COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. ModalQQ

    Situs qq online terpercaya :

    • me

      bodjsfx shbdheh

      take your garbage and leave

  2. Sandra P.

    We are all scared right now. We won’t know whether we will be getting a stimulus check or not until it is officially approved. There is SO much fear around the world at this time. People are losing jobs, businesses, their lives or their loved ones lives, food and supplies are not able to keep up with demand because of panic buying, kids are kept home from school, the market is crashing, medical professionals are risking their lives everyday without being properly outfitted to protect themselves. Transplant surgeries are being postponed. I am part of the cancer community and needing to decide between continuing treatment to stop the cancer or taking a potentially long break to rebuild my immune system, as others are. With love Im saying…stop fighting each other on the ssa website and making comments driven by racial hatred…it will not help anything and is only feeding the fear machine. What can you do to help someone else? Check on your neighbors (safely.) Pray if youre religious. Do some sort of self care to calm your anxiety as much as you can. Breathe into a paper bag…whatever you gotta do to calm down. We are luckier than most Americans right now that our source of income IS NOT DECREASING. However we were getting by on the money WE SHOULD BE GRATEFUL FOR receiving will not be compromised and in some cases we may be able to get help in other ways. Utility companies are suspending shutoffs, many landlords are ceasing evictions. No one with any power is coming to post in the comment field here folks…SSA employees cant answer what kind of stimulus we will or will not get until the package is passed. We are being defined moment by moment as a nation in how we are handling ourselves through this difficult time. Be part of the solution, not adding to the problem. I dont mean any disrespect…we are all scared…just saying do what you can to meet this time with love instead of fear. What am I doing instead of spinning in on myself? Trying to get a resource table set up at my oncologists office to help people help themselves, and trying to organize food delivery by healthy people to the immune compromised cancer population of my rural county. Everyone, CHECK YOURSELVES.

    • jess

      Best post by far.

    • Cherryl S.

      I wish I could just draw a big heart here.

  3. Mike H.

    The Senate Republican proposed structure for direct payments is upside down both morally and economically. It shuts out many of the most vulnerable people entirely and gives less to families with low and moderate incomes (including most seniors and many people with disabilities) than people who are relatively better off.

    The McConnell plan bases the direct stimulus payments on income reported on 2018 tax returns. The plan includes both a phase in and a phase out, meaning that if your income was too high or too low in 2018, you may be shut out from the payments that will go out over the coming months. Only those with at least $2,500 of certain forms of income in 2018 (earnings, Social Security benefits, and veterans’ benefits) qualify at all, shutting out people without income, such as students or caregivers, or people with excluded forms of income, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The legislation also renders people who were dependents of other taxpayers in 2018 ineligible for payments—and the additional, smaller benefit for children only goes to those 16 and under. That would exclude older dependents, including 17-year-olds, students, as well as seniors, people with disabilities, or other adults living with families that support them. People without sufficient tax liability in 2018 are not eligible for the full payment. That is especially likely to include low-income working families, seniors, and people with disabilities. (The IRS can opt to use 2019 tax returns to determine payments for people who did not file returns in 2018, but most people have not yet filed their 2019 returns.)

    The result of this structure is that some of the hardest-pressed families will receive much less than people above them on the income scale. That is completely counterintuitive and counterproductive. People with lower incomes are less likely to have job or income security and less likely to have a financial cushion to support them but more likely to spend their direct payment in a way that creates income for others and boosts their local economy

  4. CB


    • anthony p.

      I won’t vote for them.

    • Mom

      Trump is doing a great job and will have my vote AGAIN! I think it would be nice if those on disability were included as I receive ssdi and ssi and had to fight for it for the past 3 years and get my first check Apr. 1st….. However, It wont change my vote a bit. Trump has showed real leadership and Congress is the problem really, look how long it is taking them to come to an agreement when every hour is critical! Some of you are blaming the WRONG guy here! The workers losing thier jobs and getting hours cut are MOST effected by this, they LOSE thier income and we dont LOSE anything, we still get the little bit as before and SNAP will likely get an increase helping the rest of us with rise in food costs. but I see no one complaining about food stamps here, just cash I really believe we will get something and everyone should calm down. If we dont get anything then the people who are still working in the food industry. medical field, grocery stores, delivery drivers should also not be included since most of them are getting extra hours right now and some companies like Target have given every employee an extra $2 per hour and others are doubling overtime pay. Fair is fair. Fingers crossed that were all included but I understand that those LOSING thier jobs and only income should come first. Either way Trump is doing his best and its much better than many before him, he has my vote and my familys vote either way…. he does NOT have to buy it.

      • Mary

        No one can stop your opinion of trump but some one should you the stimulus had nothing to praise trump for… unless you want to credit him the virus and the pandemic.I meant to say the hoax, I think that’s what he called it. Thank God!

  5. Elizabeth C.

    If someone received benefits SSI disability during 2018 but is no longer receiving them since Feb 2020 will they still receive the stimulus? Especially since no taxes were done during the years on benefits.

    • sally

      elizabeth yes I would think so.

      • Mike

        600 dollars you will get because most people on ssi and ss don’t claim taxs which I agree with because you will get a monthly check and don’t have to worry about receiving money it will deposited in your bank account through ss

    • A.C.

      Hi, Elizabeth. We understand there have been reports about the possibility of additional government payments to individuals due to the economic effects of the Coronavirus. At this time, no law has been passed that calls for Social Security to issue any new payments. We hope this helps to answer your question.

  6. Renee

    I think some forget that it’s the tax payers that make it possible for people to get their SSI checks. The people that have lost their jobs are some of those people, and yet some of you want to complain about not getting any “extra” money in addition to the check that you won’t be losing. As for the person that made the comment about healthcare workers, yes we may still be getting to work, and at a great risk to not only ourselves, but our families. My husband’s job will be closing, therefore cutting our income by half, yet my worry is not about getting a stimulus check. My concern is whether or not my family, friends, or coworkers will remain healthy through all of this. I would gladly give up money, my house, or any material thing as long as they are still with me. I’m sure anyone of those people across the world that has lost someone due to this, would say the same. Some people are truly unbelievable.

    • Sean M.

      Oh fuck off Renee.

    • erica h.

      Oh stop. My mother busted her ass working for 42 years doing HARD labor, supporting 5 children on her own. She did not make enough and is therefore, on retirement and “SSI”. She was BUSTING HER ASS PAYING INTO THE SYSTEM, and has 0 to show for it. Accept a screwed up body. So excuse us for feeling like she should have something too. And by the way renee, I don’t give 2 shits about you or your family, the way you don’t about mine.

  7. monica w.

    everyone who counts in this country please stand up..
    ssi recipients, take a seat.

  8. Malia Q.

    People o SSI need to be thought of just the same as every other person. Every single American should receive a stimulus package. We are all effected by this.

    • caron b.

      yes agreed. but we are not getting it. left out in the cold like dogs.

  9. Cathy M.

    forget this. i don’t even care anymore. by the time they are done trying to figure out who gets what, it will jut be for the people who filed taxes anyway.

  10. Sad

    how come we on ssi don’t count?

    • Just M.

      Because we don’t have taxable income…. so we don’t matter. We’re not “Every American” lol

      • Sad

        what a bunch of jerks. they should not have said every american adult then

      • wtf

        now it has changed to “eligible people”.dumb fucks

        • Terry

          Boy do you need to go through some hard knocks .you are a cruel person mr educated malevolent what!! What gives you the right to pass judgment that special place is waiting for you.this is a time to be kind to people not making them feel bad in the situation they are in to have to apply for ssi is bad enough the rock bottom of trying to survive in this world .should one go steal to make it through hard times.boy aren’t you a daisy.

      • EducatingDummies

        SSI IS NOT TAXABLE INCOME AND IT ISN’T YOUR MONEY TO BEGIN WITH. You’re basically getting free money. Not taxed. Not money you earned. So now you want more free money?? get out of here. SSDI with receive checks if they filed a tax return ?‍♀️ stop being ????? and educate YOURSELVES ?‍♀️

        • educate t.

          Quit your whining and go fuck yourself.

    • A.C.

      Hi. We understand there have been reports about the possibility of additional government payments to individuals due to the economic effects of the Coronavirus. At this time, no law has been passed that calls for Social Security to issue any new payments. We hope this helps to answer your question.

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