COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Vap1

    Dee your a rude low life worthless POS end of story! now on to the next question i heard ask. will SSI recipients be receiving the stimulus package benefits?

  2. Madigan

    Yes, in this time of fear and pandemic, let’s waste time going back and forth on whether or not someone’s response was rude. Really?

  3. Angelis J.

    They may not give us a dime, but you know for sure people on Soc Sec will be the ones to pay for it.

  4. Gloria E.

    If ur minor child gets an ssi check, will they get 500 or 1000 dollar stimulus check

  5. Lita

    I just want to say emails/text messages/ are up to the interpretation of the READER. I am not gen-ex I am over 60 and did NOT find the response rude, maybe just reactive to all the panic going on with this situation. Because really why would things you have been receiving by direct deposit etc. just stop. because the local offices are closed. They are closing to stop the SPREAD of the virus, not to stop anyones benefits they are already receiving. Other questions have been asked regarding the stimulus etc. have not been answered because of the debate over if an answer was rude or not. and there is different information on here regarding the check amounts/ who is getting what etc. etc. I ended up on this site when I googled $1,000.00 stimulus checks and from reading these posts I don’t know anymore about it than when I searched. I will just wait and see. If I get one in the mail (they can’t direct deposit something without having everyone’s banking information) it will be a blessing and I will be thankful for it. Have a great day everyone and stay safe!!

  6. Molly A.

    The REAL question, and I can’t believe no one has asked this yet is: “IF we get any amount of stimulus check from the govt for dealing with this Covid-19, WILL WE HAVE TO PAY IT BACK NEXT YEAR, like we did when Pres. Bush gave everyone a stimulus check of $200 years ago?
    Anyone? Any answers?

    Yes, we got a check for $200, but everyone seems to have forgotten that the following year, when tax time came around, everyone had to pay that money back!

    Can you imagine having to pay back $1,000, or potentially $2,000, this time?!!

  7. MARK

    I just wanted to say that everyone on SSDI,and regualar Social Se3curity will recieve the check..Ones who already have direct deposit with SSDI and so forth will more less recieve it that way.SO YES YOU ARE ELIGIBLE AND I READ IT TODAY IT INCLUDES EVERYONE CAUSE THEY PAID THE $600 OUTTHE LAST TIME TO PEOPLE ON THIS.SO RELAX YOU WILL GET BOTH CHECKS IF THERE IS TWO.

  8. Amanda


  9. Linda E.

    From The Hill :
    Minchin Confirms $1000 Checks To All Americans

    Every American Adult not in the highest income bracket will be receiving a stimulus check . A family will get up to $3000 .
    The first of 2 checks will be sent as direct deposits within the next few weeks .The 2nd check of the same amount will go out in May

    • Connie

      They said tax paying…not every American. They initially said every American. Now the language is different. I am confused!

  10. Mandy T.

    I am on Social Security and my husband makes most of the income, with a family size of 7. I’m sure everyone will get something as long as you file your taxes, from what I read that is what they are going by at this point. They will go based on your yearly income to determine what you get in a stimulus check. I hope this helped everyone who was asking.

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