Commissioner of Social Security Shares Update about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments for Beneficiaries
Reading Time: 1 MinuteLast Updated: February 21, 2023
“I want to provide an update to people who receive benefits from the Social Security Administration.
The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) announced on April 1 that Social Security beneficiaries who are not typically required to file tax returns will not need to file an abbreviated tax return to receive an economic impact payment. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will use the information on the Form SSA-1099 to generate $1,200 economic impact payments to Social Security beneficiaries who did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019.
Treasury, not Social Security, will make automatic payments to Social Security beneficiaries. Beneficiaries will receive these payments by direct deposit or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their Social Security benefits.
For updates from the IRS, visit their web page.
Note for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipients:
We are working closely with Treasury to address outstanding questions about our SSI recipients in an attempt to make the issuance of economic impact payments as quick and efficient as possible. We realize people are concerned, and the IRS will provide additional information on their web page when available. Please note that we will not consider economic impact payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.”
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Tags: COVID-19, social security, SSI
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So they say if u recieve ssi u will recieve stimulus payment automatically but then also u cnt if u are claimed as a dependent in someone’s taxes but dnt clearly state if u are sumone receiving ssi or disability are claimed as dependent on sumone taxes u will or wnt get payment so what’s the real true answer yes or no ?
Hi Anthony, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!
It still dnt give clear answer to my question I’m still confused they could try to be more in depth to what they mean as far as explaining the whole scenario as far as if u are dependent n receiving ssi n disability
kumar o.
just announced ssi ssdi ssa will not recive a payment according to the washington post and nancy peolosi stated ssi ssa and ssdi will not recive a stimulus pay we should be greatful we get a monthly check so sorry retards youa ll aint getting shit looks like ya all gonna haver to panhandle, soscila sec and us treasury funds ran out there is no ooere socials ecurity trumps plan to rid ss benefits has worked =(
I dont think so if so post link where it says that.
mr. u.
cant they just all shut the fucking hell up n just send us our fucking money already i have a feeling whats the tax bitches are apid theree be nothing left trump wants nothing more to kill us disabled ppl off we never matter we always get fucked n have to spread cheecks to recive deepr ramming into ass from cocks!
Eliseo E.
I work and also get SSD, does that mean I too get the $1200? I have a wife and 2 kids and wife can’t work because of our disabled daughter so will she get it too? And last question, will that interfere with my Social Security Income? That’s really what I rely on.
Hi Eliseo, thank you for your question. People who receive Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability insurance benefits and have qualifying children under age 17 should go to the IRS’s webpage to enter their information instead of waiting for their automatic $1,200 Economic Impact Payment. By taking proactive steps to enter information on the IRS website about you and your qualifying children, you will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to your $1,200 individual payment. If Social Security beneficiaries in this group do not provide information to the IRS soon, you will have to wait to receive $500 per qualifying child.
Angie S.
Will people on SSI who receive $520 or less receive stimulus and if yes when?
James B.
Yes. You will get the check. I’m on ssi also. I had to go to the IRS non filers portal. It’s on
Just fill out you info takes about 10 minutes to do. After that wait and be patient. Hope this helps you figure this out. Stay safe and healthy
John H.
I used this so-called “portal” and didn’t include my DD info because I don’t have a bank account. I received this Email along with error report…
I’ve had to go thru this twice already with the same results.
“The bank account information entered is not complete. For a picture on where to find your routing and bank account information, please visit: Please review the ‘STEP 1. Fill Out Your Tax Forms’ tab and make sure the routing number, account number, and account type fields are all filled out.”
John H.
Happy to report that I was able to put the routing info for my PayPal card on the Nonfiler’s site and my return was finally accepted. Paypal is the way to go if you don’t have an actual bank account. Any prepaid debit card shall suffice. I’m on SSI.
I get SSI too and get paid on Direct Express card. It doesn’t work on the IRS Portal!!
Right now I’m so upset. I have read all these posts.. I’m so confused. About these stimulus check. SSA. Says everyone will get a stimulus check even the people who get SSI. But there are some people won’t get a stimulus check. The IRS listed who isn’t entitled to the stimulus check.. If a person gets SSI and someone claims that person on their income taxes that person won’t get a stimulus check..
These is so upsetting to me I live with 2 if my children. We are all roommates. We split the bills three ways. My daughter claims me on her taxes. I don’t get any part of her income tax return.. That is her money..
This coronavirus pandemic affects me and people in the same situation. We don’t get a lot of money.. but we don’t get the help either. This just makes me sad.
For the people that receive SSI, they will receive a Stimulus check. It is recommended that you go to the portal located on the site. There is an exception though if you are on SSI and someone else claimed you on their taxes you will not receive the Stimulus check.
Using that “portal” will cause an S.S.I. recipient to receive a paper check and it can take up to 5+ months to get one of those. S.S.I. recipients use Direct Express cards. They do not have access to their account numbers or their routing numbers. The Social Security Administration is working on fixing the situation and trying to make payments automatic for S.S.I. recipients so they won’t be forced to wait till possibly next YEAR to get their stimulus funds.
I posted this earlier. People need to pay attention.
If you only receive S.S.I., you will not receive your stimulus funds automatically. Why is that simple concept so damn hard for people to understand? If you people would read all the comments and the entire article and the links provided, you would all fully comprehend the situation. So for those of you who are to lazy to be bothered to read, here is a link that simplifies the explanation. Read this. Share this. Try to educate yourselves more. This is beginning to get more than a little pathetic. I realize people are stressed, but that is no excuse for laziness. Read the link. Actually read it.
James B.
Im on SSI. Using the portal WILL not make us get a paper check. It ask for your direct deposit info so they can put it in your bank. Stop spreading misinformation please.
This is a scary enough time as it is, be supportive and post only real information.
Stay safe healthy and 6 feet from everyone else.
James B.
You dont have to use your direct express card for the portal. You can use any prepaid debit card that gives you a routing number and account, you can use PayPal, you can use cash app. Just need the direct deposit and routing numbers.
Not every SSI gets a direct express card. I have never had one.
If I didnt have a bank account this is what my tax preparer friend told me to do.
It works because the treasury is sending the money not SSA.
John H.
I used my PayPal routing info on the portal, it went thru and my return was accepted. Expecting a deposit and day now! 🙂
James B.
The second half of your response is correct.
However using the portal for ssi will get your money faster. Not in the form of a check. A lot of people on SSDI use direct express as well.
If you dont have the direct express account and routing number, then use a prepaid debit card they come with account and routing numbers ( people direct deposit there pay check on them all the time)
Complete the portal and then be patient.
Doing nothing and waiting for the gubment to do anything will definitely ensure you get a good paper check 5 months from now.
Just my 2 cents.
Stop spreading disinformation, and try to be a little more understanding of other’s abilities . Be kind and survive.
Mandy O.
Hello! I am the Rep. Payee for my disabled child’s SSI. We live in Colorado so I also am paid by Medicaid to be his Home Health-care provider (CNA). Do i need to enter anything aside from my filing taxes even though i have no Federal or State tax taken out due to Medicaid paying me? SSA and the IRS both have my direct deposit information. Thank you very much!!
My bf claimed me as dependent I recieve both ssi n disability will I recieve payment yes or no?
No. Unfortunately if you were a dependent this years taxes they say you will not receive stimulas check.
Hi Lynn, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!
Patricia D.
this link says i should have had this stim check in my bank account today-but only my regular ss ck was deposited—not this stim 1200==THIS IS VERY CONFUSING AND DISCOURAGING–ALL THE MISINFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…AND this is typical. I waited till i was 70 and unable to walk from a car wreck before applying and was told my ck should have been alot more but they had to change their logarhythms to accomodate all the illegal aliens drain on the system–and they told me not to bother filing for disability because my ck would not be better and i probably would not be approved even though i can barely stand or walk. I have been self supporting since i was five years old–working to support myself so all this nonsense is very discouraging–as is all the other criminal scammers out there called banksters trying to steal my paid for house–all very discouraging to find out at my age that those who run things all seem criminally insane and at the other end are all the ENTITLED people who think they should not have to work for a living. CRAZY world.