Guest Bloggers, Retirement

A Secure Retirement for All

October 6, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 6, 2016

perez-guest-blog-picHaving a secure retirement is an important pillar of strength for the middle class in America. Yet, it is unavailable to too many workers in our country. During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re acutely aware of the particular challenges faced by middle class Latinos in the workforce. Not only do Latinos face wage disparities, they’re also less likely to have access to retirement savings plans. Research shows that only about a third of Latino workers have access to a retirement plan through their employer, compared to more than half of African-American and white workers.

For this reason, the Obama Administration has worked to expand access to retirement savings opportunities for everyone. We recently finalized rules that will help more states create retirement programs for workers who don’t have access to a 401(k). Such programs are just one more way to make it easier for more workers to save for retirement.

It’s just as important to protect those hard-earned savings, and the Department of Labor has been active on that front as well. Earlier this year, we established new rules to ensure that the guidance you receive from a financial adviser about your retirement account is always in your best interest.

As important as individual savings may be, almost no one can save enough for a decades-long retirement alone. This entire administration has pushed to strengthen Social Security so that it fulfills the promise made to today’s retirees and workers looking forward to a financially secure retirement. Social Security is incredibly important to America’s workers and retirees, particularly Latinos, who may not have other retirement savings.

If you haven’t started saving, now is the time. Whether this is your first day on the job, or you’re approaching retirement, putting something away now will mean breathing a little easier in the future. The Labor Department, our colleagues at the Social Security Administration, and our sister federal agencies will keep working hard to strengthen existing programs and create new savings opportunities so that all workers can enjoy the dignified retirement they deserve.

About Thomas Perez, Secretary of Labor, U.S. Department of Labor

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  1. Martin S.

    Thank You, my dear EPA, I Love You.

    Ma 23.02, 13:06
    Coperta teza.pdf
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    Afișați-le pe toate (3 atașări (6 MO)) Descărcați tot Salvați tot în OneDrive – Personal
    Dear Laura , do you? Kiss you. Thank you for your inviting yourself and EPA , I love EPA very much because I copied many times from EPA website for my PhD thesis , which I can even show it to you, to see how beautiful it is … I really love my PhD thesis , I murder and I cry for my PhD thesis if It take me someone , look , it’s an attachment . Thank You.
    Dear Laura , I do a lot of pleasure talking to you because , frankly, I miss the Americans …. I went many years 10 to 15 years at the Church of Christ : Dale and his wife Imogene, American missionaries, were church leaders , I grew up with the Americans and now I miss and I miss them .
    Laura , I would sincerely like to talk to you … can you answer me if you want , I feel very good in the sense familiar , comfortable , because I know the Americans they are very warm, and I feel them exactly I feel like my own private house with my family , with my mother and father who died in 2013 and which I dream him almost in every day , last night , for example , I dreamed that I was looking for a double-decker bus tour of England, from the same red and with upstairs, and then I’m watching on a worksheet where they were by some digits, and someone said, “is very valuable”, ie it was about me, I am very valuable .
    Laura , please send “all the best” from me in the State of Florida Mr. and Mrs. Dina , Magda and family , Radu Dina and family , Dale , Imogene , Amanda , Albert , Caroline and everyone in the Church of Christ in Forida that he pup and I love them and that I miss , really, honest, and I would love it if you can get any personal email address Dale’s , or anyone else in the church .. Dale understands me very well, was very warm to each other , and he know me very well, but i do not insist because you can not manage to find them ….
    Thanks Laura for the invitation, for message, and for understanding , kisses , and I would like to tell me if you want, what do you think about my doctoral thesis , I kiss you and love you :

    Ileana Motoc , my address is : Street Vintila Mihailescu number 15 , block 60, scale 1 , 7th floor , apartment 48, sector 6 , Bucaresti , Romania , personal identification number 2721207460020 , card number I.D. RT , no. 479 332 , phone , cell phone 40,701,006,219 and my count is RO88UGBI0000172011856RON, Garanti Bank .

  2. Martin S.

    United Kingdom of Great Britain, Thank You, is officially your’s:

    L 29.02, 21:07
    How are you? Kiss you. Today February 29, 2016 would have been on the anniversary of my grandmother’s paternal Maria Motoc , but because he was born on February 29 , that is a leap year , she celebrates birthday on February 28th , and although I never dreamed her, we send a kiss from me and my dad, and from you.
    Today February 29, 2016 , so a leap year , United Kingdom of Great Britain officially consider all my emails official transcripts of U.K. of wiretaps and ambient audio : in conclusion, this official transcript United Kingdom belongs to you U.K. , not me.
    Today February 29, 2016 , so a leap year , I declare officially that I do not have official records of the United Kingdom of Great Britain of any kind .

    Transcripts of United Kingdom of Great Britain is, as follows :

    Please note this is a privacy extract from our private and unpublished Fiscal Treasury – March 2016. This is classified OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE. Please protect it carefully because is private, thank you.

    To i.m
    Jun 18, 2010

    — On Fri, 6/18/10, i.m wrote:

    Am primit pozele !

    El Abuelo Atomico

  3. Martin S.

    2 marzo 2016.

    Mi 02.03, 17:20

    Ciao diocesi , Pastore Carceraria , fare? Un bacio tutti ameranno .

    Mi piace ufficialmente di essere reverend in carcere per quelli qui sono in carcere , grazie .

    Caro Pastore Carceraria scorsa notte ho sognato di mio padre che ho pensato , il sogno era morto , ma quando ho pensato che fosse morto , lo vidi camminare verso di me e ho abbracciato , ma io capito che in realtà non vedono . E quando io ero a letto e stavo guardando il canale di film per la TV TV AMC , sembrava che tutti parlavano in film lingua tedesco ….

    E, oltre a questo, oggi mattina quando ho camminato fuori dalla confesionalul chiamato “WC private” o “Toillet” come vuoi dire, esattamente negli s.u.a. era qualcuno che voleva darmi un calcio in testa, lo vidi.

    Pastore Carceraria , un bacio e la menzione bacio ,

    Libya Motoc , Via Vintila Mihailescu numero 15 , il blocco 60 , ingresso 1 , 7 ° piano , appartamento 48 , sector 6 , Bucarest , Romania , CNP 2.721.207,46002 milioni . Il mio conto in banca è :RO88UGBI0000172011856RON, Garanti Bank : 300 $ / mese a partire 1 Aprile 2016 .

  4. Martin S.

    Draga DNA, ti-am trimis aici, si te rog sa o iei foarte serios, o copie de-a mea personala dupa succesiunea de la NOTARIATUL MEU PRIVAT SI PERSONAL, pentru ca sa o ai si tu in cazul in care eu voi muri, adica in cazul in care mie mi se intampla ceva, tu sa ai o copie dupa notariatul meu si sa ma inmormantezi catolic la suprafata pamantului si nu ingropata si sa imi faci o liturghie in limba italiana si germana, MULTUMESC, TE PUP SI TE IUBESC.
    Semnez ILEANA MOTOC, Strada Vintila Mihailescu numarul 15, bloc 60, scara 1, etaj 7, apartament 48, sector 6, Bucuresti, Romania, telefon acasa, telefon mobil 0701.006.219.

  5. Martin S.

    Romania TV face plangere penala, ce motive ai fa pizda mizerabila sa faci plangere?
    Eu nici macar nu ma uit la tine….eu nu am vazut nicio pizda, pizdele nu figureaza.


  6. Martin S.

    De-Mail offers a documented and confidential electronic communication system. Nobody can hide behind a false identity because only users with a verified identity can send and receive De-Mails. If you would like to send a De-Mail to the ILEANA MOTOC Office of the Federal Government, you will need your own De-Mail address, which you can obtain from certified De-Mail providers. You can contact the ILEANA MOTOC Office at the following De-Mail address: poststelle(at) . DANKE.

  7. Martin S.

    Christus ist auferstanden!

    Buna seara Germania, ce faci? Te pup si Te iubesc pentru ca fac parte din Partidul Verzilor din Germania, multumesc. M-am inscris oficial in Partidul Verzilor din Germania pe 6 iulie 2015, iti trimit aici semnatura lui Otto Weber ca sa poti aproba si tu la randul tau acolo in Germania, multumesc.
    Hallo Deutschland, Christus ist auferstanden , nicht wahr? Ich küsse dich und liebe dich, weil du ein Teil der Grünen Partei in Deutschland, dank sind . Ich die Grüne Partei trat offiziell in Deutschland am 6. Juli 2015 Ich habe hier Otto Weber Unterschrift Sie genehmigen und im Gegenzug Sie es in Deutschland , danke.

    Daca vrei sa-mi raspunzi vreodata cu email sau scrisoare, poti sa-mi trimiti daca vrei, nu ma supar….
    Wenn du mich jemals E-Mail oder Brief zu beantworten möchten, können Sie mich senden, wenn Sie wollen , ich habe nichts dagegen ……

    Kiss Me, Happy Easter !

  8. Martin S.

    Te pup Dimitri, ce faci?

    Astazi 25 martie 2016 eu am fost la o inmormantare toata ziua si m-am intors acum o ora.
    Draga Rusia, hai sa-ti spun ce am visat aseara: am visat ca eram cu fratele meu John cand eram noi mici, cam de 7-10 ani, cam asa, si, stateam unul langa altul pe o bancuta si eu l-am luat de dupa gat cu mana si l-am tras mai aproape de mine, spre umarul meu dar fara sa-i vad fata, doar capul, ca el este mai mic ca mine, si ma uitam in capul lui ca avea parul blond tuns scurt exact ca un oficial cu grade si parca avea si cateva fire albe spre margine, dar foarte putine, si apoi l-am intrebat: crezi ca o sa-ti placa femeile cand vei fi mai mare? si el mi-a raspuns frumos si politicos dar fara sa-i vad fata: “da….”

  9. Martin S.

    Te pup Anton, ce faci?

    Eu am fost la plimbare cu tramvaiul 41 si am coborat la piata moghioros unde am platit o “amenda” cu cardul bancar la “banca” numita megaimag si care trimite emailuri in numele unor banci secrete.

    Draga Anton, hai sa-ti spun ce am visat aseara: am visat-o pe cornelie mihail care a venit ca martor cu noi la notariat, si am visat ca m-am intalnit cu ea ca sa intram apoi amandoua intr-o banca cu bani, dar care NU era Garanti Bank unde avem noi conturi, unde ea s-a dus la un ghiseu si facea ceva cu niste hartii si eu o asteptam acolo in banca ca sa termine, apoi am iesit amandoua din banca si ea nu m-a asteptat sa mergem impreuna, ci a luat-o de nebuna mai repede ca si cum eu nu mai contam si am strigat dupa ea “Cornelie, Cornelie!” dar nu m-a auzit si am lasat-o in pace, si am vazut-o din spate cum mergea repede sa scape de mine si parca semana putin cu mama cand merge ea mai repede si nu ma asteapta si pe mine. Apoi m-am urcat singura intr-un mijloc de transport de unde vedeam niste tramvaie noi si apoi, tot acolo in mijlocul de transport, am inceput sa zbor, si apoi m-am dat jos si m-am ratacit pentru ca eu cautam ca punct de reper banca unde fusesem cu cornelia, si m-am trezit.

  10. Martin S.

    I Kiss You Anton, how are you?….I am ok…. thank you.

    Anton My dear, I just got a call from my loving England, look: 00442075366450.

    Happy Easter!

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