COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Karyn B.

    I have a question, If the stimulus that passed the senate goes through, will it also be paid out to ssi and ssdi beneficiaries or no? Also if it is given to the people on disability will it affect our monthly checks. Also if we do receive it how will it be dispersed to us? on our checks or as a separate payment.

    • Jason L.


    • CG

      1. yes you will get it. 2. no it wont affect your check. 3. it will be given to you the same way your check is given now direct deposit or paper in mail.

      • anyone o.

        Am i correct in assuming if SSI $ is deposited via direct deposit the stimulus $ will get there quicker than non direct deposit SSI $? Is the stimulus $ automatically deposited? Nothing else needs to be done? no forms to fill out? Theres a lot of misinformation on it….THX!

        • CG

          You are correct,

  2. Mine

    The legislation passed by the Senate will use 2019 tax returns, if available, or 2018 tax returns to assess income for determining how much direct financial aid individuals receive. Those who did not file tax returns can use a Form SSA-1099, Social Security Benefit Statement or Form RRB-1099, a Social Security Equivalent Benefit Statement, per Page 149 of the bill.

  3. It’s M.

    The legislation passed by the Senate will use 2019 tax returns, if available, or 2018 tax returns to assess income for determining how much direct financial aid individuals receive. Those who did not file tax returns can use a Form SSA-1099, Social Security Benefit Statement or Form RRB-1099, a Social Security Equivalent Benefit Statement, per Page 149 of the bill.

  4. Barbie

    Some of the people who responded on here are just hateful. Why would you speak to another person like that instead of using the platform provided to get informative updates? Thanks to the people who used it to share and pass information, instead of calling people vulgar names.

    • Sandra P.

      agreed. best of luck to you Barbie.

  5. Robert W.

    Apparently I don’t qualify to receive a stimulus check. I am a single, divorced male, 65yo, and suffer from several medical and psychological conditions, including PTSD. I recently started collecting social security ($767 a month) and I struggle just to keep a roof over my head. I feel certain I am not alone in this situation, as the poor, disadvantaged, elderly, weak, and ill, mostly people of color in our country have always taken it in the shorts. Why are those of us at the bottom of the food chain left out? Are we somehow less deserving of government assistance?!!

    • CG

      No you should receive the stimulus check along with the rest of us. As far as I understand it. “What about retired folks? Retired seniors are eligible.

      What about those on government benefits? And those with no income? Yes, eligible folks include those with no income, as well as those whose income comes entirely from non-taxable means-tested benefit programs, such as SSI benefits.”

    • Railfan4Trains

      Yes, you WILL get a check. Anyone on any form of Social Security WILL receive this stimulus check.

  6. BethY

    Hi Keri, try looking for your local Community Legal Aid; they’re often able to get answers and results in getting benefits like Medicaid approved. You can also contact your state and/or federal government representatives offices who will help with delayed access to benefits. In the mean time you can ask your doctors office about prescription assistance programs that the pharma companies have for the meds you take. Your local United Way agency may also be able to help you find assistance in getting your meds. Hope some of the info is helpful, it’s not an easy road we’re on in life!

    • Kari

      Hey Bethy,thank you so much for all the usefull information. Stay safe and God Bless.

  7. Dan

    Relax folks worry more about the virus (health is everything) then the checks if you on Social Security Income or Welfare is your only source of income then you will not receive the check sorry. Social Security Disability and Retires even your income was to low to file income tax yes you will get $1,200.00 this is for individuals only / if your married and with children or mixed income I don’t know as what you receive quote if anyone make $99,000.00 a year no check again…

    • CG

      Stop with the lies. “What about retired folks? Retired seniors are eligible.

      What about those on government benefits? And those with no income? Yes, eligible folks include those with no income, as well as those whose income comes entirely from non-taxable means-tested benefit programs, such as SSI benefits.”

      “The bill makes clear that everyone is eligible except for nonresident aliens and those who can be used as the basis for deductions for another person.

      “Seniors, veterans, the unemployed and low-income Americans would be eligible too,” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said Wednesday.

      The bill text indicates those who receive social security can collect checks: For those not required to file 2018 or 2019 tax returns because of social security benefits, tax returns aren’t required to claim the money — the government can use information from a Form SSA-1099, Social Security Benefit Statement, or Form RRB-1099, Social Security Equivalent Benefit Statement.”

      From 2 different news sites.

      • Fay P.

        Dan you have no idea what you are talking about. We all know everyone is getting a check. Thanks CG for keeping everyone informed like that.

        • CG

          No problem Fay. I can’t stand bullies. And those who live to torment others. This world is dark enough with all that is going on. I do my best to help others stay Informed and point out those who want to lie and torment someone.

          • C

            “I can’t stand bullies. And those who live to torment others.” CG, thank you for having compassion and empathy for others. I’ve scrolled through here, have not read all the comments but have seen enough to shake my head at the ugly, nasty comments some have directed at others. Unbelievable…

    • Railfan4Trains

      I have been keeping up with this on numerous fronts, from the “fake news” folks to those that are telling it how it is.

      And now the truth is:
      Folks on SSDI or SSI WILL get the stimulus check. However, SS has a maximum limit of $3,000 in anyone’s bank account. So if you’re married and you are both on SSDI or SSI, you will get it, BUT, if it goes over that $3,000 maximum bank account rule, the difference WILL BE SPLIT into separate payments to keep your monthly account under $3,000.

      And the limit is set at $1,200 for each adult, $500 for each child under the age of 16 LIVING with you or you are the LEGAL GUARDiAN of.

      So folks need to quit fuming over this, it’s done, it has been voted on, it passed and now we’re just waiting for the President to sign it so those checks can get out to folks or be direct deposited.

      I don’t file taxes, haven’t since 2010, and even though the IRS is handling the payouts, they will, from my reading of everything I’ve been going through, be using Social Security records for those that may not have tax records on hand, so that those on SSDI, SSI or Regular Social Security can Direct Deposit the stimulus into your account.

      As for SSI folks being called bums or free-loaders, better look again, my wife is on SSI, hers IS based partially on my SSDI and mostly on HER EARNINGS when she was able to work. And it took her over 7+ years to even get it. You just don’t go on this, it takes time and a lot of visits to Social Security Health Care facilities, among other things before you can even qualify for SSDI or SSI. It IS NOT es easy to get on as so many here may think.

      I have an uncle says I’m living on HIS TAX dollars because I am on SSDI, sorry, but that it COMPLETELY and TOTALLY INCORRECT. What I get on my SSDI is from all the money I put into as I worked, and I started working at 15 years old in fast foods, and became permanently disabled in 2010, when I started getting SSDI. But I had to jump through many hoops, letters and even turn downs from prospective employers stating that they could not, or would not hire me with the medical issues I have. Believe me, this IS NOT as easy as some of you people think that are doing the name calling and being rude to those because they are on it. Learn to find the facts and read, then ask questions, not come out calling names of something you apparently have not a clue about how or what goes on to even get qualified for this, along with the WAIT TIME of having NO PAY and NO JOB while trying to get on it. It’s no fun and it is definitely no picnic either.

      • Dave s.

        Here here AMEN I am not a deadbat I worked from 1978 to 2013 in 2007 a work injury nearly tore my foot off and i worked part time from 2008-2013 but cant do anymore that and i’m still trying to qualify its hard to get. rejection letters adjudication hearings .

        My wife worked for decades too but a spinal injury ruined her career she is on ssi so before those of you who don’t know us from Adam get judgmental , remember bad things can happen and we did not choose to be in our situation.

        I worked full time for decades and paid my share of taxes.
        I was a skilled laborer who got injured due to someone else’s bad planning .

      • C

        Railfan4Trains, so sorry you feel as if you owe ANYONE an explanation regarding your personal business. Those who were/are being abusive are just miserable beings and want to make others feel bad. Your life is none of their business, period. People nowadays are just horrible and perhaps one day they will see how they treat others and make a change before it’s too late. I wish you and yours all the best…

        • Cindy T.


      • Cynthia

        There’s no need to have explain to anyone. Bullies don’t deserve explanations. As for anyone thinking they have the right to call people who are on ssi,ssdi,retirement or whatever bums and freeloaders is disgusting and sickening. But apparently it’s one of the ways for them to feel good about themselves, to attempt to bring or put others down. Way to go jerks, the amazing ways to speak to or about those that may already be feeling down enough already for what they just aren’t capable of doing anymore, or maybe never were capable of doing. Both my parents worked their a**es off for as long as they possibly could, we were never rich but we sure didn’t go without what we needed. My mother, God rest her soul, worked up until a tragic car accident left her a quadriplegic, she spent the last 28 years of her life in a wheelchair paralyzed from the chest down, a God fearing woman who did more good from that wheelchair than most people who are more physically capable. Yes she received disability. And even in her condition she had fight to get it. She never was a bum nor a freeloader. My father who is now 67 and has heart disease, diabetes, and has fought through cancer, has had to go on early retirement, which took him quiet awhile to get. He can’t do things like he used to but he still tries to do what he can, and sometimes he over does it. He is not a bum nor a freeloader either. He’s a very strong willed and proud man, so don’t think he absolutely enjoys not being able to do all the things that he used to do. Should we all not be more uplifting, supportive,encouraging and understanding? Why attempt to make people feel like crap? People who would most likely give anything to be as able as some others. Both my parents worked and payed for what they received. And there are some that weren’t able to do that but I’m certain they would love to have been able to. It’s not an easy task for people to be approved for ssi or ssdi, it’s a battle, and they deserve to get what they receive. Actually they deserve more.

      • Bertha B.

        I would truly like to know where some of you are getting your info from. I’m on SSI, I’m disabled and I didn’t have enough points to draw regular SS. I agree that some people on SSI may be lazy people and don’t deserve it. But some do. I had to work at cleaning houses for a living until I got to where I couldn’t do it any more. It took me 4yrs to be able to get my disability. I had to literally do my on foot work to finally be qualified. I had to get all my doctors different records. My lung specilist told me they had never even contacted her. She faxed it in to them while I was in her office. She was furious and very upset about it. She was the one who helped the most. In getting approved. So are you guys saying I don’t deserve help.
        One other thing, where in the HELL are you getting that. SSI is getting an extra $200 a month. I sure as hell am not.

  8. harry

    It could take a couple months to get it? haha how stupid. all this craziness for a check…………. maybe……….. in 2 months. woohoo. bye

  9. George

    Everett if you have an issue with the blog, leave. People can talk as much as they wish. No one is forcing you to be here.

    Who on earth said they worked under the table on SSI? HAHAHAHA you asshole. You are not allowed, and don’t think for a moment the ssa cannot find you behind that screen.

  10. Brian

    Try watching this.

    • American C.

      You posted a youtube video by Devin Carroll a financial management planner.

      He seems to oversimplify stating that everyone is getting a check?

      $1200 for every individual: retired social security, disabled social security beneficiaries, and those on SSI?

      This based on your 2019 tax returns and if you haven’t filed it defaults to your 2018. And you haven’t filed or your income was too low to file, the government will find out your address and mail it to you.

      Really is this guy telling the truth? If he’s a financial management planner/consultant, if he’s bs’ing it doesn’t say much for his integrity or competence.

      He even posts the final draft of the bill you can download but I wasn’t subscribed to that download page so I couldn’t download it. I suppose he read it and that’s what his explaination is based on.

      Anyone else have thoughts on this?

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