
Understanding Spouse’s Benefits

January 24, 2019 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: May 25, 2021

" "Marriage is a cultural institution that exists all over the world. Having a partner means sharing many things including a home and other property. Understanding how your future retirement might affect your spouse is important. When you’re planning for your fun and vibrant golden years, here are a few things to remember:

Your full spouse’s benefit could be up to 50 percent of your spouse’s full retirement age amount if you are full retirement age when you take it. If you qualify for your own retirement benefit and a spouse’s benefit, we always pay your own benefit first.  You cannot receive spouse’s benefits unless your spouse is receiving his or her retirement benefits (except for divorced spouses). If you took your reduced retirement first while waiting for your spouse to reach retirement age, when you add spouse’s benefits later, your own retirement portion remains reduced which causes the total retirement and spouses benefit together to total less than 50 percent of the worker’s amount. You can find out more on our website.

On the other hand, if your spouse’s retirement benefit is higher than your retirement benefit, and he or she chooses to take reduced benefits and dies first, your survivor benefit will be reduced, but may be higher than what your spouse received.

If the deceased worker started receiving reduced retirement benefits before their full retirement age, a special rule called the retirement insurance benefit limit may apply to the surviving spouse. The retirement insurance benefit limit is the maximum survivor benefit you may receive. Generally, the limit is the higher of:

  • The reduced monthly retirement benefit to which the deceased spouse would have been entitled if they had lived, or
  • 82.5 percent of the unreduced deceased spouse’s monthly benefit if they had started receiving benefits at their full retirement age (rather than choosing to receive a reduced retirement benefit early).

Knowing how your finances affect your spouse’s can help both of you avoid future impacts on your incomes. When it comes to information, we have over 80 years of experience. Access a wealth of useful information by visiting our benefits planners.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. cecil

    2 questions:
    1) if the spouse took reduced benefits, while waiting on the primary wage earner to reach full retirement. After the primary wage earner retires, at full retirement, may the spouse then refile to receive spouse benefits. Would spouse benefits be their own plus spouse benefits but never greater than 50% of spouse benefits?
    2) Scenario: Spouse and primary wage earner are married for more than 10 years, then get a divorce, and both are past full retirement. Spouse initially received reduced benefits and primary wage earner waiter to file until full retirement.
    Question: (1) how long after divorce may spouse file for spousal benefits, of the primary wage earner. (2) would spouse collect 100% of primary wage earner benefits or would they be reduced a result of originally beginning benefits prior to full retirement.

    • L.A.

      Cecil, thank you for your question. Your ex-spouse must be of retirement age (62 or older) or be receiving disability benefits for you to qualify and receive benefits on your ex-spouses record. If your ex-spouse does not apply for retirement benefits, but can qualify at age 62 or later, you can receive benefits on his record if you have been divorced for at least two years. Keep in mind that if a person begins to receive benefits at age 62 or prior to their full retirement age, their benefits are reduced. Unfortunately, these reduction factors are permanently applied to all benefits in which an individual may qualify, this would include your divorced spouse’s benefits. Also, keep in mind that if you are eligible for retirement benefits on your own record, we pay that amount first. If the benefit on your ex-spouse’s record is higher, you will get an additional amount on that record so that the combination of benefits equals that higher amount. See our Retirement Planner: Retirement for more information. To see if you’re eligible for a higher benefit amount, you should contact us when your ex-spouse turns 62. We hope this information helps.

  2. Marie B.

    I was born in 1955. My ex husband was born in 1958. We were married for 17 years, and divorced 20 years ago. I never remarried. Can I claim 50% of his FRA (full retirement age) benefit when I reach FRA (66 yrs, 2 months), even though he is younger than me? He is no longer working at this time (if that has anything to do with my claiming). If I can claim 50% of his FRA benefit at age 66.2, then can I switch to my own SS benefit when I turn 70, as that will likely be more than 50% of his FRA benefit. Thank you.

    • L.A.

      Thank you for your question, Marie. According to our rules, when both, you and your former spouse, turn 62, you may be eligible for Divorced Spouse Benefits if you were legally married to your former spouse for at least 10 years before the date the divorce became final. Regarding the option of applying for benefits as a divorced spouse and later applying for your own benefits, please note that, if you were born before January 2, 1954, and have already reached full retirement age, you can choose to receive only the divorced spouse’s benefit and delay receiving your retirement benefit until a later date. If your birthday is January 2, 1954 or later, the option to take only one benefit at full retirement age no longer exists. If you file for one benefit, you will be effectively filing for all retirement or spousal benefits.You can read more about the benefits for divorce spouses here. We hope this information helps.

  3. Ronald J.

    After trying to get an answer I can understand, I went to my local SS office and came away a little smarter but still puzzled.
    Both my ex wife and I have been on SS benefits for years.
    My wife and I were married for over 35 years, divorced in 1997. Neither of us remarried.
    Even though I started collecting at 62 1/2 my benefit is higher than hers.
    Our 55 year old daughter lives with and cares for mother.
    Questions are:
    If I die first what will she receive from my SS?
    If she dies first what will I receive from her SS?
    I was told that I, being the primary bread winner would only receive the $255.00 death benefit, period.
    That she would receive up to 70% of my current benefit. What does UP TO and how is that calculated mean?
    Will her monthly benefit be upped to what I was receiving and no more?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Ronald. The amount of your widower’s benefit is based on several factors, including: the earnings of your spouse, when she started receiving her benefits, your age, and the amount of your own retirement benefit. We compare your own benefit with your potential survivor benefit. If your survivor benefit would be higher than your own current retirement benefit, you would be eligible for survivor benefits. This would be the same policy for your divorced spouse. Also, keep in mind, if you are no longer married, you would not be eligible for the lump sum death benefit. For more information, visit our Benefits Planner: If You Are The Survivor. We hope this helps.

  4. Jane

    If a spouse dies..what effect on receipt of funds in month of death

  5. Suzanne B.

    I am currently receiving half the amount of benefits that my husband receives. But in 2020 I will be turning 70 and believe that I should switch to my own benefits. When is the best time to do this? Can I apply for this change before my birthday month, effective my birthday month?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Suzanne. Social Security retirement claims can be filed up to four months in advance. Since you are currently receiving benefits, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., to set up an appointment to file on our your own record. Generally, you will have a shorter wait if you call later in the day. You can also contact your local Social Security office. We hope this helps.

  6. Tammy J.

    I’m I eligible to apply for some of my husbands social benefits while I’m still married and have my own ssdi ? I’m 55

    • A.C.

      Thank you for your question, Tammy. To qualify for spouse’s benefits, your husband must be receiving retirement or disability benefits and you must be age 62 or older. Also, when you qualify for Social Security benefits on your own record, we pay that amount first. But if you also qualify for a higher amount as a spouse later on, you’ll get a combination of benefits that equals that higher amount. Visit our Retirement Planner: Benefits For You As A Spouse for more information.

  7. Richard H.

    My father recently passed away and I want to help my mother switch to my father’s benefit. She has dementia and I am her Power of Attorney. Is she required to come in person to accomplish this or may I come with the POA to do it without her?

  8. Mary C.

    My husband worked in the US for 22 years but did not pay much into SS because he worked for a City Gov. with it’s own pension plan. I worked for 42 years and paid SS. He was told he cannot collect on my SS other than get Medicare because of me. A friend of ours never lived or worked in the US when she was employed but married a US citizen. She can collect on his SS. Why can she collect and my husband can’t?

  9. Judith D.

    My husband died on April 4th 2019 and the Funeral Home Director told me I could apply for his Benefits if they were more than mine,which they are.Also how do I apply for his death benafits.please help me with this.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Judith. We are sorry to hear about your loss. If your husband worked long enough to be insured under Social Security, you may be eligible for a Lump Sum Death Payment. In addition, eligible family members may be able to receive monthly Survivor benefits. At this time, we do not offer an online application for survivors benefits. To learn more about benefits that may be available to you, please visit here. If you have specific questions about your case or to apply, please call 1-800-772-1213 and ask a representative to assist you or, you can contact your local office. We hope this helps.

  10. Earl w.

    Hello I am currently receiving my deceased wife’s Social Security benefit I was wondering that when I am eligible to receive my Social Security Will I still be able to receive her benefits as well I am 61 years old now and I was wondering how that worked thank you for reply God bless you and have a great day

    • A.C.

      Hi, Earl. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., for assistance. Generally, you will have a shorter wait if you call later in the day. You can also contact your local Social Security office. We hope this helps.

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