COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Angel

    Addenndum to my previous post.

    The Stimulus is STILL in the ‘Proposal’ stage and exact details are still being worked on, so NO ONE….not even the SSA…has concrete set-in-stone details yet. Stay calm, be kind to one another and God bless.

    • Dave

      Fox news just reported considering giving 1200 dollars to adults and I’m sure that will include ss and ssi individuals

  2. Dave

    I’m 61 years old I worked 31 years with a good company when I turned 49 I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I get a pension plus ssi, and people that are disabled will definitely get there money I will use my money to help people less fortuned than me and I wish people on here would lay off the people that are truly disabled stay safe everyone.

  3. Slim S.

    All you Fkr’s gonna be dead so No most you wont be getting Shit !

    • Richard M.

      haaahhhaaa, Don’t spit in the air, my little friend…

      • rd

        I think if they still break rocks apart in harsher prison systems, this chump may be able to contribute to society yet…in fifteen years when he turns eighteen.

    • The O.

      I am going to use that money to finish my doomsday machine to destroy my enemies and reward my friends and if just by chance I die first I am going to take it with me to bribe St. Peter who is a Catholic who sells indulgences. You think that posting anonomously in here will save you, now the Social Security Office knows where you live, where you bank, where your kids go to school. You all will be the first to visited next year by the man to get their money back.

  4. Blondearsenal

    If I get a check I will just send it back to pay my taxes.

    • John

      Good point. Right now no one is answering the question… “Is the 1000.00 check going to be considered taxable income?” My guess is yes it will be. What I am afraid of is folks will get this money and the IRS will issue a 1099 and will ask for it all back at some point, end of the year possibly when taxes are due. This is going to come back and bite people and folks are not going to be ready for it. For me, I am going to put any money I get in a check back and forget about it. This way I will have it to give back to the govt when they come asking for it .

      • Dave

        If that happens I would have no problem giving back, at this time we don’t need this economy to tank and go into a depession never been through one but if we do you would of wished this virus would of took your life.

  5. Angel

    PEOPLE, I am Disabled and High Risk, and receive SSI. While they determined I AM disabled, I didnt qualify (not enough taxable income in past x#of years) for SSDI.
    Out of concern about this Stimulus Package (and after filtering through the crud in this comment section) I did some research.

    PEOPLE: here are the FACTS.
    So STOP ARGUING and PANICKING and lobbing insults and digs at each other (there’s enough of that going around today) .
    CALM DOWN and READ….
    especially if you receive SSI/SSDI or Social Security Retirement Benefits.

    The following is taken from the website which link I’ve posted below:

    “Also on March 17, Secretary Mnuchin and President Trump suggested a roughly $1 trillion stimulus package, nicknamed “Phase Three,” to the Republican-controlled Senate. The package is just a proposal, many of the details are undecided, and any plan would need to be passed by Congress.
    Included in the proposed package were:
    $500 billion in direct payments, including a more than $1000 payment to
    all U.S. adults,
    excluding millionaires and billionaires.”

    ***”ALL U.S. adults”, people!***

    “On March 18, the Senate Republicans approved the Phase Two stimulus package passed by the House earlier in the month without changes. President Trump is expected to sign the bill.
    Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell said that the Senate will stay in session until “Phase Three” of the stimulus is passed.”


    Phase Three is still A PROPOSAL with some details undecided, but AS IT IS RIGHT NOW it proposes Stimulus payments to ALL ADULTS.
    That means everybody.
    NOT ‘just those who pay taxes’, NOT excluding Disability or Retirement or Welfare recipients, but to ALL AMERICANS.

    Now, we need to STOP PANICKING and play the typical Washington DC waiting game and WAIT, AND SEE IF IT PASSES WITHOUT CHANGES as to who will receive the Stimulus funds.
    We WONT KNOW what is ‘set in stone’ until it HAS.

    So stop being harsh with each other, especially on here.
    CALM DOWN, pay attention to the Official Websites and televised/live-stream Conferences to stay informed, and KEEP YOURSELVES SAFE.
    We are in this TOGETHER – ALL of us. So be kind to one another and, as hard as it may be, be patient. They’ll let us know all of the details AFTER Phase Three has passed, whether good or bad.
    Thank you.

    Here is the site I gleaned the above factual info from :

    • Warren

      Thank you. It is unfortunate that all this back and forth is happening. I appreciate the facts and straight ahead response. Good Luck to you, and all.

    • Molly A.

      The REAL question, and I can’t believe no one has asked this yet is: “IF we get any amount of stimulus check from the govt for dealing with this Covid-19, WILL WE HAVE TO PAY IT BACK NEXT YEAR, like we did when Pres. Bush gave everyone a stimulus check of $200 years ago?
      Anyone? Any answers?

      Yes, we got a check for $200, but everyone seems to have forgotten that the following year, when tax time came around, everyone had to pay that money back!

      Can you imagine having to pay back $1,000, or potentially $2,000, this time?!!

  6. Richard A.

    Ok I’m on SSI disability and my wife don’t work will I get more money or a person that takes care of me for free gets no payment from anywhere gets nothing ?

    • Angel

      See my post (below yours). God bless.

  7. Patrick R.

    Yes it was no it wasn’t yes it was no it wasn’t …is this a daycare thread?

  8. Danny

    This is all bs I just got off the phone with ssi and spoke to a manager they said only people without a job getting it most likely which is a lie they said they don’t know if we are getting it which is a lie I hate this I just want to know if we are getting it like everyone else everyone is affected by this not just certain people and tbh people on ssi need it more we don’t even get minimum wage smh ??‍♂️

    • Dave

      You will be part of the stmulation people need to calm down and do what there told and practice to be careful and go out when necessary and stay 6ft from people when food shopping, dont touch your face and wash your hands

    • Angel

      See my post. And ANY Social Security Administration office that doles out infornation on the Stimulus Package prior to it Passing is misinforming you. It hasn’t passed yet, it has only been PROPOSED. But see my post for more details.
      God bless.

      • Molly B.

        The REAL question, and I can’t believe no one has asked this yet is: “IF we get any amount of stimulus check from the govt for dealing with this Covid-19, WILL WE HAVE TO PAY IT BACK NEXT YEAR, like we did when Pres. Bush gave everyone a stimulus check of $200 years ago?
        Anyone? Any answers?

        Yes, we got a check for $200, but everyone seems to have forgotten that the following year, when tax time came around, everyone had to pay that money back!

        Can you imagine having to pay back $1,000, or potentially $2,000, this time?!!

    • Angel

      You were unfortunately misinformed. See my post below. The SSA has no more information than we do at this point because Phase Three (the Stimulus Package) is still just a PROPOSAL. It needs to pass. Take care and God Bless.

    • Lildarlin

      You will be getting a check. This has nothing to do with taxes at all. Thank you

  9. Carmen G.

    WoW.. if we do not learn to live together here on earth how will we ever live together in Heaven!
    ” Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Phillipians 4:8

    …..and finally this is the latest news regarding a stimulus that may happen to low income and those on ssa or ssdi. Copy and paste here: Bless you all! Jesus is Lord & of all ~. John 3:16 .. Chow~.

    • Angel


    • Annie B.

      Stick your god where the sun don’t shine….he’s a murderer.

  10. JayBGood

    I just got a letter from SSA saying they are suspending my benefits do to overpayment from a year ago which is BS. Yes, I’m appealing/waiving it. My main question s, will I still receive a stimulus check because at this moment I’m not receiving any income while disabled. I’m freaking out. Having panic attacks constantly and anxiety is through the roof. I thought I seen/heard that during this Coronavirus that SSA isn’t allowed to suspend, take overpayments or anything but how true is that? It should be true because it’s wrong to just take someone’s benefits during this type of crisis when they need money the most.

    • Angel

      See my post below. While there are no concrete answers right now, the Stimulus Package – as it is written right now – states ALL Americans (except millionaires and billionaires) will receive funds. But read my post for more info.
      And may I suggest you contact an attorney versed in Social Security (Legal Aid is available) to ask about whether they can suspend/deplete benefits right now, – if for nothing else than peace of mind to ease your wondering. God bless you.

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