Guest Bloggers, Retirement

A Secure Retirement for All

October 6, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 6, 2016

perez-guest-blog-picHaving a secure retirement is an important pillar of strength for the middle class in America. Yet, it is unavailable to too many workers in our country. During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re acutely aware of the particular challenges faced by middle class Latinos in the workforce. Not only do Latinos face wage disparities, they’re also less likely to have access to retirement savings plans. Research shows that only about a third of Latino workers have access to a retirement plan through their employer, compared to more than half of African-American and white workers.

For this reason, the Obama Administration has worked to expand access to retirement savings opportunities for everyone. We recently finalized rules that will help more states create retirement programs for workers who don’t have access to a 401(k). Such programs are just one more way to make it easier for more workers to save for retirement.

It’s just as important to protect those hard-earned savings, and the Department of Labor has been active on that front as well. Earlier this year, we established new rules to ensure that the guidance you receive from a financial adviser about your retirement account is always in your best interest.

As important as individual savings may be, almost no one can save enough for a decades-long retirement alone. This entire administration has pushed to strengthen Social Security so that it fulfills the promise made to today’s retirees and workers looking forward to a financially secure retirement. Social Security is incredibly important to America’s workers and retirees, particularly Latinos, who may not have other retirement savings.

If you haven’t started saving, now is the time. Whether this is your first day on the job, or you’re approaching retirement, putting something away now will mean breathing a little easier in the future. The Labor Department, our colleagues at the Social Security Administration, and our sister federal agencies will keep working hard to strengthen existing programs and create new savings opportunities so that all workers can enjoy the dignified retirement they deserve.

About Thomas Perez, Secretary of Labor, U.S. Department of Labor

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    Buna ziua domnule profesor, ce mai faceti? Va pup.

    Nu am mai trecut demult pe la catedra dar stiu ca dvs nu va suparati…., eu sunt bine, multumesc, stau acasa din luna mai 2013 daniela radulescu m-a dat afara de la inhga, si acum stau acasa, nu am bani dar stau bine….ma trezesc cand vreau, ma plimb, imi iau inghetata, merg in mall, la cimitir pentru ca a “plecat dincolo” tatal meu, si, cam asta, in rest nimic nou, sunt sanatoasa, ok, si sincer, imi place ca stau acasa pentru ca imi pazesc casa bine, pentru ca de multe ori raman singura singura o luna, doua, cat timp este mama plecata la fratii mei in Anglia sau Franta pentru ca o mai cheama ei ca sa mai stea mama si cu ei la un relax …..acum, de exemplu, pe 18 oct mama pleaca la fratele meu din Anglia stabilit acolo, dar eu ma simt bine asa, pentru ca ma duc aproape zilnic la cimitir la tata….si stau acolo cu el ceva timp, nu plec chiar asa de repede de la el….

    V-am trimis aici, nu neaparat ca sa il verificati si sa il termin, ci pentru ca sa va aduc aminte, pentru ca asa e corect, ca am ramas cu articolul asta neterminat daca va aduceti aminte.., si, sa stiti ca vi l-am trimis exact asa cum a ramas la un moment dat in 2012, 2013, nu mai stiu, acum nici macar nu m-am uitat pe el, nu am avut chef.

    Domnule profesor, va dau numarul meu de celular ca sa il aveti, nu neaparat ca sa ma sunati, dar poate vreti sa-mi spuneti ceva important vreodata, si sa stiti ca eu nu pot sa va sun pe celular, dar v-as suna evident, pentru ca eu nu am celularul incarcat cu euro, si nici de pe fixul meu de acasa nu pot, pentru ca abonamentul upc internet telefon etc, este cu minute fara celular.

    0701.006.219 celularul meu fix acasa

    Ciao, Ileana.

    • YURI B.

      Re: ILEANA

      D 09.10, 19:40


      Multumesc pentru mesaj. Am impresia ca ti-ai gasit linistea dupa
      episoful INHGA si decesul tatalui tau.

      Nu mai imi amintesc nimic despre articol. Ce urma sa faci cu el ?

      O seara linistita,



    DG Migration and Home Affairs
    B-1049 BRUSSELS

    Cara Italia, ho fatto un piccolo studio e non mi riferisco alla mia tesi di dottorato, sul tema chiamato “Cybercrime”, perché è esattamente fare migliaia dei miei computer dalla Romania e si intepretezi come vuoi, tu, gratis mano.

    RO15UGBI0000172013900GBP GARANTI BANK, Large banknote only, thanks.

    Doctor inginer ILEANA MOTOC, strada Vintila Mihailescu numarul 15, bloc 60, scara 1, etaj 7, apartament 48, sector 6, Bucuresti, Romania, Uniunea Europeana.

  3. ILEANA M.

    Draga DNA te rog sa verifici si sa iei masuri deoarece nu sunt sigura ca imi ajung emailurile, si, mai ales, atasamentele aferente, la destinatie, si asta, din cauza outlook-ului romania care isi permite sa imi taie efectiv din atasamentele in limba germana din email si cateodata, in functie de interesele acestui outlook romania, care nu vad ce probleme ar avea cu emailul meu, imi raspunde chiar el – outlookul – prin adevarate scrisori cu subiect si predicat, asta e crima ce face outlookul.

    DNA te rog sa iei masuri si vezi de ce imi face mizeria outlook romania, nici nu stiu daca primesti emailurile mele draga DNA, FACI CUM CONSIDERI DAR SA FACI CEVA, MULTUMESC, ILEANA MOTOC.

  4. ILEANA M.

    Nelivrabil: ILEANA P. MOTOC verpflichtet, der Europäischen Union.
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  5. Tony S.

    Please help pass the Social Security Amendments of January 1, 2016 and Summer Solstice Instructions to the Board of Trustees of the OASDI Trust Funds and SSI Program

    • Tony S.

      Labor statute amendment pertaining to Disability and Independent Living Sec. 15 of the Social Security Amendments of January 1, 2016

      The National Institute for Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILR) was created by Section 433 of the Act to amend the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, as codified at 29USC762(a)(1).

      Under Sec. 15 of the Social Security Amendments of January 1, 2016 Disability and Independent Living (DIL) would supersede (1) all references to the NIDILR at the Administration on Community Living (ACL) website (2) in the caption of Title 29 US Section 762, (3) in 29USC762(a)(1) so there shall be established a ‘website for Disability and Independent Living’, (4) after Director, ‘who shall be a disabled person’ shall be inserted, so 29USC762(a)(1) would state –

      (a) Establishment; Director as principal officer
      (1) There is established within the Administration for Community Living of the Department of Health and Human Services a website for Disability and Independent Living (DIL) (referred to in this subchapter as the “Institute”), which shall be headed by a Director, who shall be a disabled person (hereinafter in this subchapter referred to as the “Director”), in order to—

      Be abolished under the Slavery Convention of 1926 and Nuremberg Code of 1949.

      Furthermore under 29USC762(d)(1)(e) shall be amended to delete ‘an’ and insert ‘a disabled’ before individual, so Appointment of Director shall be by the Secretary. The Director shall be a disabled individual with substantial knowledge of and experience in independent living, rehabilitation, and research administration. (e) Fellowships – Estate of my grandmother Carol Lifshin – Don’t settle for less than $150 a day from the Research Advisory Council under 29USC765(f)(1) for your independent counsel regarding the Secretary and Director in your campaign to be the disabled Director.

      • Tony S.

        US v. Burwell et al

        Jose Gilbert “Gil” Vega and Lesley Zerebny. They were the first Palm Springs police officers to die in the line of duty since 1962. Vega was a 35-year veteran who was due to retire in December and had chosen to work overtime on Saturday, Reyes said. Zerebny, 27, had just given birth to a baby girl four months ago. She had been with the department for a year and a half.

        Felix, 26, a known gang member, was captured alive around 12:50 a.m. Sunday morning, October10, 2016 after a standoff with police lasting 12 hours, according to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. He is accused of two counts of murder of a peace officer. Felix was previously sentenced to four years in prison for a 2009 attempted murder plot in which he confessed to assault with a firearm.

        This is what can be expected from citation of the Workforce Initiative Act. The term “force” offends the abolition of “forced labor” in the Slavery Convention of 1926 that extends to institutionalization of enforcement that is a reminder to armed law enforcement officers and slash and burn “forest labor” that should be redirected into planting the undergrowth with wild edible greenery. For instance the child refugees surge in 2014 seems to be the result of US International Trade Office

        While this sort of explosive behavior could easily be attributed to the Department of Labor based upon prior infringements of the ‘Workforce Initiative Act’, it is important to differentiate between the Labor Secretary who is doing great with 150,000 new mostly legal marijuana trim jobs, and HHS Secretary who has exhausted her civil case this administration Burwell v Hobby Lobby (2014), King et al v. Burwell (2015), Zubick v. Burwell (2016).

        Burwell, a peculiarly murderous Slavery Convention of 1926 offender in public health office, is on trial for use of the interstate commercial facility in the commission of murder for hire 18USC1958 in regards to (1) legal infringements of voter records subsequent to the California Democratic Primaries and Umqua Community College shooting in Oregon, (2) the interview with email CEOs around 2013 in the White House regarding the continuing murderous geolocating infringement of the AJAX Java applet on all email but basic gmail that instantly killed ‘Tony’ the choir singer, by gang home invasion, whose email could not be kept cc: (secret, email list), (3) Hillary Clinton’s honor killings – ie. all my grandmothers Cor Vis, Carol Lifshin, (4) the hacking of the HHS budget in brief and Health United States 2015, (5) the Eli Lillyization of the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers to keep Democratic deaths confidential (6) the 15.4% reduction in health care workforce accompanying the 15.9% increase in insured people that reduces estimates of Medicaid spending since 2014 to 2.5% annually and (7) the increase in deaths in the United States.

        So who wants to be Director of DIL?

  6. Tony S.

    Adjustment of the contribution and benefit base Section 230 of the Social Security Act 42USC(7)§430 >$250 billion tax haven for income >$118.500 (2016)

    Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 (Referred to Senate Committee after being Received from House) HR 4437 and the Border Security Act S. 2394 11 million undocumented

    Bush v, Gore (2000)

    Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990) Protocol on Communication (2014)

    Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (1961) naturalization for people born of foreign parents

    Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons (1954) normal priced identification documents, social security and work protection

    Failure to pay legal child support obligations 18USC§228

    Family and Medical Leave Act 1994 12 weeks annual unpaid leave

    Federal Minimum Wage 29USC§206

    Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features and information under 18USC§1028

    Holiday with Pay ILO Convention No. 132 (1970) 3 weeks paid sick leave.

    Maternity Protection ILO Convention No. 183 (2000) 14 weeks maternity leave

    Supplemental Security Income Program for the Aged, Blind and Disabled under Sec. 1611 of Title XVI of the Social Security Act 42USC§1382

    Withholding of income tax on the wages of nonresident aliens under 26USC(A)(3)(A)§1441

    Latinos probably gave away their retirement savings in remittances to their families abroad. Public welfare policies can interfere with private welfare and Latin remittances to family abroad are an unachievable inspiration for other people who quit paying when poverty related benefits are cut, quit paying the 12.4% OASDI tax when they earn $118,500 (2016) and quit paying at every other point of enrichment such as home ownership. If an employer doesn’t help with 401k retirement contributions, it is a simple matter of investing your savings in a retirement account or other account of an investment company such as Vanguard. Citizenship is a yes or no question, filing a 1040 is a fiduciary obligation of 1099 receivers.

    2016 US population estimates are disputed between the Census and Social Security Administration regarding a total population between 324 million and 330 million, respectively, a difference of 2 percent, The under age 18 population is between 74.1 million and 77.8 million, a difference of 5 percent. 74.9 million Baby Boomers were born 1946-64. Since state department lawyers in 2010 committed fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features and information under 18USC§1028 it has become increasingly difficult to impossible for poor people born, and in particular naturalized or at some state of immigration to get identification documents at normal price under the Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons (1954) and the US is suspected of denaturalizing children born in the US to foreign parents under Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (1961). Since the 1989 the annual estimate of about 4 million births is less than 4 million during Democratic administrations and more than 4 million during Republican administrations.

    The Clinton Administration robbed 10 million children of their Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) 1996-2000 and through the Social Security Amendments of 2000 appointed the Actuary who has never gotten right the OASDI tax rate, skewed statistics to lie to the American people about her state responsibility as First Lady for child welfare that was not uncovered until the recently thwarted attempt to rob disability insurance beneficiaries reported in the 2015 Annual Report on the Supplemental Security Program. As Secretary of State for the Uncle Omar Obama administration Hillary Clinton’s 2010 bribery, graft and conflict of interest with state department immigration lawyers persuaded millions of poor people, of all sexes, ages, countries of birth, naturalization, immigration and birth certificate status, to become stateless and not be counted, for their health and freedom.

    The Census must be driven to explain low US voter turnout, less the 66% quorum for a democracy, treats its stateless population that ultimately gets the right to vote in every re-election of the un-abolished Democratic-Republican (DR) two party system. Voter records are protected under the Constitution by Congress against jury summons and other legal infringements such as Bush v, Gore (2000). Birth is not a rational decision and despite the expense of child rearing, poor people are both more often stateless and have much higher birth rates than workers and the rich, and it is believed that the US has produced more than 4 million babies every year since 1989. Since the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990) Protocol on Communication (2014) the price of a hospital delivery drives uninsured and underinsured people to not deliver their baby in a hospital. Home-delivery is bursting out of the two-seat stroller. Birth certificates can be notarized and a social security card will be issued.

    The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 (Referred to Senate Committee after being Received from House) HR 4437 and the Border Security Act S. 2394 brought to light that there are an estimated 11 million undocumented aliens living in the United States but otherwise failed to address the issue of documenting these stateless non-criminal illegal aliens, denaturalized citizens and people born in the USA who cannot procure an identification document at normal price. The 2010 Census allowed for some illegal immigration but seems to be producing lower total population estimates than social security numbers. The non-decennial Census has gone so far as to create a abnormal population pyramid that does not account for three million poor or home-delivered children so the Baby Boomers would still seem to outnumber children under the age of 18. Children born in the USA to foreign parents are naturalized US citizens under the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (1961). It may need to be done after the fact by SSA during Democratic administrations since 1994. Social security card numbers are more popular than the Census, National Center for Health Statistics and other birth surveys, or voter records for that matter, because social security benefits and employment are protected by the Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons (1954) by withholding of income tax on the wages of nonresident aliens under 26USC(A)(3)(A)§1441.

    In 2015, one quarter of all children in the United States had a parent who was foreign born. In contrast, about 71 percent of all children were native born and had native- born parents. Among native-born children with at least one foreign-born parent, the majority were Hispanic in 2015, a pattern that reflects the rise of immigration from Latin America over the past few decades. In contrast, among native-born children with native-born parents, the majority were White, non-Hispanic in 2015. A growing share of immigrants are coming from Asia as well as Latin America. In 2015, Asians made up just 1 percent of native- born children with native-born parents, but they made up a far larger proportion of the children whose parents were foreign born. Asians made up 16 percent of native-born children with a foreign-born parent and 23 percent of foreign-born children with a foreign-born parent. In 2014, hispanic children were more likely to be uninsured (10 percent) than White non-Hispanic and black, non-Hispanic children (4 percent each). Approximately two-thirds of foreign-born women with a birth in the past year were not citizens of the United States (14.5 percent of all women with a birth in the 12 months prior to the survey). Overall, foreign-born women had birth rates of 68 births per 1,000 women, 17 births per 1,000 higher than that of native-born women (51 births per 1,000 women). More than half (52 percent) of the births to women of Hispanic descent were to women who were native-born citizens, while another 9 percent of the births to Hispanic women were to women who were naturalized citizens.

    Having children is expensive. Working 40 hours a week in 2016 at the $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage earns a pre-tax income of only $290 a week, $1,160 a month, $13,920 a year, not enough for a $16,,020 spouse or $21,160 first child and $4,160 each additional child. Two parents working for 60 hours a week for the minimum wage could earn $435 a week, $1,740 a month, $20,888 a year, not quite enough for child, Working 80 hours a week a couple insured for maternity leave and child care could earn $580 a week, $2,320 a month, $27,840 a year, enough for two children. Annually the poverty line for one is $11,880, for two $16,020, for three, $20,160, for four $24,300 and $4,160 for each additional child. In summary each child costs about $80 a week, $347 a month, $4,160 a year. A major reason for the increase in child poverty is that the Federal Minimum Wage has not been increased since the large increase of 2008 precipitated the Great Recession. To avoid triggering more layoffs with unreasonably large federal minimum wage increases limited labor budgets cannot afford it is necessary that Congress legislate an automatic minimum wage increase of not more or less than 3% annual growth, beginning immediately. Managerial and professional wages are expected to grow around 2.5%. Welfare programs, food stamps, TANF, etc., should budget for a 3% raise to stay ahead of average inflation, plus beneficiary population growth of 1%, 104% of previous year spending. Provided that the 100% of poverty line rate increases at the 2.7% rate of consumer price index (CPI) inflation predicted a 3% annual increase in federal minimum wage and welfare benefits should reduce income inequality. Rounded to the nearest nice nickel $7.25 an hour in 2016 needs to be amended to $7.50 in 2017, to $7.75 in 2018 and 8.00 in 2019 etc.’ in one final sentence at 29USC§206(a)(1)(D).

    To create an effective system of social insurance for working class families it is highly recommended to amend Unemployment Compensation Demonstration Projects to ‘Maternity leave’ under Section 305 of the Social Security Act 42USC§505 as follows

    (a) To expedite the reemployment of individuals who have established a benefit year to claim unemployment compensation under the State law the Secretary of Labor shall fulfill the 14 months of paid leave authorized for Maternity Leave by International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No. 183 (2000).

    (1) The Family and Medical Leave Act shall be repealed except in that workers’s positions who have served their benefit year, shall continue to be entitled to up to twelve weeks of (unpaid) sick leave, 14 weeks of maternity leave and 24 weeks to care for an injured armed service-member.
    (2) Employers shall provide at least 3 weeks of paid leave annually to uphold the Holiday with Pay ILO Convention No. 132 (1970).
    (b) On production of a medical certificate, stating the presumed date of childbirth, a woman shall be entitled to a period of maternity leave of not less than 14 weeks. Cash benefits shall be provided at a level which ensures that the woman can maintain herself and her child in proper conditions of health and with a suitable standard of living.
    (1) Where a woman does not meet the conditions to qualify for cash benefits under national laws and regulations or in any other manner consistent with national practice, she shall be entitled to adequate benefits out of social assistance funds, subject to the means test required for eligibility for such assistance, from the Supplemental Security Income Program for the Aged, Blind and Disabled under Sec. 1611 of Title XVI of the Social Security Act 42USC§1382.
    (2) Medical benefits shall be provided for the woman and her child. Medical benefits shall include prenatal, childbirth and postnatal care, as well as hospitalization care when necessary.

    Since the Committee the Rights of the Child (1990) Protocol on Communication (2014) got the obstetric bill, estimates on the number of poor children growing up in the United States have risen from 16 million to as high as 24 million, 20.8% and 31.2% of the 77 million Social Security Area child population respectively. From a more or less uniform poverty rate of 15% in 1996 child poverty has increased to 20-33% while poverty among working age adults is reported to have declined to 10% and for elders to 9% not including medical bills that drive elder poverty to 15%. 16 to 24 million children in the United States – 22 – 33 percent of all children – live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level – $23,550 a year for a family of four. Research shows that, on average, families need an income of about twice that level to cover basic expenses. Using this standard, 45 percent of children live in low-income families. From 2006 to 2011 the percentage of children living below the official poverty line increased from 18% to 22%, and when the “near poor” are included, the percentage has changed from 40% to 45% – almost half – of all children in the Untied States under the age of 18. The statistics are even worse for younger children: 49% of children under 3 years of age and 48% of those between 3 and 5 years of age are currently living in poor or near poor households.

    The United States must tax the rich the full 12.4% Old Age Survivor Disability Insurance (OASDI) tax on all their income to end poverty by 2020 beginning with 16-24 million child Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits by repealing the Adjustment of the contribution and benefit base Section 230 of the Social Security Act 42USC(7)§430 >$250 billion tax haven. There is no other way for the United States to pay legal child support obligations under 18USC§228(b) and stop depriving children of their relief benefits under §246 for anyone but orphans. The Congress and President are corporately fined $500,000 for tax evasion on October 1, 2016, again on January 1, 2017 and every tax quarter thereafter they have not only defeated a $20 billion fiscal year 2017 surplus but have evaded payment to all the poor children growing up in the United States. Expanding child SSI seems to be the most efficient way to end poverty that runs from 21 to 33 percent for families with children, 10 percent for working age adults and 9 percent for retirees. The elderly complain of 15.9 percent medical impoverishment rate with the Elderly CPI, slightly higher than the average 15.1% rate of poverty. Children must be re-defined as disabled workers with orphan as a qualifying disability for the SSI and SSDI programs, for the already necessary 2.2% Disability Insurance tax rate – 2.4% DI 10.0% OASI in 2017) and 2.2% DI 10.2% OASI in 2018 and thereafter in the intermediate term.


    • Susan i.

      I read every word of your lengthy comments, but I don’t know what you’re trying to prove. Filled with lots of statistics, but to what end? Can you boil it down for us?

      • Tony S.

        Rounded to the nearest nice nickel $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage in 2016 since the Great Recession needs to be amended to $7.50 in 2017, to $7.75 in 2018 and 8.00 in 2019 and 3% every year thereafter.’ in one final sentence at 29USC§206(a)(1)(D).

  7. ken

    Social Security has been successful in helping people stay out of poverty since 1937 and it’s unfortunate that its political death to adjust it for the current times where the number of contributors to retirement benefits takers ratio has changed. I agree with the earlier writer to remove the cap (118k) for contributing and I also think someone needs the guts to make a slight adjustment to the Benefit Rate Index to ensure it will be able to fund us when we retire. The people will be totally against any type of SSA increase, but it’s those same people that will need it to be adjusted to continue. And by the way, the time to adjust is now, before its too late to make a difference.

  8. Margie G.

    I’ve been at my job for almost 41 years.Ihave had other jobs also.During my younger years, my Father and I both worked at the same plant.We both worked five days a week, my Father more sometimes six days a week. He also worked more than eight hours a day. At any rate we both would go work in the fields on our days off to assist my Mother and siblings.No social security for farm workers and families.But I am thankful for a job though it drives me crazy at times.Forty one years let’s hope I get social security when I retire in about three more years

  9. ata

    The Headline as usual misrepresents the facts. This blog has become a propaganda tool . SS was never meant to be a secure retirement for all. It was designed to supplement a person’s retirement income. Only those who have jobs with an income high enough can afford to save anything. Too many workers live from pay check to paycheck. Non whites with lower wages are the most affected. For Obama to correct this he would have to be concerned with creating sufficient jobs that would keep pace with Americans entering the job market. Instead he floods the country with immigrants who compete with Americans and drives down wages. His open border policies further encourages illegals coming into this country putting a drain on our scarce resources and heading the country into bankruptcy. Once that happens no one “will get a check”. Scary thought, eh?

    • Ronetta

      Good thinking.I agree.

  10. RoMa

    I have always worked and marched and written letters and voted and been caring and supportive of people less fortunate than me and people of color my whole long life – I am my sisters’ keeper. But your article worried me. I can barely make it through the month this year with the price of everything going up so much, and we didn’t even get a SS raise. So when you say you will make sure Latinos will Get SS, I am worried. For one thing you didn’t say who you were talking about, citizens or illegals. How can you give money to people who haven’t paid into SS when you don’t have enough money in it to pay those of us who are on it now and contributed to it all our lives?

    • jackl

      RoMa – Great comment!

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