COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. John M.

    Is the extra income of 200.00 if given, going to hurt us? This doesn’t seem logical. They are giving it to us to provide some relief, not to make our lives worse. See thats the trouble with posting bits and pieces of plans they have. It doesn’t provide full detail and it makes an already panicked American even more scared and desperate. What they should be doing is just letting us know that they have plans in the works, but not give specifics until everything is settled. If we are given the additional money, I can say with confidence that they are not going to let it affect our already tight living, as that does not provide any relief whatsoever.

  2. Sarah

    When will hearings start back? We have waited 2 years and was supposed to finally have a determination hearing this past week. That has been postponed until they have no idea. What do you plan to do for those who have been waiting all this time who now are really unable to do anything amidst a pandemic?

    • joe t.

      They do not know.

    • A

      I’ve been waiting 6 years had another hearing last year in August still have no answer who knows when we will ever get a answer and with Trump in office probably another denial I give up.

  3. William H.

    Agreed. This November I will be looking at the individuals that helped the retired and SSI recipients, regardless of which political party they belong to. My votes will be based on that. This is a crisis we have never seen before, and I am worried for these individuals. You cannot expect an SSI recipient to actually have a savings account to dip into, to help with the extra costs. If they had savings accounts, everyone would be up in arms. Its welfare. My 74 year old mother is on it. She was a hard worker in her day. Please treat her with the respect that she deserves.

  4. Shantel

    I am on disability for multiple health issues. I receive a very low payment each month which just covers my important bills and that’s with housing assistance if I’m lucky I have around $50 for necessities. I’m thankful for all that I do have and understand some who are on disability make quite enough to live comfortably. Unfortunately that’s not all of us. I didn’t choose to be disabled or to struggle but yet people in my shoes are often counted out while people making over 900 a week get all the help and some. I’m just frustrated along with a lot of others I see. Wishing you all the best through these troubling times♡

  5. mary

    If the extra 200 will affect my rent and other things that are based off my income..keep it….
    truthfully the wording that has been used for this stimulus package has been incorrect…disabled are hated by so many including the government…any time there is help being given the disabled are forgotten!

  6. Jen P.

    People that never been through a Heartache in life will never know what it’s like to live month to month, I don’t care what kind of job you have…I live on SS and it would be very nice once in a while to go to a store and not look for a CLEARANCE rack ! ! It really bothers the hell out of me that the people think their better than everyone, yeah you riding around in your Hummer or Lexus. Well Well Well, $hit just hit the fan and welcome to the real world, can’t make the car payment, maybe you should sell that Coach, Louis V and Chanel pocketbook…Sorry for venting, but anyone receiving benefits month to month knows exactly what I’m talking about, and you know what, those upper crusty ignorant individuals would never make it the way we have to…Best of Health To All

    • Levina

      yeah I too am on ss, well ssi really. but it doesn’t mean that I am happy the workers are suffering. not all of them are jerks, but if they worked hard for what they have, they shouldn’t feel badly to enjoy it. i have been disabled since I came into the world. it is just the cards I got, and I am thankful this program exists. I look at clearance too, I have to much of the time. I am not trying to dismiss your feelings or anything. I just like to live thankful that we aren’t on the streets.
      and for those saying they don’t want the xtra 200 a month if it messes with their medical insurance, food benefits and public assistance rents, I second third fourth or fifth that. I can’t afford to loose those. This money will hurt me more than help me.

  7. Ramla R.

    Many people on social security have small jobs to supplement that they can no longer do because of the virus. Not enough to file taxes on but enough to get them almost through. They have also paid taxes and made sacrifices for many, many years. As Romney said every American Should receive a check. The homles included. We have earned it!

  8. Melvin D.

    Please let the recipients of Social Security Benefits know if we will get the 2020 Stimulus Check. We are on a fixed income. We can surely use the help. Thanks

    • michael p.

      You’re not. You are likely getting a $200 a month increase until 2021. That is what the democrats are currently discussing. Hope you don’t have medicaid or food stamps, you may loose medicaid (or have to make large co-payments) and food stamps. Give it, to take it.

      • Just M.

        I wonder if the extra $200 will effect the food stamps and stuff. If it does it’s pretty stupid and almost useless for many. Would be nice if it wasn’t counted.

        • rhea b.

          I think it will affect them. it needs to be something that can’t be counted. like vets benefits. public housing cannot take a vets benefits into account. just what he or she receives from retirement or disability. i know 2 men who served and have an entirely different check for being deemed disabled from serving. no one can count that in and its their free and clear. Since this is temporary, they should allow that for us. just remember folks, its temporary, don’t get greedy or used to it.

          • Just M.

            I hope it’s not counted or it’s almost useless. I’m not getting used to it but it sure will help for the time I’d get it!

      • Kane H.

        Mr Peterson,
        You need to stop speculating. Everyone will receive a stimulus check. 98 0/0 of the people posting here enjoy upsetting others. Obama gave stimulus checks to every America. Not just some. The $600 stimulus rumor floating here is from the Obama stimulus.
        You need to lookup SSI being welfare. And you will find that SSI is infact welfare for people who do not and never has worked. Social Security is not welfare. Social Security is paid into the system by the workers to take care of the workers who paid into their own accounts. Medicare is paid for by the individual workers for their own health care. And when they apply for Medicare they have to pay for it again in monthly premiums. Medicare is not free like medicaid and tenncare are. Only people receiving wellfare and women, infants, and children are the only people who receive tenncare and medicaid. So you and a lot of others here need to stop flapping your tongues about things you know nothing about. Everyone except high paid people will recieve a $1,200 stimulus check. The Republicans will see to it.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Melvin.We understand there have been reports about the possibility of additional government payments to individuals due to the economic effects of the Coronavirus. At this time, no law has been passed that calls for Social Security to issue any new payments. We hope this helps to answer your question.

  9. Angela C.

    Hmm… I’ve been on SSI for awhile, but in 2018 I tried a job briefly and couldn’t work, so I filed a return jointly with my husband (who was also on SSI). Last year we only got SSI and my husband died… So this year I get single SSI… How is that one going to work out I wonder?

  10. marge l.

    i can’t take the extra 200!! i would have too much for medicaire/medicaid and I could never afford those bills. Please do not pass this!!!!!

    • rudy

      marge i am on the same boat. i can’t have the extra 200 hundred dollars. i am going to be in some serious trouble

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