
Social Security Supports People Battling Cancer

June 4, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: June 4, 2018

woman hugging younger girlIn 2018, more than a million people will be diagnosed with cancer around the world. This alarming statistic affects people and families everywhere. On June 3, 2018, we observed National Cancer Survivors Day in the United States. In support of this day, Social Security encourages getting checkups to provide early detection, raise awareness through education, and recognize the survivors who have gone through this battle or are still living with the disease.

Social Security supports people who are fighting cancer. We offer support to patients dealing with this disease through our disability program. People with certain cancers may be eligible for a Compassionate Allowance. Compassionate Allowances are cases where individuals have medical conditions so severe they obviously meet Social Security’s disability standards, allowing us to process the cases quickly with minimal medical information.

There’s no special application or form you need to submit for Compassionate Allowances. Simply apply for disability benefits using the standard Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) application. Once we identify you as having a Compassionate Allowance condition, we’ll expedite your disability application.

Social Security establishes Compassionate Allowance conditions using information received at public outreach hearings, from the Social Security and Disability Determination Services communities, from medical and scientific experts, and from data based on our research. Visit our Compassionate Allowances website for more information, including the list of eligible conditions.

Some illnesses are more disabling than others and Social Security tries to treat everyone with equal compassion relative to their condition. If you think you qualify for disability benefits based on a Compassionate Allowances condition, please visit our website to apply for benefits.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Margaret D.

    This is a long over due benifit form SSDI, I Had my father suffer from cancer just a few years before retirement age, received no help, and I watched my sister under go treatment for breast cancer, just at her retirement age, she however by the crave of God was a survivor, and Diego on to enjoy a few good years of retirement. I realize SS is on a limited, though long needed , budget so I applause those who figured out how the system could afford this out put for those in great need. It has restored, to some extent my faith that in the burucity of government operated systems. Some 30 years to late for my family, but glad it will keep some other families from suffering the financial destruction my family experienced.

  2. Shanna

    Just a quest for some insight here. Can one apply for this if they are receiving their social security already? My mom is 72 yrs old, worked all her life, was recently hospitalized for pneumonia and 2 days later was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer that has spread. She does not have Medicare part D coverage and cannot enroll in it until October. One of the medications they want to start her on is 13000.00 yes ….13 THOUSAND dollars for 21 pills. How can people afford that? They tried to qualify her for financial help through Medicaid and she doesn’t qualify. She’s most definitely disabled as the cancer is in her bones and lymph nodes as well.
    When these “program’s ” try to qualify her, they only want to know what she makes a month…not what she pays out. I mean it costs to live, (mortgage, utilities, groceries, Dr’s. )
    So just curious if this can be applied for by people who already recieve social security benefits.
    Any Info is greatly appreciated!
    Thanks and God Bless!

    • R.F.

      Hi Shanna, please see “Get help paying costs” or visit http://www.medicare.gov for general information about the Medicare program. Thanks.

      • Shanna

        Very confusing but again looks like again….there is no help for her.
        Criminals and people who have never worked a day in their life in the end get more help than people who have worked hard all their lives. Such a shame.
        This is what we are teaching our youth, the less you work, the more kids you have, the more our government will help you! Free groceries, free medical, free dental, free vision, free money….FREE all of it FREE!
        Truly disgusting.

  3. Danielle P.

    Jim Borland ,
    Commonly Smoking is the development for Cancer case around the world . Normally doctors don’t adopt the the Reason personally why i don” t refer to the opposition in the conversation . For 34 years I have grown to complete Young Female after plan crash and Doctors actually subscribe tobacco for medicine assistant agent of grow . Currently I have no cancer and had an stimulant put made out tobacco. Conversation post comment in display is the requiring another inquiry about my case January 2012. the reconstruction of the heart and have natural stimulant as planted source of growth ,but not of cancer in condition stress or mental out look . Question is time to rest on the opinion in that appeal with no corresponding in detail as i progress in Madical with personal doctor at New York Middletown Crystal Run .

  4. Rajendran G.

    It is a good thing that S.S.A. supports people people battling cancer. It is most welcome and good for the society.

  5. Alma S.

    I am so grateful for people who have compassion for others. I know people who have died for lack of treatment. It is good to know some people have a heart.

  6. Billie J.

    I appreciate the information you provide. Information you might not have access to.
    Thank You!!

  7. Hospitals &.

    Public Health Department http://www.title24uscode.org/PHD.html

    To supplement Chapter 9 Hospitalization of Mentally Ill Nationals Returned From Foreign Countries §321-329. To graduate the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) into two separate agencies, the Public Health Department (PHD) and the Department of Human Services (HS), under 31USC§101, as should have been done by the Department of Education Re-organization Act on May 4, 1980, under 20USC§3508. To redress hyperinflation in medical bills, that cause an estimated 67% of bankruptcies today, up from 8% in 1980, it is necessary to nullify and repeal ‘Medical records and payments’ from the Fair Credit Reporting Act under 15USC§1681a(x)(1). To create a Medicaid Trust Fund to account for both Medicare and Medicaid spending, so advance appropriations equal trust fund balance at year end, in the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, Federal Supplemental Medical Insurance Trust Fund and Federal Medicaid Trust Fund. To amend the authorization of the Secretary to “make grants” to “provide tax relief to energy corporations” under 42USC§8621(a). To amend the 1.8% DI tax rate starting January 1, 2019 in Sec. 201(b)(1)(T) of the Social Security Act under 42USC§401(b)(1)(T) to either; (1-a) 2.1% DI tax, or (1-a) 2.0% DI tax if OASI pays $240 billion to replicate to the extent possible revenue if the OASDI tax had been properly adjusted by Public Law 112-96. To create a SSI Trust Fund to redress child poverty rates by 2020 and all poverty by 2030 by taxing the rich the full 12.4% OASDI tax on all their income in the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old Age Survivor Insurance Trust Fund, Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund and Federal Supplemental Security Insurance Trust Fund.

    To update CPR to differentiate between rescue breathing 1 breath per 5 seconds or 100-120 chest compression per minute, using 30 compressions for adults, 15 for children per 2 breaths, if respiratory arrest may be due to more common cardiac arrest. To treat atherosclerosis with vegan diet, fresh fabric, exercise, statins to reduce cholesterol and antibiotics to treat endocarditis. To prescribe: Naloxone (Narcan) rescue injection and naltrexone oral to reverse respiratory depression in opiate overdoses. Amantadine (Symmetrel) to cure in one dose human influenza and the extra-pyramidal side effects of anti-psychotic drugs and treat Parkinson’s. Ampicillin (Principen) treats pneumonia, meningitis and sinusitis. Metronidazole (Flagyl ER) (1960) treats joint, lower lung, heart, pancreatic, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal infections caused by Helicobacter pylori, Entamoeba histolytica, Bacteroides fragilis, Salmonella, Giardia, E. coli and antibiotic associated colitis caused by Clostridium difficile. Doxycycline (1967), the once a day antibiotic, heals wounds infected with hospital acquired Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), bubonic plague, Lyme disease and syphilis. Clindamycin (Cleocin) treats Staph in children under age 8 and pregnant women. Staph heart attacks are 50% fatal on hospital admissions. Toxic shock syndrome is caused by hospital acquired Staphylococcus aureus sensitivity to Streptococcus spp. and is best treated with doxycycline or clindamycin. One cup of bleach per 5 gallons hospital cleanser. Brush teeth within 10 minutes of eating sweets. Hydrocortisone creme treats aspergillosis and allergies. Clotrimazole (athlete’s foot creme) treats the foot and shin. Stonebreaker (Chanca piedra) cures urinary and gallstones overnight.

    Cancer Sec. 364: To prevent the loss of weight that precedes death, the cancer diet priority is to maintain a healthy reserve of body fat. The cancer diet treatment, with high rates of remission, is to get adequate calories to maintain a reserve of body fat with a vegan diet from organic sources.

  8. Brenda

    Hello ,

    I was denied three or more times, while going through chemotherapy and radiation, and had a bulb on my left upper side for drainage from lymph nodes removed. They wouldn’t help me so I went back to work part-time while trying to heal.

  9. MARIA A.

    This is one of the best news I ever heard. Personally I don’t have medical issues, but many people do. It is a big step just to recognize the need to support the persons diagnosed with cancer or any other serious conditions. Thanks to all the persons that identified the problem and came up with a compassionate solution. God bless you all.

  10. Snarky

    Check at the US Embassy if you are a citizen, otherwise, you’re out of luck.

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