COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Steven

    I was wondering the same as everyone else but after readin all this b.s. an still no clear answer. Shit I need a chec how hard is it to answer one thing….anybody with any info please let me kno. Could care less about any other answer or remarks

  2. Marcella M.

    Just got on social security last year and haven’t filed taxes yet

  3. Lance B.

    Will disabled and elderly on SS receive a stimulus check?

  4. Tabatha W.

    Until it’s passed NOBODY can answer this with ?% accuracy! However, from all REPUTABLE RESOURCES, the answer is that they are going to EVERY AMERICAN that makes LESS than a certain amount. They are working out the details and arguing the same points themselves right now as to WHO AND HOW MUCH will be given. This is about the ECONOMY and they know that by giving this money to people with lower to no income that it will be spent and put right back in. They realize that people on Social security and everyone else have had expenses that they normally wouldn’t have incurred and that is the point of the stimulus. The proposal they are trying for is $1200 per single, $2400 per couple, $500 per child and $600 for those with SSI/SSDI and such. Most importantly though, until it’s passed and FINALLY decided, no one can answer this question and there people out there trying to scare and scam people, so please BE SAFE, Research from REPUTABLE RESOURCES and .GOV websites that are FACTUAL and RELAX because no matter what happens all you can do is accept it and deal with whatever happens, so getting upset isn’t gonna do anything but hurt yourselves. Just think POSITIVE AND PRAY FOR EVERYONE ??? ?

    • wlchapman

      Here’s the draft:

      I found nothing in there to suggest those on disability have been thought of yet.

      Long document, though. Maybe I missed it.

    • Aw

      Thank you for your post, you are competing right on everything you said!!!! Instead of everyone complaining about each others income and who gets what or what we all receive let’s just all pray everyone is included and not left out. Also there are people that have no income period and waiting to get a decision on there disibility these people wont get a dime. All of the American people need fo stick together in this time of need help one another if were able.

  5. lol

    I work and file taxes. Haha suckas.

    • wlchapman

      And you came on the Social Security website to boast about that to people who are unsure if they will be included?

      Yeah, you’re a picture-perfect painting of the scum that most Americans have become.

      Some people . . . .

      • Dave

        I have polio and in a wheel chair am I scum bag ?

        • Afriendcalledfive

          This heckler is absolute trash. Ignore him.

    • replyingtomessedup

      You’re going to come on the Social Security website where hurting people who are disabled are concerned if they will be included in the stimulus package to boast about yourself?

      That wasn’t called for.

      Only thinking about yourself, then boasting to others, and even demeaning them?

      What a joke of a person. . . .

    • wlchapman

      I noticed you didn’t use your real name.

      I wouldn’t either after that kind of display.


      Some people . . .

      • Ryan L.

        Joke of a person? The joke is on you, who will not see a penny of the stimulus check.

        Must be lovely, to not have to work.

        Now get your ass back on the porch, you clearly can’t hang with the big boys
        Some people….

        • nick

          To put it to rest, people on ssdi and ssi WILL get a stimulus …. the min is at $600. Most will get the min. but a few will get more. I would be expecting the Min amount which is still a blessing. It is explained in a Washington Post article if youd like to search it up but someone else here posted the link I think. Sorry Grumpy but the seniors WILL be getting check too as they should 🙂 All are affected by this not just people who can work.

        • Kimberly P.

          To Ryan Leroi…Go FUCK yourself, you dumbass scumbag…Walk a mile in my shoes asshole, I am on disability for CROHN’S DISEASE…Being the idiot & dumbass that you are, you probably do not know what that is, well google it…To put it bluntly I am sick & have constant diarrhea…Try that out for a day…Then add to the surgeries I have had to remove large amounts of intestines…Which adds to the diarrhea & overall sickness…Oh did I mention the constant pain…You have no idea what I suffer with…And I really don’t think you would be able to handle what I handle with dignity & toughness like I do…So bring your ass off the porch because I am confident I could take you out, no problem…Anytime, any place..

          • Ryan L.

            Kim, seeing how you have the constant runs, I very much doubt you could make it out of the bathroom, nevermind off the porch. Have fun with your “Crohns”. Scammer.

  6. Bill

    You people act like a decision has been made allready,no one knows yet what will be sent out.the house hasn’t even Approved it may not get a dime.

  7. NEWS.

    everyone will receive a check. TRUMP SAID EVERY AMERICAN. SO BE IT.

    • wlchapman

      And Trump controls the money coffers, how?

      • chefkb

        department of redundancy department

    • We t.

      Every tax paying american

  8. Tenley

    Excuse me. 2018 tax return. Not 2019.

  9. Michelle M.

    And a big fuck you all, you get NOTHING

    • John H.

      Did u forget something???

  10. Eric

    I’m a permanent resident, will l get this check too ?

    • Michelle M.


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