General, SSI

Three Things You Need to Know about Seasonal Work and Social Security

December 4, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

woman shopping Right after Halloween, stores and businesses begin advertising that they’re looking for seasonal workers. It’s a good way to make extra income during the busy holiday season. We know you may have some questions about seasonal work and how it affects your work record. Social Security is here to answer your top three questions about seasonal work.

  1. Do I earn credits toward future Social Security benefits if I get a job during the holidays?

Yes, your seasonal earnings count toward your future benefits. You earn Social Security credits when you work in a job and pay Social Security taxes. We use your total yearly earnings to figure your Social Security credits.

  1. I get Social Security benefits. Will seasonal work affect my benefits?

You can get Social Security retirement or survivors benefits and work at the same time. But if you’re younger than full retirement age, and earn more than certain amounts, your benefits will be reduced. Your benefits will increase when you reach full retirement age.

If you receive Social Security disability benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), special rules make it possible for people to work and still receive monthly payments. If you want to try working again, seasonal work may help you ease back into the work force. If you’re ready to work again, or would like to try this holiday season, read Working While Disabled.

  1. How do I make sure my seasonal wages are posted correctly?

Your personal my Social Security  account is the easiest and most efficient way to verify your earnings. If you don’t have an account, create one today. Your personal my Social Security account puts you in the driver’s seat of your personal record. You can view your Social Security Statement, request a replacement card, report your wages if you’re getting disability, and  more!

Remember that Social Security is here to help you secure today and tomorrow. You can find the answer to most of your questions by visiting our website.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Lorraine F.

    I have a disabled son who is 40 years old
    ..he has been receiving SSI..his dad retired and he started receiving half SSI and half SSA there anything he should know if he wants to try working for 2 or 3 hours every other day

    • V.V.

      Hi Lorraine, thanks for using our blog. Social Security does have special rules called “work incentives” that can help your son keep his disability benefits while testing his ability to work. There are different work incentives based on the type of disability benefit that he’s receiving. For more information about the ways we can help him return to work, check out our brochure “Working While Disabled: How We Can Help” and the Red Book which is a guide on work incentives.

  2. AZAHAR U.

    Thank you sir. Love It

  3. Michael L.

    Can I work for the census bureau while on social security disability? If so how many hours can I work?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Michael. If you are referring to Social Security disability benefits, special rules allow you to work temporarily without losing your monthly Social Security disability benefits. After your nine-month trial work period, we still provide a safety net that allows you to work another three years risk free. During those three years, you can work and still receive benefits for any month in which your earnings do not exceed a certain limit. For 2020, those limits are: $2,110 for blind individuals; or $1,260 a month if you are not blind. For more information on working while receiving Social Security disability benefits, click here. We hope this helps.

  4. Deborah S.

    No matter what I ask the question is never answered. I want to know at age 62 starting to get social security how much money can I make a month and it won’t affect the money I get from SS each month?

    • L.A.

      Hi Deborah. In 2019, if you are working at age 62, and your earnings are more than $17,640 a year, or $1,470 a month, we withhold $1 of benefits for every $2. In 2020, the earnings limits are $18,240 a year, or $1,520 a month. Again, if your earnings are above these limits, we withhold $1 of benefits for every $2. You can find more information about the earnings limits here. You can also read out publication titled “How Work Affects Your Benefits.” We hope this helps.

  5. beverly f.

    How much money can I make a year working ?

  6. Medias

    congratulations instagram web viewer!

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