
Social Security Serves People Like You: Veterans, Women, LGBTQ+, and More

August 11, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 10, 2022

LGBTQ family timeWe have provided vital benefits and services to hard working Americans for nearly 90 years. America has an increasingly diverse population with a variety of needs. To meet those diverse needs, we’ve created webpages that speak directly to groups of people who may need information about our programs and services.


We proudly serve wounded warriors and veterans who sacrificed to preserve our treasured American freedoms. Many veterans do not know they might be eligible for disability benefits from Social Security.


Social Security plays an important role in providing economic security for women. A woman who is 65 years old today can expect to live, on average, another two decades.  Since women have longer life expectancies than men, they typically live more years in retirement and have a greater risk of exhausting their sources of income. Women also tend to have lower lifetime earnings than men, which usually means they’ll receive lower benefits. These are just a few reasons why women need to plan early and wisely for retirement. We’re here to make sure women have the information they need to plan for those golden years.


Our agency touches the life of every American, both directly and indirectly. Our commitment extends to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people covered by Social Security’s many programs and services.

Check out even more of our People Like Me webpages. Please share them on social media and with friends and family!

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About the Author

Dawn Bystry, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications

Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications


  1. rosemarie a.

    I receive SSDI and Medicare due to disability that put me out of work back in 2012. Can I still claim on my ex-husband’s retirement benefits, yes we were married 9 yrs.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Rosemarie. Thanks for visiting our blog. To be eligible for divorced spouse benefits, you had to be married to your former spouse for at least 10 years, and you cannot be eligible for a higher benefit on your own record. For more information on how to qualify for divorced spouse benefits, please visit our Survivor Planner. For specific questions, please contact your local Social Security office. We hope this helps.

  2. John S.

    Bunch of horse pucky. Cutting off one’s God given appendages to create what you think will make your phycological, malformed, brain happy will make your trip, in the end, a straight away road to hell. These children/adults need help.

  3. Melissa B.

    I receive SSDI and Medicare due to disability that put me out of work back in 2009. Can I still claim on my ex-husband’s retirement benefits, yes we were married 22 yrs., or am I stuck with my disability benefits?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Melissa. Thanks for your question. To be eligible for divorced spouse benefits, you had to be married to your former spouse for at least 10 years, be age 62 or older, and you cannot be eligible for a higher benefit on your own record. For more information on how to qualify for divorced spouse benefits, visit our Benefits Planner. We hope this helps.

  4. Tam j.

    I live on barely above $1,000 a month. My rent went up my electric went up my cable went up so I downgraded but gas and food are also up without income or benefits going up match this inflation crisis. Why? does s.s. Not match the increase of the economy over the years? Are you going to change this? There should be an overhaul of s.s. with a large across the board increase of s.s., ssi, ssdi, and benefits Not just a cola this year.

  5. RIckT

    How about white men who identify as male who paid into this Ponzi scheme for 50 years? Looks like the SS is willing to bankrupt the fund to pay all those that never worked. Thanks Joey.

  6. Pia

    Social security does as little as possible to help women. What a joke. At under a thousand I can’t afford to fix a house that literally leaks inside and has no hot water or heat. Why are people like me not getting help with such things? I’m waiting for the day I either freeze to death or die of mold exposure.

    • John S.

      Social Security benefits are based on the amount that YOU pay into the system. Maybe you should have paid more in if you wanted a higher benefit.

  7. Bernistine W.

    I live in Texas. I made a major mistake not knowing how social security worked. I thought it would be based on projected income (in which it should have been) so I pursued a degree and graduate work with the intentions of returning to work after being a single parent. Although my intentions were good and because I was abandoned 3 times with children, I was forced to be a parent to keep my children out of the system, therefore I was never able to work in the field I was trained in. In Texas, men can abandon their families without consequence. Child support enforcement equals 20% of the “sperm donor’s” income for first child and 5% for children after. I had to “marry” the federal government (Texas has no “welfare”) so blessed be the Most High, I had to live on a Housing Choice Voucher, food stamps, second hand stores. The child support paid the car note and insurance. If it was not for federal assistance, my children would have been doomed to prison but the man (father/sperm donor) gets off scott free leaving the mother with the brunt of raising a family on her own in poverty.
    Now I live in poverty disabled from the years of neglect – mentally and emotionally and physically. The children are all tax payers doing well. One son that I did not raise because my school teacher mother did not think I had that ability – to be a good parent – is homeless sleeping in a car.

  8. Linda L.

    I’m old, a woman, and living on under $1200 a month. A program which would include things such as everyday clothing and toiletries, etc, would help tremendously. Also there are always repair bills, whether structural or automotive. These needs are never addressed and very difficult to navigate these days; I just had to re-wire my home, then the Head Gasket in my 21 year-old car caused $2500 in repair. I’ll be paying for that for as long as I live.

    • Arfan

      ok don’t worry I want marriage with you if you are ready contact with me what you want I give you I America 34 years living in saudi arabia.

  9. G. C.

    If you receive ssi benefits, will your benefits stop upon marriage?

    • A.C.

      Hi. Thanks for your question. If you receive retirement or Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits, your marriage will not affect your benefit. If you are receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), widow or widower’s benefits, your marriage may affect your benefit. To learn more about how marriage affects benefits, visit our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

      • Mary T.

        I worked 17 ys for a state agency. Unfortunately, I was injured and I am now on L/T Disability with that program. I receive a small monthly stipend from them. I had to fight for Workman’s Comp. Upon approval, I begin to get SSA and a State Disability Stipend monthly. Prior to receiving I asked many times how much it would be. It Took me 6 years to get the SSA and as a single mom, I wanted to know how to set my budget. The state and SSA sent me my awarded amount. I received it like clock work as promised for 22 mo. On the 23rd month I was told the state had overpaid me by $21,147.00. There should have been an off set because you can’t get both full amount. They accused me of knowing this error and treated me as if I stole. No, I did not know. I asked you, you told me, you sent me my check just as you had done for 17 ys like clock work. How would I know. I could a state agency mess up such an error. My State benefit was reduced by $1,000.00 immediately. I loss everything. Anway ongoing as SSA goes up my benefit goes down. I now get $4.00 a month from my state benefit. I am forced to pay for medical even though I pay for medicare and I still have large Co-pays on certain Items. I have to work to supplement. I fear Jan when it goes up again. Will they take the 4.00 and now subtract from my SSA. It’s a setup for failure for someone who doesn’t have anyone. Its very fearful.

      • Abdurhman a.

        OK connect

  10. Marge B.

    Do you serve men? I don’t see that category listed anywhere.

    • Penny L.

      Someone was supposed to call me about my husband’s benefits he has passed away and they have text message me and I don’t know it won’t let me in

      • A.C.

        Hi, Penny. We are sorry to hear about your loss and your experience. If you still need assistance, please contact your local Social Security office. We hope this is resolved soon.

    • Miss D.

      Did you save anything on your own for your retirement?

      By the way, this has nothing to do with President Biden.

    • Straight w.

      A very sexist article. What, straight white males who didn’t serve in the armed forces don’t count?

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