COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Big w.

    Attention ! Alert folks on disability & retirement,i cant believe what they just did,both dems & republicans threw u under the bus u just dont see it yet.what there planing to do is CUT ur benifits by 23% to pay for the payroll part of the stimulus package.not only are they ignoring you for this stimulus but you will pay the price soon for this bail out not now but give them some time folks .Time to vote for a new party that represents everyone! Republicans & dems dont are not for the people anymore.

    • Irritated

      Oh we’re already not getting an increase come 2021. WE will pay for this not these fkers who are getting the money!!!

    • kendra

      I knew they would cut our benefits, where else would the money come from. Thats why I actually agree with trump. It is time for this country to get back in action. Otherwise what we will have is not only a virus problem, a serious serious homeless problem. Well, life was nice, but I am pretty sure it will end for me rather soon. At this point, I don’t even care if I die.

      • FT. B.

        kendra …DONT SAY THAT…we will all get thru this .

      • Lisa

        I read the bill and you will get 1200 and it cannot be considered income and go against any help you are already receiving. Such as food benifits or medicare cost share help. You do not have to file taxes to get it.. It will be deposited into the account on file.
        This is the real truth. I wish people would stop spreading fake news

    • Sandra P.

      No Link? No additional anxiety.

  2. wayne p.

    to simplify:
    ssi gets nothing. ssdi gets nothing and people that are retired and (not working) get nothing. bottom line, u have yo be employed or collecting unemployment to get it.

  3. Just M.

    Had the House bill passed we (on SSI) would have gotten something. So lets see if it was included once it’s all said and done.

    The GOP proposal limits initial payments of the tax rebate to those who have filed tax returns or have received Social Security benefits. This House Democratic bill would make payments right away to other groups, such as low-income elderly and disabled individuals who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and immigrants filing with ITINs.

  4. Kevin007

    Ok I’m a little confused I’m on SSDI because of a learning disability had it my whole life. I’ve been reading and hearing mixed things some are saying everyone will get something while others like those on SSI/SSDI will not?

    • Just M.

      SSI is not getting anything, at least not this round. Maybe if there is another round but don’t hold your breath.

    • Wfl

      . To get the money to people who don’t usually file tax returns, it might have to request that information from the Social Security Administration or Veterans Affairs

  5. Daniel d.

    Do 100% disabled combat veterans get the payout of $1,200 + the $1,200 for his Wife, if they did not file Taxes?

    • Just M.

      I think from what I’ve read it depends.. but I’m clueless. My husband filed an income tax last year, but I’m on SSI so do I get it also because we filed joint? No idea.

  6. Just M.

    What if I don’t qualify to get a stimulus check? What if I’m left out?

    Experts believe there will be more stimulus packages in the future, and those may address people who were left out of this one.

    Here is the link….

    • Fay P.

      appreciate the link but I don’t believe it. Trump wants this country going within a few weeks. They are not about to do anymore packages, they didn’t even want to do the first one. What really angers me to no end is that we could have really used the additional income, even if it were just a few months, for necessary supplies, deliveries, transportation and so forth. Without it, we could put our lives in jeopardy by catching this virus. But instead, they give money to the people that are employed? A life line? What about the people that’s job is not in jeopardy? What, do they just save it for a nice vacation when things are opened for business again? God please forgive me, but I am not going to feel sorry if us older and poor folks start getting this virus and accidentally spread it because we have no real ability to afford deliveries and extra cleaning products that have tripled in price.

      • Just M.

        I don’t believe there will be another round either. We’re going to be left out just like in 08. Whatever…. Like I said on my FB I’m used to struggling so life goes on as normal.

        • jackie

          o well. I will resume my life as normal and if I catch it and spread it because I cannot afford to stay home, so be it. There is nothing I can do. They could have at least given us an xtra hundred to compensate the food deliveries.

  7. Gunslinger67

    That CNN article mentions only low income folks . . . . nothing about SS or SSDI is mentioned at all

    • We w.

      They are low income folks lol

    • Wfl

      . To get the money to people who don’t usually file tax returns, it might have to request that information from the Social Security Administration or Veterans Affairs

  8. Jane

    This is what I just read and here’s the link for the whole story…
    It was from 2 days ago…
    If things change…..

    For Those On Social Security or SSDI
    For those on Social Security as part of retirement or through the Social Security Disability Insurance program can have their Social Security Administration data used directly to claim the stimulus check – no tax return will be required.
    For Those On SSI
    However, beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income, which often benefits old or disabled people in poverty, are not included in the current version of the bill.

    • Gunslinger67

      Yeah, that CNN article doesnt specifically mention ANYTHING about SS , SSI , nor SSDI.
      Closest I see is :
      “…..There are provisions in the bill to include those who don’t earn enough to file returns, but some people may be missed, said Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow at the center.
      Under the legislation being negotiated, lower- and middle-income Americans would receive just over two-thirds of the benefits, Gleckman said. An earlier version of the bill would have given lower-income households less or no assistance…..”
      Read it here

      • Daniel d.

        I am a 100% disabled Combat American Veteran. Will I get the $1,200 dollar payout from my Great USA Government; along with my Spouse getting her $1,200 check? We hope so! Semper Fi !!

        • Supperdodo

          Brother check with the va office , on this? i can assume you will get it, from info of the house bill, you n your wife will get it, total of 2,400.00 thats together ok. !

      • Jane

        In my post above I copied what it said about SSi and ssd

        Once again… since you prob didn’t read… this is what it said about SSI and SSD

        For Those On Social Security or SSDI

        For those on Social Security

        as part of retirement or through the Social Security Disability Insurance program can have their Social Security Administration data used directly to claim the stimulus check – no tax return will be required.

        For Those On SSI

        However, beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income, which often benefits old or disabled people in poverty, are not included in the current version of the bill.

    • Hmm

      2 days ago is pretty irrelevant since things have changed

  9. Wfl

  10. Johnny B.

    Here’s an actual link stating that we might receive something out if this stimulus package as well

    • Just M.

      We’ll be the “some people may be missed” LOL

      • Take a.

        That’s probably speaking on the homeless with no income at all , who knows …

        • Hmmm

          I wonder how this works with stay at home parents. If one person works and the other doesn’t. Does just the working person get it or do both if they file jointly….

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