COVID-19, General

Supplemental Security Income Recipients Will Receive Automatic COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments

April 15, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

The Treasury Department announced that Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients will receive automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department.  Treasury anticipates these automatic payments to go out no later than early May.

SSI recipients with no qualifying children do not need to take any action in order to receive their $1,200 economic impact payment. The payments will be automatic.

SSI recipients who have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should now go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Your Payment Info section to provide their information. By taking proactive steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If SSI beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, they will have to wait until later to receive their $500 per qualifying child.

This is great news for SSI recipients, and I want to remind recipients with qualifying children to go to soon so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for. I also want to thank the dedicated employees of the Treasury Department, Social Security, and the Internal Revenue Service for making this happen and working non-stop on this issue.

SSI Recipients with Dependent Children Should Still Go To to Provide Their Information

Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries (who don’t normally file taxes) will also qualify for automatic payments of $1,200 from Treasury. These payments are anticipated to start arriving around the end of April.

The Treasury Department, not Social Security, will make these automatic payments to beneficiaries. Recipients will generally receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their SSI or Social Security benefits.

For those SSI and Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries, with dependent children, who use Direct Express debit cards, additional information will be available soon regarding the steps to take when claiming children under 17, on the IRS website.

Please note that the agency will not consider Economic Impact Payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.

For more information about Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries, please see our most recent blog.

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found on the IRS website. In addition, please continue to visit the IRS for the latest information.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. michael j.

    same info from three days ago

    • Sweetie

      I am wondering if my stimules check will come on my direct express. Card

      • Tina

        Yes they will go onto the direct express card.

  2. Cheryl c.

    My younger adult brother 62, who is disabled and is my dependent on taxes, does he get stimulus check $1200 ??

    • Snarky

      No. But you’ll get met for him. Hopefully you’ll do the right thing and give it to him.

      • Armando

        Im 22 but my ssi account it under my name but my mom put me as a dependent on her taxes, and she only got 1,200, will i get the same?

      • Armando t.

        Im a dependent on my moms taxes but she only got 1,200

        • Michelle

          She received it as a filing taxpayer. Assuming you are older than 17, you are not an eligible dependent of hers that would get her the $500 payment. You are not eligible to receive it yourself either, because you are an adult dependent claimed on your mother’s tax return.

    • Dale

      If you carry John on your taxes as a dependent, NO you will not recieve any money for him. It sucks and is not fair. My mom was carried on my sisters taxes, she gets a small check from Social Security she will get no stimulus money. ONLY DEPENDENTS 16 YEARS and below.

      • Vonda

        Does the Soc Sec that your mom receives in your moms name or your sisters? If it is in your moms name she should get the stimulus. I haven’t seen any information regarding the amount of income for low income that would cause them not to get the stimulus she should get the $1200. The restrictions I read about is in the higher ranges (like over $99,000 AGI or higher.

        • Michelle

          Wrong, you are not eligible if you are an adult dependent of someone else. Only dependents 17 and under.

          • Linda p.

            Way do we allway have to be last we have bills to when we do get our ssi check it go’s for bills I draw 414 I would love see gov. Live on that we work all our life an they act like it’s a handout besides I think we need more to live on help us in tn.

    • V.V.

      Hi Cheryl, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

  3. Billie S.

    Thank you

  4. William C.

    What if it’s only SSD? What do we get

  5. John D.

    For the last twenty years or so we have had to pay every year. Will we be entitled to a stimulus check?

    • Craig M.

      Every one no matter what you owe

    • V.V.

      Hi John, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

      • Ratmama

        I receive both a federal disability retirement payment and SSDI. I am required to file a tax return and I do so each year. I have gotten my stimulus payment from the IRS, but I want to know if SSA will pay one too because I receive benefits. I don’t want to get overpaid and have to pay back.

  6. Trey H.

    Will the eligibility requirements be relaxed on those who are claimed as dependents? My dad claims me as a dependent, but I could use the money too.

    • B P.

      I seriously doubt it. If your dad is receiving money for you as a dependent, he’s required to use it for your food, shelter, & other basic needs. If you have bills for those things, then maybe you could talk to him about trying to pay those, too.

      • Trey H.

        I pay my own bills with my check. He claims me On his taxes even though I live with both my parents.

        • Cathy

          Tray unless he is your payee or you are under the age of 18 or 19 if you are in school. I don’t think he can claim you if you pay your own bills you might want to ask a lawyer or Sovial Security about it.Di you get a 1099 form every year.

          • Trey

            Cathy, no I don’t. I just get SSI. I pay my own bills. He claims me every year. He pays the bills (gas, water, etc.) I’m 29. He doesn’t ask for help with household bills or anything like that.

    • Sara

      I’m in the same situation. I’m 44. I live with my mom. She claimed me. We’re both screwed, I’m so sorry!!

      • J-O

        Yep, if You’re claimed as dependent, you are not getting anything unless the rules change. I am also claimed as dependent, but has no idea. I get ssdi.

        • Hillary

          Idk for sure how they are doing it but my brother in law gets SSDI and my sister claimed him on her taxes and she got the 1200 for him. Good luck everyone!

          • C

            She got the 1200 for herself,,,Now he wont get it for his ssdi…

          • J-O

            Yeah, I think you got that twisted.

            He’s claimed, so he didn’t get that check.

  7. karen y.

    Thank u to the Lord above and the IRS government and President Donald Trump by signing it into law in the house and the Senate thank you very much and God bless everybody that’s in Washington DC

    • Miriam B.

      You got that right I’m respresentive payee for my daughter and I sure could use the money you seem to be one of many who have not used profanity on here

    • MarvelMom

      We LOVE you POTUS Trump! Thank you for signing this bill! Trump has also stated he IS supportive of and would like to see a second payment to the American people…. Congress stalls so much so we will just have to see, but we are all grateful for those blessing POTUS Trump Thank you! Anyone who feels different certainly has the choice of not taking the money! We are so blessed to have Potus Trump and looking forward to voting him in for 4 more years! Can ANYONE even imagine Biden trying to get us all through this when he cant even put cognitive words together and has had to hide out to keep from screwing up all the time! Thank the Lord for Potus Trump! #RedWave #Trump2020

  8. David A.

    I was confused about what to do about the stimulas payment and I filled out the free file form I am now wondering if it will mess my payment for the stimulas check up.please can you help me out

    • davey

      David, I have heard that messes something up in the system… not sure if true.
      Thats why I am sitting trying to be patient. I would rather have to wait then get nothing at all.

      • B P.

        If you’re able to say where you heard that, it would help. I was on hold w/SSA for 2+ hrs trying to chg my address. I don”t have dependents,

        The person I finally talked to said using the tool was “the exact right thing to do!”

        I was still worried about using the tool in the first place. Now they’ve changed their mind about making it automatic, I’m really concerned I threw a monkey wrench into things.

        Hopefully, they have a way to resolve it, but it sounds like they’re making a mess of everything, period. It’s hard to understand, in this day & age, how it can be that difficult to just modify the existing algorithm & get it over with. Praying everyone receives what they need quickly.

        • MZ.JUICY

          Amen ?

        • Steve

          I’m on SSID, have direct deposit, my wife doesn’t work nor is she on my direct deposit account, will her 1200 go into my account?

    • Craig M.

      I don’t believe it will mess you up.
      Long as the same financial information same and status the same.

    • Mark

      They have the right info, you’ll be alright.

      • Sharon G.

        I recieve disability had to file taxes this year. Will I get 1200? I have direct deposit for 6 years now

    • London

      What if you stop receiving Social Security in December of 2019 are you still eligible for the stimulus payment

  9. Robert T.

    Are we getting a 2nd Stymus $1200.00 check in May?

    • greg m.

      no asshole. we barely are getting ONE check.

      • Craig M.

        Lmao that was funny

      • gary

        Maybe he voted for the one in charge.

        • John D.

          I voted for the one in charge and you should be to because Trump is the reason you are getting $1200clams.thats not chump change

          • Paulette

            Trump Is not the one that voted this in.

          • Kathy

            It’s ppl like you that have gotten us in this mess

          • B P.

            That is so untrue. Read the senate & congressional transcripts. If Trump, McConnelll, et al had their way, they’d be handing the whole 2 trillion out to the wealthy & big corps.

            Trump already proclaimed he’ll completely ignore any oversight for the 1/2 trillion slush fund–3/4THS of the entire bill.

            That’s YOUR tax money, being doled out to people who have more than they could ever need or spend. They don’t think they have to tell you how much, or even why, they need it more than you.

            Please, for all our sakes, stop defending them.

          • Rose

            Wrong! He only thinks he is the king

          • James D.

            Trump is the best if it wasn’t for Trump nobody BB getting his check thanks for him he’s getting his more than what Obama did Obama gives it all to Isis least Trump is getting it to the Americans and helping out our farmers and trying to put jobs back in federal making tennis shoes over in China for $0.19 then selling with us for $100 now what’s up by American thanks for Trump we’re all still up still got our freedom and our guns is supposed to be freedom of speech right well no harm done but I like Trump vote for Trump he’s the best he’s not fun to West quit trying to give me a test get off his back and get in the front thank you we love America God bless you all

          • Joyy

            No he’s not. Congress and the Senate are the reason and it is OUR money.

          • ANTHONY W.

            No you read it they had 3 checks set up it was Pelosi and dems demanded money for liberal arts and JFK center got it then closed em down

          • Hass

            Trump again nobody no money that’s our tax payer money get it right

          • glenn

            james davis you are an idiot. So you only think trump is great because hes giving everyone $1200 lmao. Hes not giving hes basic reimbursing everyone who spent all kinds of money on essentials to stay inside and to those that no longer have a job. Maybe people and the states would have been more prepared if this asshole wasnt calling the virus a hoax from November to January and then telling everyone from January to march it wasnt going to be a pandemic then finally admitted it was a month ago which was about 5months too late. By then it was all across the country already and people were beginning to get sick and some even die… All he keeps saying is he tried preparing by not letting Chinese people in lmao. Seriously.. its people like you that got that orange faced fuck in office to begin with. Shit Obama even said 5yrs ago to the day almost that there was gonna come a time where there would be a pandemic like this and we had to be ready. He put a plan in place and had everything in order just incase and what did trump do, he scrapped it all and pretty much said it was useless and horseshit. Now the fckin guy is trying to blame the W.H.O because he needs someone to take the fall for how he fcked up with handling this. Trying to stop the bleeding on his chances of being reelected. So stfu you fcking monkeyshit mf.

          • Lori

            No its not the doing of the one in charge, you can thank the Dems & some Reps too…

          • Joan

            When will stimulus checks be here for social security recipients. Why are we having to wait. I only purchase $50 a month on groceries. Will it be the week of April 20th-24 th. I was a nurse for 30plus years. I love and miss it.

      • michael j.

        they are talking on 2000$ month if we cant get back open hmm not to funny now is it

        • John

          This covid 19 is making a mess out of our country we all need to pull together and help ones who need us the most women and elderly people.. It’s going to get worse that’s for sure. This is by far not over by any means. It’s just begun.

          • B P.

            Thank you. You’re absolutely right!



          • Lee

            We need to turn to God and help each other

        • Steve J.

          It is what it is

        • Amanda L.

          Are people that are on disability getting the stimulus package if they were claimed as a dependent

      • Michael W.


      • Pamela W.

        Greedy bugger, huh..

        • Brenda D.

          What happens if your X owes 69000 dollars in back child support and is receiving SSI does the one he owes child support get his stimulus check?

          • peggy b.

            I just would like to no if I’m going to get my 1,200 or not or do I have to wait longer

          • Rose M.

            I will have too Agree with ya 100% people best better buckle on down as the best yet too come just watch and see !!

          • Kymmane

            If you owe back child support they will NOT pay you an economic impact payment (stimulus) . if its back taxes, they give you the $1200 but back child support should go to the guardian of the children…thats the part i don’t know. Why would they give a deadbeat parent money? Hell no- the kids should get it. I’m glad people that don’t support their children financially DON’T get any money. Ha, how’s it feel??

          • Charles M.

            In same boat

      • LINDA G.

        You don’t need to be so abrupt. Shame on you greg m

      • Allen R.

        Lmfao now that was funny

      • Jimmy V.

        LMAO ?

        • Cici

          These comments man I tell ya ??? im up at 3 reading these

      • Deborah S.

        To funny

        • Halimah

          My daughter 19 but get ssi will she get the stimulus?
          I’m also my son payee he 16 will he get one?

          • Michelle

            Do you file taxes and claim them as dependents?

          • Ashley R.

            Your daughter should get her own and you should get some for your son

          • Jessica R.

            If you clam them on your taxes. They won’t get one.

      • CHIQUITTA L.

        Hahaha. Thats funny. People are super stupid

      • MLM

        Greg m
        Hey asshole, haven’t you ever heard that there’s no stupid question!!!

        • Russ

          Hey Glen. I got news for ya. KiLIARy still lost, you pinhead butthurt, stupid motherfucker. Send your check back and grab a one way flight to Spain or Italy. I hear it’s beautiful this time of year. You a complete rat fuck. You’d rather hate Trump than coming together. We’re so far under the projected deaths because of banning flights from China. He was a racist then. Now snowflakes say he shouldda done it sooner.?. Go make me a sandwich and get down to the basement to play vids, and let the adults chat. Dick.

        • Russ

          There’s no stupid questions. Only stupid people that ask questions.

        • Russ

          It’s far better for people to think you’re a moron, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. ?

      • BARELY H.

        LMAOOOOO ?????

      • Ronnie C.

        ? Haaaaa Ha ha ha ha…MF’s ask stupid questions get stupid answers…Ha ha ha ha…Some people’s lights are out and the elevator in their building is out of order…WAKE THE FUCK UP… Because in a technical sense the sky could be falling and people still looking down…

      • Melissa w.

        Well maybe true all will get more monthly payments soon according to press

      • Kathlern A.

        Calm down.

    • Terri W.

      Thank you

      • John D.

        Terri stock up on can food staple food like rice Mac and cheese jugs of water because very hard times are coming

    • greg m.

      robert, sorry. I saw someone else name at the same time I was reading your message.I thought you were that troll.
      I don’t think we are getting another in May. Some people that have not got their check in april get it in may. but congress might send us a second check eventually.

    • Paul

      I already filed with freefile with the IRS , will that complicate matters or will I get it sooner? Also can creditors take the stimulus money from my bank account ?

      • Steven E.

        Yes, creditors can take your money..

        • Doris

          I dont think creditors can take your stimulus check..

  10. Sheri S.

    Thank you

    • Shannon

      So what if we have direct express card but filed that form last Friday cuz SSA told SSI to do that. Will it still go on my card?

      • John


        • John H.

          I filled out the Non-Filers form Monday with my PayPal account as my banking information. Today, I just found out SSI recipients like your’s truly are getting the check deposited into my Direct Express in May. Is there anything I need to do? I don’t believe the IRS staff are morons, just hope they get the correct info for my DD…

          • Eric Z.

            I believe it’ll go on one or the other but like you said I don’t think they’re morons and I believe that you’ll get it on your direct express card because they have to at least go over your financial information. I’m on SSDI and get mine directly deposited into Elga Credit Union and I’m worried that I may have put in my bank account information wrong by one digit and I’m wondering how I can go back and correct it does anybody have any info on that?

          • Cathy

            It will go on what ever information you have with SS for your direct deposit if you have it direct deposited

          • John H.

            Sorry for the questions, I’m curious if I gave My-Filers my PayPal account info, THEN now all in a sudden it’ll be deposited into my Direct Express card, will that screw things up? Or will it automatically be (by default) DD’d onto my Direct Express? This is really stressing me out!

          • John

            Omg. I wish they would tell. It. Stright foward. Like. People. On. Ssdi will get it through There direct express card or if not to there. Personal Banking but they dont specify making. It confusing and. So just uupdated my baning info with a real bank and it said payment info update please wait 2r hr to be affected so i hope i didnt mess it up

          • Tanya

            It suppose to get automatically deposited on your direct express debit card.

          • Karmella K.

            Just info, if I was you I’ll make sure right info, I filled 2018 and 2019, IRS sent if to bank account off my 2018 taxes info Wich is close, I also received retirement benefits.and somehow the IRS decides not to use my 2019 information and use some old 2018 information which deposit my check yesterday into an incorrect out bank account which they had my correct information two ways they got it from direct deposit from SSDI and also correct bank information for IRS Yes I believe they are or overwork was just they don’t know what they doing slow down on submitting these checks out to people cuz you messing up now I got to sit here and still wait for a stealing s*** now to be mailed to me because it didn’t go to the correct place which it had the correct information and it was said if you get SSDI direct deposit you don’t have to do anything but find out by me not doing anything my s*** went to the wrong place. On top of not having my taxes returned 2019 taxes still processing as of February 5th 2020 Lord this world we live in

          • Coty z.

            Does matter if I filed non filer if I am on ssi and no kids

          • Philip D.

            Does SSDI go on direct express also.from what I read I’m a lil nervous I’m o. Ssdi

          • Jb

            You don’t need to do anything at all but say back and relax

          • Amy

            Im going through same thing so i caleed direct express they do not have routing # only ones authorized is ssa to make deposits. So back in 2009 i believe they gave a $350 stimulus my friend was on it with direct express he was sent a check. The first checks to be sent out will be early may. Thats when they say we will get it. On the 10th i put it on my pay pal card hope then put it on my pay pal card or the address i gave them on the portal. They should i hope do the direct deposit.

          • D-Rob

            It will go to the updated information that you provided when you filled out the non filer’s form would be my first though but since irs is not allowing current tax filers to change the banking info they already had on file from their return its possible they will hold SS recipients to the same standard and deposit funds where you recieve your monthly benefits normally..either way you get your 1200 so if I was you I wouldnt worry.. this is more of a way to look at it then a answer I apologize 4 that…hope this helps!

          • DAnna

            My husband n I went to where’s my payment and it said payment went to our bank account on the 15th.
            Although it still hasn’t posted
            We are worried bc the irs site says do not call
            Any ideas are much appreciated!

          • Sid C.

            I think you will be fine

          • dilydaly

            Hello! This is for the people who used the Non-Filers Tool already. This is on IRS.Gov— Information for recipients using the Non-Filer and Get My Payment tools
            We recognize that many non-tax filing beneficiaries have already begun using the “Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info” tool to provide basic personal information to receive their EIP. There will be no interruption to payments being processed using this portal, and Veterans with internet access are encouraged to continue providing information and track their EIP through the “Get My Payment” tool.

            General information about the payment is available on the Economic Impact Payment Information Center section of So there you go don’t worry!

          • Tressa M.

            Does anyone know my son received SSI and ssa for 8 years he got cut off afew months ago we are fighting it with a lawyer but he isn’t currently receiving benefits so will he get his stimulus on his direct express card?

          • larhonda w.

          • Carolann M.

            When direct express getting payment

          • Donna C.

            When will my SSI be put on my direct express card?

          • Shawna R.

            My son is over 18 and is on ssi our address hasn’t changed in 5 years he gets a direct Express Card so will his stimulus go on his direct Express card automatically because he gets getting kicked out of the site where he puts his name so just making sure he dont have to wait or do anything further to receive his stimulus ? Thank you stay hone stay safe???

          • V.V.

            Hi Shawna, thank you for your question. Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17 do not need to take any action with the IRS. They will automatically receive their $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. They should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their Social Security benefits. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. We hope this helps.

          • Nicholas

            I receive SSDI and my daughter is in my benefits. So would I still need to fill out the none filler

        • Jackie A.

          So I’ll be getting the check around my regular SSI checks I usually get them on 1st and 3rd of the month ?

          • Amy

            Same with me i get on the 2st and 3rd but i did not file any paperwork with its i was told we disnt have to

          • Ikia

            I am want to know we will not get them this weekend or next week

          • Crystal

            My bad but i have brain damage.. I cant quite inderstand of w the differencs between ssi and social security or if there even is a dif.. Long story short. I recieve benifots for a mental dis… I never worked or filed taxes or 10 99.. I have direct express card but i cant quite figure when rhe funds will be deposited… Also the web says payment nt avail.. Plss help

          • Alice

            That’s what it appears like, or , that’s what it sounded like the Treasury is saying. However, I filled out a Non-Filer form on their site, because that was my understanding of what was needed from those like myself. I now understand that wasn’t necessary, because I have no dependents. I did though put down my banking info, which is the exact info the SSA al;ready has on file and use to direct my monthly payment. I thought that might push the process along a little faster, because that’s what we were all told. I am glad for those who don’t have to do anything, except maybe update some banking info that might have changed from the time you received your last SSI check. Some ppl have moved and need to update their new address.For those whose info hasn’t changed any, they don’t need to do anything at all, except wait…wait…wait for their check to come.

          • Susan E.

            I get mine on the 3rd.Also on SSI. We don’t have to do anything else

          • dia

            Me to so i heard that we will get them on the 22end or my be the first and my be 3rd so do you think that they would put the money on both of the cards?

          • Debbie

            I’m wondering the same! The iRS site is NO help.

          • Virginia T.

            Yes that’s what it looks like, I also get ssi so my check comes on the first of the month
            Really could use that money now

          • Kantor K.

            I think that’s how we will get when we get our check on the 1st and the 3rd..

          • Zach

            SSI Recipients will get a direct deposit to whatever account your monthly check us deposited on. Unless you entered a different account through the IRS non-filer link. Direct Deposit checks should come no later than early May. You might be able to get more info from the IRS site on Friday.

          • Manda

            R u related to “Squeeky” and Ed Dvorak?

          • linda b.

            if not a week before they are suppose to be out before beginning of may

          • Doris

            I’m confused. I filled out the non filing form on did this 3 days ago. am on SSI. All info was correct. I saved it. and have acct with the irs. It keeps telling me my info isn’t correct. at the bottom of pg 2, it said my email has been verified. when I went to continue I get the incorrect info flag. Do I even need to file as a non filer status person? I’m in desperate need of $ and help.

          • V.V.

            Hi Doris, thanks for using our blog. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17 do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. You should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as you would normally receive your Social Security benefits. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. Hope this helps.

          • Angie L.

            I believe you are all wrong about the difference in SSI and SS and SDDI…SS and SDDI are what you worked and paid into all those years. SSI is for low income people with disabilities. You can draw SSI if you have never worked. .

          • Danielle

            When social security get there stimulus checks I havent got mines yet fo i nerf to updated mines how will i find out what day I get mind

          • Danielle f.

            When social security get there stimulus checks I havent got mines yet fo i nerf to updated mines how will i find out what day I get mind

          • Jackie A.

            Have not received the social security $1200:direct deposit as of 4-20-20.,,Receive my month direct deposit money around 2nd of the month. Are they still sending them out?

          • Frank

            You all need to learn some patience. They keep telling us that recipients on SSI will start to see stimulus checks by early May. Patience people .

        • Cathy

          SSDI AND SSI ARE DIFFRENT. Someine that just draws SSI never worked long enough to pay into SS and SSDI is where yoy worked long enough to draw SSDI and you aldo are eligible for Medicare if you draw SSDI. Sometimes people draw both if they worked enough quarters to ger SSDI but not enough to draw the minimum so you get SSI to bring your payment amount is the monthly min.

          • Tammara S.

            I just have to say one small correction their SSI does not necessarily mean you did not work. they only go back 9 or 10 years from the time you apply so if you didn’t work for some reason or if your disability kept you from working suddenly after working your whole life you have to wait until you’re 65 to draw your social security. I know this is true because it happened to me and you can also look it up on the website. I’m sorry I just get so frustrated when people think that SSI recipients are either faking or never worked and we’re just sucking on taxpayers money

          • Danny E.

            I get my partial so check be in the second group I to have bills

          • Alice

            It’s a huge difference between them. I suggest you read up on those differences. SSI is a benefit program for those who are disabled and or haven’t worked enough to actually get Social Security disability, or Social Security Retirement. Medicaid often comes automatic with those on SSI. I strongly suggest that you learn the differences, many ppl are confused on the differences and throw them all in the same boat.

          • Philip D.

            Hey I. Noticed they say ssi payments can now go on your direct Express card if your on SSDI does it mean the same thing because they put them I noticed on the website in two separate categories and it only mentions SSI as far as the direct express can anybody answer

          • Teresa T.

            Clarify the SSI. It is when you don’t work for a year. I had plenty of work credits, but the last year before I was declared disabled, I could not work for an entire year, and I lost all those credits. Worked all those years, and lose it because of the last year. So people can work their entire life and still get SSI if their disability keeps them from working one year prior to being declared disabled.

          • Philip D.

            If you have SSDI will it still go on your direct express.from what I read it just says SSI. SSDI isn’t mentioned with it

          • Mike

            If you receive your money by Direct Express Card don’t feel anything out unless you have dependent under 17 years old your money will start showing up the week of the 20th April 20th which is next week you won’t get it quicker if you start adding bank account numbers you’ll probably slowed things down for yourself SSDI and retirement will be on the second round of the of deposits which is next week

          • Marie F.

            They sent my stimulous check to a prepaid card that I no longer have ??? What can I do now ??

          • Tony

            I get both SSI and if it’s d i they come on direct express card one come on first and one come on the 3rd what exactly did

          • Chelsea

            Can someone help my Q? I filed my taxes this year, and then was approved for ssdi.. i hve 2 dependents.. are they gonna take info from my taxes or my ssdi? I dont have my dependents under me yet.. they arent clear on if i have to file since i was RECENTLY approved ssdi and just changed my info to direct deposit.. are they going to include my kids.. ??

          • Carrie A.

            So do ssi recipients claimed on someone’s taxes get stimulus? Ive heard different things

          • Crystal T.

            if you are a SSI payee for a minor child and owe back arrears in child support in a different state do you still get a stimulus payment?

          • Dave

            SSI is Social Security insurance , SSDI is Social Security disability insurance

          • Samantha P.

            Im on SSI When should I expect the stimulus payment on my direct express card?

          • Rosita B.

            You are wrong bout SSI I worked for over 33yrs and I still have to draw SSI they only go back on your work history 9–10yrs so plz stop posting false information

          • Karen

            SSI does not get paid from the social security collected on our checks it is funded by your state. So someone on SSI is not taking your tax monies. People who receive SSI have to go the same processes that people on SSDI do to qualify for the benefit. They receive SSI in Lou of SSDI for many different reasons some being they haven’t worked in 10 years some work and are disabled and make a very low wage so they get the supplemental income and there are many more reasons but they are no different than anybody else who’s getting SSDI.

          • Tiffany

            What if you filed taxes for 2019 an already got that check but you get SSI also will I still be entitled to the 1200 for ssi

          • Angie L.

            I believe you are all wrong about the difference in SSI and SS and SDDI…SS and SDDI are what you worked and paid into all those years. SSI is for low income people with disabilities. You can draw SSI if you have never worked. . And SSI stands for Supplemental Security Income.

          • Debra

            My son is 21 and revives Ssi and was filed on taxes. Does this mean he won’t get nothing? If so it’s not right we need the extra money also. I was claimed on taxes also.. and never got any of the money so this stimulus money would help us out

          • Christina

            Yes i agree with you i get SSDI and get medicare and Medicaid both i have lots of kidney failure but also receive my check on the 3rd also and its my 36th birthday but could also use the money now

        • Lee C.

          I filled out a non filers form and am receiving SSI. And now I find out I wasnt required to . Will I still receive my stimulus check ? In my direct deposit account ?

          • Chelsee

            I’m on SSI and have 2 under age children at home with do I need to fill out the Non filer info to get 500 per child? What if they been already claimed on my kids father taxes do I still put them down for non filer info

          • Lee

            My daughter is on ssd she is 6 yrs old would I get something for her

          • dilydaly

            Hi Lee Cart! I left a paragraph on here alittle while ago about people that have already used the Non-Filers Tool. It was straight from the IRS.Gov website! Explaining , IRS realizes that people have already been using the portal and they want to insure you that there will be no interruption of your payments if you had previously used the portal. So if you know how you will receive it meaning, Direct Deposit, Direct Express Card, etc. using the portal previously WONT interrupt your payment. I spent two days searching and googling “what if you already used the , blah blah” and it took me to the IRS website which it wasn’t there write away, I had to click on the new announcements about SSI and VA. Then there it was! I posted it on this site 4/17/20. Under dilydaly! I really hope this helps everyone that is wondering about the portal. Stay safe!

          • Tess

            Yes you will don’t do anything else now all u got to do is wait

          • Lindsay

            I tried to do the Moh fillers it was send back kids are ready claimed
            By my dad also but he only got 1200 And I receive Social Security disability and survivor benefits for my three children and my daughter gets disability as well will I’ve received the 500 per child or will my dad get it but he only got 1200

          • Eve

            That’s what I’m worried about I am on ssi and did the same thing… maybe they will go off the new info we put on.. I feel like if it was a big deal to file that with out dependence there would have been a notice on the IRS site to not do so. But i am havibg doubts and feel i should have left thibgd alone i had been looking in to ehat to do about a week ago and I was under the impression that filling out the non-filer info what what I was supposed to do if I wanted stimulus direct deposited instead of getting a paper check. And thought even if you had direct express that they were sending a check. Which is why I have bank info in the first place to have it direct deposited to me..

          • Teresa E.

            Thank you I work for years been working since I was little I got hurt and I had got on ssi so u right I talk to someone on the phone an I told them I work try to work for a week they told me I should not done that so no social security I got hurt in 2004

          • Lynne

            I’m on as disability 55 years old do I qualify $2000 monthly stimulus

          • Charles A.

            Ive been receivin
            SSI since August 2019 paper check I was enrolled with Direct Express on March 20th I received my Direct Express card around April 4th will my stimulus go to the card and will my SSI go to the card on May 1st and then my stimulus go to the card a few days or a week later since treasury department deposits the stimulus and SSA deposits my SSI check?

        • Carrie

          So if ssi recipient is disabled and an adult claimed on their parents taxes they get no stimulus. I didn’t see it mentioned in the article.
          I had seen it in a different article last week. So wondering if that is still the case

          • dilydaly

            Hello! If you were claimed on your parents taxes and you receive SSI you will not receive a stimulus payment! If you have children that are on SSI and under 17 th I am not sure how that works? Because did your dad claim your child or just you? That makes a difference!

          • Rita

            I would like to know what carrying your elderly on your taxes have to do with the stimulus package. THEY are old and need help. Ask check $11 and ss is $734.the elderly people really need the check.

          • margo w.

            if you get social security and work part time and file your taxes will i still recieve a stimulus check on my direct express deposit i also get ssi will i recieve 1200 on the same day i recieve it

          • Sharonhinker

            My husband and I have been separated for year s do I still get my check we do not live together

          • Gwyn

            Yes it unfortunately is.

        • Brenda

          So I became worried because of all the back and forth talk. I didn’t think SSI would get the funds so I filled out the firm on its site to get the relief money. Will I still get the payment in late April or will I get it sooner because I filed. No I have no children under 17.

          • Mary B.

            I am on ssdi. It took me almost 4 years to get ny disabilty,which all that time I was unable to work. The difference bstween ssi and ssdi is amount of time working and they didn’t count those 4 years. I still got ssdi because I had worked enough time and paid into it. I did not qualify for ssi. I made too much money. And i had an attorney. Just to clarify.
            Secondly, has anyone on ssdi got stimulous deposit yet,? I swear,everyone thinks people enjoy being on this. Who would. They starve us to death don’t pay crap then make us wait until last for relief check. Meanwhile others are either still working or gerting unemployment plus extra 600 a week. And they already got their checks. This is terrible the way they treat people on ssi and ssdi

          • Dre


        • Ducky

          Is there a phone number? Do your free regular payments still come? And the real question is who the hell do you ask or where do you find out? If you call the SSI office its closed.

          • V.V.

            Hi there. You can call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can contact your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

        • Thomas T.

          I think its a disgrace to the disable and elderly to have to be put at the back of the line these are the people who need this the most but we are treated like second class citizens they should all be ashamed for doing this to the ones that are most in need

          • Terry S.

            Thomas with all due respect, I believe everyone’s in desperate need during this devastating unexpected crisis!! There are millions of people out of work, couples with children, single parents with babies! I’m just so thankful to God that I’m included. I read that anyone receiving govt assistance, SSI, SSDI, etc… Would only get $600. The AARP fought for us and won. So all I’m saying is no matter when the heck it comes in, n it’s free! No pay back! Yeah I have bills etc.. but I’m not starving, not freezing, n I don’t have the COVID-19! Thank You Lord! I’m not complaining!!

          • lvs

            i amglad someone elde srrsthisthst way also a simple fisgracrl

          • GreenParrot63


          • Melanie S.

            Terry Sanchez I agree some people just ain’t grateful for what they do have and impatient and fell to see God’s comes sends his blessings in his time not ours.

          • Tess

            Omg really what about people that lost their job an people that can’t work because they closed up because of the covid they r in need more then anyone an people that get ssi/ ssd get their check every month that’s my opinion on this we r lucky we get a check it didn’t hurt us

          • Tess

            It don’t know if it 1,200 or it’s 6,00 just be thankful we didn’t lose r job an we still get r ssi/ssd paym each moth

          • William C.

            Terry Sanchez, 100% agree brother. After 44 years building highways here in Wichita, Ks I only receive $1,100. a month SSDI, but I DO receive it. Being frugal I can even still help out my granddaughters. God provides us each with what we NEED, not necessarily what we WANT. God bless America.

          • Teresa E.

            You are right god do not look at us as ssi ssa any of that glad we won that’s not fair we are suffering the worst people that have money yes they hone may not be working sitting home in there mansion pool money in there pockets people get food stamps CNN like me if u break it down it is a dollar something a day ssi is another form of welfare I am glad the gov fought for us they say we people the same anymore can catch it will mean it treat us the same let’s see it I am disable everything goes up food gas electric everything and wages ssi goes up 20 dollars it might be less I just saying they don’t respect us as human beings thank god some along with the governor I finally had someone cares cause ssi we would had receive 600 instead like the other people cause we all suffering everyone in one way or another I don’t vote but since I finally hear the hover spoke up for. Us I will for now an he has my vote

          • Alex

            They should take care of the grandparents we came first

        • Sassy

          What if my 17 y/o receives ssi will he get a check too, since he falls above the age for the $500 per child rule?

          • Sandy

            Not if yo claim him on your taxes

        • florence b.

          When will my stimulus check come

          • V.V.

            Hi Florence, thanks for using our blog. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May.

          • Sherri R.

            When I go on the app where is my payment all it says is not available at this time. I’m on SSI I get my check on the 3rd of the month am I getting a check no one claimed me. I have one child a dependent she gets 13 dollars a month on SSI when will I show my payment

        • juan

          I got direct express card they said they don’t have any information on it I just filled out the free non filers any luck on when its coming

        • Brittney

          I have a question I get ssa and ssi because my kids get ssa do i have anything fill anything for get my money on direct e Express card

        • Brenda R.

          I have a disabled brother that gets a disability check. I claim him on my taxes because I take care of him and he lives with me. Will he get a stimulous check

          • Amra

            No,anyone claimed as a dependent is not qualified

        • Alisha J.

          I filed on the non filers irs website. We recieve ssdi, and it is directly deposited into our bank account. I filled out all the forms on the irs website. I got an email today saying that i owe a first time home buyers credit payment. That home was filed under bankruptcy and repossessed 3 years ago. Ive followed the links in the email to fix the problem but it leads to the same info i already filled out. Theres no extra forms to fill out , nothing. Will that affect my stimulus payment?

      • jon

        Okay I have 1 question what does that mean had brain tumor couple of times an suffering with migraine.? Help me understand please

        • Porsha

          That ssi people getting there’s in beginning of May n everyone else is at the end of April

          • Luckyjae

            So at the same date of our ssdi checks or SSI?

          • Angiepoo

            I now 27 y/o as a dependent for 2018 taxes. He is on SSI, receiving Medicaid and Medicare both. Will he still get his stimulus check now that hes older and I dont claim.him? (*I am.also disabled but fighting to get my disability so I no longer work.)

          • Dave

            I am on SSDI and I have been eating yard weed salad for a week now.
            SSDI recipients don’t qualify for snap or Any kind of extra help.
            We are desperate for enough money for our special dietary needs.
            My health insurance is sending me 5 days worth of meals Saturday from my emergency meal program. I will be thrilled to eat something real.
            I guess they think the most vulnerable population can just die off waiting on food.

          • Rere

            Who said that

          • Doris

            how do you know when people will get their check?

        • Cathy

          What are you needing explained John

          • Tim f.

            Will my wife ,who is my payee, but a non filed,receive a stimulas check?

      • Tracy L.

        What about people that get SSI. That is the beneficiary of a child that’s twenty years of age?

        • Tenn

          I’m trying to find out what to do if I filed taxes but get survivor check for my daughter – I don’t know what to do

          • Michelle

            Depends on her age and whether you claim her as a dependent on your tax return or not.

          • Michelle

            That depends on her age and whether you claim her as a dependent on your tax return.

          • Marietta M.

            Will I recieve s check if my brother claimed me I am 62 and on Ssi

          • Patrina

            I was claimed on my sister taxes and I get ssi but I’m 27

          • Smiff

            If you was claimed as a dependent, you don’t qualify for a stimulus check. Nothing.

          • Viv

            Hi,those that get monthly said, Will the ssi still come May 1st even though we to get the stimulus check

        • Tanya

          The child has to be 17 or under

          • Tisha T.

            So I can claim my 17 yr old ?
            I thought we couldn’t .

        • Pam

          No under 17

      • Bob

        I did the exact same thing. I hope it doesn’t mess things up !! This site is good for questions but very little answers. I’m hoping that they will use the information they receive from SSI and go with that.

        • James M.

          They will go onto your direct express card if u have one or your bank account if thats what you have.

          • Philip D.

            If you have SSDI will it still go on your direct express.from what I read it just says SSI. SSDI isn’t mentioned with it

          • Gary V.

            SSDI never went on Direct Express ever. That is just SSI

          • V.V.

            Hi James, Direct Express is a payment option for SSI recipients as well as Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries. By choosing Direct Express, we will electronically deposit funds directly into a prepaid debit card account. We hope this helps.

        • Tamara P.


          • Dawn

            Tamara, I am so sorry to hear about your misfortune! Were you aware that your mother had claimed you on her taxes? If not, and they did it without your permission then they committed tax fraud and there’s a way to deal with that.

          • Paulette

            I am so sorry to hear about what has happened to you. However I am on the other side of this where I claimed my now ex-boyfriend in 2018 and 2019 as a dependent when I filed taxes. I am now wondering if I will receive the $1,200 stimulus check plus 500 for claiming him or just 1,200 and he will receive a check as well?

          • maggie

            I am in the same boat as you. My son claimed me, and I got the same response. smfh so I’m screwed all around also. But know that if they filed you they did not get money for you because you are over 17 yrs old.

          • alice

            That is terrible! I feel so bad for you. It would be much different if they had told you. I know that many disabled ppl get taken advantage of. IF they had helped you financially, then the situation might be different. If they haven’t helped you, then they shouldn’t be claiming you as a dependent. I wish you the best of luck and hope you can resolve this, without anymore stress and heart ache on your part. It is something you can do about this but you might have to wait until you can actually speak with someone at the IRS. Good luck!

          • Patricia W.

            Go to “”
            explain your situation!
            God Bless

          • Heather B.

            In order for them to claim you as a dependent they would have to start they provide for you for more than 6months out of the year so if you live on your own and they didn’t support you then they have committed serious fraud. Sorry to hear that this happened to you! I’ll pray it’s fixed quickly for you!

          • Jammie

            I’m so sorry.

          • John P.

            Call an attorney. Leave your family a message that you called an attorney because they committed fraud. and you will be charging them civilly and criminally for the fraud they committed because you said they never provided you with anything for a whole year by claiming you as a dependent and not giving you the money’s worth . Attorneywill sue them andnot charge you he will be paid as part of the lawsuit

          • Dawn

            Yes they committed fraud big time and I would follow through with it. It might take you a lil while to get it but hopefully they get it straight and send you your money. And hopefully they go after them and give them a huge fine to teach them a lesson.

          • dilydaly

            Hello Tamara! We all feel very bad for you! But as a lot of people have stated—- write now you probably can’t do anything and your children that claimed you were not write in doing so!!! My father had done that years ago and didn’t tell me, but he had no idea that Obama would issue stimulus checks to people on SSI, but as soon as I could I filed for the next year early and I got the payment! But unless you can hire a Tax Accountant write now there is no way the IRS will reverse your children’s tax return. That is stated on the IRS site also. No reversal of tax returns. And they are not processing 2019 paper tax returns write now either. Say if you were SUPPOSED TO FILE! I know I was mad at my father a first, but he is a or was a very honest man and he didn’t foresee the stimulus payments for SSI. But it sounds like your child doesn’t even want to address the issue and that is wrong!!!! If you do by any chance come across some money, ZHIRE A PRIVATE TAX ACCOUNT and make sure that you tell them that YOU had NO IDEA they were going to file you as a dependent. I am so sorry, but my cousin is a tax accountant and she said this is what you can do!

          • DragonsRoar

            That was evil of her. She deserves to rot in prison. S.S.I. recipients are too often victimized like this. They need to be protected better.

          • Laura

            Omg that’s just fff up. You fight this get a free league lawyer I’m sorry but they’re are wanting wanting people to do that to you my prayers are with you

          • Amber

            I’m so sorry people are horrible but I have a good feeling time is on ur side keep ur head up btw my so called mother and step father are not good people and if they could and have done horrible things to make my life difficult!!! Evil people + money ugh

          • Linda

            You need to let irs.know that . They were claiming you illegally.if you were not living with them during the date/days they claimed you

        • alice

          I know right..I filled out a Non-Filer form on the IRS site and I am hoping that I completed it correctly, especially the banking info(router #) however, SSA sends me my monthly check by direct deposit, so hopefully they will just use their info on me. It’s too many issues for those on disability to file, some are even blind and can’t do much at all. I’m glad they changed their minds on this matter but regretting that I filed a Non-filer form. Wishing I had waited now.

          • Shawna J.

            I filed the nonfiler form on turbotax (am on SSI and no dependents) and listed the same banking info as what my checks are sent to. I’m assuming that once they check eligibility and run my social security number and see that I receive SSI that they will either throw it out and send the stimulus money when the rest of SSI payments go out or possibly receive it early (seriously doubting this lol). Regardless, we were originally told that we on SSI and VA HAD to do the nonfiler registration tool, so they can’t hold that against us. Most likely will just throw them out and use SS info that’s on file.

        • HOLLY D.

          Im on SSI I make 771. A month pay 400 rent spilt power bill. Car inturance. Cell. My dad claimed me bc he buys all the other needs I have. I am not able to work at all. I will or will not receive the payment? I’m a the lowest paid. This would be so great if i got the money. It would help me so much. And i think it’s fair to say i deserve the money. Please some1 answer my question.

          • MJ

            You will not receive the $1200 stimulus as your father has claimed you on his taxes.
            Economic stimulus payments are not available if you’re claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.

            This is true even if you are an adult dependent and the person who claimed you is not entitled to get the extra $500 payment due for child dependents.

      • Jenetha w.

        Will we receive it the 1st of the payment on the 1st of month

        • Jane L.

          Will we get stimulus pay on direct express card when we get ssi payment on May 1? Or sooner? I have to know this answer asap please and thank you.

          • TipzeeMay

            What’s the answer

          • Linda t.

            If someone claimed u as depedent u will not recieve a payment. Also it says we will recieve stimlus funds no later then early may.

        • Ella H.

          Yes, That is my understanding also. I am on SSI and get it the 1st direct deposit. My understanding is my SSI CHECKS AND STIMULUS CHECK WILL ARIVE AT THE SAME TIME.

          Thank you in advance for your help. And May God Bless each of you. He loves us all.

          • Linda t.

            If someone claimed u as depedent u will not recieve a payment. Also it says we will recieve stimlus funds no later then early may.

        • Sherri R.

          When I go on the app where is my payment all it says is not available at this time. I’m on SSI I get my check on the 3rd of the month am I getting a check no one claimed me. I have one child a dependent she gets 13 dollars a month on SSI when will I show my payment

      • Lisandra P.

        I still receive my stimulus money in my card direct Express

        • Mark


      • Sherrie A.

        What if we have collection depts,NOT CHILD SUPPORT, JUST DEPTS .WILL THIS BE GARNISHED

        • Marcia L.

          Sherrie A Barron
          They said they would take it if you owed debts. President Trump passed a bill saying banks were allowed to release it to debt collectors. Sad but true.

          • Sam

            No that payment is your’s I don’t think that debt collectors can do nothing about it or even child support they can kiss their asses now.

          • Michellejohnson

            What if they was charged off debts

          • SueWoodruff

            Not true. The only debt deducted from a stimulus check is for past taxes owed or back child support.

            If you are over 16 but claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return, you do not qualify, and the original filers will not get the extra $500 … dependents qualifying for the extra $500 must be under 16

          • Dawn

            As far as i k ow Child support is the only ones taking the checks fpr back support

        • John P.

          Don’t listen to the idi9ts on here. FACT cannot be garnished except for child support

          • pam

            you’re correct

          • Kathleen A.

            The IRS will not collect if you owe however CS arrears would be. Yes Trump was asked to ban bill collectors with Judgments….he did not. What a piece of work.

          • Kathlern A.

            You are wrong. Trump was encouraged to stop collectors but didn’t bother.. They have to possess a Judgment.

          • Felicia I.

            Exactly that’s my understanding if you owe child support you will not get it
            If you owe taxes you can have them to take it from that

          • Tee

            You are right one person I know received 700 they took out child support

        • Tess

          I heard they will take ur check if u owe back child support not depts lol everyone now had back dept

          • Jd

            So they take it if owe back cs but not any other debt cause i get ssd but they take out for cs and i only get 275.00 a month because of this . It is sad but all these other people bitching and get way more then that try live on what I do ungrateful people I tell ya .. I know I won’t get any money from this and thats ok i guess I live in hard times every day nothing new.

        • Marti J.


      • Drake A.

        I got got cut off my SSI and also will I get my check back BC where covin 19 is gone on but I still have a SSI card on me still will they put the check on my card this month comeimg

        • Ashley R.

          Wow.. no.

        • Laquisha P.

          I filed taxes and they are still being processed will that interfere with my stimulus payment? Some one please help I got 6 kids and I’m running out!!!

          • Karmella K.

            No just let you know they useing 2018 info, if your 2019 is still processing That’s what happened to me which is retarded and my check went to my old account off of my 2018 taxes and my information from 2019 is correct and up to date but I don’t get it direct deposit now so the bank is sending it back to the IRS I guess I will receive a paper check and that’s just sucks because I had all my information there ready to go with no problems that’s what they told me so just check make sure before they send you a check your check is going to the right spot or are you going to be waiting again and I’m still waiting on my taxes since February 5th 2020

          • Jackie


        • Cyn

          If you cut off ssi u have to fill out no filers form on irs.giv to get your payment. It will not come to ssi card.

      • Tanya W.

        You didn’t have to do anything. The payments come automatically to direct deposit or direct express debit card.

        • Trey

          What time will it be on my direct express card tomorrow

          • EmanuelG

            SS, ssdi impact payments starting the week of the 20th. ssi starts week of the 27th. END OF CONVERSATIONS.

        • Genn

          Will my parents who received SSI still get a Stimulus Check if I claimed them as dependent on my 2019 tax return?

          • John P.

            Don’t listen to the idi9ts on here. FACT cannot be garnished except for child support

          • John P.

            you should know the answer to that of course they’re not going to get anything because you claimed them obviously you’re in touch with them and providing them services monetarily and helping them along because you’re claiming them as dependents or are you committing fraud and they deserve to have the checks I’ll look into your activity

          • Garcia

            Yes…my brother claimed on his income tax…and bith my parents got their stim. Check on their express card just yesterday…

        • Jasmine

          I have a question what about people that have no income but have bank accounts to they qualify for the stimulus check since they don’t make any money and also what if someone filled out the non filers form even when they’re on SSI and form got rejected will they still get the stimulus check or they made a huge mistake and won’t get the money?

      • Debbie L.

        So when are the people on SSI suppose to get the stimulus checks?

        • Rocky

          Ssi will get our checks around the 26th-1st

          • Gary H.

            How do you know this. I have not heard a thing about when payments will go out

      • Douglas

        I get SSI when I get my Stimulus check

      • Ray H.

        I get SSI and ssa and I got Western Union NetSpend card when I get mind

      • Samantha E.

        Ok. What about our spouse will they get a check applied to my direct deposit. He hasn’t worked in about 6 years

      • Jermaine

        I wonder do ppl that’s on social security income still get it if they are claimed on a family members taxes even if they take care of their own business.Because social security supplemental income is just for basic need ppl can pay full rent with that and I get a 1099 form

        • phyllis t.

          where is my stimulas money i am on s/s and its 4/20 still did not get my money?

      • Ccc9734

        Not sure but I was wondering the same thing will it go in to the same account as my ssi

      • Celinda B.

        Why did Congress leave Veterans out. That we need to file. While S.S. gets it automatically. We should be equal. And not have the added stress.

      • Qutia

        So if your child receives death benefits from ssi will the money come on the direct express card also

        • MaryAnn O.

          what is the answer??

      • Telisa S.

        What if you have SSI disability will you still get it on your card and what time

      • Rigo

        What about if u owe childsupport but ssi takes 100 a month

        • Catherine E.

          I owe back back child support, I’m on supplemental security income normally they dont count SSI as earned income normally its considered unearned income which isnt garnished, cant seem to get a clear answer, on anything ,I dont mind my twin daughters getting the money, I just need answers. Yes it be nice to get a little extra money, it be nice to get what is needed, this covid19 insanity has made it hard to get anything like insulin food and sun
          But like I said dont mind my girls getting the money, just want answers. Dome say no they wont garnish others say they take the full amount

          • Charles A.

            I BEGAN

      • Logan

        Yes. If you’ve already received a payment from SSI already.

      • Cindy

        Why are you all surprised that they said into direct express?? They’ve been telling people straight forward the same way you get your SSI benefits is the same way you’re going to get the stimulus check therefore if you get it through direct express that’s the way you’re going to get it. They didn’t lie they didn’t miss inform they told everyone in the beginning you’re going to get the stimulus check the same way you get your SSI check period

      • Tierra T.

        I filled out the stimulus registration form on turbotax because it would not let me go through on I pressed for paper check because I am on Ssi and do not have a banking and routing number now theyre saying Ssi recepients will receive on direct express card will I still receive on card or will i have to wait for paper check?

        • Cat

          Yeah, I would love an answer to this. Are they smart enough to realize many people may have requested a check cause you can’t get DIRECT EXPRESS. router and acct info.

        • Linda t.

          If someone claimed u as depedent u will not recieve a payment. Also it says we will recieve stimlus funds no later then early may. However u recieve your ssi payment now is the same way u will receive your stimulus payment. If u have direct express that is how u will receive the money. If u get a paper check it will be by check. The only thing i have read about ssi stimulus payments coming out will be no later then early may.

      • Michelle L.

        When will SSDI come out and My money comes out on Direct express card .My payment come to will it also come onto my card ?

      • Leejoe P.

        Will i get a stimulus payment if i draw ssa

        • Patricia a.

          I filed my 2019 taxes.. l had to pay. I sent a check to pay. What I they did not put any bank lnfo on my forms. I get my soclal security by direct deposit. How will I get my stimjlas check. Do I have to do any thing.

      • Carrie

        What form do we need to fill out

      • Cecilia H.

        If don’t have direct express and I went through social security to change my card will it be still put in my direct deposit I have another question for you if me and my husband applied or income tax joint together for years but we are not together and we have not been together in 20 years he gets retirement I get SSI and I was wondering if my money would go in his account instead of on my direct deposit could you please answer that question for me

      • nailz

        direct deposit people only you need a banking account

      • Lisa S.

        I receive SSDI, my son claimed me on his 2019 taxes. Will I still get a stimulus check?

        • paul p.


      • Carlene

        Same issue here. I filed on the non filers page for dd to my paypal acct. Now i hear we (SSI) will get automatic payments to our regular direct express accts. Where can i expect to find my deposit? Paypal or Direct Express. Thanks all and stay safe..!!

      • John

        no worries it will be on your direct Express card by the 1st of may

      • KATHLEEN C.

        Wondering the same thing idk why they made this so hard for sick people I have multiple sclerosis and lupus and my stress is off the charts from this what you sent me into a flare which is not fun

      • Danielle

        When social security get there stimulus checks I havent got mines yet fo i nerf to updated mines how will i find out what day I get mind

      • Phillip R.

        It’s been a while now it’s April 19 th and still no payment to people on SSI or ssd its like a cartoon watching TV on this all telling something different no one is on the same page MR Trump is the President of the United States of America what he says goes not them

      • Kimberly k.

        My dad claimed me in 2018 and my kids I started receiving ssi in 2019 am I still recieve a check?

      • Stephanie P.

        I did too cause they said we had to if we had SSI then the next day they said we wd get it on our cards so now I hope I didn’t mess mine up too

      • Tanya E.

        What if you get ssi and social security when will i get my check

      • Ryan F.

        I collect ssdi when will I received stimulus money

      • Càrol H.

        Carol Hollingsworth when àre Gregory and Geoffrey got are Check from government we all on SSI,

      • Claudine F.

        I have ssd direct deposit am i ok

      • Bill B.

        Wow I’m totally confused. Okay I am a Disabled Veteran and receive social security disability in which a portion of my check goes to my wife and my 9 yr old their’s go in to direct express, mine come in a check,
        I get my V.A. in a check on the first of the month.
        According to Direct express automated message says that the stimulus check will go in with our regular deposits, so 2 different information one says go to web site and fill out information before 22 April 2020 and the other info says not to fill out, so I ask someone please help me to understand also I did not file 2018 – 2019.
        Thank you in advance

        • V.V.

          Hi Bill, thank you for using our blog. People who receive Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability insurance benefits, who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019, and who have qualifying children under age 17 need to go to the IRS’s webpage to enter your information instead of waiting for your automatic $1,200 Economic Impact Payment. By taking proactive steps to enter information on the IRS website about you and your qualifying children, you will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to your $1,200 individual payment.

      • Thomas K.

        Were my stimulus money

      • Jennifer m.

        I receive Ssi on my direct express card I owe back child support will I receive a stimulus check ?

      • Steph K.

        Will it still go on direct express cards well ask that ???? Times

      • Rudy S.

        After people under ssi and social security checks get there $ 1,200 after that are we going to get $ 2″000 a month for 6 months or more??

      • Mark

        I’m on SSI and some websites say that I don’t have to file anything if don’t have children and some other websites say that I have to file for my stimulus check

        • V.V.

          Hi Mark, thank you for your question. Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17 do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. You should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as you would normally receive your Social Security benefits. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. We hope this helps.

      • Cindy m.

        I have directexpress deposit, its informed me not to do taxes due to low income. Will my stimulus check he direct deposit or you mailing it and when thank you Cindy A Morris

      • Richard B.

        I get SSA social security administration with my stimulus check come on my card direct deposit Express card I’ll when I get a check coming through the mail

      • William

        Will it be sent to my bank account by direct deposit

    • Lorraine D.

      Thank You very much needed

    • Nathaniel H.

      I received SSI monthly due to chronic back pain. I’m disabled. I haven’t received anything yet. WHY?. And I have direct deposit

      • Josh

        What part of the article did you not understand? Reading is fundamental. Says by the end of April the latest for disability by direct deposit

        • Tommy

          Josh don’t need no smart a__ answer from you

          • Tunn

            Josh ???

        • Renee

          I love the Answer u gave if people would just read they will find out whats going on in the world i love to read

          • Irene

            Your right people need to read. To know whats going on i also love to read and i read real carefully praying everyone recieves their stimulus

          • Phillip R.

            I like to read as well if all them get on the same page we would be ok trump and all them

        • Jessica

          It’s possible she did not what to read all through it. She was just asking a question

          • Betty D.

            Iktr no need to be a ride ass

        • Jamesjettiii


      • DMB

        Im on ssi no kids and updated everything on April 9th 2020 and still waiting for my Stimulus money. This is uncalled for. We all should get our money when they gave us the dates the first time

        • Sarah

          I don’t know why you’re complaining in the first place. Your income hasn’t been affected by covid. I’m on SSI too and I’m just grateful I’m even getting that extra $1200 considering my income has not been reduced in any way. It might be a small income but it’s the same nonetheless.

          • Kathlern A.

            Doesn’t matter. We have been affected by everything going on. The incredible high price of food, lack TP, higher cost of pet food . BEING IN HIGH RISK GROUP. Don’t forget ridiculous. COL increases virtually nothing!

          • Kelly

            Of all comments, this is my favorite! I feel blessed getting this money, thank you to those who made this happen!

      • Donna E.

        Because sweetheart they just now have set it up to where supplemental security income recipients will be getting it direct deposit without having to file. Prior to it was social security recipients social security disability insurance recipients and railroad retirees recipients.

        • Rick

          I get SSI will my wife that has no income go on my Direct Express card

          • Linda

            Your wife needs to go file on the IRS site. You don’t have to do anything unless you have dependents under 17 then both of you need to go file.

        • Stephanie

          If I filed the non filers thing will I still get the stimulus check in may because I still havent even heard back from the irs so can someone please answer my question please

          • Kim


      • eggy

        I can believe people still asking this questions.

        • Kathy

          Yesterday I talked to social security in tuepelo Ms I get my benefits on direct Express card they told me however I got my benefits each month is how I would receive my stimulus check told me keep checking card it b on there at anytime started putting into bank accounts and cards yesterday

          • Deborah N.


          • GeorgieH

            Thank you Kathy! I’ve been on the phone waiting for almost 2 hours to ask that very question of them.

      • Linda T.

        Because ssi receipents will recieve their stimulus funds no later then early may. They have not started sending them out yet. Ssdi will get their funds first then we get ours after them.

      • Linda t.

        If someone claimed u as depedent u will not recieve a payment. Also it says we will recieve stimlus funds no later then early may. However u recieve your ssi payment now is the same way u will receive your stimulus payment. If u have direct express that is how u will receive the money. If u get a paper check it will be by check. The only thing i have read about ssi stimulus payments coming out will be no later then early may.

      • Marcel R.

        I’m wondering the same thing i have direct express card but still nothing is it going to come on my card if so do you have any idea when

    • Pierre M.

      I consider that it’s a good decision in order to resist the impact of the mortal Coronavirus (Covid-19). That increase significantly the live’s cost right now..

      Pierre and Myrna.

    • Sherri S.

      • Michelle R.

        WRONG! The answers are at the IRS and the U.S. Treasury, not the news media!

        • Nicole A.

          My son get SSI and I am his beneficiary I get his payment monthly direct deposit he is 17 years old (turned 17 in Nov) I did claim him on my taxes as a dependent. Will I get a stimulus check for him.

          • Mg

            From what I understand if anyone has been claimed as a dependent regardless if an adult or minor they will not get the stimulus payment

          • Terra

            I have a disable daughter 27 and a father i take care of who is 74. I did claim them on my taxes in 2018 but not in 2019. I understand if they were claimed as a dependant they will not get the check. But should the person that is taking care of them get the 500 additional pay for the dependant? Where would you find out that information? I mean we can all agree SSI/SSDI does not pay out much monthly to them. So i take care of all of there needs. I don’t think me filing them as a dependent should make the exempt totally so if they are a dependent then shouldn’t the person who filed dependent get the 500 additional dependent stimulas. I am stumped. And to anyone that has someone filing them as a dependant and was not aware. Shame on that person for doing to someone in that position. I hope they cannot sleep at night. Very unethical.

    • Dee

      I read today ssi disability and other check start coming out Friday

      • Joe

        That’d be nice. Can you provide the article you read it? This 1200 definitely will help A LOT for us. But we all are getting tired of the wait grr.

        • delilah

          why are you getting tired of waiting. its not like this pandemic has affected our lives like it has some people, were used to being poor anyway. were lucky to even be getting one!

          • Cici

            I feel that you sure right about that .thats why I’m just being patient

          • sasnak

            That’s Right “BUT” I’ll believe it when i see it

          • Anita

            I know that’s right

        • Virg.

          Hi, I get social security on the 3rd wed. If each month,but its pending now,weird, but I have not received my stimulus deposit yet,but read that they will post on the 17th,an the 24th of Apr. So praying that it does..

      • Christina

        Is that true?

    • Angie B.

      If u receive SSI but was claimed on someone income tax will u still receive a stimulus check, I know if u receive disability & someone claim u as a dependent, you will not but does the same applies to SSI

      • Theo

        Both of my parents receive Social Security checks each month. They have no income other than that. I claim my parents on my taxes as “Other Dependents” as I help them out financially for 50% of their bills and living costs.
        —> My question is, why do they not count as dependents on my stimulus check (extra $500 per dependent) OR why won’t they each receive a stimulus check for $1,200?

        Why is it that if you have dependents under age 17, Then you will get an extra $500 , but, you don’t get extra $500 for any dependents over the age of 17.
        So, I don’t get the extra $500 per dependent adult AND
        My parents are not receiving $1,200?!

        Isn’t a dependent as dependent regardless of age?

        • Michelle

          Most children 17 and under have zero income, therefore they are 100% dependent on the person who claims them. If you combine the income of 3 people in one household it is not equivalent to a single parent with two children to care for.

          • Rick

            I’ve been fighting for my disability for a few years Manhattan event been able to work will I get a stimulus check since I haven’t been approved yet if not what do I need to do

        • Kimberly Y.

          This is the most unfair part of the stimulus act!!! I’m disabled and my Son hell’s me with bills and expenses through the year and claims me on taxes, now I get no 1200 and he doesn’t get 500. Irs stated he hit large tax break for claiming me. It’s unfair, I could use the money I only get .839 per month. But no !!!

        • Stacy T.

          Im in the same position. My daughter and son in law do the same for me. So i guess i want get tge 1200 nor 500?? Please let me know if you habe found any info on this. Thank you

      • PATRICK C.

        SSI went do I get the check what date

        • Markell B.

          Hello. Everyone I have been reading what every one saying but I’m hearing different things so i have two kids that’s gets ssi but they. We’re claim on someone taxes will I still be getting the stimulus check no one having file me

    • Aliaya L.

      Do I have file anything if I receive SSA form social security

      • Becca

        No, your stimulus will be sent to you in whatever form you receive your monthly payment.

        • Brandon


        • kathy l.

          i am 65 i have ssi forlung problem when will thjey be putting in the card i heard in msy

          • Derick

            If I draw off my father which he’s is dead and I’m over my own check and I got ssa-1099 will I get a check and I’m 27. I have Cerebral palsy

          • V.V.

            Hi Derick, thank you for using our blog. Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. You should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as you would normally receive your Social Security benefits. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. We hope this is helpful.

    • Jason B.

      When will SSD participants going to get there stimulus package? I have no taxes to file. Just wondering when I will see my deposit? Jason

      • Gale B.

        What does it mean they will exclude ssi payments resources for 12 months

        • Irene

          It means if it puts your resources (such as your bank acount balance) above the $2000 monthly limit for SSI recipients, they will not move to penalize you or reduce your usual SSI payment. You are allowed to keep or use the money as you need to as long as you do it within 12 months.

          • Cici

            Thanks for answering this cause I was wondering

          • no w.

            i keep part of mine past 12 months cant count what is not in the bank !! also that rule is so very stupid cant even have a savings account

        • Joe

          They won’t count it against you and if you don’t have any of it in 12 months they won’t count it as asset

    • Jessica

      I thought April 17 people that get SSI get stemulis check on 17

      • Brandon


      • Melvin

        Hi jessica. I am on ssi and disability and i have not recive anything. And today is the 17. Question if a person file someone on there taxes would the person that’s on ssi disability still get a stimus check?

    • Joanie M.

      I filed taxes and I receive SSa survivors benefits. So will I get my stimulus on my Direct Express card or my bank card that I used to get my income tax return???

      • Sharon M.

        I was a.dependant year last will i get a stimulus check?

      • Hillary

        I readif you get survivors benefits you have to fill out the form on irs website! Good luck!

        • Manda30

          @Hilary that’s only if you have a child 17 and under!

          • Bleu

            Under 17

    • Austin L.

      All of you shut the fuck up!!!!!!! All of you are Bullshit and you need to be greatful for what life we have been given . Money is good to have but Life family and love is so much more so even if you don’t get any money it’s ok because at least you still have a Beating heart

      • StupidQuestions

        ?TRUTH! Y’all are going batshit crazy & making this so much harder then it is!STOP over-thing it’s not rocket science. SSI & SSDI ARE END OF APRIL ON WHATEVER MEANS YOU RECEIVE YOUR MONTHLY SSI/SSDI CHECK. IF it changes, they’ll make it known. Damn… Our country is a bunch of entitled whiners.. Be grateful for what you have now & feel blessed when the money comes..just chill..bitchin & talking/questioning over & over -same repetitive questions! Y’all are greedy & ungrateful.

        • Matthew G.

          I’ve read in a couple of news sources actual papers and such not satire and bullshit pages that Friday the 17th is when ssdi recips should be getting the payment .. but ultimately we will get them when they show up .. no use going crazy over it .. got enough of that already from being stuck in our homes over this horrid disease

          • Alex

            soo stop reading the posts if you don’t like what your seeing.

        • Marla D.

          No need to be rude with your answer. People are just confused because the IRS is making it so confusing. There are a lot of “ifs” and then they change their mind. So it IS actually harder than it seems to be so maybe YOU should shut up!

          • Gary H.

            Yes they have maid I so hard to understand. Nothing new with the way government work always so hard. And even more for ones with mental disabilys

        • Marco

          your so darn right I couldn’t say it better myself

        • Texdog

          Best comment on this subject.

        • Bridget B.

          I get my SSD check on the 3rd and my widows check on 3rd Wednesday. I’ll get my stimulus check when I get it. I’m not holding my hand on my butt waiting.

      • mr a.

        in my opinion freedom of dude if you were in front of me right now and said that bs to me as we to are suffering id take the ignition to stab you in the eye socket and skull fuck you through it… Extreme i know but still shut the fuck up you ned flanders freak brown nosing kiss ass u must get alot of money huh? Oh and speaking of beating hearts i would not have it so nope

      • Terri C.

        Exactly. I get $1700 a month SSDI. Just me. Anyhoo. We are used to checks once a month. Why all the angst. It will happen. Patience is a virtue

      • ENOUGH

        ?????? it’s like that’s all they worried about.. $$$$$ Until someone in ther family or close to them die from the Virus…

    • Ralph T.

      Hello, okay here is my situation.. non-filer, NO bank accounts, SSDI (via – Direct-Express Card), get paid on the 3rd each month since 2008… Just can’t seem to get a direct/complete answer as to when to be expecting payment or evan conformation that it will go on my Direct Express Card?
      Thank You .. Ralph P.

    • Kim

      Im ssdi and my x whom makes over $100000.00 a year will get my stimulus check over me owing him back support. From like 20 years ago. He hasnt got any of my monthly check. . so why would he get my stimulus check.. This man didnt even raise the kids…he gave my children to other people to raise.. Highly unfair. Im struggling as a senior handicapped adult.. What congress person can i write to. I need my stimulus to pay for my medicines. .transportation…food etc???

    • Laquisha P.

      So what if I filed and it’s still being processed. Will they make me wait for my stimulus too?

      • William E.

        I’d like to know that as well. I wasnt going to file but then all this stimulus crap came up so I tried filing online to update my info and direct deposit information but it didn’t go through because it said I needed a ip pin number so I mailed it in. So I’d love to know do I have to wait for it to be processed before I get my stimulus check. Please anyone that really knows an answer??????

    • Sayira B.

      My question is I receive both SSI/SSDI which, started Aug 2017 and lived with my son who’s a nurse in the Army. He started claiming me as an “other dependent” in the 2018 tax year. He provides more than half of the living expenses but I pay my own bills with my own benefit entitlements. Furthermore, regardless I also file my own taxes every year even though I am not required to and don’t receive a return. I do it for the IRS knowledge and out of habit of filling taxes every year. Now my son received his stimulus funds on April 14, my question am eligible for a stimulus package since I receive both SSI/SSDI or not because of him claiming me as an “other dependent”?

      Thank-you to the individual who can provide me with a response.

      • maggie

        no your not eligible

    • Candy D.


      • Deedeedee

        If it goes into the fiduciary bank account you set up that’s with a title “Jane Smith for Mary Smith”because it’s going into the exact bank account the SSI went into. However, I’m assuming it’s an adult daughter, the federal government never addressed representative payee’s for these federal funds so a lot of people are going to be in an uproar if there is federal oversight on these funds to the representative payee to spend for them rather than going straight to them. Only the Social Security office has representative payee’s, not federal stimulus money! However if it’s a minor child, of course it will go to the same bank account it normally goes to. And if it’s a paper check, Am I your child’s money will come on the same check as yours all together. But if it’s an adult child? I have a feeling it’s going to be into the representative payee’s name and although this may be great for you, a lot of people who have representative payee’s against their will probably have a case to sue the federal government if they gave stimulus money to a third-party that they never agreed to

      • Rita

        I would like to know what carrying your elderly on your taxes have to do with the stimulus package. THEY are old and need help. Ask check $11 and ss is $734.the elderly people really need the check.e

    • Sandra

      Question if you owe back child support can they take your stimulus check

      • It

        Yup you don’t get it

    • Candi

      My son is 25 on ssi i put him down as other dependent on my taxes,,will he get the 1200 on his ssi?

    • Goodwin

      If I receive ssi but my mom filed my as a dependent on her taxes will I still receive a stimulus check ? This is so confusing to me

      • Harley

        No .. if someone claimed u on their taxes u will not receive the 1200

    • Mary

      Thank you so much for the stimulus check this is a big help thank you

    • Jim S.

      If I have a tax refund next year (for year 2020) will this $1200.00 stimulus be applied against that refund? I’ve been told it would be!

    • Rose E.

      I’m on SSI and I did my 2018tax return with411taxteam and they meet up on my detect deposit the one I use for my SSI I went on track my stimuas check it dead it was going to be scheduled for April 15 and it showed deposit into a hole new account I don’t no it’s not mine what do I do I need that money or me and my sonplus I have other questions but I can’t talk to no one whAt do I do diesel any body no what I can do

    • Dale H.

      Thank you for this very clear and informative information. You took the stress out of all my questions.

    • Maxine

      We have direct deposit for our SSI And my sisters have already received their check from IRS but we haven’t ! We have been on social security approximately 8 yr! Will we get direct deposit from IRS! If not please tell me what to do

      • Rebecca

        Yes. You will get your normal SSI payment for May at the normal time and in the normal way, and you will also get your stimulus check from your direct deposit account. Social Security says (in the article) that the IRS will be sending out stimulus checks to people on SSI by early May. You don’t need to do anything to get it. I hope that helps.

    • Anthony

      Hey what day do are money comes on card from ssi direct deposit on card from SSI

    • peters

      can SSI for deposit on friday or what? i just want know

    • Stacy S.

      What about if we have a 17 year old that is on ssi and is not claimed on anyones taxes and cant work nor files taxes and the parent is on ssi as well and cant work or file taxes do they qualify to get anything from the stimulus check

    • Brittany

      Exactly thank you now I can stop racking my brain

    • Be

      Can anyone answer this: kids who receive a ss check because parent passed away do the kids get the 1200. Or 500 or nothing. If the parent who gets their check doesn’t file taxes

    • Paul

      I have direct deposit and im on ssi why isnt stimulus check going in my account

      • V.V.

        Hi Paul, thanks for using our blog. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. We hope this helps.

        • Ashley T.

          I receive Social Security every month should I worry that I haven’t received my stimulants payment yet like everybody else and it will it be put on my dress express card

          • V.V.

            Hi Ashley, thank you for your question. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May.

        • Jack B.

          I’m on Ssdi I’m 32 even though I’m on ssdi and my parent filled me on taxes can I still get it because of ssdi

          • V.V.

            Hi Jack, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

    • Tara W.

      Will children who get SSI get the 500.00 payment to there parent?

      • Charles M.

        I want to know this and if child support will take all the adults if they are caring for disabled children..

    • Karen

      Hi I have a 18 year old getting her SSI will she getA stimulus check

      • Kookie51

        Yes in early May.

    • ANGELA M.

      When will we get our money on our direct Express card someone said the 17th of april

    • Brian p.

      The stimulus checks are coming from different set up than SSI or social security they said they are coming from the irs

    • Larry B.

      We are still waiting for our checks. We have no food to eat. Please help.

    • Cc

      Omg. When will people on ssi get their check? They cant or wont give any clear info. My Mother is retired & still waiting on hers too.

    • John

      9 hours ago “UPDATE “the decision was made to put the $1200 stimulous money just how you would receive your SSI,SSDI,AND RAILROAD RETIREES BENEFITS,either via direct deposit, to your bank account,via deposit onto your
      government issued direct express debit card,or via by a paper check!! HOWEVER YOU

      • Nina B.

        Hey there Einstein,
        I’m not sure where you got your smarty pants degree, but it’s actually “Stimulus” not “Stimulous”
        People are confused due to the fact that there is an enormous amount of inaccurate information online, or quite simply put.. doesn’t address their specific question.
        If the people on here in search of answers to their questions bothers you so intensely, log off and use that big brain of yours to find something better to do.

        Hope you have yourself a “special” day “Ed” 😉

      • Marc

        Learn to read. It don’t say when the money only says the beginning.but that can be anytime

    • Celinda B.

      I get widows V A. And S.S disability for my 12 year old son. I have to file since you will not send my stimules automatically. I have a Walmart card where my veterans gets deposited and a S.S. express card for my son. How do I do it. Or can I get both in one card. I need my money now. Not in months.

    • Cassie D.

      This needs to be fixed!
      I have placement of my kids.. their dad sees them during the summer. We claim then every other year in taxes.. this happen to be his year.. but how is it fair HE get there extra funds to help for THE CHILD when the kids don’t even live with him?! Its costing ME MORE to accommodate then being out of school etc, but yet he gets the extra money to help cover cost, that isnt even impacting him because hw doesn’t have the kids full time!

      • Mike

        Stop crying he pays child support and he gets some back u cry do u work take ur child support and ur 1200 and quit crying more more more

    • Molly

      Hi my Mother’s is on ssi but I claim her as a dependent, does she still get a stimulus check,

      • Bleu


    • Amanda K.

      When will I get my stimulus check on me direct express card and I get SSI

      • V.V.

        Hi Amanda, thanks for using our blog. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May.

        • Raymond L.

          Me ss and disability?

        • Melissa p.

          Hey there my question is I have a payee and have direct express card. Am I still eligible for the stimilus payment is so then when. Will it effect his payment in anyway? I was not claimed on his taxes.

    • Lashunda y.

      Hi my name is Lashunda young Im one of the ones dat check went to the wrong bank I file 2019 but I’m on disability and I can’t afford to wait on no check to com Thur the mail. But I get SSI direct deposit so can I get my stimulus check on the same card

    • Cori

      I wanted to know since I receive both ssi and ssdi will it be just one payment from the stimulus?

    • Princess C.

      What day are we suppost to receive the money

    • Ashley T.

      Should I Worry that I haven’t received my stimulants payment on my DirectExpress card yet when other people have

    • Linda

      Still havent got a stimulus check on my direct express

      • V.V.

        Hi Linda. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May.

    • William F.

      Why do social security recipients have to wait until May to get the stimulus checks when everyone else already has theirs?

    • Leena

      what about married couples who both receive SSI would each receive $1200. thank you!

      • V.V.

        Hi Leena, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

    • Mike

      I didn’t Kno this until this past Thursday I went filed 2019 which is paper check were I’m on ssi I didn’t know they changed the rules overnight because I wouldn’t have filed for paper check the IRS said they were sending checks out today she four to five days should get it I didn’t have direct deposit I had direct express

      • Joan

        When will stimulus checks be here for social security recipients. Why are we having to wait. I only purchase $50 a month on groceries. Will it be the week of April 20th-24 th. I was a nurse for 30plus years. I love and miss it

    • alex

      I was a dependent during 2018 but not a dependent for 2019 does anyone know if I qualify for a stimulus payment?

    • Travis

      When will people on ssi and ssa get there check if they have direct deposit

    • Gene

      I have a question I receive ssi and I owe $167 in back child support will I receive a stimulus check and if so how much would be deducted?

    • Terry S.

      Thomas with all due respect, I believe everyone’s in desperate need during this devastating unexpected crisis!! There are millions of people out of work, couples with children, single parents with babies! I’m just so thankful to God that I’m included. I read that anyone receiving govt assistance, SSI, SSDI, etc… Would only get $600. The AARP fought for us and won. So all I’m saying is no matter when the heck it comes in, n it’s free! No pay back! Yeah I have bills etc.. but I’m not starving, not freezing, n I don’t have the COVID-19! Thank You Lord! I’m not complaining!!

    • Terry S.

      Yes! I am thankful!

    • Crystal M.

      I’m on ssa and I haven’t received my check yet when should I get it?

      • V.V.

        Hi Crystal, thank you for using our blog. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May.

    • Dalton C.

      What if your on ssi buy aomebody claimed you as a dependant? Does that disqualify you from a stimulus check or will you still get one?

    • Ginger

      If my daughter claim ne on her and I’m on disability will I get the stimulus money

      • V.V.

        Hi Ginger, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

    • Terry

      My daughter claim me on her taxes and I’m on disability will I get the stimulus money

      • V.V.

        Hi Terry, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

    • Robin G.

      I receive ssi and still live with my Mom. She works and claims me on her taxes as a dependent. Will I still get a stimulus check?

    • Cheryl C.

      SSI does not mean social security insurance, it means supplemental security income.
      For the person on this blog who called it insurance. Read this site, provides the info on the differences.
      Also stimulus payments are being paid by the US Treasury, not Social Security itself.

    • Leejoe P.

      Will i get a stimulus payment if i draw ssa

    • Tia O.

      Pay pal recieved my stimulus check 2 days ago and still hasn’t put in my account and there is no one to answer the calls

    • William B.

      I am on SSI and ssdi will i receive two checks ? And I havent got a check into my account yet trump said if you havent got a check yet feel in the info on website but the irs says don’t cause would delay check and disabled dont have too fill info out and irs also says the ssi and ssdi the info isnt available this is confusing

    • Cierra R.

      I have a question.. so I qualify for the stimulus money and i have 2 kids that i claimed on my taxes for 2018 and 2019 but they receive ssi benefits from their father each month how will that affect the stimulus money

    • Clint

      I never filled out any info regarding the stimulus check and im on ssi disability will i still get a check or will it be put on my D.Express card

    • Floyd

      I look up the status of mine. And it said “sorry we cannot determine your eligibility at this time .” Has anyone else got that message? What doesit mean?

    • melanie m.

      So far it seems like nobody can read it plainly states disability ssi and social security ssdi etc….you don’t have to do anything it’s coming onto your direct express card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • GE A.

      So I want to know if I’m eligible. I’m deaf and receive ssi. Never have enough to file. My father claims me as a dependent on his taxes. I’m 43. We share residence together. Will I get the stimulus as well? He didn’t get the additional $500 for me being a dependent. Do I get the $1200. Any assistance is appreciated. Thank you ?

    • Justin

      Ppl that recieve ssi, thats not married or has no kids…..will it automatically go on their direct express card? And do they have to do anything online from how i understand i dont……

    • Cheryl S.

      Does anyone know, I’m on ssdi and my husband doesnt work and we dont file, do I just get the 1200 or the 2400? I cant call anyone to ask what to do…so if anyone has info about it please let me know!

    • Sierra d.

      What about the grown people how much we get

    • Amanda A.

      What if you draw SSI and owe back time child support? Will the stimulus check go to the back time child support?

    • Andrew L.

      People the us the Direct Express card will get there Stimulus on your yard, It will be on the card near the end of April to early May. Hope this helps.

    • Heather H.

      My question is when are SSDI recipients going to start receiving their stimulus checks. We are some of the poorest people in the country. We cant even track our payment like other citizens can. The IRS already has our info as we receive an SSA1099 form every year so why is it taking so long for us to get paid?? Or to even be able to get answers that are correct and accurate and not just guesstimates.

      • Teresa E.

        I gotdam agree with you we are another form of welfare let them tell it even if I got hurt an on ssi they say if u get cov 19 it dont care who u are be affected the same will rich people in there mansion got everything they need but we don’t with food stamps break it down a dollar something a day me an my son get ssi we got 212 dollars a month will what they that say sloth they really should had food us by now

      • V.V.

        Hi Heather, thank you for your question. Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17 do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. You should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as you would normally receive your Social Security benefits. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. We hope this helps.

    • Joshua W.

      I’m on disability and haven’t received the check. Haven’t filed taxes in years. Do I need to update anything or with the Treasury Department use the same info that Soc Sec does and just direct deposit it?
      I’m just worried because seems like everyone in my family received a check but me.
      Overall just wondering if its taking longer to get disability recipients their checks. Its now the 18th and nothing yet, while my fam got theirs last week.

      • V.V.

        Hi Joshua, thank you for your question. Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17 do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. You should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as you would normally receive your Social Security benefits. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. We hope this helps.

        • Laura

          I am on disability and I get a Widows benefit am I going to get two checks or just one I haven’t received anything and my checks come direct deposit to my bank can anyone help me and answer my question

    • Marvin F.

      I did not file for 18-19 tayes I applied for ss in September of 19 so I will not receive a ss1099 until January or February I received my first ss payment in January 2020 will I get a stimulus payment

    • Priscilla R.

      Okay i know everyone is worried about the stimulus check. But to get everyone on the right path for all of us who are on SSI or SSDI or any other government benefits. Please take a deep breath of air. Because we are all going to get our stimulus check. But now if you have kid’s thats where you need to go to register on their web portal to add your kid’s so they can be accounted for as well. But if you’re like me and dont have any children. Then we don’t have to do anything but just wait for our payments to hit in our direct deposit accounts. And that includes direct express , green dot, PayPal , or whichever bank your monthly benefits usually go to every month. So if your monthly benefits fall on the first of every month that’s when your stimulus payments will also come in. But if you get it on the 3rd or any other day you get your monthly benefits then on those days is when your your stimulus check will be in. Well hopefully this will help each and everyone of y’all a little bit more better. And maybe y’all all can relax just a little as well. Well may you all have a blessed and wonderful night……

      • paul p.

        Sir the lady from social security said herself that ssdi recipients will get paid by the end of april.My pay day is may 3rd.Last time i checked april 30th comes before may 3rd.So your incorrect.

    • Elaine J.

      We should have got our checks first!! Why are people that are currently working jobs like something that I know oh, they have their $1,200 in their accounts. So they’re working jobs they’re getting their regular paychecks and they got the $1,200. As usual it’s the little guy people on disability and social security, excetera that gets screwed. I want my freaking money, where is my money!

      • Susan e.

        Because people receiving govt. Benefits like SSI or SSDI , we are still getting our payments each month (small as they might be) But, millions of workers with children , especially low income workers who cant “work from home” , like store associates, movie theater operators, people who live pay check to paycheck and havent made ANY money for the last month. They DESERVE to get theirs first. We at least are steadily and uninterruptedly getting our monthly check, while they aren’t working and receive nothing! Something(us) is better than nothing (them) . I am just grateful we were included at all . J.M.H.O.

    • Jun

      Still waiting have direct deposit but ssh.

    • Kim

      Do kids get Ssi do they Get a stimulate check

    • Jim A.

      Im on S.S.I. and have DERICT deposit through my bank Advantage Plus and still nothing why cant they just give us a dam date and time frame when it will be deposited instead of giving us fales leads and leaving us out in left field with no way to find out are track are stiliums payment if they can tell people who filed taxes a date why cant they do the same for us

      • paul p.

        Sir the lady from social security said herself that ssdi recipients will get paid by the end of april.My pay day is may 3rd.Last time i checked april 30th comes before may 3rd.So your incorrect.

    • davidchance2000

      So all who are asking where is my check. The SSDI SSI and others it said towards the end of the month. Ten more days folks, “wouldn’t want to try to hold my breath that long.”
      A week from Friday, some of us disabled folks are sure curious about what is going on.
      Be Good and Safe

    • Megan

      How could they wait to do the rip for people on ssi/ssdi? These are the people who have the highest need for it! Very unorganized and thoughtless

    • john m.

      i have ssi and ssa and was told i don’t have to anything that money will go on my direct express card is this right i don’t have any dependent kids

    • Kashia F.

      If i get ssi for my son who is 1 years old will i get a stimulus check

    • Tami

      So if I was claimed on someone’s taxes but get SSI and disability do I qualify for the corona stimulus check? I can’t get an answer anywhere

    • Tonya

      I recieve my disability direect deposit. Will I get stimulus money the same way?

    • Rosalinda M.

      What if the SSI recipient is a child? Do they still get a stimulus check? Or do I enter only their information into non filers?

      • Jami

        I sure wish they would answer this! It’s been asked several times.

    • Keesha

      Im so nervous an clueless i recieve ssi an i jus found out my mom claimed me on her taxes will still b eligible for stimulis

    • Angela C.

      I filed 2018 taxes but did n not give dd info and my address has sinced changed.
      I was approved for ssi in January, received my 1st payment in Feb. so theres no 1099 for me last year.
      I filled out a change of address and also just did my 2017 taxes with dd info and new address.
      Income wise i should receive my check may 1st but as i see it, it’s extremely unlikely. All of the sites that were created to help are not working including turbotax who did my 2018 return.. Anyone else have a similar situation or an idea as to what i could do?

    • Angela

      I filed 2018 taxes but did n not give dd info and my address has sinced changed.
      I was approved for ssi in January, received my 1st payment in Feb. so theres no 1099 for me last year.
      I filled out a change of address and also just did my 2017 taxes with dd info and new address.
      Income wise i should receive my check may 1st but as i see it, it’s extremely unlikely. All of the sites that were created to help are not working including turbotax who did my 2018 return.. Anyone else have a similar situation or an idea as to what i could do?

    • Phyllis F.

      If you owe back support but you receive ssi for other children could u still receive a stimulus refund

    • Amber l.

      It’s a hurry up and wait situation everything keeps changing and it’s giving me anxiety more than I already have

    • Crystal b.

      I didn’t get mine and I need it for health issues

    • Jason

      So I’m on ssi I worked 3 months last year my fiancé filed head of household and claimed me will I get a check I keep searching and can’t find the answer can someone please help me I’m going nuts trying to figure this out she claimed her mom and she is on social retirement and got hers already I just don’t know what to believe

    • Candace

      Thank you Teresa Totter for getting it right when it comes to clarifying the difference between SSDI, SS and SSI! I think people misunderstand because that scenario that happened to some of us, did not play out that way for others

    • Tully H.

      When will people on supplemental security income receive our stimulus pay

    • lynn

      ***Need answer Quick**
      Husband receives disability, under that I get spousal benefit, and our 14 yr old gets child benefits….all off of his dad. I am rep payee for both of them. Money comes deposited direct express for all 3 on one card each month. **Would I still have go file this to claim her? Or would it automatically come as it normally does every month? **
      I don’t want to screw things up, but I don’t want to miss out on her $500 either, lol

      • V.V.

        Hi Lynn, thanks for using our blog. People who receive Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability insurance benefits, who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019, and who have qualifying children under age 17 should go to the IRS’s webpage to enter information instead of waiting for the automatic $1,200 Economic Impact Payment. By taking proactive steps to enter information on the IRS website about you and your qualifying children, you will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to your $1,200 individual payment.

    • Richard T.

      I got on ssi disability at age 20 27 years ago .will I get a stimulus check??

    • Robbie W.

      I have a question I draw survivors bennfiets I didn’t file taxes will I still get my stimulus payment on my direct express card

    • Gina

      My brother is 67 and mentally disabled. I think my mother uses him as a dependent. He gets so. When checking the site it says they need more info. His check is automatically deposited regularly. How can we find out what the issue is with the stimulous

    • Adriana

      We have a avid prepaid card that we receive our money on every month from SSI will it come on that card

    • Mea J.

      So. We have to wait till May to receive a check I. Just called. Direct express. And it said they don’t have any Information about. Stimulus checks. I don’t understand anything that’s going on can someone please help me to understand.

    • Sara

      Do you know if Children that receive SSI if they will get the stemilus payment

    • vira g.

      My husband to pass away 04/20/2020.What i need now with SSI ?

      • V.V.

        We are very sorry for your loss, Vira. Typically, the funeral director notifies us of an individual’s passing by contacting the local Social Security office. To verify this information was reported, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can contact your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal.

        See our Factsheet on How Social Security Can Help When a Family Member Dies.

    • Thao

      I receive social security benefits but I’m with Bank of America real deed department of Treasury still send my stimulus package even though I’m not with direct Express

    • connie m.

      If you draw SSI or SSDI and did not have to file taxes , you DO NOT have to do anything. If you get direct deposit on either one of these the stimulus payment will go the same way

    • Shelia R.

      what if I don’t have direct deposit and I still receive a paper check

    • Rachael C.

      What if my daughter gets SSI and I claimed her on my 2019 taxes. I didn’t get any money for her. She’s 19 and I probably shouldn’t have claimed her but I did. It was my first time filing my taxes myself.

    • Gerald m.

      I’m on disabled ss so I don’t have to do anything I just wait for it to go direct deposit in my bank account right

    • Stratto S.

      If I get a SSI check do I have to go on the IRS website update anything or do I automatically Deposit they deposit into my Direct

    • Tawyna b.

      I am on SSI and I have no children under the age of 17 and I was wondering when will it be deposited into my account the 1200.00

    • Mooby

      What if I owe child support but I receive ssi will I get a stimulus check

    • Jason

      I work and on ssi do I get 2 checks

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