Disability, General, Medicare, Retirement, Social Security Number and Card

Social Security Video Connect: Connect with Us from Anywhere

May 21, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: May 21, 2024

woman checking Medicare information on a tabletWe are always thinking of ways to make doing business with us easier. With our Social Security Video Connect option, you can conduct business with us using video on your personal device, from your preferred location.

Social Security Video Connect is available for:

  • No-change replacement Social Security cards (U.S. citizens only).
  • Date of birth corrections (U.S. citizens only).
  • Benefit applications.
  • Redeterminations.
  • Overpayments.
  • Medicare.

How to get started

To get started with this new service, please make sure you have a computer, tablet, or smart phone with a webcam and internet access. Then, you can follow the steps below.

  1. To schedule an appointment, contact your local Social Security office or call 1-800-772-1213 between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you are interested in a video appointment, the representative will determine whether video is an appropriate option for you. If video is not an option, we can conduct the interview over the phone or in the office.
  2. If you choose a video appointment, we will ask you to provide us with your email address and phone number. You will receive an email with a link for the Microsoft Teams meeting.
  3. On the date and time of your appointment, you will connect with us through the link provided.
  4. If you run into issues with Teams or need to reschedule your appointment, please contact your local Social Security office or call 1-800-772-1213.

We strive to improve our customer service and increase the ways you can connect with us.

Please share this information with your friends and family who may need it – and post it on social media.


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  1. Jissela A.

    Hi when I submitted my mother’s green card application I checked on the option to also once approved then get the social security card mailed home, we received my mother’s Green card back in June 12,24 but two months now and we haven’t received her social security card. How can check if she has a number assigned or I need to submit an application. Thanks

  2. Mario f.

    Tiene la SAA in email donde se pueda envisr la forma ssa7161 desde el extrangero??

    • Tomas f.

      Tomas f Melchor
      Como recuperar los beneficios de mi seguro social

  3. Kenneth J.

    My mother passed away December 19th 2022. I am desperately asking for your help since I have exhausted all avenues once again to resolve my issue with the social security department about overpayment check I returned on January 17th 2023 after getting instructions from my local social security office during covid-19 to return the check to the office by putting it in the Dropbox in an envelope with all the instructions on the outside which I was given by my local office so they would know exactly what it was in the envelope and what it was for and who it was for. I then took a photo of it in and out of the envelope before I put it in the Dropbox at my local social security office. This has been going on for a year and a half. This issue was supposed to be resolved over a year ago but the local office kept claiming they never received a check and sending me letters asking for money for repayment. In March of 2023 I started researching who I can contact in social security office that actually could help me there’s nobody in lower management seem to know what they were doing. even back then it was hard for me to find somebody in the social security administration who competence and ability to show that the check had never been cashed. The gentleman I talk to and help me verify the check had never been cashed and he sent to my local office an email telling them they had to find that check and that it had been returned and had never been cashed. I asked him what if they can’t find it or claim they can’t find it because I felt like it was purposely lost or disposed of because I had filed two complaints on that office for the rudeness and insensitivity of the gentleman I originally talked to on the phone about how to return the overpayment check. This gentleman said it would be fine that the check has never been cashed. Now once again they’re sending me letters over a year and three months later saying they’re going to take money from my account $977 because the check was never returned. And now they’re saying the records don’t go back past a year and they cannot verify if the check was cashed or not,how convenient for them. Or look up past communications or emails prior. I have now spent days again listening to these people make excuses on how they cannot do this or that it seems to me that they should be able to figure out whether the check was cashed or not. I mean it was proven last March of 2023 that the check had never been cashed so somebody should be able to do it again. I believe this is the check number I see in the photograph I took ck: 4003 89210664 s out of Kansas City..Please find somebody to help me 🙏. There is nobody at this 1-800-772-1213 phone number who is capable of handling this. And nobody at the social security repayment claims phone number 1-800-269-0271 who are able to look to see if the check has been cashed so they claim,again. I don’t remember who I talked to the first time who was able to resolve this the first time and show the check had never been cashed and still hasn’t been cashed,because it’s been over a year. I am retired and I only bring in $484 a month taking $977 from me in this time of inflation would devastate me. I’ve attempting to send messages to Howard bowles for help, Sincerely Kenneth j green

    • T.Y.

      We’re sorry to hear about your situation, Kenneth. For your security, we do not have access to personal information in this venue. We encourage you to continue to work with your Social Security office. You can ask to speak with a supervisor during your next call or visit. You can also submit feedback by visiting our How can we help? webpage. From there, select the “Email Us” link. This will take you to the “Email Our Support Team” form where you can submit a complaint, compliment, or suggestion. In the meantime, we have forwarded your comment to our colleagues in Kansas City. We hope this is resolved soon.

  4. Brandy C.

    Iv been trying to get a hold of the lady I’m supposed to talk to since Missed my redetermination review over a week ago because she called at 8 am instead of 2 pm which was my appointment time ..I have left several messages with representatives,on her extension phone line voicemail,faxed a letter worried sick if ma get cut off .She won’t call me back and they won’t reschedule my appointment they say she is the only one that. Can I don’t know what to do

    • S.D.

      We’re sorry to hear about your situation, Brandy. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to continue to work with your local Social Security office. You can ask to speak with a supervisor during your next call or visit. We hope this is resolved soon.

  5. Kathie B.

    Does SSA have a secure email address for clients to scan and email documents? Like the CMS 40B and L564?

    • S.D.

      Hi, Kathie, Thanks for reading our blog and for your question. Our Upload Documents application allows customers to electronically submit forms and documents to a secure Social Security site. However, one of our employees must initiate the request for information by sending you an email with an access link. For more information about Upload Documents, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. If you did not receive an email from a representative, you can fax, mail, or drop off the completed forms at your local Social Security office. If you are in a Special Enrollment Period, you may be able to apply online for Medicare Part B. For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

  6. Refugio C.

    I need help. Im an adult with very limited income and resources. I need TANF, SNAP, EBT, Loanstar, cash assistance, a CDL career job asap in 24 hours. I need a $999 Trillion dollar cash payout due to illegal aliens, UFO’s, extra terrestrials from South America, Central America, and Mexico in my Homeland USA. Also, these illegal aliens are sexist femenists and not only can they not speak English, read, or write basics, but are also terrorists that shouldn’t allow illegal tactics such as voodoo IT, amplified sounds, astrals, spectrums, sights. They also dont follow EEOC and any USA state departments rules and regulations. Thank you Blinken, Biden, O’Malley. Please direct me to the nearest office to pick up my paycheck payout, women for meslow and next career orders. Immediately.

  7. Marie G.

    SS stop sending my checks to Chase Manhattan in NY. I moved to Ecuador, As intructed in NY I sent docs. With bank information to Rep. Dominicana by overnight delivery 11/2023 no reply as yet. I spent Mondays and Thursday on long distant calls that are never answered. I left messages in Philadelphia w/o reply. I only have a movile phone. No money or money or meds. No health insurance and in need of surgery. Please help

  8. Sarah C.

    SSA collected over $45,000 for a $23,000 overpayment (which was incorrect and negated in Nov 2023). I’ve only received $16,000 of the $45,000 official government records show SSA collected. This is ongoing for almost a decade now. I keep getting the wait 60 days for a response for years. The last response said we didn’t actually think you wanted a reconsideration so we didn’t process your request, but if you really did please tell us within 30 days. Are you kidding me!?! Do you think I’m filling out form as instructed by SSA agents for FUN!?! How is this EVER an acceptable response? SSA STOLE $20,000 ABOVE THE DEBT OWED. THAT’S THEFT… PERIOD. If a company or person stole $20,000, they would go to prison. Why is the government allowed to steal from a disabled person? Sounds more like a HATE CRIME.

    Plus, $14,000 in conserved funds have been missing since Dec 2019. They changed my direct deposit info to someone else’s bank account and paid someone else $10,000 3/7/24 and sent my monthly check to thst person 4/3/24 – all circumventing the notification system that is supposed to alert me of changes to direct deposit via email, text, and physical mail. They still show it paid to me. Plus, my 2023 SSA 1099 is incorrect and I’ve been requesting a corrected 1099 since January (by phone and email). So many problems are too much for regular agent to handle but all requests for my local office manager, Kim Graham, to contact me over last 6 month have failed (calls, emails confirmed by agents to have been forwarded to her, manager to manager internal messages – 2/14/24, 4/30/24, etc) jave gotten no responses. Published timeframes for manager to manager escalated contact requests are days not months-years.

    I’m terrified my check will stop each and every month for close to a decade through no fault of my own. This id psychological warfare and is causing me significant financial, emotional, and physical distress.

    Plus, regulation 404.2041 says they have to investigate reported representative payee fraud, misuse, and abuse. SSA has negligently failed to investigate reported payee fraud, abuse, and misuse for 6 years! I’ve lost housing, vehicles, everything.

    These abuses, crimes, wrongs MUST STOP! Even the Dallas Area Deputy Communications Director won’t communicate. COMMUNICATION IS IN THEIR TITLE!

    All these failures and theft are criminal. There no help anywhere. My Congressman, Josh Breechem’s office won’t even put in a request or simply look at my official documents including IRS documents. We aren’t allowed to file false documents with the IRS, right!?!

    I need help. Mr. O’Malley, please address this crimes and abuses.

    • S.S.

      We’re sorry to hear about your situation, Sarah. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We have forwarded your comments to our colleagues in Dallas. We encourage you to continue to work with your local Social Security office. You can also submit feedback by visiting our How can we help? webpage. From there, select the “Email Us” link. This will take you to the “Email Our Support Team” form where you can submit a complaint, compliment, or suggestion. We hope this is resolved soon.

  9. Cee C.

    Video conferencing is a good start. Not known if everybody can handle such a technique. Suggest having a relative assist with the first contact. Suggest someone sit in on first call.

    SSA is innovating which is long overdue. Please provide the courtesy of acknowledgment with a simple Self Addressed Stamped postcard. With the form, I complete a card which you stamp and return.

    Hundreds of calls to your 800 number would be unnecessary on a daily basis, “did you get what we sent?”

    My MIL sent a Certified letter last November which was never acknowledged, much less acted upon.

    Resolve Overpayment issues. It’s cheaper to return the money than the alternative of legal defense.

  10. Jarvis I.

    I’m having problems because my name was changed unauthorized and I’m a victim of identity theft &fraud. My social security number is being used under a different name and race. A immigrant is using my social because homeland security is sending things and The identity theft. Gov is saying social security benefits was stolen. My birth certificate and marriage certificate was stolen and my high diploma. The two certificates displays my social security number on them. Whatever county court approves this should be able to locate the thief. The documents where stolen after I got a new card in Sept 0f 2022


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