Frauds & Scams

Submitting Fraud Allegations to the OIG

September 24, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: September 24, 2018

The SSA Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has determined that, due to a computer error, it did not receive any fraud allegations submitted through its online fraud-reporting form from 3:30 p.m. on Monday, September 10 to 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 12, 2018.

If you submitted an allegation during this time period, please re-submit your allegation online, or you may call the OIG’s fraud hotline at 1-800-269-0271. Thank you.

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About the Author

Andrew Cannarsa, OIG Communications Director

Andrew Cannarsa, OIG Communications Director


  1. Bernardo L.

    I have been receiving several phone calls saying that their is a federal investigation about my social security number. And that I need to give a call back to the soc. security office at 801-734-9930. I need to know if this is fraudulent or if it’s for real. Thanks

    • L.A.

      Thanks for checking in with us, Bernardo. We do not usually make random calls. If anyone receives calls saying that they are from Social Security, do not give out any personal information. Suspicious calls should be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-269-0271 or online. You can also report these scams to the Federal Trade Commission through a new site specific to Social Security scams, here. We hope this helps.

  2. Pamela T.

    I continue to receive phone calls from 210 728 3901 on my home phone 661 253 2401 stating they are US Higher Authority and my social security
    I have been receiving will stop do to me being fraudulent. The now are threatening 2nd attempt grand jury will have me arrested left message and said call back with case 107283901 immediately or they will proceed for my arrest.

    Again I received another phone call this morning….
    It happens to me, my father in law, my friends.

  3. Janet R.

    Got call that said they were from SS, and that someone was using my SS# in Texas, and wanted me to say yes, to speak to a officer reguarding this matter. I hung up.

  4. Jacqueline H.

    Here are two phone number I have rec”d in the last two days. Please let me know if they are from you.
    646-375-3933 andv646-98-8489 Person state about my SS# has suspious activity

  5. DONALD L.

    I received a call from someone claiming to be SSA..The Call was at 338 PM to my phone 256.566.4363.

    It was made from this number 1-956-125-2207

    Thank you. Hope you catch them

  6. Floyd N.

    I received a phone call saying that my SS number would be taken away unless I called the following number:

    I ignored the message but am giving the information to you.

    • A.C.

      Thanks for letting us know, Floyd. We do not usually make random calls. If anyone receives calls saying that they are from Social Security, do not give out any personal information. Suspicious calls should be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-269-0271 or online. You can also report these scams to the Federal Trade Commission through a new site specific to Social Security scams, here. Thanks, again.

  7. Bonnie B.

    I received a call from someone who said they were with the Social Security Administration and that my check was being withheld due to unusual activity. It did not ring through to my phone, it went straight to my voice mail. It asked that I press 1 to find out more details.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Bonnie. Thanks for letting us know. Suspicious calls should be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-269-0271 or online. You can also report these scams to the Federal Trade Commission through a new site specific to Social Security scams, here. Thanks, again.

  8. Quaderha B.

    ‭+1 (877) 710-1116‬ This Is The Number That Called Me About My ssc

  9. Anita L.

    I just received a telephone call from telephone number
    1-888-805-5481 regarding ,my Soc. Sec # in jeopardy etc…I know it’s a scam and this is my reason for informing your dept.
    My telephone number 1-800-747-485
    Anita L. Lucas

  10. Pam G.

    We are receiving calls daily, sometimes twice a day from an automated caller telling us to telephone 800-674-9830 about our SS. They threaten to cancel our benefits if we do not call back! We know this is a scam, but we don’t know how to get them to STOP calling us? Any advice will be appreciated.

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