COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. SurfinJerzy

    Just a quick note to those who seem to have a LARGE MISUNDERSTANDING of the difference between SSI vs. SSDI benefactors AND a brief explanation of wat’s being aired via my local news channel for prospect recipients of the 2020 Stimulus Package

    The problem with SSI is it’s paid out to individuals who NEVER HAD a strong TAXABLE work history IF they had a work history on the books at all!
    People on SSI, their payments r paid for thru taxes paid by WORKING Americans.

    Sooooooo, those of us like myself on SSDI get our benefits thru OUR taxes that WE PAID FOR thru our work history.

    That’s the difference between SSI and SSDI….

    SSI— ur benefits are paid thru taxes of other working Americans, NOT ur own.
    U either NEVER worked OR worked OFF-THE-BOOKS— cash-paying jobs that were NOT ever taxed!

    SSDI— our benefits r paid from OUR TAXES that WE PAID over the years of WORKING TAXABLE jobs, ON-THE-BOOKS.

    Hoping that clarifies things a tad bc I’ve read almost EVERY one of the 1000+ posts on here and there seems to be a huge misinterpretation between the two.
    I agree, living on benefits is immensely difficult ESPECIALLY wen ur capped on SSI, but, again, THAT IS Y SSI recipients r capped at no more than $ 783 per INDIVIDUAL, $1175 for married couples, and $392 for an ‘essential’ person— ur benefits payments r paid from OTHER AMERICAN TAX PAYERS DOLLARS.

    SSDI benefits vary GREATLY between recipients bc it’s based upon the amount of taxes WE PAID thru OUR TAXES over OUR YEARS OF WORK.

    And, in terms of the Stimulus Package—

    1. Obviously we can all speculate but UNTIL such a time that the House signs off and this bill is passed, NONE OF US will kno with any equivocation.

    2. Following NEWS 12 NEW JERSEY regularly, it has been reported continuously that ALL AMERICANS, VETS AND the DISABLED TOO WILL receive some form of monetary payment with the $75000 cap that may be adjusted in coming weeks dependent upon the status of the onset of this virus.
    However, no SPECIFICS if ‘disabled’ is SSI, SSDI or both.

    Blessings to all~

  2. Tommy

    I’d like to know how to apply SSN because local offices are closed. Is there any way to apply online or any other way?

  3. SurfinJerzy

    Just a quick note and explanation to those that seem confused about the difference between SSDI vs. SSI benefit recipients:

    The problem with SSI is it’s paid out to individuals who NEVER HAD a strong TAXABLE work history IF they had a work history on the books at all!
    People on SSI, their payments r paid for thru taxes paid by WORKING Americans.

    Sooooooo, those of us like myself on SSDI get our benefits thru OUR taxes that WE PAID FOR thru our work history.

    That’s the difference between SSI and SSDI….

    SSI— ur benefits are paid thru taxes of other working Americans, NOT ur own.
    U either NEVER worked OR worked OFF-THE-BOOKS— cash-paying jobs that were NOT ever taxed!
    Hence y I can understand if SSI benefactors wud NOT be part of the stimulus payment.

    SSDI— our benefits r paid from OUR TAXES that WE PAID over the years of WORKING TAXABLE jobs, ON-THE-BOOKS.

    Hoping that clarifies things a tad bc I’ve read almost EVERY one of the 1000+ posts on here and there seems to be a huge misinterpretation between the two.
    I agree, living on benefits is immensely difficult ESPECIALLY wen ur capped on SSI, but, again, THAT IS Y SSI recipients r capped at no more than $ 783 per INDIVIDUAL, $1175 for married couples, and $392 for an ‘essential’ person— ur benefits payments r paid from OTHER AMERICAN TAX PAYERS DOLLARS.

    SSDI benefits vary GREATLY between recipients bc it’s based upon the amount of taxes WE PAID thru OUR TAXES over OUR YEARS OF WORK.

    And, in terms of the Stimulus Package—

    1. Obviously we can all speculate but UNTIL such a time that the House signs off and this bill is passed, NONE OF US will kno with any equivocation.

    2. Following NEWS 12 NEW JERSEY regularly, it has been reported continuously that ALL AMERICANS, VETS AND the DISABLED TOO WILL receive some form of monetary payment with the $75000 cap that may be adjusted in coming weeks dependent upon the status of the onset of this virus.
    However, no SPECIFICS if ‘disabled’ is SSI, SSDI or both.

    Blessings to all~

  4. SurfinJerzy

    The problem with SSI is it’s paid out to individuals who NEVER HAD a strong TAXABLE work history IF they had a work history on the books at all!
    People on SSI, their payments r paid for thru taxes paid by WORKING Americans.

    Sooooooo, those of us like myself on SSDI get our benefits thru OUR taxes that WE PAID FOR thru our work history.

    That’s the difference between SSI and SSDI….

    SSI— ur benefits are paid thru taxes of other working Americans, NOT ur own.
    U either NEVER worked OR worked OFF-THE-BOOKS— cash-paying jobs that were NOT ever taxed!

    SSDI— our benefits r paid from OUR TAXES that WE PAID over the years of WORKING TAXABLE jobs, ON-THE-BOOKS.

    Hoping that clarifies things a tad bc I’ve read almost EVERY one of the 1000+ posts on here and there seems to be a huge misinterpretation between the two.
    I agree, living on benefits is immensely difficult ESPECIALLY wen ur capped on SSI, but, again, THAT IS Y SSI recipients r capped at no more than $ 783 per INDIVIDUAL, $1175 for married couples, and $392 for an ‘essential’ person— ur benefits payments r paid from OTHER AMERICAN TAX PAYERS DOLLARS.

    SSDI benefits vary GREATLY between recipients bc it’s based upon the amount of taxes WE PAID thru OUR TAXES over OUR YEARS OF WORK.

    And, in terms of the Stimulus Package—

    1. Obviously we can all speculate but UNTIL such a time that the House signs off and this bill is passed, NONE OF US will kno with any equivocation.

    2. Following NEWS 12 NEW JERSEY regularly, it has been reported continuously that ALL AMERICANS, VETS AND the DISABLED TOO WILL receive some form of monetary payment with the $75000 cap that may be adjusted in coming weeks dependent upon the status of the onset of this virus.
    However, no SPECIFICS if ‘disabled’ is SSI, SSDI or both.

    Blessings to all~

  5. Kenny G.

    God bless us,everyone.

  6. Chr¡stopher

    Just wondering those that are on SSI/SSDI and are retired, will they be getting the CoronaVirus Stimulus

    • James

      It is only fair to everyone if they send out a stimulus check that every one would be included. Cause it effects every one not just the taxpayers. People on ssi that have kids and there kids are home from school for a month. That person with a limited income has to provide breakfast and lunches for there children that they didn’t have to before cause the school provided there meals. Now they have to stretch there limited income more. Not to mention if food banks are closed, you have to buy more food out of pocket. If the city transit is closed and you have to pay for a taxi to the store or doctors That is more money out of pocket.. this epidemic is effecting everyone so everyone should be included in the stimulus package..

    • Bob

      Below is part of the text of the “Phase 3” coronavirus stimulus proposal released by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday.

      “Qualifying income includes earned income, as well as Social Security retirement benefits and certain compensation and pension benefits paid to veterans. This approach “ensures relief gets to low-income seniors and disabled veterans” as well, top Republicans said in their summary of the legislation.”

  7. Lawanda K.

    I usually don’t comment on other people’s attitude and their attitude on social media or blog post. But you would think the state of current situations. People would be more kind to people. We have more things to worry about than to argue about whether someone’s comment or question was rude or ignorant. I always heard two sayings growing (I know almost everyone heard both of them). 1. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. 2. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

    Thank you.
    Rant over!

  8. Travis C.

    Seriously no one can answer a question I’m on SSDI and I just want to know am I getting 600 or 1200 I read through the whole government paperwork and it’s all lawyer double-talk can’t find an answer can anyone find written proof of what they are doing when it comes to SSDI I worked for my credits just because I became disabled and can’t continue to work after retiring doesn’t mean I should not receive the same amount as my brother who is retired and can still file taxes working part time but for god sakes people please find some information stop arguing with people stop being rude do research and help us disabled people get help I have brain damage I can’t search and find this information and Social Security clearly isn’t going to answer us and please stop listening to videos find some kind of documentation they just passed the bill it should be in their listing who will receive it who won’t SSI and SSDI what have you please help

    • Supperdodo

      Travis: its all up in the air, they are still working on it, some wants all get 1,200.00 or 1,000.00 but the disabled people can only get 600.00, bur then they want disabled get the full 1,200 as well. ! No one knows yet what is what, it still in the talks of on goings, so for now there’s no answer to your question, its still in discussion, the news will say different ways of things then that’s what the news like to do confuse people, as soon as they pass it ? I will say what is it. Till then be calm and cool and not count your chickens before the egg hatch ?

    • Supperdodo knows yet, its still in discussion then they have to vote ? Then the president has to sign it. ? There’s a bunch of different talks on it in the news, but there be only one when its passes , and it has NOT BEEN PASSED YET , any other information about what it is or who gets what or how much , all hog wash, wait for THEM to say it’s been passed, then all the news will say the same things ? Only when it’s passed ok ?

  9. Long r.

    Yo that trump dude be coughing he got the China virus that what he get for sleeping with that Korean how who ain’t even be smoking bro how can u be so stupid u get your self locked up like a China man I’m don bro as long as I get my trump money I won’t smoke him or is Korean husband jeez man just give me a good looking money maker

  10. Catherine B.

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