COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Kimberly D.

    I have a 1 year old been getting SSI benefits since he was 3 months. Plus he’s a dependent on my taxes so will I get double for him or just the 500???

    • ssdi i.

      you are getting double for your kid hes only 1 and youre getting a ssi check for him and youll get 500 on top of that. Way to make that kid pay the bills geez lol

      • Skyylar

        My son will be 2 in April and has been getting SSI since he was 3 months he had his first heart surgery at 2 months throat surgery blood transfusion and other crap btw I receive annuity for life due to me almost dying from lead poisoning you don’t know why her child is receiving his check my baby only gets a little under 9 hundred no way his check will cover my bills monthly that add up to over 5 grand please go somewhere else with you childish ignorance

        • ssdi i.

          Wow that is sad. You cant triple dip sorry about your misfortune but its not my fault. You will get a check for yourself and one for your child and that is it because your child is a dependent so it only qualifies for the $500 check and you only for the $1200 one. I mean you reall think your child should get three checks and you should get like three checks just because? lol
          If we reward people for bringing children into the world that they cant support we wont have ANY social security for those of us who lived responsibly and within our means. It is childish to try and dump your personal baggage on people on a blog who do not know you .You came here asking a question and the answer is no so you are shooting the messenger. Grow up and put God first

  2. Edward

    I don’t feel the initial response was rude only misspelled (if instead of (of course)) neither do I think it was answering a question with a question only a reassuring statement, there was no question mark, neither was it presented as a yes or no question.

    I do in fact have a unrelated question.
    If your only source of income is veterans disability through direct express are you eligible for the stimulus benefit?
    I also have an additional question. what about the people who became homeless and have nothing to declare and therefore don’t file taxes? if they do have a bank account or some disability either on a state or federal level, there is a difference being considered disabled by a state in which you reside but not by the federal govt. to receive social sec. disability, what then happens?

  3. Acenaija

    Please how much will seniors on Ss get,?
    Very informative post, keep it up Naijabasin for Life

  4. Supperdodo

    i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with Liberty and justice for all ,,,, long live the Queen whoops wrong place again,,, cabin fever,,,,

    • Leanne

      Wow what a way to show your Patriotism

  5. Supperdodo

    Dear Abby, whoops wrong place, or is it ?

  6. dwayne j.

    i make a littel over 10 thousand a year on ssi will i get a check

    • vincent l.

      I too am disabled on SSI and yes it looks like will will, others have said to file your 2019 IRS form and claim $0.00 to make sure, but I don’t know for sure 100%

    • ssdi i.

      you should get it and wont have to file a tax return to get it because the irs will just use the info that ssa has on to determine your income and where to send a check. Problem is you probably will have to wait a long long time from now to get it because this is huge undertaking and in the past with way smaller stimulus checks it took some people six months to get their checks so just keep that in mind as well as the priority people on ss wont be and im thinking at best we get checks via our ss checks by september at best and december at worst. Just keep that in mind because you better believe we will be at the back of the line like always.

      • PE C.

        I just want to know, HOW will I receive it. I get my SSDI through Direct Express debit card. It is not an account where I can make deposits. It only receives my SSDI and any returns/refunds. I don’t have to file fed or state tax and don’t have a regular bank account. That is the only info missing. If I am to receive a paper check then, that’s fine. I am grateful for the opportunity to receive any extra aid! Thanks!

  7. ssdi i.

    It looks like people on ssi might get the stimulus but i wont believe it until ssa itself makes a statement. But even if we are all going to receive stimulus checks it looks like it will take months for all of us on ssdi and ssi to receive it because thats the fastest stimulus checks have ever gone out so expect it by maybe this summer realistically people.

  8. The O.

    OK, now that the bill passed here is what will happen; no need to post anymore in here. 1. Some of you will get money. 2. some of you will die before the check arrives. 3. The Virus will cull the population leaving only those who are worthy (Republicans, older ladies with orange hair and huge purses that spend the money at the casinos and bingo halls, me, my 8 wives and 10 G/F’s, my unknown children, Ivanka, puppies and kittens, Fox News Hotties, Beautiful Jewish and Mormon ladies, ) The ones will not survive this will the unworthy (Democrats, O’boma speeches, Crying Orca Winbags, Brain dead bidens, Manic psycho Plosies, Kimchi, Sushi, hooved and shellfish animals, Menudo, Poke Salad, filee gumbo, possum, squirrels, grits, and rednecks.) So check your mail boxes and when it arrives buy me a beer. I love you all!

    • Steven

      God damn I love this comment..if ya are ever near fayette county lemme know I’ll buy us both a few rounds..JD for me! Keep it real m8!

  9. ssdi i.

    well according to everything i have read and common sense if you are on ssdi you will and should be receiving the full $1200 but those of you on ssi probably wont get it because you arent actually insured which is the whole purpose of the tax credits system that you need to qualify for ssdi in the first place.

    Everyone claiming people on ssdi will get less are incorrect because what we receive via ssa is based on our work history and not whatever we need per se. Its an insurance claim. So why in the world would we get punished in any way for receiving our rightful insurance policy pay out by being left out of emergency stimulus money?

    When people talk about ssdi and lump it together with ssi they just do not understand what they are talking about and thats why all this non sense about people on ssdi getting half and people who might not even have stopped working will get everything AND $500 per child. The government isnt stupid. If they did that to any group it probably will be people on ssi because they never were workers.

    • Dax

      The AARP said SSI recipients get it even if it is their only income. And people on SSDI, SS, and SSI will all get the full amount of $1,200.

      Do not spread dis-information and count yourself fortunate you were not disabled before earning enough tax credits to retire. This crisis is affecting every American and our entire economy in general.

    • E

      Talking about lumping things together, not all people on SSI have never worked, many have worked.

  10. susy z.

    People on SSI and SSDI pay taxes every time we buy things, , we are disabled workers, they worked us out of jobs… we get compensated to the equivalent of working a 40hour week @ $4 /hr which will not help much paying for hpousing , transportation, food, meanwhile republiocans give trillions to bansk and corporations and buy more fighter jets and build more nuclear bombs… why they need neuclear bombs and fighter jets? Why they dont provide us ? War Whor3es and re4publicans continue making our lives to be lived in dire poverty blaming us for being alibve FCK THAT , it’s time to change up , basic income should be MORE , housing should be better

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