric power now manufactured and sold in the USA with no affiliations to me. Tesla Motors now owns the nation’s largest solar roofing panel installer. Original DOE research and was developed by on going work for over 20 years of technology. This information can be found on goggle at Inner Solar Roof Systems Inc.

    The reason I am contacting the Social Security Commissioner is to know if there is there is a reason where I can be approved to my Social Security benefits. Please understand after engineering this product more then twenty five years working on my own to bring this technology forward. Due to the Great Recession of 2008 I was at a financial loss not able to continue which led a USA company to profit by this technology. Now I am 68 retired with only 5 Social Security credits not enough to be accepted for Social Security benefits. Social Security Commissioner should apply additional credits by the years of work done.
    Joseph Allegro

  5. Pamela

    Lyme Disease, chronic or not it struck me in 1998, while in Texas but I was born in New Haven Connecticut. There isn’t enough information or help out there. Lucky I was a fighter but since my 20 year battle, I am now divorced because of me being sick, I am forced to work in chronic pain and apparently it’s not considered a disability to have Lyme. Yet it causes so many problems. I am about to be homeless, I just can’t continue to work.. I guess my Dad was right the SS wouldn’t be here for me at 50. I would do whatever I could to make people more aware of the fact I can’t donate blood, the government has known this epidemic has been spreading since discovered in the 70’s.

  6. Barbara D.

    PLEASE don’t let Trump cut or stop Social Security benefits or any programs. We struggle now trying to make ends meet.

  7. dani

    ” The option of a lawyer is an important decision as well as should not be based only upon ads. ”

  8. Robert B.

    Hello all, first I would like to say that so far I have had no problems with SS. However I do read this blog to keep current and as of late I have seen many posts regarding some sort of change that is supposedly coming either 23 April or 1 May per this blog? I have not seen nor heard of any changes except on this blog? Not on the news, newspapers or TV or the SS web site? Does anyone else see or read such? Thanks. Happy Day!!!

  9. donahue g.

    im so tired of waiting on u guys , worked all my life sense 11 year old served 15year in army , and 5 moths still homeless and disable still waiting know i know why 22 veterans a day check out and we wonder why our own kids join issis,,

  10. Leigh

    A potential fix that I haven’t heard mentioned – end benefit payments to multiple former spouses. In 1935 when the Act was created, it was common for only one household member to be the wage earner – typically the husband. That has shifted. The majority of adults who are able to work, do work. We should earn our own work credits and receive benefits based on that record. Why do I have to pay my taxes to support someone’s former spouse or spouses who may have chosen to not work? I am referring to able bodied adults. Certainly there are exceptions for those who have disabilities.

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