COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. David

    SSDI and SSI will get a check. But what they should do is give us money every month. Cheep bastards.

    • Just M.


      Yea they should!!!! SSI doesn’t get enough to live off of in the first place! When I heard the Political people saying “People can’t live off of $1,200 a month” I just shook my head… BUT we’re supposed to live off of less then $800. Idiots!

      • Michelle M.

        Those politicians were referring to people that matter. not the dog crap stuck on their shoes.. lets face it, thats all we are to them.

        • Dave

          Your very rude believe it or not there are many people that have severe disabilities and they deserve it

          • Just M.

            She was referring to herself… 🙂

            Their just angry lol

          • cynthia

            Half the people on SSID are able to work. Maybe not in the capacity they use to, if they ever did, but I know a family in Jersey that the goal was to make sure every child was on a government check. even as adults….forever. Ive seen the 18yr old play basketball in 100 degree weather. I think he could bag groceries or something rather than cheat the system.

    • Just w.

      What about if their spouse gets ssdispouisal benefits. WWillthe spouse receive a check?

  2. deane

    trump said its alright because a lot of the money will be coming back, they are just loans. but i think he is referring to big companies and individuals that make a lot
    so i don’t think we will be cut at all.

  3. Kailey

    I am on SSI and now I’m hearing that I am not getting help with any money. I apparently do not qualify for food stamps in my state. I don’t have a vehicle and can’t make it to the foodbanks. My son’s school came by and gave me three sack lunches for him. I cannot afford food to feed ALL of us. Family of three here. Why aren’t WE getting any help? That doesn’t make any sense. Someone please inform me on what is going on?

    • Wonder W.

      You have a son, you and I assume a boyfriend or husband. A family of 3 CAN get food stamps. Sounds like there is more to your story if you can’t get food stamps.

      I’m on SSI and my husband was able to get them when he was off of work for a bit.

      Also people have been posting links that state SSI does get money.

      • figures

        Mmhm. I would not just accept I can’t get food stamps. this state, the lady down the street has 2 kids and gets 500 month for food stamp. wish it were me. But I am single, no kids.

  4. john g.


    • figures

      how about reading links? you are not getting an extra 200 a month. its one check for $600 or 1200 o who knows. Probably 600

    • TPhoarder96

      Nope sorry. You won’t be able to afford a new keyboard, so we all have to deal with your broke CAPS LOCK!!!!!!!

      • davey


        • Sandra P.

          im suprised no one has jumped on TPHoarder because they “cant afford tp”

  5. Rose P.

    All this complaining about nothing. Everyone here is getting a stimulus check.

    • john g.

      The phase-out for top earners will be done using 2019 tax returns or 2018 returns if the taxpayer in question hasn’t filed their 2019 taxes yet. The bill says that taxpayers relying on Social Security as part of retirement or through the Social Security Disability Insurance program can have their Social Security Administration data used directly; beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income, which often benefits old or disabled people in poverty, are not included in the current version.


      • Diana H.

        I saw a link from the today show that we are included. i am going by that. i am tired of the back and forth. i literally saw a disabled or elderly person on here say they are done, and do not care if they get the virus and die. thats just too much. this is all too much.

        good luck everyone and take care

        • CJ

          From the today show post about it “There is no indication of whether retirees or Social Security recipients will receive stimulus checks.”

      • Charles

        As you Know it takes an act off congress to get SDI or SSI we worked and paid taxes to do so and a lot of us served in the military to keep America safe !!! So yes we should also get help everybody saying we shouldn’t May be in the same situation Next time

    • jack

      big deal rose, it doesn’t guarantee a thing, nor does it say how much we are allegedly getting. could be a hundred dollars for all we know.

  6. Just M.

    Forget the one I posted… I read it wrong because my dog kept jumping all over me!

  7. Johnny B.

    here it is for certain that we will get a check thank God for this

    “However, you are still eligible for a check if you have no income or if you rely solely on non-taxable government benefit programs like Supplemental Security Income benefits, or SSI, from Social Security.”

    • Just M.

      Yep… this one shows $600 but at this point $600 is better than nothing!

      • marge l.

        well 600 will help me some. it is better than nothing yes

      • Johnny B.

        No it is still 1200 ????‍♂️ 600+600 equals 1200 .. either it will be a one time payment or split into two but it is still 1200

      • Steven

        There is no indication of whether retirees or Social Security recipients will receive stimulus checks. Is what this link says.

    • marge l.

      do we all get the 1200 dollars tho?

      • Just M.

        That $600 one I read wrong.. dog kept jumping on me (Chihuahua) All I’ve seen is we’re getting it. I assume since it’s not showing an amount I’d think yes we’ll get the $1,200. We just have to wait and see.

        Now Bernie is talking about holding up the Bill… My goodness just pass this thing already!!!!

        • marge l.

          wth bernie. bleep off

          • Johnny B.

            Exactly man he messing everything up we are in good and reading to go lol

        • Jason L.

          Um no it passed last night we all get a 1200 check , Bernie was defending workers who the republicans were trying to short change on their unemployment

    • JOHN


      • Johnny B.

        It been said we were getting something lol people just didn’t understand what they were reading in the very beginning it specifically stated “no income tax liability” that right there was for us because we do not make enough money to file for income taxes it was there from day one

  8. Cathy C.

    My concern, is I am on disability (recovering as we speak from my 6th major back surgery) just because I am on disability does NOT mean my insurance pays for everything. I still have ALOT of out of pocket medical expenses. The disability I receive I have allotted to the penny to try and cover my bills. Due to my surgery my doctor has put me on a 4 week quarantine to my home to prevent risk of getting Covid-19 and preventing any infections. Because, of this I had to make sure I had enough food/supplies plus enough food for my service dog to be able to last 4 weeks possibly a bit longer. I had to use the money in my account to buy all of these things, thus NOT leaving me enough money to pay my bills this month. Next month isn’t looking any better, I’m still going to need money out of my account to make sure I am taken care of, which now makes it 2 months I can’t pay my bills I am just going to get farther and farther behind needing to try and find a way to make up or the past due payments I couldn’t malke. So YES I am in a huge financial bind. None seems to consider that any of us on Social Security/disability we have all had to use our only paycheck to insure we were all prepared for self quarantine.. So all the people in this group have all been hit with this financial burden. Just because some of us are on SS/disability doesn’t mean we have it any better than those who get paychecks every 2 weeks. It’s safe to say 98% of everyone out there makes more in 1 paycheck than I do in 1 month… So yes we nee just s much financial help. Thank you.

  9. Just M.

    • robert m.

      Hmm.. do we get 1200 or 600 or something different ? (ssi retired ssdi )

  10. Terry L.

    Sondra Cornett Nothing to do with current topic. But I noticed you said you’re a vet and you live off $ 883 a month. So I wondered if you knew that if you are an honorably discharged veteran and are either over 65 or disabled you are eligible to receive a pension from the VA. They will send a second check to make your income total around $1100 a month. Just a vet giving info to a vet

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