Online Services

Social Security’s Many Online Services

May 27, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 2, 2023

younger woman teaching older woman on laptop (for post)There’s probably been a time in your life when you’ve wondered, “Can I do this online instead of visiting a Social Security office?” The answer is more than likely yes, and you can find more information about our online services on our website. Online, you can apply for retirement and disability benefits, appeal a decision, and do much more.

We’ve organized our Online Services webpage into four popular categories for easy navigation:

  • Review Your Information. You can access your secure, personal information and earnings history to make sure everything is correct.
  • Apply for Benefits. You can apply for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits without having to visit a local Social Security office.
  • Manage Your Account. You can change your direct deposit information and your address, if you are receiving benefits, online.
  • Find Help and Answers. You can find answers to your most frequently asked questions, as well as links to publications and other informational websites.

You can also access personalized information with your personal my Social Security account. This is a useful resource even if you are not receiving benefits. You can:

  • Request a replacement Social Security number or Medicare card.
  • Get personalized retirement benefit estimates.
  • Get estimates for spouse’s benefits.
  • Print proof that you do not receive benefits.
  • Check your application or appeal status.
  • Read your Social Security Statement.

If you are receiving benefits, you can:

  • Request a replacement Social Security number or Medicare card.
  • Set up or change direct deposit.
  • Print a Social Security 1099 (SSA-1099) form.
  • Opt out of mailed notices for those available online.
  • Print a benefit verification letter.
  • Change your address.

Please let your family and friends know they can do much of their business with us online.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Peg

    If my Social Security benefit is less than my husband’s am I eligible to collect one-half of his? If so, would I continue to collect when my husband passes?

    • V.V.

      Hi Peg, thanks for using our blog to ask your question. We will always pay your own retirement benefit first. If your benefits as a spouse are higher than your own retirement benefits, you will get a combination of benefits equaling the higher spouse benefit. However, the spouse’s benefit cannot exceed one-half of your husband’s full retirement amount (not his reduced benefit amount). So, you can only receive additional spouse’s benefits if your own full retirement benefit (not your reduced benefit) is less than half of your husband’s full retirement benefit. We hope this is helpful!

  2. Alameda, C.

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  4. ruth h.

    i have a change in my monthly benefit from my OPERS account, can i submit a copy of the “statement of benefit payment” to ssa online and if so, how?

  5. David

    My wife just got her Naturalization Certificate and they told her that she needs to update her status in the Social Security Administration Office. It is possible to do that online or she needs to go the office?

    • V.V.

      Thank you for your question, David, and for reading our blog. Congratulations to your wife on becoming a U.S. citizen. She cannot update her citizenship status with Social Security online. She will need to update her Social Security record by showing us her Certificate of Naturalization and completing an application for a corrected Social Security card. All submitted documents must be either originals or certified copies by the issuing agency. We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents. Please visit our Social Security and Coronavirus web page. If she believes she qualifies for an in-office appointment, she should call her local office. You’ll find the contact information using our online Social Security Office Locator.

  6. Theresa B.

    If I changed my address today on, does that change my address on Medicare?
    If not how do I do that?

  7. Philip J.

    I am trying to find, how I can change my income tax deductions. I am yet to find how I can change it. Can you help me?

  8. Sheryl F.

    I was part of a data breach at San Juan Regional Medical Center in Farmington, NM 87401. All I want to do is put an alert on my social security number.

    • V.V.

      Hi Sheryl, thanks for using our blog. Generally, identity theft issues are handled by the Federal Trade Commission. Visit to report identity theft and get a recovery plan or call 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338).

      Visit our Frequently Asked Questions web page for details on what you can do if you think someone is using your Social Security number.

      • Nina

        What happens if you report it and no one contacts you

  9. Dave

  10. Rena

    I keep checking to see when your offices will be open again so that I can get my name changed without having to submit my original documents through the mail such as my DL (which I am legally obligated to have on my person in order to drive) and my marriage license. I saw on a news site that you have partially opened local offices again for express appointments for things like this. However, I can’t locate this on SSA.GOV or see where to make the appointment. Can you verify this info and let me know how to make an appointment, please?? Here is the link where I found this information. Thank you!

    • Diana

      I keep checking to see when your offices will be open again so that I can get my name changed without having to submit my original documents through the mail. I saw on a site that you have partially opened local offices again for express appointments for things like this. However, I can’t locate this on SSA.GOV or see where to make the appointment. Can you verify this info and let me know how to make an appointment, please??

      • V.V.

        Hi Diana. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions web page on how to change your name. All submitted documents must be either originals or certified copies by the issuing agency. We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents.

        Our Social Security and Coronavirus web page, under “Getting Help from Social Security heading”, provides details on the documents you need to mail in with your Social Security card application to get a replacement card with your new name. We temporarily expanded our policy to accept secondary identity documents.

        You can call your local Social Security office for guidance on the appropriate service channels available in your service area for submitting evidence. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

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