Online Services, Retirement

3 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Retirement Right Now

April 12, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

woman on laptop Whether you just started seriously planning or are ready to retire, Social Security is the place to start. We’re with you throughout life’s journey, and that includes retirement planning!

The first thing you should remember is that Social Security replaces only a portion of your pre-retirement earnings. Most financial advisers say you will need about 70 percent of pre-retirement income to live comfortably in retirement, including your Social Security benefits, investments, and other savings. A solid retirement plan includes planning for more than Social Security. You can use Your Retirement Checklist to help you prepare.

When the time comes to take that giant step into retirement, Social Security’s online services can help guide you in this new journey. Use these services to help prepare yourself for a financially secure retirement:

  1. Check your earnings for accuracy
    • With a my Social Security account, you can view your earnings history, confirm you have enough work credits to retire, and see estimates of what your benefits will be. Open your account today!
  2. Determine the best age for you to retire
    • Our Retirement Estimator is a great tool that provides you with immediate and personalized estimates based on your own earnings record. This allows you to receive the most accurate estimate of your future retirement benefits. Estimate your benefits now!
  3. Retire online
    • After you have viewed your earnings history for accuracy, confirmed you have enough work credits to retire, and determined the best age for you to retire, you can get started on the next phase of your life right away by retiring online! Retire online today!

This National Social Security Month, remember that Social Security is here to help you secure today and tomorrow. Visit  our online services website today to see all you can do with us online.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. samira

  2. sogand

  3. Alfredo G.

    I’m retired and my wife just turned 64, can she apply for retirement now?

    • V.V.

      Hi Alfredo, thanks for using our blog to ask your questions. If your wife qualifies for a retirement benefit from her own work history she can file for that benefit as early as age 62. She cannot receive additional spouse’s benefits on your record until you’re receiving retirement or disability benefits. Check out our Benefits For Your Spouse web page for additional details.

  4. mahdie

    Retirement is really good, but I wish we could pay less and retire sooner


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