
Social Security Supports Teachers Online

July 7, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: July 7, 2022

teacher standing in front of classThe past two years have been difficult for everyone, including educators and students. Our nation’s teachers have adapted and provided for their students in so many ways. We continue to honor all educators who prepare our children for the future.

We know that well-informed instructors can have a powerful and positive influence on their students. That’s why we created an Educator Toolkit. It’s a shareable online resource for teachers to engage students and educate them on Social Security. The toolkit includes:

  • Lesson plans with objectives.
  • Infographics and handouts for each lesson plan.
  • Links to Social Security webpages.
  • Talking points.
  • Quiz questions and answers.

You can access the toolkit on our Information for Educators page.

We value and welcome the efforts all teachers make to educate America’s young people. We want to help spark discussion with students about Social Security. Please share our toolkit with the educators in your communities today!

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About the Author

Dawn Bystry, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications

Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications


  1. Rebekah R.

    COVID-19 and coronavirus is why most people are unemployed in 2020 and 2021. There are economic recessions and there is severe poverty in the rural geographic area that I live in.

    There is severe poverty which causes unemployment in Upstate New York in Frankfort, NY and Utica, NY and Herkimer, NY and Ilion, NY and Mohawk, NY and the surrounding geographic areas.

    When they put honest information in the letters from the Social Security Administration such as the geographic area is poverty-stricken and in need of poverty alleviation and that they don’t have enough employment for the amount of people who need employment then the United States government can address the issues that are causing poverty

  2. Chinyere A.

    This is a very good quality of social security administration. They are good hearted people supporting people from different places and countries. United States citizens have access to all 3rd world countries which are very appreciative. This is a good article supporting teachers online and I hope they support pregnant/nursing women like me to have free income to take care of their kids till they enter pre kindergarten. Thanks for all you do. God bless and peace profound.chinyere Augusta Ugorji

    • JohnyC

      It is very good that new online education platforms are emerging for teachers and students. In the past few decades, our country has been falling in the ranking of the quality of higher education. Using platforms like top essay writers will help students have access to the latest scientific research from the best writers in our country.

  3. Bonnie C.

    More than one third of America’s public school teachers are affected by the Windfall Elimination Provision and/or the Government Pension Offset. Despite the fact that pensions and Social Security benefits are paid for and taxed differently in different states people are all hit by the same formula. Women are penalized worse than men. Lower income retirees lose a higher percentage of their retirement benefits than those with higher incomes. See

  4. Wayne T.

    I am a teacher and have thousands of dollars I paid into social security before becoming a teacher that I WILL NEVER SEE if the Windfall Elimination Process, an antiquated statute, is not repealed. I’ve been working for over 40 years and I will NEVER realize the social security portion of my work years because of this. It’s CRIMINAL and I will be working hard in my “retirement years” as a retired California Educator to repeal this unfair, outdated, biased law so that hopefully I will have enough income for basic survival.

    • Paul

      Public school teachers in California get a guaranteed pension when they retire, an average $57,756 a year for teachers who retired in 2021, according to data from CalSTRS, the state’s teacher retirement system. I hope you realize that is a LOT more than ANYONE can get from Social Security, and that is just the average amount, many get even more than that.

      So I am nor sure what you feel entitled to that you are not getting. I paid into Social Security for 53 years, the last 32 years I paid in the maximum amount into SS and I get $42,636 a year and I am not complaining.

      Social Security computes how much you will earn for retirement based on you highest paid 35 years of employment. In my case I paid into Social Security for 18 years that I am not getting credit for (many more years than you are crying about).

    • Bryan

      How about explaining the additional enhanced retirement benefits you receive as an educator that private sector employees don’t?

  5. Ngun C.

    Social security number: xxxxxxxxx
    Address: 8104 Himebaugh Ave
    Birthdate: 01/19/2000
    Bank account number: xxxxxxxx

    • bettyg, i.

      do NOT show all this personal info on a PUBLIC site like this.

      all your info can be STOLEN & USED!

      contact your local social security office please.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Ngun. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., for assistance. You can also contact your local Social Security office.We respond to questions and provide general information on our Retirement, Survivors, Disability, Medicare and SSI programs. If you have a general question, we encourage you to ask here. But remember, never post personal information on social media. Thanks! 

  6. Donald S.

    My wife went into teaching after working in the private sector for one reason…her love of kids and learning. Now Social Security, through our so called representatives, slaps her in the face, because of the Windfall Elimination Provision. Congress wouldn’t even consider a repeal when introduced. Shame.

    • Bryan

      No shame here. Teachers get better benefits than private sector employees receiving SS.

  7. carols

    You can help teachers by informing them that they WILL NOT receive a Soc Sec retirement if they participate in a separate pension plan and they do not pay into Soc Sec while they are working. If they paid into Soc Sec at any time, their teacher pension will probably cancel/reduce their Soc Sec retirement, due to the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset. Women are 80%+ of the victims of WEP and GPO! Contact your federal reps and senators to REPEAL WEP AND GPO! Victims of WEP/GPO are telling people DON’T BECOME A TEACHER! This does not help your teacher recruiting efforts.

    • Suzy T.

      It doesn’t matter that teacher retirement is higher than ss benefits, we as teachers should not be penalized because we worked in the public sector. For example, I paid into SS before going into teaching; therefore, I should receive my total benefits for SS and TRS. I earned that money and feel like it has been stolen from me.

  8. Patsy

    So why the “offset”. I’m not a teacher but the offset applies to everyone who worked in the private sector and then worked and paid into the SS system? If you want to help do away with the offset. Socialism!!

  9. Christine

    Shame on teaching kids on line. I saw first hand the disastrous effects on my grandkids when they were thought by computer. It also gave me a chance to see the disgraceful agenda that was pushed on 6 year olds. Kids belong in a classroom not with their noses stuck on a screen. Unless we want our kids to grow up like zombies, which seems to me that is the ultimate goal, teachers and kids need to be in a classroom. That is why we pay school taxes.

    • Roxie

      Agree 👍

    • Rich V.


    • Bryan

      Wow. Talk about coming out of left field. Hey grandma. There was an infectious disease that killed people…including teachers. You can always take a portion of your SS check and pay private tuition to the school of your choosing. Willing to fund your conviction?

  10. Sally S.

    Can I get more Social Security if I have cancer start radiation in two weeks.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Sally. We are sorry to hear about your condition. We do not base your Social Security benefit amount on the severity of your disability. We base it on your average lifetime earnings before your disability began, (or those of certain family members) when those earnings are insured under Social Security. For more information, please visit our Disability Benefits page. We hope this is helpful.


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