Disability, SSI

There’s Plenty You Should Know About Social Security Disability Benefits!

March 30, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

woman in wheelchair in library Life is unpredictable. When something interrupts your plans, it’s good to know there’s a way to supplement your income, in case of an unexpected life event.

Social Security has a strict definition of disability based on your inability to work and provide for yourself and your family. Disability benefits are available only to people with impairments so severe that they prevent any kind of significant, profitable work. Social Security pays only for total disability. No benefits are payable for partial disability or for short-term disability.

We pay disability via two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance program, for people who have worked and paid Social Security taxes long enough to be eligible, and the Supplemental Security Income program, which pays benefits based on financial need.

When you apply for either program, we will collect medical and other information from you. Our disability examiners will make a decision about whether or not you can do work that you did before, adjust to other work because of your medical condition, and if your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or is likely to result in death.

Certain factors may speed or delay the decision in your case, like the nature of your disability and how quickly we can get your medical records. We may also need to send you for an additional medical examination at no cost to you.

If you would like to apply for disability benefits, you can use our online application. It has several advantages, including immediately starting the process, no waiting to get an appointment, and no trip to a Social Security Office. It’s easy, convenient, and secure.

You can find out everything there is to know about disability benefits online.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Pmartin

    this reply is to RC and Suzanna…. I do understand your stress with and within the system. I am on SSD, and have been since 2009. I was approved in 6 months, never denied once. Here’s why….I was hurt 25 years ago. 3 ruptured discs in my lower back.I was out for 7 years on workers comp. Probably saw 15 different orthopedic and neuro surgeons and doctors, when I finally decided to have surgery. even though I was still in some pain, I was more bored being at home. I went back to work. I worked with a bad back and left leg. Right up till 2003, I learned to deal with the pain. But like the body does, it slowly starts to get worse. I see more Doctors while stilll working. I have a big lumbar fusion surgery, which the doctor s crews up. 6 weeks later another surgeon attempts to ripe all the last doctors hardware out of my back to put new straight hardware back in. He got 2/3 the way and couldn’t get the last and lowest disc to release the incorrect hardware out. So boom…I’m screwed. I awake and my back and especially my left leg feel like they are on fire!!! Now a little more than 20 years after my accident, it’s clear….I can’t work. So now, here’s why my case went so quick and so well. after I applied for benefits, I myself got certified copies of ALL MY MEDICAL REPORTS !! Thats right, from every doctor I had seen. 24 of them. physical therapists as well. All my tests as well. Everything !!! Medical records is the one biggest delay in SSD. Because your claims ajuster will NOT begin to read over and assess your file until they have ALL YOUR RECORDS!!! Doctors offices take an average of 4 months to send SSI your doctors notes. But there is always one set of notes that take 6-7 months. The claims scoring itself takes 4-6 weeks. Another thing I did was wrote the claims person assigned to me, and asked if there was anything I could do to make his gathering work easier. Did he need me to call any medical office that he had to get anything from, to get it to him faster. They were short notes !! But after 6 months, one morning I awoke, and I had a text saying there was $14,000 in my checking acct. I had the money before I was even notified of the approval !! NO ONE GOT A PIECE OF MY CHECK.!!!!! I hired no lawyer !! You truly don’t need one. Neither do you need any of these rip off SSD services to help steal your money. YOU NEED THREE THINGS…..1 YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY BE DISABLED, TOTALLY ……2 GET ALL YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS AND GIVE THEM TO THE CLAIMS PERSON HANDLING YOUR CASE…….AND 3 ……ASK IF THEY NEED HELP GETTING YOUR FILE RECORDS TOGETHER. If you’re denied, and you feel that you are medically qualified to get benefits, then talk to a good lawyer, not one you see on TV. These folks know those guys. They know that they will take ANY case. So you will probably get denied over and over. be prepared when you file. If not, prepare to loose !!

  2. Fred's B.

    When I turned 65 my Disability reverted to just Social Security for my 50 years of working at a variety of Jobs including hard rock underground mining and coal mining. Iv’e 3 knee surgeries, 3 shoulder surgeries, an surgically amputated index finger, multiple broken bones (9), both rheumatoid and osteo arthritis. and macular degeneration in one eye. Will the IRS contact me about paying federal
    Income Taxes on the measly amount I receive? I’m pretty well crippled up, with a knee replacement having been diagnosed and the cost of it will require me to pay 20% plus Meds, Radiologist, therapy, and Taxi rides.

    • RC

      Guarantee it. This year, I am audited on 9 grand in income. When I made a search to find out what they feel they would gain from a poor person, I learned that this year they are targeting the very rich and very poor.

      I know many business owners, and the amount of things they deduct, even for grown kids phones and fuel is nauseating. Its fraud, but who is looking? Then the subsidies. Do we want to get into the corporate welfare/subsides?
      I feel a firestorm coming!

  3. bettyg

    della crews, please UNLOCK CAPS and use lower case or regular sentence structure.

    it’s too hard to read and it’s considered “shouting” to those reading this.

    it’s DIFFICULT to get ssdi benefits! you have to have drawers full of medical documentation files of supportive drs. showing their records agree with when you explain why you no longer can do sustainable work

    took me 5 yrs. & 2 apps to be approved. i have 3 full drawers full of 4 drawer file cabinet!!

    • sis

      Writing in caps is no longer considered shouting, who ever made up the was stupid.

      • RC

        But we still use capital letters at the beginning of our sentences. 😉 Just sayin’, since critique seems to be in order.

        • Pmartin

          Correct !

      • Kim


  4. DELLA C.


    • Pmartin

      YOU NEED TO CALL THE POLICE !! Are you related to this person ?? Where you married to them at one time?? I can’t believe SSI has not interceded and frozen your SS number along with all active benefits !!! This story does NOT add up ! But that’s not to say that it can’t happen. Get back to me and let me know regarding my above questions

    • R.F.

      Hi Della. Generally, reports and investigations of identity theft are handled by the Federal Trade Commission. You can find more information from their website: http://www.idtheft.gov. Or you may call them at 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338).

    • B A.

      If someone is using your social security number to obtain credit to purchase houses cars and businessesin your name, it is fraud. Fraud means that someone has used your name and social security number to do something in your name without your permission or knowledge. In this case.

      However typically fraudsters stealing your name and social security number do not pay the accounts, which is why they would use someone else information, it is to steal.

      Once you reported the fraud then I am not exactly sure how they would have been able to obtain further credit to buy houses and cars and businesses.

      None the less fraud does happen. This means that people whom you do not know are claiming to be you and co-sign for loans, and claiming you are their spouse yet if that were the case then the accounts would be joint accounts. You specifically stated there were no joint accounts.

      So if they were not joint accounts how exactly would it benefit them from claiming you were married. Or were you saying two people claiming to be you and a supposed spouse of yours were obtaining credit? Again this wwould reflect as a joint account.

      Unless of course you are talking about someone you live with or once lived with. Perhas you share a computer? And your name is being associated with them. Which is not necessisarily the same as using your social security number. I have see my own name being incorrectly associated with a name of a person whom I once lived with. Because of that association my name was incorrectly listed at one of his addresses. This was easily corrected by contacting the credit reporting agency or where ever it was I saw the incorrect information.

      I do not see how anyone could prevent you from using your own information other than the lock on your credit report which happened when you yourself reported fraud.
      What I am fairly sure has happened was that when you were applying for some kind of credit , you were blocked because it was a security precaution. If there were no joint accounts and there was fraudulent activinty done by someone claiming to be you, until you have a police report, the credit card or company will not consider it fraud. The rason is simple, without an official police report, many people would simply obtain credit and then say it wasnt them.

      In order to have the items removed from your credit report you need to have a copy of the police report, otherwise when you dispute it, there would be no way to prove that you did not obtain the credit yourself and the dispute would then be declined and the information would be put back on your credit report,

      If someone you know has tried to obtain credit claiming you are a cosigner but the account was not a joint account, then you can request a copy of the signed documents and submit those to the police as well, it would show the signiture and possibly some kind of ID or employment verification info.

      To me it sounds like you are saying that there are some credit report issues and not actually collecting a social security benefit.

      To have someone collect a social security benefit unlawfully in your name is a completely different type of fraud and this too can happen. It can be a family member or someone close enough to you to be able to fool the Social security admin to gain a benefit in your name. I know for SSI its very difficult and you cannot own businesses or assest to obtain that , and as far as I know the person would have to know your employment information like a W2 or have your tax records or some kind of identifying information that would easily pop right up if their image on theiir ID isnt the same as on your ID card or drivers license.

      I agree with the other post that something isnt adding up. At anyrate, I feel if you were blocked, it was because you reported fraud, and if you think about it, how would a creditor or credit reoprt protect you from anyone else using your social security number if you also were not blocked. If you go back and check the credit report I am pretty sure you will find that its locked and will probably remain that way until you authorize it to be unlocked.

  5. DELLA C.


    • Pmartin

      Yes, if what you are saying is true, you should have a police report! The first thing you should do is, call your local SSI office. Make an appointment RIGHT AWAY !! Take your police record in with you. SSI should already be aware of the identity theft. The checks should have already stopped. But once you get there, they will get you to sign an affidavit, if you haven’t already. They will make the appropriate notes in your file. They will tell you where you stand as to benefits. If they believe that you may have some complicity in the theft, or allowing someone else to use your SS number, than they will investigate you. But chances are, they have already ! If all is good, you get all your credits back. Hope it alll works out for you!

  6. surinder

    God grace you. I am very passing with finacialship to pass the hardships,neither I have got Unemployment benefits so far after applied in Taxas Workforce comission nor I have got disability benefits so far,and neither I have got any job here after applying in various,it seems the mockery claim of the government of U.S.A where without money it is hard to lead the life .Now it is my suggestion to US gov. to open one more department,and name after that “Clinging on Neck Commision” on new commer in U.S.A.

    • Suzanna

      Judging from the comments here, I don’t think any official reads these.

      Social Security does not have “strict definitions” of disability, else applicants would be approved within 30 days. Instead, lawyers and advocates delay the approval process in order to collect a percentage of the disabled/poor person’s entitlement, and this often takes 2+ years so that they can collect their own big welfare check at the expense of the least of us. In addition, as is common in courts, there are “experts” waiting for their own welfare checks – such as when a disabled person with, for example, neurofibromatosis, gets a mental health professional assigned to him to violate him with mental health testing. The primary purpose of this is to get that professional paid, with the secondary purpose being violating the disabled person and creating harmful records on him.

      The scandal and fraud in the social security disability system is not committed by the poor and disabled people.

      • RC

        Mostly agreed! Many people are waiting to be paid with each case.

        • Tom

          The rules require documentation that is credible that you have a condition severe enough to last a year or result in death that prevents substantial and gainful employment for a year or more for jobs that exist in significant numbers in the NATIONAL economy. That is Congress, who you helped elect. It is not the agency. You can’t be paid based on “I am disabled”. It requires proof based on Congressionally provided standards with case law considerations that establishes levels of proof. Most doctors sell you straight down the river because they fail to fill out a short questionnaire or provide evidence. The other issue is that while Congress speaks about undocumented “waste” to stir up the natives to get elected, what they are really doing is understaffing the agency and forcing offices to close in the name of “getting government off your backs.” You fall for it you pay the price. Want a better agency that serves you. You might consider voting for it.

      • Marc

        Why don’t you READ THE SSA RULES FOR DISABILITY instead of making false claims based on your own OPINIONS and the OPINIONS of others. Facts directly from the LAW – yes, Social Security, INCLUDING Social Security Disability Insurance, was created by and is operated by LAW. If you want to know what the law says, read the law. Would you let your auto mechanic do a heart transplant on you? Get your information from the ORIGINAL SOURCE, in this case, federal law, That way, at least you’ll have the correct information you need to base your opinions on rather than fantasies created by others in order to scare you…just like fairy tales were intended to get you to obey ypur parents when you were little.

      • Marc

        Why don’t you @Maria K Tobias: READ THE SSA’s RULES FOR DISABILITY instead of making false claims based on your own OPINIONS and the OPINIONS of others. I’m referring to facts that come directly from the LAW – yes, Social Security, INCLUDING Social Security Disability Insurance, was both created by and is operated by LAWS. If you want to know what the law says, read the law. Would you let your auto mechanic do a heart transplant on you? I can only imagine whete you got all this gibberish and false nonsense you’re spouting about the Social Security Administration, but none of what you have stated here is true, absolutelt nothing. If you want the actual facts about this agency (or any other government agency), get your FACTS from the ORIGINAL SOURCE, in this case, the text of the federal law. Its very easy to find, and in fact you’ll find just about everything you want to know about the SSA from this very site (except for the legislative history, which is in the Federal Register). At least that way you’ll have the CORRECT information you need to base your opinions on, rather than elaborate fantasies created by others (politicians, right-wing “news” rags, deranged talk show hosts, and their ilk). This claptrap you’re spouting has indeed been thrown about by the right for decades, but it is all fabricated i.e., made up) out of thin air, in order to scare you. And sadly, it appears to have worked, exactly like the fairy tales ypur parents told you when you were little, in order to get you to obey…

      • Patrice G.

        Thats not true my disability was approved in six months but the key is I didn’t get paid for the five month waiting period that I didn’t know about until I got my first check. I filed in Feb and got approved in July first check August.

    • Susan C.

      You need to learn the language of the USA, which is English, which is obviously not your native tongue. That or you are illiterate and that is the reason you cannot get a job. You have to have paid into the system to get money out of the SSD program.

  7. loretta s.

    I am on disability. Our income is greater than going on
    SSI. I am on alot of medication, besides diabetic and on two types of insulin, high blood pressure, high colostrol,
    high herea heart problems, etc. My husband is also on Heart medication and high colostrol. I will soon get into the GAP with my insurance and will have to pay 100 percent of the cost of my medications. We have to decide if we buy food or put out for the medications. Is there something I can do?

    • RC

      I was also in your shoes, with many of the same illnesses.
      I am in no place to give you advice, but started learning about how the body works (and is a fine engine that works hard to repair itself; given the right tools. Often, that isn’t the medication we are given, at least long term.
      After I could no.linger afford my medications, I slowly went off all. I don’t know all of it, but a diet without all of the processed food that we allow on the market, and a bit more movement as able. A book named Younger Next Year, by two Drs (sorry, they are packed in.a box, after another move), I don’t remember their names, but it is easy to find with a Google search, or at the bookstore, these Drs inform.about the processed going on inside the body, and how imperative, sick or not, it is too be bodies. It’s in layman’s terms, so easy to understand, for the most part.
      I know it is tough, with diabetes, but a diet rich in.all of the colors of the rainbow (fruits and veggies) is imperative for healing.
      There is so much information out on healing with good today. I hope you get to find a couple soon!

      • misery c.

        Hi RC,

        I appreciated your comment and recommendation. I’ve already placed a request for “Younger Next Year” at my local library, and I can’t wait to read it.

        I’ve given up caffeine and made some good efforts in my diet, but I still eat waaaay too many processed foods. This book sounds like it will motivate me to finally make a significant diet change.

        Thanks for the information and inspiration!

    • R.F.

      Hi Loretta, you may want to check and see if you are eligible to receive social services from the state in which you live. These services include Medicaid, which may help pay for your medication. You can get information about services in your area from your local social services office. Or you can visit the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services web page for more information. We hope this helps.

    • Susan C.

      check out one of the big pharmacies generic programs for 90 days of meds. ask your doctor to change your med to one in the same class that is generic or ask the pharmaceutical company if they have a program to pay for your meds at a discounted price.

  8. Marcel


    • RC

      You, my dear, are sadly mistaken. They are under such scrutiny to kick people off, even though they paid in for years, and a physician.caused the disability with a botched surgery.
      I know, I was just one who became homeless, and many others have, because “the rules ” are often not explained, you work a bit and it “goes over”. You get a raise, and it “goes over ” all while trying to get reestablished so no insurance is needed. They don’t hesitate to pull the rug right from under you! I hope you never need it!
      Nobody ever informs you of these “months of significant work”, or when it is or isn’t. It is such that way that one kind person literally has to tell people “don’t earn over”.. this much”.or you’ll have trouble with it again.”
      I saw, posted on a big screen, that they have “recovered” so many billions of dollars. They have really gone through great lengths to find any way to take back what they can, creating lots of scenarios and schemes to do so. Six years of harassment here, even though I am.trying hard to reestablish myself with a new degree and career. Most don’t seem to care but, occasionally, you find someone with empathy who works hard to help you help yourself.

    • Pmartin

      This is the biggest BS. Anyone that has ever navigated the SSD intake program, can tell you, there is a better chance that you will win the lottery, before getting excepted onto the rolls of disability when you are truly NOT totally disabled. the above commenter surely speaks from a time 20 years ago, when one could walk into an SS office, and 4 weeks later, they are getting a check in the mail. Today is a very different time in Social Security. If you were to believe the Republican babble spewed in the above comment, you’d also have to believe that the Fed employs monkey’s as claims adjusters. Trump is proving to be unqualified for the job as President. He will be in for one term unless he’s indicted before it ends! 35% rating…..the lowest for any president EVER! And he’s only 2 months into his term. NICE !!

      • Susan C.

        “excepted” means you do not qualify, “accepted” means you do.

    • Katie L.

      You can’t just jump from unemployment to disability. Disability takes three years or longer in some cases of being unable to work or receive any funds while you prove your case , hoping your family is kind enough to offer their home to you cause you’ve lost yours to drs bills and inability to have any income. I hope you don’t ever find yourself in need, being sick sucks, having people judge you for being sick sucks even more. But I guess that Goldman Sachs Cabinet of Trumps is going to fix everything.

  9. Yolanda G.

    I don’t know how disability works or what needs to be done in order to receive it but, I’m sure I know someone who is committing fraud in the system, that and also the care someone is supposed to be giving her. I don’t know what to do about it or if I even should?
    This is our hard earned dollars being abused and why our country is in such a mess.

    • D.H. F.

      How do you know? To qualify for Social Security Disability, one must have medical confirmation of a disability so severe as to make gainful employment impossible. All cases are periodically reviewed, with the recipients’ doctors needing to provide verification that one is unable to pursue gainful employment. Our govt. does, indeed, work to ensure that no one is receiving a penny of aid for which they don’t qualify.

      • Kevin R.

        I know of two (one in particular) ALJ’s whom also work hard at ignoring the factual evidence and finding a way to manipulate an outcome to appease his “vision” &/or “opinion” of what disability looks like… – which is completely wrong for a judge to do. The judge should look at the facts, look at the evidence provided, the information The medical professional provides ( as he obviously thought he knew more than my doctor )
        Having severe mental disabilities is so… I can’t find the words extremely extremely difficult to not only try to live moreover stay alive, on a daily basis but to be taken seriously in the eyes of the Social Security administration – understand the severity of what someone has gone through to get to the point where they’re asking the state for help… especially for someone who has worked in the past and paid into the system, i’ve read the protocol or job outline of an ALJ is to help a person get through the process to achieve a favorable decision NOT to throw out the statements requested and an individual’s medical history – if you are unable to tell I have had a devastating excruciating blow by being denied SSDI
        (back when I had work credits) my doctor filled out the paperwork, provided treatment history as well as his own professional opinion all correctly and on time, yet the judge solid fit to throw it out leaving mean no case whatsoever he also threw out my statements, my father’s as well as another individual whom I met at my doctors office since I have no more friends, it’s not easy to have someone to fill out those packets… A) they’re not easy to fill out and if they are then it’s beyond my ability.. i have severe anxiety attacks thinking about this, how unjustly I was treated, without provocation.. what so ever.. to have everything “thrown out” literally! By the judges action and has only made my mental illness far more severe life is far more hopeless I never in 1 million trillion years thought I would be asking the state for help I wish I could explain but I am liking the ability other than now I suffer from PTSD over The judges disgustingly horrible disgraceful unprofessional opinion based decision, for a lack of more accurate wording. Not even a month went by before the unfavorable decision that I received a letter saying my credits have expired… I didn’t go to school to live “high on the hog” of Social Security, The entire process is degrading and shameful and to go through all that only to be denied this most basic life saving service I can no longer go on like this… The judge may as well just pulled the plug on my life support so to speak that was my last option… if I went in there to the hearing with the children and put on a show basically bullshitting ( wish I didn’t need to at least I didn’t feel I needed to) my parents raised me not to lie.” especially to the judicial system more over the government or someone/something of authority…
        I’m sick so I can’t work and they Social Security administration fails to recognize not only professional physicians opinions but a law-abiding citizen with no criminal or any record of any kind whatsoever…
        Maybe if I would’ve dumbed down my grammar, put on a show or acted things would be different.. that’s not me I can’t do that I’m a person of integrity and expect the same in return I cannot get over this.. this is my life that has been taken away by an elderly man. Which I can only assume doesn’t believe middle illness is exist, otherwise he would’ve respected my doctors treatment history and written opinion as well as my own, my witness and my fathers statements ( hey said he threw them out because they were medical professionals so they Weren’t educated to contribute to the decision – although they asked for the statements he threw them out literally, and my doctors, and they were something extremely shady between he and the attorney that was supposed to represent me yet she didn’t say one word throughout the entire hearing?
        The law firm also failed to follow up with the appeal..
        How can I not think something is shady there?
        So here around on the verge of ending everything, and I know that Judge couldn’t give two shitz nor even one as to what happens to me.. how does someone who is unable to express their feelings thoughts & remember facts, times, events & experiences…. what they’re going through. How do they get the point across? An attorney? Who’s on the take? I cannot wrap my head around why she didn’t say one word throughout the entire hearing, and I had no clue at all The protocol of this process I put my faith in the system made my issues far far worse than they were before.. thanks Social Security administration! You were really there for me, because as you know, I’ve been paying you all my life and when I asked for help…. whats the use?
        I wish all this would end… what i really wish is to simply have a fair hearing with a judge who understands or recognizes ( much like climate change is REAL not a hoax ) that mental disabilities prevent people from being able to work. They do exist although you can’t see them… I can’t believe what a sucker I was to believe that I would be done right by the system… what a fool…..

      • Mary E.

        There are many people that receive benefits and use them for drugs and alcohol. They get a check one day and its gone two days later. They cause tax payers thousands of dollars a year in emergency room bills among other unnecessary expenses. And when reported to the SS Adm. Nothing gets done. I am a mandated reporter and can verify.

        • thomas k.

          do u know these people personally or you read facebook

      • june

        sure, but what if your doctors will not fill out the verification form? What then??????

    • Pmartin

      In the interest of the program/ always report suspected abuse. As the other person wrote…. people on the program are stringently vetted as being declared totally disabled, and unable to earn gainful employment. However, that is the case with recipients that have joined the program in the last 10 years or so. Before that however, those admitted got onto the system with relative ease. If you are in a position to view this suspected person over many different days, and conditions. And you feel more confident than not, that they could work at least part time, than go to SSI.gov and type “report abuse” in the search box. Don’t worry, most times, these folks are found to still be disabled.But better to file the complaint, than to take the chance that someone is abusing the system that you may need someday. But can’t get because the program is financially strained. i know people say that will never happen. But just look at our President and all the BS he is shoving at those less fortunate. He might just be the beginning of the end, to this and other programs !!

    • Kim

      There are alot of people that need SSI including me. Others that get it for just there neck or psychology or etc just to get SSI. So they don’t have to work.I don’t get much a month. If everyone turned in all these people that don’t deserve it. Maybe we can get a. raise. My opinion turn them in. Be honest you will feel better about yourself.

      • Marc

        Your post is so full of incorrect, false, and just plain ridiculous statements that I don’t even know where to begin. SSI and SSDI are two completely different things. to start with. For SSDI you have to have worked first least ten years and what you draw IF you become disabled and TOTALLY UNABLE to work EVER AGAIN, which takes literally years to prove to meet their tough standards for dissbility is determined by your WAGES during ALL your working years. Further, SSDI is funded by WORKERS’ SALARIES, money that’s taken out of every check you’ve ever made.

        SSI is a SEPARATE program for disabled people who HAVE LITTLE TO NO INCOME or resources-in other words, poor people – and thus can’t work. It’s NOT funded by the Social Security accoun but is from the general fund, i.e., it is a form of welfare. Because the Social Security Administration is efficient, the SSA manages both programs to SAVE MONEY ON ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. Why have 2 agencies do the same thing when one can handle both?

        Now, as far as people getting disability payments “for just there [sic] neck or psychology [sic],” you couldn’t be more incorrect and judgmental if you tried. As I and several other posters have said, it is extremely difficult to be approved for SSDI; it can take up to THREE YEARS, during which time you are having to come up with tons of CREDIBLE, REAL, CONVINCING PROOD, that also FITS INTO THE SSA’s definition of disabled. That is NOT easy, and no, people are NOT getting it by “faking” a hurt neck or “psychology.”

        You clearly have absolutely NO medical knowledge, and since you obviously did not read this article, much less the website you are commenting on here, you have no udea how extremely difficult it is to prove your the SSA that you’re disabled enough to receive benefits. Even if they do finally rule that you are, they continue to REVIEW your case every few years as ling as you’re on disability, to make sure you are STILL TOTALLY disabled and unable to work at ANY job., Plus, they DO monitor any records that may be connected with you (taxes, income, support, inheritances, etc.) that might disqualify you from receiving benefits. These FALSE claims politicians – and people like you – make about “fraud, waste, and abuse” are FALSE.

        The truth is, the biggest source of fraud and abuse in EVERY government program is CORPORATE FRAUD in the MILLIONS of dollars, not little people cadging the extra $100 here and thete, though they do prosecute them, too. But the government DOES catch and bust the corporated fraudsters every day. You can read every case report on the official government websites as these are a matter of public record if you want the facts, instead of swallowing without question the hatefu rantings of ill-informed, ignorant, biased radio and ultra right-wing “news” sources (like for instance Breitbart, that rag that publishes outrageous, insane stories they created out of thin air, bigotry, hatred, and greed).

        If you cannot be bothered with the FACTS, then stop complaining and blaming your problems on innocent people whom you malign without a shred of evidence or even knowledge of what you’re talking about. And if you have a complaint about getting a “raise,” you should call your Congress persons, because CONGRESS VOTES WHETHER OR NOT SOCIAL SECURITY, WELFARE, or anyone else gets anything or cut or – what they’re working on now – nothing at all.

        • misery c.

          Bless you Marc! You said everything I felt about ‘just’ having psychological problems…if I COULD work, I WOULD work.

          Thanks for all of the info about difference between SSI vs SSDI.

          Your’re an articulate, compassionate and knowledgeable advocate.

          • Survivor

            Amen, WOULD LOVE TO HAVE been able bodied and minded to work, knowing its hard, but this is hell, they know nothing of,, you should hear what I hear and feel right now, but you can’t and “YOU’RE MORE THAN BLESSED” Like God said, “DON’T JUDGE HER, YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT I ASKED HER TO DO” And could be part of the reason those that can work, do,,

        • Katie L.

          Just had to say THANK YOU for so eloquently stating all the facts nobody seems to understand about the Disability programs!!!

        • Edwin

          Approved on SSDI July 15 after six months and half received the first benifits for January on end of Jan to 1st day of February. No RETROACTIVE for the first five months and Half. Just in case you die in a waiting period of Five months . Your Family get only for $ 255.00 for burial expenses . Nota single benifits of SSDI because you die in a waiting period of Five months! I think this is NOT FAIR to a member who is really Disabled and might die early on a sudden death like Hearthsttack , STROKE or others illness. There is no Benifits coming from any other Insurance like former employer.. Because the member is not working for the last Four years Before applying SSDI..Is there any hope in any Back payment of thesaid wIting period of Five months ?

          • ginger

            why is there a 5 month waiting period? i want to know the reason, my husband was just diognosed with stage 4 prostate cancer thats matstated to his spine, and yes he is approved, but still has to WAIT 5 months , and than i read its 2 years before you get madicare or medicaid. how can you justify this he is 60 and has worked since he was 15, and this is fair. i want to know the reason for the wait. Maybe they should make people applying for welfare wait 5 months

          • Robin E.

            As for Ginger Social Security does not handle Medicaid that you have to apply for at your local Soc Services office! Soc Security offers Medicare after you are disabled for 2 years meaning on SSDI for 2 years I know this is horrible but it’s just the way it is! Go to your local Soc Service office to see if you can get Medicaid for him! Medicaid is difficult to get but that depends on where you live but it pays much better than Medicare, I can promise you that! Also just because he may get Medicaid it will not extend to the rest of his family unless everyone qualifies! I’m just a peon in this world but I do know about these services! Good luck & God Bless you all!

        • Janice

          Wow! Thank you thank you thank you and thank you! My pet peeve is ignorant people! People that speak words that they think they know what they mean and they think they know what they’re talking about are the stupidest people on the planet! Definitely judgemental, definitely casting a big asshole sticker on their forehead! I’m not even going to try to pretend to be nice here. Shame Shame Shame Kim! I, like Marc, highly suggest you do a bit (oh scratch that)… I mean a whole lot of research! You know read case studies, peer-reviewed articles, study statistics, perhaps a bit of anatomy and physiology and psychology classes would do you a bit of good as well!!!

          • MIndy

            No I was not rude to no one and if you don’t do your job I wI’ll tell on you
            And the police refuse to do there joblisa morales is paying ppl to make fun of me with that money and stated that she suposably won the lottery I wanna see the receipt.

        • Jane

          I didn’t know there was a difference. I thought both a disability and no income were required in order to receive any disability benefits. I was aware of the paying in for 10 years requirement.

          • R.F.

            Hi Jane. We pay disability benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance program (SSDI) and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. The SSI program is a needs-based program that pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources. SSI benefits also are payable to people aged 65 and older who have limited income and resources. SSDI benefits, on the other hand, are based on earnings and are not subject to income and resource limits. When it comes to qualifying for disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance program, you must be “currently insured” or have worked long enough–and recently enough—under Social Security. We hope this information helps.

        • Fiona

          Mic drop and applause for Marc.

    • R.F.

      Thank you for your comment Yolanda. If you suspect fraud, waste or abuse of Social Security benefits we encourage you to report it.

      • MIndy

        Christ girletti is trying to sell my kids

      • Mary E.

        Don’t know the purpose for this statement unless ,just for show because for some reason, here in Virginia when wade and abuse is reported, it goes in one end of the
        Phone receiver and out the other. Virginia nationally gets an F for communication every year. And that’s in most venues.

  10. Nobody

    I want to know how to report an employee at my local office who treated me badly.

    • Bill B.

      Maybe you were rude to her and you don’t like it when she did the same thing to you.

      • JD

        I have been on both sides of the table, giving the intake evaluation and receiving the evaluation. It is very tough on both accounts. The person giving the intake is overworked and emotional drained. The person receiving the intake is exhausted, sick, and broken – emotionally, physically, and financially. It is hard to think of these things on both sides of the table when every day is a battle. To serve and give help and to ask and receive help. We need to try to remember we are all people who need kindness and understanding. It is difficult when so much is happening, but it is all in our best interest to try and give a bit of kindness. Sometimes a person just needs to know they are worth being heard, on both sides of the table. Is important to fight for yourself, but not so much that you miss out on help or acts of kindness. I have been on a long battle for my health for almost 15 years. I have learned to step back to protect myself, but to also listen. One last thing, document every call, every event, every thing. It will protect you and save you time, money and energy. Thank you

        • MIndy

          Well on this letter it says I’m supposed to get 2000 every nine months some of the information has been deleted as well plus the money issue that was erased off the computer in booth h or f I’m not sure but there was a banking account in Odessa texas that stated Mae bending for mindy mccullough at Odessa tx permian. Based federal credit union they may have possibly changed the bank to west Texas educators when lisa morales stole my social security card and birth cirtificates to get an I’d with her pic and my identification at the dps office in which they informed me the same day doris joy mccullough renweed her licence at that same time I walked in to get an I’d last summer or the summer before last I’m not sure but Mae bending gave my money that was the amount erased to lisa morales who signed, it over to her self or has a mindy mccullough banking account or credit card that she is spending while she faked her death and is acting like she is me with the I’d she elegally got with my stolen identification.

          • MIndy

            Lisa morales used my Medicare at Dr Sinclair office at regional hospital he retired afterwords

          • MIndy

            Lisa used my Medicaid, rather

        • Marc

          This is a beautiful statement, and one which is appropriate and relevant to every question or issue we face as humans every day. Thank you for sharing this truly valuable thought. What a wonderful world it would be if we could all try to keep this in mind whenever we’re dealing with another person. Being kind is more productive than being “right.”

      • MIndy

        No I was not rude to no one and if you don’t do your job I wI’ll tell on you

        • MIndy

          No I was not rude to no one and if you don’t do your job I wI’ll tell on you
          And the police refuse to do there job

          • MIndy

            Lisa morales killed some one to fake her death and you may inform military or the feds that she is in a invisible suit and that she had a lion she let loose and all kinds of stuff I need someone to contact an officer for me my numbers 2542463679

      • Mary E.

        First, that was not her question…and second, two wrongs never make a right..so the question was how to report rude treatment at a local office by an employee. Not every employee has good people skills and this shows a lack of proper training as well.

        • R.F.

          To submit a comment, complaint or suggestion, you can write to us or send us an email message. Thanks.

      • lisa

        how could you say that to her… no some of those people act like they dont like there jobs.

    • Pmartin

      always remember that everyone has one of those kind of days. You may have visited her on the worse part of it. One thing I know about most of the intake and claims people at SSI, they are all seasoned folk. I would bet that there is something you said that was either off color, or touched a nerve in her. Think about it a while. Remember, if you file a complaint, first of all….unless she went completely off the wall, or did or said something so egregious, the complaint will most likely be filed as unfounded. Second, and more importantly, workmates look out for each other. Supervisors tend to protect their team members, and your complaint will follow you. And I can tell….when it comes to SSD, you don’t need any other delays or rejections while navigating the system !! Count to ten, and continue on your long journey !

      • Kim

        Very well said !!

    • R.F.

      We apologize and we regret to hear you did not receive the level of customer service you expected. To submit your comment, complaint or suggestion, you can write to us or send us an email message. Keep in mind that you can ask to speak to a supervisor and report any deficiencies immediately when they occur. Thanks.

    • MIndy

      Chris Naylor took some of the money threw the child support office and has a life insurance policy out on me some one else has one that Alice joy hanner has had on me sense I was 8 years old

      • MIndy

        The child support office secretary deleted the information that states the information

        • MIndy

          Well two of the secretary’s from the child support office on south first in abilene texas

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