Frauds & Scams

Social Security Launches New Campaign to Fight Scammers

February 13, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

" "Recently, we launched a new Public Service Announcement* campaign as our latest step to caution you about the ongoing nationwide telephone impersonation scheme. The videos feature a message from our Commissioner, Andrew Saul. Along with our Office of the Inspector General, we continue to receive reports about fraudulent phone calls and emails from people falsely claiming they’re government employees. The scammers play on emotions like fear to convince people to provide personal information or money in cash, wire transfers, or gift cards. Fraudsters are also emailing fake documents in attempts to get people to comply with their demands.

“I want every American to know that if a suspicious caller states there is a problem with their Social Security number or account, they should hang up and never give the caller money or personal information. People should then go online to report the scam call to Social Security,” said Commissioner Saul.

Commissioner Saul also addressed the Senate’s Special Committee on Aging on  January 29. He spoke frankly about these ongoing schemes and how we are educating the public about them.

You can watch the hearing or read the transcript at

Learn to protect yourself and report any suspicious calls and emails right away. If you have already been a victim of one of these scams, do not be embarrassed, and please report it so we can stop these scammers and protect other people. Please share our new Public Service Announcement video with your family and friends.*

*Note: This video is no longer available.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Martha P.

    Thank you for launching the campaign to fight scammers. I have personally been targeted by phone calls from scammers stating that my social security payments would be cancelled because of fraud, and/or my number is being used by drug dealers. They have even claimed to be Officers. Your campaign actually will help curb these scammers by letting them know that these scams are being televised and uncovered and published. More uncovered scams need to be televised. I pity the people who actually fall for it but by publishing it more people will not answer these ridiculous and continual phone calls.

  2. Gloria G.

    I got the grandma scam this week. Hung up on her.
    They really were convicing.

    • carmella v.

      good for u gloria. i get these calls about ss all the time. i listen to the message they leave and than i block the number.

  3. ab

    This informative video would have been much better without the background music

  4. John R.

    Why should the government care about any thing with SS, it does not effect them. They are set for life.

    • Tammu

      I agree ? ssad is a joke.

  5. Alan E.

    Every once of protection is paramount, in order to maximize the effort, save budget funds, and reduce the possibility of mail theft, it seems sensible to allow individuals to print the annual W2 forms via the blog.
    It is imperative to stay ahead of the criminal elements that corrode progress.
    Move within the 21st century!

  6. Dennis D.

    I agree ? but they had everything that had a number on it and even my driver’s license Credit cards and loved into my bank account to tell me what I had and said he was a SSN# Employee. I lost $600,000 dollars before I realized that I was being SCAMMED.

  7. Reader

    Ss need to ban everywhere asking ss # to pass identification even include asking for the last 4 digit of ss#. Ss like medicare need to change all ss #.

  8. brian w.

    and what address does one use to report??????Seems article should have included that!!!!!

    • Kimberly O.
      Always when going online make sure you look for the government logo in websites or addresses.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Brian. Thanks for your question. If you receive a suspicious call like this: 1) Hang up. 2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards. 3) Report suspicious calls here. For more information on how to protect yourself, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

  9. SCOTT A.

    You cannot do anything with these foreign-based scammers until you force the telephone companies to stop caller ID spoofers and foreign callers who make thousands of calls per minute. Make them stop those calls at our boarder! The technology exists to locate these thieves on foreign soil and insist their home country prosecute them and/or extradite them here to stand trial. I’d guess 90% of these scammers or not U.S. based.

  10. Mikel D.

    It makes no sense why the post office is giving out personal information, then replacing our medicare number, then say stay safe after all that , but worry about people getting scammed, Seems like your working backwards already, but I wish you luck….

    • brian w.

      Federal govt is hidebound by red tape

    • Christy B.

      I can’t figure out where to write my question but if my kids draw a check from their deceased dad but also get claimed on taxes where is their check going? The state card from their dad or my income tax card?

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