COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. licia

    Been on hold for two long hours and they hung me up on there end…. OMG have to start all over … received a letter in mail have questions… this sucks no call backs

    • A.C.

      Hi, Licia. We are sorry to hear about your experience. If you still need assistance, you can click “Get Help” in your personal my Social Security account to “Ask a Question”. Click “Talk to an Expert” for a call back. We hope this helps.

  2. MW

    My credit union requested the copy of social security card or close my account application. She does not consider the current coronavirus situation, that I need more time to get the card. I forgot my password and to get temporary code to sign in will need another 5-10 business. All local offices close.

    • Skylar

      I smell a set up as whoever you talked to should know what’s going on I wouldn’t give up my SSC

  3. mk

    I honestly do not want the money if it will be taxed. I may be in troible when it comes time to pay. I get less than $800 a month, and while I am not bitching, I am just saying things are hard enough to manage on it, I don’t want to worry about paying taxes later. They tell you not to hold the money, to spend it. But if I spend it, where will I get the money to pay taxes? I could certainly use this, and I find it very generous. But, I just can’t have the problems that may come with it.

  4. nunya

    What’s the point of getting any money???? shit, stores can even stay stocked.

  5. Molly A.

    How in the world are they going to figure out how to send this money to every adult in the usa? Every bank account? Direct deposit? Or via check? How do they know where every adult here lives? Or which bank they use? Not by IRS info. I get a disability check, so I do not pay taxes. How will they figure this out??? What if you’ve recently moved/relocated? How do they know where every adult is and what their info is to magically give them this money?!

    • Jay

      Because you have to update your address with Social Security when you move. Also, If you have direct deposit with S.S.I then your bank account is already documented. And, nothing is guaranteed from the government. Until I hear something directly I believe nothing.

      • Caitie

        This is really great advice for everyone worrying. I know it’s hard, but the truth of this situation is that the future is completely unknown. Even humanities educated guesses can not predict what will happen tomorrow, next week or even next month. We are in a time where the weather forecast is more reliable than what we forecast covid-19 to affect. I personally suffer from major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder on top of my physical disabilities. So I know how hard it is to not have an answer one way or the other. But the best thing I have found that helps is to try REALLY HARD to take it one day at a time, or even smaller increments of time if needed. I hope this helps. ❤

    • Larry

      Social Security numbers…

  6. Laura S.

    Oh for the love of God you crazy people! Who cares if it was a rude answer or not? The answer made sense “why wouldnt you?” If there were ever a stop on SS checks the lame stream media would have a million lies out there about it you wouldnt have to ask a dumb question! My question is do Seniors qualify for the stimulus check and if we do not then why is that? Our expenses have increased dramatically buying extra supplies and meds etc. Why does that not matter if you are on SS? I for one work to supplement my SS so does that make any difference?

  7. Carolyn

    is this a site to debate what is rude or to ask questions?? some need to grow up here & get a grip!!


    PEOPLE… HOLY HELL!!!!! WOW!! All children gather round here for some cookies and milk as I explain this to you! You can bring your blanky if you want 🙂 As long as you sit quietly with your mouths SHUT and stop pointing fingers. Wash your damn hands and really, cover your cough with your ELBOW/SLEEVE NOT YOUR HAND THAT YOU TOUCH EVERYTHING WITH!!… OK!!!!

    It has been assured the checks are coming. There is a lot of speculation on amount because there are many different proposals. It has been said checks will be $1,000 or more “per adult” while other proposals also $1,000 or even $2,000 per adult then another $500-$1,000 per child. ITS ALL IN THE AIR AT THIS POINT!!!!! This has to be decided on in House and once that decision is reached THEN we will ALL know the true amounts and facts. This stimulus is unlike the others in the past. When you give to the “rich” who have money, well they tend to save it. While when you give to the poor or less fortunate in the country, they want to use that extra money to buy food, pay bills they`re behind on, etc etc, they want to buy things… THE GOVT. WANTS TO STIMULATE the economy, not give to a bunch of rich hoarders! I could sit here and write down every proposal so you can see everything that has been said, but nobody will know 100% until they come to an agreement. There is still speculation as to how many payments will be sent out. It appears at least 2 payments will be sent out, but with some proposals wanting to give monthly payments until the pandemic is over, some wanting payments now and another in July if its still going on and another in October if we are still in crisis. SEE, ITS ALL UP IN THE AIR!!!!! Where did I get my info?? Well, see, I READ through the BS and watch live conferences with The President and Vice President and the Governors from each state as they have their conference meetings. The information is out there for the younger herd that is tech savvy, just read between the lines…for the elderly, maybe this will help you, while you finally have made it to the end and figured out who was rude or not. I`m sorry you had to waste your precious time reading through all of that garbage just to find an answer… GOODNESS!!!! You will also continue to receive your monthly benefits, as this is said to be uninterrupted. Think, if they cut off all of our checks… what would that do to the economy they`re trying to save. ??Trump has assured America will be safe and taken care of financially! He is a business man, he knows how to make cash flow…. Now, do we all understand and have grown up? Now we can go grab our joints and all get along. You will get your monthly benefits, you are in the slots to receive a stimulus check in the form that you receive/d your taxes or SS payments. If you receive monthly check, your stimulus will come US mail as a check, if you get direct deposit, it will be in your bank account as a direct deposit. The govt. has your information from tax returns and SS information, if you receive. People who are still working will also qualify. IF YOU FILED TAXES OR RECEIVE SS, you are qualified for a check. The rest is to be determined, I.E. per adult, per child, amount per household, income limits etc etc etc. I think I covered it all….Whew!!! Wait, also the checks are planned to start being sent out by April 6, they say another May 18, but with not having an agreement at this point we aren`t sure as to how many payments will be sent out, AT LEAST 2 checks for the same amount each time, but is expected to start sending something first week of April, or “within the next 2-3 weeks” EVERYBODY IS SAFE!!!! Other Bills have also been signed in to help people whom have been laid off of work, affected by C-19, etc. etc. The Trump Admin. is making sure to leave no-one out, except for the rich, whom already have enough to survive and would rather save their money than stimulate the economy. NOW SHUT THE HELL UP WHO CARES WHO IS BEING RUDE WITH AN ANSWER OR NOT… We are in a World Crisis and you cry babies want to worry about who is answering a question rudely or not, rather than reading the legit questions and answering! I bet y`all cried with Kim Trashdashian when she lost her pearl in the ocean too, huh? SMH… Yall be safe out there, Bless Your Hearts, wash your hands, cover your cough or just stay home away from people and FOR FUCK SAKE, SHUT UP!!!!!! THANK YOU AND YOU ARE WELCOME!

    • Molly A.

      What about the 16, and 17 year olds who WORK at McDonalds or somewhere, to earn money, how will they get a check if they are not considered “adults?” They WORK and they deserve help too!!

      • Unregistering R.

        Hopefully the senate’s plan passes, but doubtful. It’s looking much more like an actual stimulus and recovery plan then the GOP’s at this point. The House GOP’s plan just looks like another way to exclude as many people as possible, most of the people who will get it do not live check to check and already have savings meaning only about 40-60 percent of the money will actually go into economic recovery, the rest will go into people savings.
        I am sure both sides will come to an agreement that screws at least 1 quarter of the population over though. At least those corporations who are gearing up for automation got bailed out first.

    • Sharon H.

      You babble to much and say nothing. SS should close this site up. So much misinformation

  9. Bob

    Below is part of the text of the “Phase 3” coronavirus stimulus proposal released by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday.

    “Qualifying income includes earned income, as well as Social Security retirement benefits and certain compensation and pension benefits paid to veterans. This approach “ensures relief gets to low-income seniors and disabled veterans” as well, top Republicans said in their summary of the legislation.”

  10. Greg O.

    OK back to the original question Will the people who receive SS retiremnet receive $1,000 stimulus package
    I retired in Aug 2019 so what is the cutoff date I happen to owe the IRS for the 2019 tax year but have held off submitting until there is some clear information

    • Bob

      Below is part of the text of the “Phase 3” coronavirus stimulus proposal released by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday.

      “Qualifying income includes earned income, as well as Social Security retirement benefits and certain compensation and pension benefits paid to veterans. This approach “ensures relief gets to low-income seniors and disabled veterans” as well, top Republicans said in their summary of the legislation.”

    • Not E.

      That is tricky, from what I can tell only people who earned at least $2,500 taxable income in 2018 will get it, I don’t know if that means young people who only started working in 2019 won’t get it or have to wait until it appears on their tax rebate, Social Security Retirement is eligible as taxable income but I believe you have to have filed taxes in 2018 with at least $2,500 taxable income and people who are only filing for 2019 might have to wait until tax rebates go out. That part isn’t really clear

      This is why the plan is pretty lame, it’s funny how quick they were to send big corporations the money first, but now They want to nickle and dime when it comes to the actual citizens. Most will get it, but the ones who need it the most won’t see a dime tho.
      All those CEOs got plenty of money in the banks and are set for life, but if you left the work force in 2017 and didn’t receive a taxable pension plan or joined it in the tax year of 2020, you and your family just don’t matter to them.

      Happy for you if you get it tho, good luck.

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