COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Jessie B.

    It does no one any good spreading hate during a time like this. Save your energy to fight an illness you may end up with.

    We are going to get something too. I don’t know how much, but whatever it is, I can definitely use it. The entire nation can.

    • Jay j.

      Yes people on disability will receive a check because they don’t get that money yearly.

      • Liz

        Are you kidding?? people on Disability get a check every month and suck off the system for all the extra “bennies” they are not telling you about. Food Stamps, Free Medical Care, Free prescriptions, Rent assistance, Fuel Assistance and what more do they want? My check too?

  2. Lisa M.

    I have not read one comment about how under the Obama administration the disabled also received a stimulus check so I’m not worried about not getting a check. It will be easier for all of us because we have our disability checks already routed to direct depost in our bank accounts. Hang in there everyone. Stay healthy and be happy and possitive!

  3. Jason R.

    Can someone please answer me this question, i was on work comp for 3 yrs for breaking me back from 2015 through march 2019. They are using 2018 taxes. Will i be able to receive a stimulus check since it was me fault for getting hurt. I had 4 back surgeries in that span if anyone thinking i was milking it. Lol

    • me

      No Richards, we can’t.

  4. Lucretia S.

    Dear Commissioner Saul,
    In view of the Corona Virus, is it possible that the guideline for divorced survior benefits hopefully can be revisited and changed? Currently, it states
    “If you remarry after you reach age 60 (age 50 if disabled), the remarriage will not affect your eligibility for survivors benefits”. I remaried at 51 after 19 years and 3 children by my former husband. He served in the US Army in Korea during the Viet Nam conflict/War.
    Please, Please, Please make a change so I may receive benefits. I am working a part time job and now 66. Thank you, Lucretia A. Sanders

  5. Sheri

    They should waive fees we pay to get our money out antwhere.

  6. Tracy

    For all the ones who need to know!!!!….. If you are on SS or SSI / SSDI …… You will indeed get a stimulus check…. Every American adult . The ones who work the ones who don’t work the one to pay taxes and the ones who don’t pay taxes…… Everyone will still get a check
    And the amount is $1200 for individuals
    $2400 for couples ….. Even a little something for the kiddos…… $500. Per child

    The people with direct deposits and on SSI or SSDI or SS. will be first to receive the stimulus checks for you are already in the system. It does not matter if you owe back child support or you owe taxes or student loans. All has been waived at this time…. Don’t always listen to the people on the Internet most of them don’t even know what they are talking about do the research yourself as I have……. Good luck to all and God bless!!

    • Dave

      I believe you darling my name is Dave and I m rare I have polio I been called a puke a scum bag and worthless if I get virus I will die thank you

    • Shane M.

      Why should they do any research when they can sit their lazy asses here and ask the same questions over and over again. It has been answered 2 dozen times already. We are going through a real life crisis, nothing that ANY of us have ever seen, and all you people care about is whether you are going to get an extra $1200 to play with. DON’T just don’t, give some bull shit line how you need it. Sorry you dumb fucks, but we ALL need things. Had the government never mentioned giving out money, you would all be living your lives, as usual. Your life will not END if you didn’t get some extra money, it won’t END when the government stops giving it out. You will get by, struggling or not. If our economy wasn’t taking such a hit, no one would be getting free money to spend. SO STOP.

      There are PLENTY of people on disability who are not here bitching and moaning. Those people are the ones who WILL APPRECIATE the additional income to help purchase supplies and transportation because of this epidemic. I don’t care about your problems. WE ALL HAVE THEM. YOU WOULD HAVE NO CHOICE TO SURVIVE ON WHAT YOU HAVE BEFORE THIS. That is life. Get over it. And just be grateful you are not sick from this or dead. I swear to God half of you are LOVING this epidemic seeing FREE MONEY! I will be grateful for the extra. Good God, I’d be THANKFUL for just an extra hundred a month to purchase supplies to try and keep myself safe. You people, are ALL garbage.

      • Kiek

        I feel sorry for the people who truly deserve ssi, to many people who never put into the ss and collect because there over wait have diabetes because there lazy.

        • Shane M.

          I actually just feel sorry for YOU. Your spelling is atrocious.

          I’ll give you a hint; your definition is the second one… the one that has a 2 in front of it.

        • jay

          you need to quit judging you dont know there situation and overweight is a correct spelling ty

      • jay

        your not god get a life and let it be if we all get it great i have no issues with all americans getting it to help with supplies,groceries,etc… so be an american and chill .

    • Jay j.

      That’s correct….

  7. Mike

    You do no that some people have blindness polio and so forth so I guess they don’t deserve according to you

  8. Marilyn B.

    My husband receives SSI monthly. I have been on disability for several years. Since this is our only income, we have not filed taxes in a few years, because mainly of the cost. Will we be eligible?

  9. Heather

    PEOPLE that do not make Enough to pay taxes will get $600 as of Thursday. That could change, the Senate Rep bill is written and been released Thursday. There at lease 2 Rep Senators that want it the same ($1200) for everyone up to $75k. The Dem package is $1000 for up to $75k or $99k depending if your looking a House Dem or Senate Dem bill but 2 checks of $1000 (each) over 2 months. Just talking about adults here.
    Senate R’s need 11 Dems to pass in Senate so they will have say, this is NOT the finale bill, plus the House has to agree.

  10. Eddie H.

    So if I did NOT file a tax return for 2018 or 2019 I will not receive this stimulus Check?

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