Online Services

Your Social Security Statement is now at your fingertips

July 7, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

SSA StatementHave you ever received a Social Security Statement in the mail? You know, the one that shows all the earnings you’ve had each year and how much you could receive per month in Social Security benefits when you retire? The Statement contains crucial information workers need to plan for a comfortable retirement. Now, thanks to my Social Security, this information—and so much more— is only a few minutes away!

Your personal my Social Security account is secure and gives you ready access to your earnings records, Social Security benefit estimates, and printable Statements. Those who already receive benefits can view their payment history, current status, and manage their benefits.

To open a personal my Social Security account, go to our website and select “Create an Account” to get started. You must be 18 years old, have a valid Social Security number, U.S. mailing address (or a military address if deployed overseas), and an email address.

In some cases — like if there was reported credit card fraud under your name or Social Security number — you may have to contact your local Social Security office to open a personal my Social Security account.

Once registered, you can:

  • Verify your earnings history.
  • View estimated Social Security benefits based on your past earnings.
  • View Social Security and Medicare taxes you’ve paid over your lifetime.
  • Print your current Social Security Statement.
  • Request a replacement Social Security card (in some states).

If you’re currently getting benefits, you can:

  • View benefit payment information.
  • Change your address and phone number.
  • Start or change electronic payments.
  • Get a replacement Medicare card.
  • Get a replacement 1099 for tax season.
  • Get a benefit verification letter.

When you sign up for a personal my Social Security account, we use a secure authentication process to protect the privacy of your identity and your Social Security Statement information.  In addition to your unique username and password, you can also further protect your personal my Social Security account with a secure code texted to your phone every time you log in.

Just one more way Social Security strives to provide customers with peace of mind. Learn more at on our website.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. Susan L.

    I am a US citizen, living in Canada, and want to open a My Social Security Account. I have a SS#, e-mail account, am way over the age of 18, but do not have a US mailing address. I am not nor ever have been in the military. Can I still set up an online account? If so, how do I go about doing this? I would like to apply to start receiving SS benefits as I am nearing 62 years of age.

    • R.F.

      Thank you for using our online services Susan! The “my Social Security” authentication system requires address verification as one of the essential criteria for issuing an account. People with APO/FPO/DPO addresses can create an account overseas, but our system does not support registration and account creation for users with a foreign address yet. If you are in Canada, you may obtain services from an SSA Field Office (FO), or you can contact your local U.S. embassy or consulate for assistance. Also, our Office of International Operations home page provides important information to assist Social Security customers who are outside the U.S. We hope this information helps.

  2. Greg S.

    I am currently receiving spousal benefits while I continue to build my own benefits. When I visit my ‘MySocialSecurity’ acct; I can only view the benefits I am receiving – is there a way to see what/or how my own acct is growing?

    • R.F.

      Hi Greg, you can request your Social Security Statement by following these instructions. The Statement will arrive by mail in four to six weeks.

  3. RLA

    Hi Ray–Thanks for taking the time to respond to everyone here and thanks for helping to get the cell phone/texting requirement lifted. Another concern for me: As an overseas US citizen it would be ideal to be able to have an online account in order to access my social security info. Do you know if they are mailing the statements to overseas citizens still? I haven’t gotten one in a long time although I’m aware of the 2011-14 budgetary issue that stopped the mailings for those years. That gets me to my main point: The SSA should be encouraging EVERYONE, CONUS and overseas, to get on-board with the online accounts, especially given the current era of identity theft. Since the SSA relies on the IRS to provide them with a person’s valid mailing address, including citizens living outside the U.S., I would think that as long as the address of the applying person matches what the IRS has on file that should be enough. I can’t think of any other reason that the system should not support registration if you live outside the states and have a valid IRS-matched address, but maybe there’s something else that prevents it. If there’s any way you could encourage the people handling this issue to have another look, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!

    • R.F.

      Your comments are well taken and we assure you that we are continuously working to further improve Social Security online services that we offer via our website We currently mail Statements to workers attaining ages 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 and older three months prior to their birthday, if they don’t receive Social Security benefits and don’t have a my Social Security account. Workers who do not want to wait for their scheduled mailing or cannot create an account, can request their Social Security Statement by following these instructions. The Statement will arrive by mail in four to six weeks. We like to remind our customers living abroad, to contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate for assistance related to Social Security benefits and available services. We thank you for your feedback!

      • Moon

        This is the perfect way to break down this infmoration.

  4. Fogey

    I am very concerned about this cell phone text verification method. As other poster said, many many banks and other high security sites allow alternate forms of verification codes, like voice or email codes. Yes, there were also those private questions we filled out. Now I cannot even get into my account to ask for my statement to be MAILED to me. Last time I called SS, I waited nearly an hour to talk to an agent and the survey had the SHORTEST wait time as 15 minutes. This is archaic. The number one poverty group in the country is retirees. This is purely GRAFT benefiting the CELL PHONE PROVIDERS. UNFAIR!

    • R.F.

      We listened to the public’s concerns. We are responding by removing the requirement to use a cell phone to access the my Social Security account. While it is not mandatory, we encourage you who have a text capable cell phone to take advantage of this optional extra security, which has always been available. We continue to pursue more options beyond cell phone texting. Thanks!

  5. Chrles M.

    Sorry, but I think this is all BS. First, you cannot require everyone to have a cell phone & pay for texting. Secondly, how is this more secure than accessing SSA via a PC? Both can be hacked.

    When I established my SSA on-line account in 2014 I was asked to provide answers for 3 security questions. Why not require those who log on via PC to supply the answer to 1 of their security questions as part of the process rather than sending a code in an unsecure text message to an unsecure cell phone number and requiring everyone to use only an unsecure cell phone to log in each time? Really!!!

    Also, I have not been required to change my password since 11/5/14. Requiring periodic password updates might help with security as well.

    I agree with the AARP and other senior citizen groups that this just makes communicating with SSA much harder.

    Today, I will be contacting each of my AR congressmen and the POTUS asking them to get involved in rejecting this new system and demand accountability as to why this was initiated without notifying SSA recipients that this would happen. After all, you have all of our email addresses already if we have on-line accounts.

    This is just a stupid, stupid bureaucratic blunder that probably cost millions to implement.

    • Fidelia

      mais uma pro DVD =]e foi um jogaço pra quem tava no estádio. a hora que saiu o gol foi aquela catarse. tava tudo muito tenso.lucas: o LF é um magoado mor. nem o fato de ser duas vezes vice em curto espaço de tempo justifica isso. basta o primeiro parágrafo pra eu sacar quem tinha escrito.é uma pena. o blog é excelente, textos fan¡otsticÃs, mas se a escala pro jogo do corinthians é do LF, já era. até pra comemorar o centenário foi essa merda.

  6. Edward S.

    Can not log in to my account.
    The login box will not accept the symbol and all the numbers that were texted.
    Have tried many times.
    Please advise.

  7. Juan S.

    I don’t think the new procedure to log into the “my social security” web page is fair for people that don’t have a cell phone or texting service for such phone. That extra layer of protection is an exaggeration and another example o a bureaucratic system out of control. That web page service is paid by taxpayer money! I’m a tax payer and I’ll not have access to my info on line because I don’t have a cell phone. I hope that this new procedure is reversed and that plain old common sense will be restored.

  8. Rabby

    This sounds like a great idea! Having instant access to our personal Social Security information online is indeed going to be very useful! An easy and convenient way to get the information needed.

  9. SS R.

    “I (also) just tried to sign up for My Social Security online and when I submitted the first page, I received a notice that my account has been suspended.”
    I called the ‘help desk’ at phone 1-800-772-1213; the person I talked with suggested I contact my local Social Security Office.
    Save you time, call the local office first.

  10. yurtdisi e.

    Can I found any details about this subject in other languages?

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