COVID-19, General, SSI

Supplemental Security Income Recipients, Act Now – Go to – A Message from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul

April 24, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who don’t file tax returns will start receiving their automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department in early May. People receiving SSI benefits who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes, and have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should immediately go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Your Information section to provide their information. SSI recipients who have dependent children and did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes need to act by Tuesday, May 5, in order to receive additional payments for their eligible children quickly. 

By taking this proactive step to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If people in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, their payment at this time will be $1,200 only. They would then be required to file a tax year 2020 tax return to obtain the additional $500 per eligible child.

I urge SSI recipients with qualifying children and who do not normally file taxes to take action now. Immediately go to so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for.

Lastly, a word of caution. Be aware of scams related to the Economic Impact Payments. There is no fee required to receive these payments. Don’t be fooled.

Visit our website for important information and updates.

Click here to view the IRS press release about this important issue.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Tammy

    I won’t now if I get a stimulus check..

  2. Kelly D.

    I am so sorry to those who have not received help yet it is such a trying time on so many.
    I received my stimulus and owed all to rent and Gas & light bill.
    I am also disabled after working the same job for 22 yrs.
    I have five children 1 still home 15 yr old boy. I filed an filler With IRS for him and have not received the 500$ for him .
    Also CPS stopped his check that was 400 monthly. And sent it elsewhere when Ethan has never lived elsewhere.
    So the money he depended on for school, clothing, and his phone.
    He no longer receives. Now I have no record I took hair follicle test urine test and all clean.
    I worked as a asst directed in a church Daycare.And got very ill.
    My son missed to many days of school and cps tried to take him. But I said over my dead body.
    My son is highly intelligent and is doing college courses on line at 15.
    This is why our system is broken.
    It’s so sad! ?
    And my checks suddenly after the 3rd month of my receiving them was minus 300$ one month and then 188$ less from Nov 2019 until last month.
    I could barely pay rent.I applied for FS. They only gave me 180 monthly for myself Ethan and Cali my Granddaughter who is 6 and is with me.
    So I only had 997.00$ a month and 180$ a month for food.
    Our rent is 700.00$ monthly plus gas & lights.
    And then add personal hygiene products. Then add cleaning supplies those supplies are on my list before food. If it weren’t for the kids that is. My family’s needs always are first. Finally I began calling and sending in paperwork and trying to find out everything I could. I was going to Social Security office. I was told I needed to speak with Medicare Medicaid whoever paid the premium the first 3 months all the sudden stopped paying premiums.And no one could figure out why.
    Now before disability took over passport paid what I needed. I wasn’t on disability 2 yrs or 65. I am only 51.
    They cut my passport off, took 2 yrs of premiums 300$ ,and for 6 months took the 188$ for part b.
    Now at least I receive 1143 and that Is my money I pd in. I worked from the time I was 16 except 3 yrs I took off to have some of my kiddos. So when med found the mistake and sent it to SSDI I only received 2 months 188 each in back pay.
    Even though Medicare sent me letters saying they would go back till Nov.
    I have reached out to everyone about CPS and tried repeatedly to work with SSDI knowing My son’s checks should have never been stopped.
    And my amounts are very questionable. No one will help us.
    They take up for these people who shouldn’t even have the authority to do such terrible things to a loving strong family.
    So many children need help and end up hurt or dead.
    And we are CPS targeted and bullied our family is to strong though.
    We are fighters.
    We will survive!
    And you guys will also! Your help is coming. Try to be patient.
    Love give and forgive!
    God will reward you !?❤

  3. Bernice M.

    The money is great to have I think the food stamps should be increased til the end of the year

  4. Alisha B.

    I’ve not gotten my check everyone else has I’ve tried everything checking my payment get nothing I get ssi and ss I have no kids don’t fle taxes no one claims me my address is up to date I’ve tried calling the ss office nothing there so can anyone here please help me thank you

  5. James q.

    I am on ssdi and have a direct Express card and have not received my payment yet.

  6. Cathy B.

    I’m on SSD, 2018 I did not file taxes and in 2019 I let my niece claim me, I didn’t need to claim either year but I stayed with my neice all of 2019, so she claimed me for that year only, I feel I should still get the stimulus money, please

  7. Thomas

    I’m not understanding the tax rules I proceed SSA Social Security income I’m into my own money I also have children who receive benefits Thru my social security benefits but they don’t live with me their mother already got the stimulus money for our children we are not together so I’m wondering I didn’t receive my stimulus check yet do I have to or should I go on the special non filer tool and claim them that’s what I don’t understand should I be doing that because they receive benefits through my name even though they don’t live with me and their mother claimed them already again they do not live with me so are they my dependents basically still

  8. Denise

    I’m on SSI, I’m seeing a ton of Comments, stating we have not gotten our funds yet! Now I have Direct Deposit to my bank account, what could be easier correct? We have 4 different dates that the stimulus checks were going to be sent and it’s been 6 weeks. We have no one to talk to, no one at the IRS, Treasury, SSA we are told told to do nothing the CHECK IS IN THE MAIL! Really? We are no one’s priority!

  9. Deborah

    Well I am a disabled adult and just moved in with parents three years parents claim me on taxes…Why can’t I get my eip or at least the $700 balance…I have to purchase more than I usually do because of this pandemic…so frustrating that I am left out of the help…

  10. sharon

    i get ssdi and havent been able to go to get my payment to work watching every one around me get checks and wanting another one ,what about the people that havent got first one yet ,am disabled not working and need money.

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