Social Security benefits
myRA, U.S. Treasury’s New Retirement Savings Option
Reading Time: 1 Minute
The U.S. Treasury Department has introduced myRA, a retirement savings account for individuals looking for a simple, safe, and affordable way to save for their retirement. Over thirty percent of all American households have no retirement savings. myRA provides a way to start saving for retirement. Did you find this Information helpful? Yes No Thanks […]
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You Can Help Shape Our Disability Policy
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Social Security needs your help. We are asking for responses to an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on how we should modernize our vocational rules, which we first published in 1978. These are the rules our disability decision makers use to decide whether an adult with a severe disabling condition can do any job in […]
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Don’t be Spooked about Retiring Online
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Vile vampires and wicked witches are some of the classic scary monsters that haunted us as children. As adults, some of the scariest parts of our day might be all the stresses that come with everyday life. Medical appointments, car maintenance, and running errands — it can be overwhelming enough to make us want to scream. […]
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Hit a Grand Slam by Retiring Online
Reading Time: 1 Minute
You feel a special kind of excitement when your team is playing in the World Series and you watch your star hitter step to the plate at the bottom of the ninth inning, with two outs and the bases loaded. Did you find this Information helpful? Yes No Thanks for your feedback!
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Supreme Court Decision Regarding Same-Sex Marriage
Reading Time: 1 Minute
On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court issued a decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, holding that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry in all states. As a result, more same-sex couples will be recognized as married for purposes of determining entitlement to Social Security benefits or eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments. […]
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A Teachable Moment about Social Security Benefits
Reading Time: 1 Minute
It appears we have a knowledge gap among younger workers when it comes to Social Security. Recent analysis from the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) shows a quarter of younger workers believe that Social Security will not be part of their income in retirement. This compares with 13% of those over 45 who believe the […]
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