General, Retirement

Social Security Collaborates with America Saves Week

February 23, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

man and woman writing on couch A secure retirement is created from a lifetime of planning and saving. Each year, American Savings Education Council and America Saves coordinate America Saves Week. The week is an opportunity for organizations to promote good savings behavior and a chance for individuals to assess their own saving status.

For years, Social Security has collaborated with America Saves Week to promote our shared mission of helping millions of people prepare for their future. This year, the week is celebrated from February 26 through March 3.

Knowing this, it’s never too early to start planning for your future. Set a goal, make a plan, and save automatically. Savers with a plan are twice as likely to save successfully. Pledge to save for America Saves Week. Share what you’re saving for using the hashtag #ImSavingFor.

Social Security’s “People Like Me” website has tailor-made information for preparing for your future. Our richly diverse country is made up of countless backgrounds, ethnicities, and nationalities, yet we all want the same thing — a secure future. You can see many of the diverse people we serve.

Younger people need to know that the earlier you start saving, the more your money can grow. Our website for young workers has resources that can help you secure today and tomorrow.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. mary t.

    does ssi retirement always figure x-spouse income benefits into a unremarried x-spouses ssir benefits to be paid. seems that the information i get back is different from one representative to another.

    • R.F.

      Hi Mary. The amount of benefits you get as a divorced spouse, has no effect on the amount of benefits your ex-spouse or their current spouse may receive. See “If You’re Divorced” for more information.

  2. tony

    Why does the SSA violate people rights on Social Security Retirement and Social Security Disability Insurance under the representative payee program? The SSA violated their due process and equal protection under the fifth amendment of the United States Constitution.

    The representative payee statutory law is 42 USC 1383. That law apply to Subchapter Title XVI for people on Supplemental Security Income(SSI). It doesn’t apply to SSR/SSDI.

    NOT only is the SSA violating people rights on SSR/SSDI, they are wasting taxpayers money with staffing, mailing, etc. The SSA needs to save taxpayers money and obey the law.

    • tony

      The representative payee law was made to assure that people on SSI spend the government’s welfare money on their personal needs. The representative payee has to return the taxpayers money after the SSI beneficiary dies. The taxpayers money is only meant for the SSI beneficiary personal needs. They can’t give any saved taypayers’ money to someone else. The SSA doesn’t even try to recoup the taxpayers’ money.

    • tony

      The government welfare money for SSI is for the SSI beneficiaries use only. The representative payee must return the unused benefit back to the SSA.

      This wouldn’t fly with OASDI. OASDI is not government welfare. The SSA would be depriving the OASDI beneficiaries their property interest in violation of the equal protection clause of the fifth amendment of the United States Constitution and unjustly enriching themselves.

      It is just a matter of time before some greedy attorney sues the SSA Commissioner on behalf of the entire class. There is no federal statutory law for a representative payee for OASDI.

      • tony

        The greedy attorney could recover attorney fees from all the money the was returned to the SSA by the representative payee.

  3. Victoria F.

    SSA lying pieces of shit. Took my SS contributions for 25 years and I can’t even get it. WHO DID THEY GIVE IT TOO?

  4. Sherrie S.

    I am trying to get my social security print-out but lost my password and don’t remember what I used for my ID to get in. I sent a letter to the home office but have not heard. How can I restore my information so I can get into my account?

    • J.Y.

      Hi Sherrie. If you need assistance with your my Social Security account, please call 1-800-772-1213. After you hear “Briefly tell me why you are calling,” please say “Help Desk” for help with a my Social Security account. Sometimes it might be best to visit your local Social Security office for further assistance. To local your office, visit We hope this helps.

  5. Carl b.

    Can you receive more monthly benefits with disability than regular benefits

    • R.F.

      Hi Carl, your disability payments are established at the highest rate possible, as if you’re receiving them at your full retirement age.

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  7. Laura D.

    The MyRA savings account option no longer exists. I was forced to close my own MyRA account in 2017.

  8. Eli E.

    I am waiting formy SS retirement check and it still has not arrived.
    What can I do?

  9. Emmanuel L.

    Happy Sunday Honorable Acting Deputy Commissioner Jim Borland
    I am glad to write some words about my future retired purpose if I will be retired at 65 years, not 66 and 2 months. Because I was born on July 25, 1955.
    I have Diabetic and just did the surgery for prostate cancer, but! I still want to keep working to finish up paying some bills.
    I want to know if I should cover by Medicare for my sickness. at 65 years old. Now! Only my wife cover me… In my job no insurance for workers people only paying without help.

    • R.F.

      Hello Emmanuel, individuals within three months of age 65 or older and not ready to start their monthly cash benefits can use our online retirement application to sign up for Medicare ONLY and apply for their retirement benefits at a later date.
      If your wife is actively working and you are covered under her employer’s group health insurance program, you can delay enrollment into Medicare Part B until your wife stops working or the health coverage is dropped. However, we suggest that individuals speak to their health benefits advisor, or health plan representative to see what’s best for them, and to prevent any penalties or delayed enrollment in the future. To learn more about the Medicare enrollment periods visit

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