
What Day of the Month Do I Get my Social Security Payment?

June 6, 2019 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

" "Timing is everything, and the arrival time of your monthly payment from Social Security can be key to keeping your financial house in order.

As you budget to pay your bills and save for future needs, keep in mind that your monthly retirement or disability benefit will be paid at the same time each month. To see your next payment date, create or log on to your my Social Security online account and go to the “Benefits & Payments” section.

In general, here’s how we assign payment dates:

  • If you were born on the 1st through the 10th of the month, you’ll be paid on the second Wednesday of the month.
  • If you were born on the 11th through the 20th of the month, you’ll be paid on the third Wednesday of the month.
  • If you were born after the 20th of the month, you’ll be paid on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

There are exceptions. For example, children and spouses who receive benefits based on someone else’s work record will be paid on the same day as the primary beneficiary.

For others, we may issue your payments on the 3rd of each month. Among other reasons, we do this if:

  • You filed for benefits before May 1, 1997.
  • You also receive a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment.
  • Your Medicare premiums are paid for by the state where you live.
  • You live in a foreign country.

Individuals who receive SSI payments due to disability, age, or blindness receive those payments on the 1st of each month.

If your payment date falls on a federal holiday or weekend, you can expect to receive that month’s payment on the weekday immediately prior.

You can see a current schedule for Social Security and SSI benefit payments in an easy-to-read calendar.

We’re with you through life’s journey, helping you to secure today and tomorrow through important financial benefits, information, and planning tools. To learn more, please visit our website.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Mark m.

    When will my check be sent. 2403 west mahammaad Ali Louisville KY 402125

  2. Mark m.

    ***-**-****. 10/13/1958. Mackmcintyre1958@gmail.com3

  3. Joe M.

    Hello,I’m a Permanently Disabled Combat Veteran and I receive Social Security Disability. Now according to the Rules, as it’s Disability and not “Retirement Social Security” is the correct payment date the 3RD of the Month; or is it by my Birthday which would make it the 4TH Wednesday of the Month??? Thanks….

    • V.V.

      Hi Joe, thank you for using our blog. Your birthday determines your payment date.
      Date of Birth Payment Day:
      1st through 10th Second Wednesday
      11th through 20th Third Wednesday
      21st through 31st Fourth Wednesday

      Check out our Schedule of Social Security Payments for the payment dates.

    • Mark m.

      When will my check be sent to me

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