Online Services, Taxes

Get Your Social Security Benefit Statement

January 30, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

" "Tax season is approaching, and we have made replacing your annual Benefit Statement even easier. The Benefit Statement, also known as the SSA-1099 or the SSA-1042S, is a tax form we mail each year in January to people who receive Social Security benefits. It shows the total amount of benefits you received from us in the previous year so you know how much Social Security income to report to the IRS on your tax return.

If you live in the United States and you need a replacement form SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S, simply go online and get an instant, printable replacement form using your personal my Social Security account. A replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S is available for the previous tax year after February 1.

If you already have a personal my Social Security account, you can log in to your account to view and print your SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S. If you don’t have access to a printer, you can save the document to your computer or email it to yourself. If you don’t have a personal my Social Security account, creating one is very easy to do and usually takes less than 10 minutes.

If you’re a non-citizen who lives outside of the United States and you received or repaid Social Security benefits last year, we will send you form SSA-1042S in the mail. The forms SSA-1099 and SSA-1042S are not available for people who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.

With a personal my Social Security account, you can do much of your business with us online. If you receive benefits or have Medicare, your personal my Social Security account is also the best way to:

  • Request a replacement Social Security number card (in most states and the District of Columbia).
  • Get your benefit verification letter.
  • Check your benefit and payment information.
  • Change your address and phone number.
  • Change your direct deposit information.
  • Request a replacement Medicare card.
  • Report your wages if you work and receive Social Security disability insurance or SSI benefits.

Visit our website to find more about our online services.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Wolfgang M.

    Thank you for your concerns. I am unable to devote quality time to this matter today. I will attend this matter in the weeks to follow. Respect,

    Wolfgang M.Schwartzenweintraub 542421171

  2. Jo A.

    Every one can’t do things like this, please MAIL my 1099 Stmt.

    • Joseph v.

      Will everyone will receive the stmt check

  3. Paulette

    what is the new maximum amount someone can make if they are retired?

  4. Helen M.

    I don’t remember the info to get into my account Now I am blocked out for 24 hours. Please help me to learn my account info so I can put it in my new book. Thank you.
    Helen M. Good
    7918 S Desert Ridge Cove
    Salt Lake City, Utah 84121

    • Karen O.

      if you call their number and leave them a message they will call you back and then they will straighten that out for you,but you must have your information.

      • Felix R.

        no they do NOT call back–I cannot complete my taxes because this phone thing didn’t work last week

  5. timothy p.

    Social Security GPO COLA calculation error

    This email is regarding the calculation of the GPO for my wife’s social security.

    Currently, my wife receives a pension from the Ohio SERS. Every year in October she receives a monthly COLA increase of $19. In recent years Federal Social Security has not paid any COLA. WHOEVER DESIGNED THE CALCULATION FORGOT TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE CASE WHERE SOCIAL SECURITY DOES NOT PAY A COLA. Her Social Security total continues to decline every year because of this. Take an example yourself and you will see what I mean. Taken to its extreme, her Social Security could eventually go to zero.

    Here is an example. Suppose my wife received $750 per month from SERS pension and $900 from social security before the Government Pension Offset. The Rule says to reduce social security by 2/3 of the SERS pension. 2/3 of $750 is $500. Thus her Social Security is $900 – $500 = $400.

    In November of this year, she will have an additional $19 added to her SERS pension, so it now becomes $769 per month. 2/3 of this is 512.67.

    In the case of 2017 social security cola, they are increasing social security payments by .3%. In my wife’s case, this is $900 + .3% times $900 = $902.70. So her new social security becomes $902.70-$512.67 = $390.03, a reduction of $10.97 EVEN WITH A Social Security COLA!


    The calculation should take into account of the difference between the Ohio SERS COLA and the Social Security COLA. If the Social Security COLA is less than the SERS (or any other pension COLA) then no reduction should occur, otherwise eventually the Social Security amount would go to zero.

    A representative of Social Security downtown agreed with me that the calculation is incorrect. He said to write my Congressmen. I have sent multiple emails to our Senators and Representatives, and also TV Stations since late spring.

    I would be more than happy to meet with anyone and discuss this.

    Timothy Petry
    324 Brookpoint St NW
    North Canton, OH 44720

    • Karen O.

      Sounds like you might need to get a attorney.

    • Prc

      Her pay raise between the two is still more than the social security raise.

  6. Walt

    Sign up for the my Social Security account so you don’t waste time going to the always overcrowded SSA field offices…

  7. Gary C.

    If my wife and I use the same computer and use the same email address, can we both set up my accounts on the same computer? If not how will the the other get their yearly statements?

    • Karen O.

      As long as you’re married it’s a joint account. Unless you file separate. If you file separate you need to have separate accounts.

  8. brian w.

    how about sending a paper statement to me brian waters 2525 coolidge ave oakland CA94601

    • Karen O.

      did you really put your address out there for everybody?

      • Barbara M.

        Maybe he has nothing to hide like me I live at 124 North State Street Binger Oklahoma

  9. Deborah P.

    Mr.Korbey I’m currently on disability SSDI and SSI I’m 200% Below FPL I’m 62 or 63 Dec 23, 57 I get extra help that I’m grateful for, can I collect my Ex husband’s social security? If it’s possibly more because I understand that at retirement age you just flip me over but I get the same amount which is only 763 a month and I still have to go to a pantry for food. I’m missing a lot of jobs on my statement and I was married 4X but each time I took my new husband’s name I did contact S.S as you know that your driver’s license is the first letter of your new last name. The fourth husband was 17 yrs.

    • Karen O.

      Okay you might want to think about that. Because if you do get your ex-husband’s social security I would make sure it’s more than what you’re getting now. Because they don’t let you have both they only let you have one. SSI is based on your ability to be able to work and have a income. If you have a income coming in you do not qualify for SSI. Unless it’s a part-time job.

      • Barbara M.

        That is not true SSI is only for people who did not pay in enough to draw their social security disability she can receive her ex-husband’s Social Security disability if she never remarried and they were married at least 10 years

        • Sharon H.

          I was told at SS office, I could got first husband SS. We were married 13 yrs. Took second husband, we were truck driver’s for 35 yrs. Work out for me

  10. Andrew C.

    Please consider permitting federal income tax withholding implementation/changes via the MySocialSecurity account. OPM website allows this for retirees.
    Thank you.

    • GEORGE E.


      • A.C.

        Hi, George. In order to have taxes withheld or change the amount withheld from your Social Security benefit, you must start by printing, completing and submitting an IRS Voluntary Withholding Request Form (Form W-4V). On this form, you can choose to have 7, 10, 12, or 22 percent of your monthly benefit withheld. The Form W-4V (to withhold federal taxes from your Social Security benefits) can be returned to your local Social Security office by mail or in person. See our Benefits Planner: Withholding Income Tax From Your Social Security Benefits web page for more information. We hope this helps.

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