COVID-19, General

Act Now – Go to – A Message from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul

April 20, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

Social Security beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who don’t file tax returns will start receiving their automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department soon. People receiving benefits who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes, and have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should immediately go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here section to provide their information. 

Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries with dependent children and who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes need to act by Wednesday, April 22, in order to receive additional payments for their eligible children quickly. SSI recipients need to take this action by later this month; a specific date will be available soon.

By taking this proactive step to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, their payment at this time will be $1,200. People would then be required to file a tax year 2020 tax return to obtain the additional $500 per eligible child.

I urge Social Security and SSI recipients with qualifying children who do not normally file taxes to take action now. Immediately go to so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for.

Action Needed for Social Security Beneficiaries with Dependents and Who Do Not File Tax Returns to Receive $500 Per Child Payment

People with Direct Express debit cards who enter information at the IRS’s website should complete all of the mandatory questions, but they may leave the bank account information section blank as Treasury already has their Direct Express information on file.

Additionally, any new beneficiaries since January 1, 2020, of either Social Security or SSI benefits, who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019, will also need to go to the IRS’s Non-Filers website to enter their information as they will not receive automatic payments from Treasury.

Click here to view the IRS press release about this important issue.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Liliana B.

    My husband and myself file taxes every year and we live in Nairobi, Kenya. He receives automatically his SS into a direct deposit.
    How do American setup a direct deposit with the IRS when living overseas in Nairobi, Kenya?
    thank you!

  2. Nightwind

    There is one thing for sure if your going to call people names your not as smart as you think you are all the people who call people names you act like 2 an 3 year olds grow up

    • yep

      Be a good cunt and fuck off. You silly fag.

    • harry

      ah what and ah woo and weep wop dop?

      Sniff shit and then take a lick, bitch.

  3. Two o.

    Gesus. Do I have to post this again?
    Who knows the answer to this one: How about SS recipients living abroad with children under 17 that already receive benefits. The non-fillers form doesn’t accept a non-US Address .

    • vick

      fuck you.

    • Mike

      Use a VPN app on your phone to mock your location and change it to usa, i do that alot for gaming and movies. Also they have those programs for Laptops to.

  4. Justin F.

    sleepaway camp II unhappy campers

  5. Twenty Q.

    I haven’t read anything for SS Recipients living overseas.
    Don’t kids under the age of 17 already receive SS Benefits because one of their parents do?

    Scenario: 65 yr old US Citizen living abroad is collecting SS benefits. He has two kids, both US Citizens, collecting as well. He doesn’t file tax forms because his annual income is below $14,000. Since they’re all ready in the system he shouldn’t have to fill out this NON-FILLERS FORM. Besides, the form doesn’t accept a non-US address.

  6. Christina P.

    J. Amaro
    on April 20, 2020 at 11:54 pm said:
    I have tried several times to put my son’s information to receive his $500 bucks. Don’t file tax and have custody of him. But there seems to be a problem that’s doesn’t allow me to complete form. Can u help please.

    Hi J Amaro, I think what you’re problem with completing the form and submit it on the final step is you can’t move that last page to hit the tab that submits it to IRS….. If that’s what it is here what you need to do. When you’re at that final step, in order to click the submit my form button, you must click on the three dots at top right of web page, then scroll down and change your viewing format to OFFICE VIEW, once you do that you will see the entire form and can then click and submit your form.. Many have had this issue and there are too many who just don’t know that it’s as easy to fix by just changing your phones web viewing format from mobile to office or PC view. Hope that helps.

  7. Carla D.

    I actually read today that we are getting our stimulus checks the same day/date you normally get your Social Security check deposited. For me that is tomorrow the 22nd so I will have to repost tonight after midnight to let you know. Which I will do. In the mean time, please be kind to one another. I’m making 3 masks tomorrow. Not much but at least it’s something, right? You want one? Making them out of Bandanas that belonged to my now deceased son from back in 2004. He’d love that he’s helping instead of shooting heroin into his body, which robbed him of his life. If you or someone you know needs help, call your local drug assistance programs or ER for help. We all care.

    • jess

      If we are getting it on our normal deposit dates then why don’t they just say that???

      I am sorry about your son. Thats a great idea.

    • greg m.

      did u get your deposit?

  8. goldberg, r.

    Not ALL of us will get a check this week.They will just begin them for us, or so it said on usatoday. And who knows how many of us will get the same glitches as the first group.

  9. penny r.

    we spent 110 on delivery this month. we dont have enough for another shopping. i am hungry 🙁

  10. Patrick

    You know it’s really sad that those of us who are Disabled, are being forced to endure so much heartache and misery. We are suffering just as the rest of the Country. All this flip,flopping on how, when, where and what we NEED TO DO, ORNO DO is really disgusting. Will OUR GOVERNMENT just do the right thing and send us the money that is supposed to be allowed per Congress…

    • Peter

      Dont you know trump administration dont care about people. like he shut down the government back when?? Cause he couldn’t get his funds for the wall. ! But did a president authority demand declaration, and TOOK FUNDS from va Department that was going to build upkeep building’s and more ! And we must know how much he dislikes people on ssi, ssdi , snap DTA , and we would have never gotten anything if weren’t for the Democratic whom put us in that pkg.for stimulus ! So now its called drag it out for us make us wait, .should be ready by 24′—30th of april but heck who knows !

      • Lil

        Honestly Prez Trump did not want to shut down the country. He was forced too by Dr. Faucci and Dr. Birks because they were way off saying it was going to be alot worse than it was. He didnt have to offer the money but he did. It came as a shock to him when HE WAS TOLD he had to shut down America. Your hearing wrong info if your listening to CNN. Believe me hes the first thst wants this country back open. Not being mean, just the facts and im 100 percent disabled and still waiting om my payment as well. It was the Treasury guy that made the order of the money. Trump had nothing to do with that

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