COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Peppie d.

    Yes yes social security is getting
    A boost.they just don’t know yet
    How they are going to do it.
    Meaning will it be one check
    Or extra $$ in our monthy checks.
    Stop freaking out calm down
    We all feel the same way.
    Watch the news and listen.
    2 trillion dollars don’t you
    Don’t that’s plenty of cash
    For all of us.
    Think about it
    2 trillion freaking dollars.
    We find out very soon
    And then you can relax.
    Put your Faith in God
    He’s got us covered
    Best of luck
    Don’t spend extra cash on
    Crap be smart.

    • Johnny B.

      Where’s the link ?

    • ???

      Yea, where did you see this? The bill that’s passing doesn’t include SSI at all.

  2. Dubra

    Nobody really knows yet….the final has not been released.

  3. Mark

    Wow 2 Trillion dollars spent but not a red cent for the ones that need help the most. I hope these geniuses in Congress get swept out of power come election time and that goes for both parties that didn’t go to bat for us!

    I equate this with getting a lump of coal on Christmas morning after being promised something you wanted. It has nothing to do with being ungrateful but everything to do with being disappointed. It’s just wrong.

    It still has to get through the House but I don’t expect any representation there either. How hard is it to understand the challenges involved in living below the poverty line every day let alone in a crisis? Our elected officials that are supposed to be working for US just continue to turn a blind eye. Make them see in November!

  4. Sean

    Will SSI recieve anything

    • Johnny B.

      From the looks of it no lol they don’t care about the poor they’re about to put almost 5000 dollars into the pockets of people that already have money if you can’t afford to eat now you’re out of luck unless you plan to rob somebody tough time to be poor

      • SSI r.

        This means Poor people get more Poor and Rich people get more Rich. But, no matter of what, do NOT steal nothing. Things will get worse. Just don’t vote on Nov 2020.

  5. Rod

    So my friend who is management with a husband who is a government worker, will receive 2400? + 1500 for the 3 kids (who are still employed and just fine…) and the retired/disabled and low income get nothing?


    • Rush

      The republican senators believe this is the best way to stimulate the economy.

      • Frances M.

        They probably lurked on this blog and so how disgusting these people behave, so ungrateful for what they do have. The democrats would likely think the same. Look at some of you people, they way you speak and whine, you devil sure comes out when money is mentioned. Very sad.

        • Mark

          As if they wouldn’t “piss and whine” if they had to live on our incomes. Please. What an ignorant comment.

      • John

        How do you know I haven’t read any thing about who’s getting paired….

    • David M.

      yea u mad because they work and have great job dam fuck u..u all don’t need the check what would u do buy a new microwave lol

  6. davey

    went from all americans to most americans. should have said “the americans that count” lol

  7. Robert S.

    Under the plan, people making up to $75,000 a year are expected to receive checks for $1,200. Couples making $150,000 will receive $2,400 with an additional $500 per child. The new agreement removed the phased-in provision that excluded lower-income Americans from receiving the full benefit.

    • figures

      so not even the $600 for retired ?

      • rush

        the republican senators removed aid to anyone on ssdi or ssi. Yes, you will get nothing

        • shane

          ssi and ssdi is not retirement, asshole.

        • Louie B.

          thats on you bitches for voting republicans. no one to blame but you. I on the other hand, make good pay, so um, haaaaaaha

        • Cynthia

          democrats voted NO 3 times…….

  8. jo

  9. Elizabeth A.

    This whole rebate check is laughable. Those on SSI don’t mention all the extra perks they get! Food Stamps, Fuel Assistance, Rent assistance, Health insurance (medicaid) free presciptions, no co-pay dr. visits. All the people like me who work at 71 yrs old, already worked 50 years and paid and still pay my taxes are the people who are paying all these SSDI benefits to those people. Who are they kidding? I’d rather be getting their $700 a month and all those benefits and stay the hell home.

    • Johnny B.

      Lmao you are certainly ignorant the higher you SSI payments are the lower your food stamps will be that’s the way it works so by the time bills are paid a person on SSI will be lucky to have 100 left if you’re paying rent you are basically going to starve because 15 dollars in food stamps isn’t enough

    • Mark

      Well then retire already

    • Whatever i.

      Oh yes… $700 a month… some of us have to pay property taxes, water, sewer, garbage, electric, car payments etc. SO I do not get any type of rent assistance.

      Yes, being disabled was a life goal of mine!!! I love to struggle paying bills and trying to live life.

      I don’t even have homeowners insurance because I can’t afford it. But yep I’m living the life here!!!

      • David M.

        you make 700 a month because u choose not to work then expect cash work equals money

        • Whatever i.

          I CHOOSE not to work??? You obviously have zero clue what it’s like to be disabled. It was far from a choice!!!

          I’m one of the few who did NOT need a lawyer or have to fight to be approved. The states Dr. approved my disability.

    • Kari

      I’m on ssdi I worked for years till I became dissabled and payed in taxes I applied for Medicaid 6 months ago and still have not heard anything I pay out of pocket for my meds no co-pay. Full price. I’m 60. Live alone on 810 a month pay full rent,electric, phone, food . I’d would love to work if I could but cant. Plus of course there is laundry I have to wash. At laundry mat. No car. Walk close to a store cause can’t afford to buy one.

      • BethY

        Hi Keri, try looking for your local Community Legal Aid; they’re often able to get answers and results in getting benefits like Medicaid approved. You can also contact your state and/or federal government representatives offices who will help with delayed access to benefits. In the mean time you can ask your doctors office about prescription assistance programs that the pharma companies have for the meds you take. Your local United Way agency may also be able to help you find assistance in getting your meds. Hope some of the info is helpful, it’s not an easy road we’re on in life!

    • Amanda

      Elizabeth kindly remove the stick from your old ass, okay? I get 780 on SSI, and have to live in a 1 room rental in a scuzzy ass building because rent here is well over what I get each month. Only the F O R T U N A T E get rental assistance, as the waiting list is longer than your big mouth is. So I get 104 month in food stamps? Get your ass over here and show me just how the hell that is going to get me through an entire month. And by the way smart ass, I pay my own electricity and heat. By the time the bills are paid, I have EXACTLY 23.00 left at the end of the month. I do NOT have a vehicle, I don’t drink, smoke or use recreational drugs, and I live off ramen and mac and cheese. I have no children. And my mom and dad both worked their asses off until their deaths, so I am NOT going to feel bad that you idiots pay for me to live. Just as they did for someone else while they were here. My disability is none of your damn business and if I didn’t need it babe, I would not have got it when I applied. I didn’t have to get a lawyer and all of that shit. So fuck off, mmk?

      • Melissa

        Well said Amanda! People like Elizabeth and others that I have seen comment on here, they simply have no clue what it is like to live off of SSI. Majority of people just assume that people on SSI are lazy bums and that people on SSI got it made because it’s “free money” and SSI recipients just sit on their butts all day everyday while they are “paying for us” to stuff our faces with ALL that food that food stamps allows us to purchase. They act like we are sooooo lucky to be in our situations. But they never consider that we have debilitating health issues that keep us from being able to work. It’s actually quite hard to qualify for SSI and majority of people are denied and end up needing a lawyer. The fact that you didn’t even need a lawyer to be approved, only goes to show that whatever your disability is, it must be something pretty serious. I hope that whatever your disability is, I hope you have more good days than bad ones. I’m sorry that you have to deal with clueless people online that don’t know what it is like to try living off of SSI benefits. It’s definitely an endless struggle that they’ll never understand unless god forbid they end up in our shoes someday. I’d never wish that upon anyone, but sometimes I wish that they’d temporarily try living their lives with only what is given through SSI benefits ( I hope they like Ramen noodles). That way they could truly see how difficult it is and maybe just maybe they would view it all differently. Anyhow, best wishes to you and please stay as healthy and safe as you could be!

      • Lisa

        Right! 747 in SSDI. Worked all my life and raised 3 sons with no help. Now at 57 I am disabled and have 17.00 left after my rent and a pick of what bill will get paid this month. It is a tough way to go. We are all way bow poverty level.. and someone to say we dont deserve a break, is heartless. We don’t have choices like someone who can still go out and make cash.

    • Candy C.

      Wrong I am sick and dying and I have co-payments and no help in anything little food stamps witch goes lower with any other added help of any kind. Some people have kids and no help with school stuff or daycare or any of that. Don’t take what one person says or what they get for all people because it’s simply not true . I have never got help on rent, deposits, or anything. So do not speak for every person.

  10. doesnt m.

    we shouldn’t get a check because we get a measly 783 dollars imma need a check period that money ain’t doing nothing still not even enough for my bills

    • Johnny B.

      A lot of us are in the same boat all I know is if they give us something I will put half to the side and build up off of that

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