COVID-19, General, SSI

Commissioner of Social Security Shares Update about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments for Beneficiaries

April 3, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

“I want to provide an update to people who receive benefits from the Social Security Administration.

The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) announced on April 1 that Social Security beneficiaries who are not typically required to file tax returns will not need to file an abbreviated tax return to receive an economic impact payment. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will use the information on the Form SSA-1099 to generate $1,200 economic impact payments to Social Security beneficiaries who did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019.

Treasury, not Social Security, will make automatic payments to Social Security beneficiaries. Beneficiaries will receive these payments by direct deposit or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their Social Security benefits.

For updates from the IRS, visit their web page.

Note for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipients:

We are working closely with Treasury to address outstanding questions about our SSI recipients in an attempt to make the issuance of economic impact payments as quick and efficient as possible. We realize people are concerned, and the IRS will provide additional information on their web page when available. Please note that we will not consider economic impact payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.”

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Cheryl L.

    I to get SSDI. An have been waiting for payment $1200 but remember there’s always someone else in need more than ourselves. I hope people remember when they didn’t have SSDI no money to live on. Just be thankful ? an we will get paid too.

  2. Nodo

    Thank you Bryan T. Bell for the accurate & reassuring information. I am on SSDI myself & I have researched it as well.

    For the others commenting here: entitled much? This money was meant to help people who lost their income, who are really in desperate financial situations because of this pandemic.

    Nothing has changed for us–we who get a guaranteed retirement or disability income. It may not be much, but it’s not any less than what we usually live on, so the $1200 is just a big windfall for us. I can wait for that…. I’m worried about people losing their housing because this is too little, too late for them.

  3. David

    The SSA Commissioner stated clearly in an update posted on April 15 the following…..
    “Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries (who don’t normally file taxes) will also qualify for automatic payments of $1,200 from Treasury. These payments are anticipated to start arriving around the end of April.”

    This mean that everyone on SSI and SSDI will automatically get a payment. You don’t need to do anything. They already have all of your information including Direct Deposit details if that is how you get your benefits now.

    Be patient folks, it takes a while to sort out the details of hundreds of millions of SSI and SSDI recipients. End of April to early May is the targets at this point.

    If you have any questions or concerns, I suggest calling the SSA directly and asking them. Who would know better than they would?

    • Nodo

      Excellent info.

    • Nodo

      Excellent info. Thanks, David.

    • Laura H.

      I am on SSDI and receive Direct Deposit each month.
      My 13 year old also receives a direct deposit each month until she graduates High School.
      Both benefits deposit into the same bank account at the same time each month but are separate transactions.

      I have heard conflicting stories regarding the $500 dependent child benefit. We do not file taxes. was timing out for days before the 12:00pm deadline on April 22, 2020, to file for dependent child. This did not seem to be advertised very well. If my daughter’s check is direct deposited each month, did I even need to e-file for the $500.00?
      Thank you in advance!

  4. Bryan T.

    You will receive your stimulus payment the same way you receive your SS payments each month. The IRS is obtaining your information straight from Social Security in order to issue you your stimulus payment. It is going to be automatic. I, too, receive SS by direct deposit and I have researched this extensively. You should not take my word for it, but rather go to the website and read their articles about payments for SS recipients. It will help ease your mind. It’s frustrating having to wait, but rest assured your money IS coming very soon. We should be seeing SS recipients getting payments this coming week – 4/27 thru 5/1. I hope this helps you!
    Bryan T. Bell, Colonel, U.S. Army(Ret.)??????Flags for our Heroes

  5. Eartha E.

    Yes good evening I received SSDI and I live on just that a month and I think we who received it should have been paid first and it is the end of the month and still nothing I know working people need there too but we need our more what happened to you all older people don’t matter

  6. Chrid Z.

    I am sick of hearing “soon…very, very soon:. Give us a DATE RANGE! NO MORE “SOON”. I agree with another comment that said we don’t matter. Rhetorical run around!. I am going to speak LOUD AND CLEAR.with my VOTE! TIME FOR A CHANGE !!!

  7. John Q.

    I receive survivor benefits, direct deposit to my bank. I did not receive SSA1099 form , Will this affect my stimulus check with the IRS

    • Kevin g.

      Just ask social security administration to mail you your 1099 form

    • V.V.

      Hi John, thank you for your question. Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17 do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. You should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as you would normally receive your Social Security benefits. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. We hope this helps.

  8. Linda A.

    My husband and I receive SS via direct deposit. However we filed our 2018 taxes without getting a direct deposit refund. ( did not give IRS our bank info).
    Will we get our stimulus money automatically via direct deposit or do we have to give the IRS our bank info to get direct deposit of the stimulus money?

    • Bryan T.

      You will receive your stimulus payment the same way you receive your SS payments each month. The IRS is obtaining your information straight from Social Security in order to issue you your stimulus payment. It is going to be automatic. I, too, receive SS by direct deposit and I have researched this extensively. You should not take my word for it, but rather go to the website and read their articles about payments for SS recipients. It will help ease your mind. It’s frustrating having to wait, but rest assured your money IS coming very soon. We should be seeing SS recipients getting payments this coming week – 4/27 thru 5/1. I hope this helps you!
      Bryan T. Bell, Colonel, U.S. Army(Ret.)??????Flags for our Heroes

    • V.V.

      Hi Linda, thank you for your question. Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17 do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. You should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as you would normally receive your Social Security benefits. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. We hope this helps.

  9. Terra A.

    For some reason they only let me claim 2 of my 3 kids

    • figures

      because they discovered the 3rd wasn’t really yours.

  10. Jerry

    I’m so tired of being set aside. The government only want working people to live on this Earth. Soc Sec receipients don’t matter we should have been paid first. We get the less

    • Lucy W.

      I’m so tired of being set aside. The government only want working people to live on this Earth. Soc Sec receipients don’t matter we should have been paid first. We get the less still haven’t got shit from the government still no payment in my bank account this is Totally bogus This make no sense I thought everyone will be receiving money I haven’t still got shit when are we ever gonna get paid

      • Bryan T.

        I hear you and I feel for you, Ms. Wagner. Waiting is so frustrating, especially when you’re waiting on help. I try to be optimistic about this eventhough I, too, receive SS. I am blessed and very thankful that I have a steady income from SS when so many of our fellow Americans have lost their jobs and some people have lost much more than just their job. I’m also thankful that I live in a country that works to take care of it’s citizens in a time of great trouble and tragedy. I served in the Army for 28 years and spent 10 long, horrific years on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. Whenever I feel like I’m being left behind or I feel frustrated by government I think back to the people who live in those two countries and the things they’ve been subjected to by their own governments. Extreme poverty. Starvation. Endless war and conflict. They live in constant fear of what their governments will do to them if they just speak out against the oppression and tyranny. We fought Radical Islam because it’s the worst evil ever unleashed upon the world. We still fight it. There are so many innocent people over there who are good, decent people. It’s the main reason I kept going back again and again. The abuse they suffer at the hands of al-Qaeda and the Taliban, ISIS and countless other radical Islamic groups is horrific, especially the women and children who are under Sharia law. They have no life. They are enslaved to men who are violent and abusive in the extreme. So, Ms. Wagner, please take heart! Our payments will be made very soon! My bank representative informed me that we should see deposits beginning on 4/27 through 5/1. Things could be so much worse for all of us. Everyday I pray for our country and our leaders. I pray for all Americans because I love my country and the people who call this country home. We’re going to be all right! Just a little more patience. Good luck to you and yours. Sincerely, Bryan T. Bell, Colonel, U.S. Army(Ret.)??????Flags for our Heroes

        • kay

          Thank you Mr. Bell for your service! I appreciate the information you gave on the stimulus checks being deposited. Yes I too agree with you that we are fortunate to have a steady income and most importantly too be included in this package deal. We are so blessed to live in the United States of America! My daughter and son-in-law served 3 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I’ve heard the stories of a different way of life. I receive SS disability due to a long term disability, and I’ve felt the frustrations Ms Wagner explained. I feel that for years of paying into the system and taxes we too have SS. Im concerned about the depletion from all the spending that is having to be used to help people and protect our economy. Again thank you for your service. Stay safe

      • david

        SSA wanted to respond to your question, but, they decided to set it aside.

    • Dorgima B.

      When is my stimulus coming. I am in SSI and social security

    • Wanda s.

      How do we get the less , everyone is struggling not just people on disability,in thankful to get income every month some don’t get anything at all.I agree they are giving us the run around but it’s not up to me to say who deserves the Money or who don’t.

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