Online Services, SSI

Social Security Administration Expands Outreach and Access for Supplemental Security Income

May 25, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: May 25, 2023

Social Security Administration LogoKilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, announced that the agency has expanded its outreach to people in critical need of financial help who may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

SSI provides monthly payments to adults age 65 and older or to other adults – and children – with a disability or blindness who have limited income and financial resources. SSI helps pay for basic needs like rent, food, clothing, and medicine.

“Helping eligible people access critical benefits, including SSI, is part of Social Security’s core mission,” said Acting Commissioner Kijakazi. “Underserved communities face additional challenges, like unreliable or no access to the internet and computers, that widen the divide. Social Security’s campaign strives to reach people in their communities to tell them about the eligibility criteria for SSI, and how to contact us online at or by phone for more information or an appointment to apply.” The campaign supports President Biden’s Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.

Social Security used data to identify and reach underserved communities in rural and urban areas across the country where it noted the greatest decline in SSI applications since the pandemic, and where the majority of people living in those zip codes are people of color and/or people living at or below the 150 percent Federal poverty threshold.

Social Security’s campaign uses a variety of ways to reach people, including radio and television public service announcements (PSA), radio ads, mailers, bus shelter and other large signs, flyers distributed to local stores, and printed publications in several language options.

Watch the 60-second television PSA below.

Social Security is also reaching more people online through social media, digital, YouTube ads, and search engine marketing.

Individuals who receive SSI may qualify for other financial help, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as food stamps), Medicaid, and discounted internet service through the Federal Trade Commission’s Affordable Connectivity Program.  Individuals who receive Social Security benefits may also be eligible for SSI.

People with limited income and financial resources, and with access to the internet, should visit to learn more about SSI eligibility and request an appointment to apply for benefits. People without access to the internet can call Social Security’s National 800 Number at 1-800-772-1213 to speak with a representative.

In addition to this campaign, Social Security recently proposed simplifications to the SSI program when people are receiving food assistance. The proposed changes will simplify the rules, making it easier to understand and comply with program requirements. This will save time for the public and Social Security and improve the equitable treatment of food assistance within the SSI program. Social Security accepted comments about the proposed rule through April 17, 2023.

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  1. Paris G.

    Hi my name is Paris Gilmore and I have been applying for disability for 11 years and I have been receiving nothing but denial letters over a serious condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia along a few more things going on with me but this condition I have is very serious it is dealing withy main nerve on the side of my face that prevents me from talking ,eating,even washing my face. This is a serious condition I not eligible for life insurance as I will have nothing to leave my family in case something should happen. It is impossible to work a job because sometimes when I have a flare up of the conditions it keeps me in pain for days sometimes even weeks depending on how long it wants to keep going. I have had surgery on my ankle and now I have metal plate and screws in my right leg. Then working a job is hard because I am always medicated I take 5 pills in the morning which cause drowsiness and sometimes dizziness then I take 4 in the afternoon which causes nausea and of course dizziness and drowsy then at night before bed I take 6 pills. So I and also my doctors find it difficult to work. And as required you are only allowed to 3 days a month and I goes to the doctor 4 days a month I have sent in statements from all my doctors dealing with this and there is no cure for this condition only medication and some of the medications that I take is for epilepsy cause that seems to be one of the medications that seems to help. But I’m not eligible for SSI or SSDI assistance I need help I don’t know what else to do except contact you personally and see what is the problem I have been denied 5 time and as we speak it keep getting worse. Can you please reply back to me about why I can’t receive any help from you guys and others who do need it seems to get it without having to even put up a fight. I have major to severe depression and have a form of PTSD and everything I have told you I still get denied but immigrants are allowed these benefits and I’m not and if need you can look over all my records new and old thank you I will be waiting on a reply soon just as quick as you deny me assistance you can quickly response back to me.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Paris. We are sorry to hear about your condition and situation. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., for assistance. You can also contact your local Social Security officeYou also may be eligible to receive social services from the state in which you live. These services include free meals, housekeeping help, transportation, or help with other problems. To get information about services in your area and find out if you qualify, you will need to contact your state or local social services or welfare office. We hope this helps.

  2. Addie H.

    When will your resource limits and benefit levels get adjusted to the 21st Century? At least indexed to the Poverty Level? And why couldn’t we keep the Economic Impact Payments from during the Pandemic?

  3. Kent F.

    Exactly how is SSI for people over 65, who presently receive retirement SSA benefits, is their eligibility calculated?
    In Texas.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Kent. Thanks for your question. The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program is a needs-based program that pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources. SSI benefits also are payable to people 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial limits. For more information about how SSI payments are figured, please visit here. We hope this helps. 

      • Sabrina W.

        I have been on ssdi up until 2020 when they cut me off my benefits now I’ve lost everything I had and homeless currently and still can’t get any help from social security or state of Indiana I’m 50 years old numerous strokes I have multiple sclerosis heart disease thyroid disease adhd ptsd and severe depression and anxiety can someone please help me out with answers! I’ve been almost 2 years zero income but yet I’m still being denied even after receiving benefits all my life

        • A.C.

          Hi, Sabrina. We are sorry to hear about your condition and situation. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., for assistance. You can also contact your local Social Security office. You may also be eligible to receive social services from the state in which you live. These services include free meals, housekeeping help, transportation, or help with other problems. To get information about services in your area and find out if you qualify, you will need to contact your state or local social services or welfare office. We hope this helps.


          • Rita S.

            include free meals, housekeeping help, transportation, or help with other problems please

  4. Jackie D.

    I have limited income. Receiving 1401 a month with major health issues and get SSDI. Compared to what I made when I was working this is nothing compared to what I did make so yes I consider myself low income almost at the poverty level so why can’t we get SSI to compensate for the money we did lose and now when you pay in your federal taxes to FICA and you pay into the insurance trust fund that collects interest that you haven’t even touched yet so I hear and every time the cola comes around we get discriminated against and these departments especially the state of Tennessee denies you for every little thing I thought we had civil liberties I thought we were supposed to be protected the people that are seniors and disabled why are we getting our food cut away from us saying we make too much money but yet they’re not even following federal laws and they’re not deducting what they’re supposed to be deducting according to the USDA. So they decide oh they don’t want to do all this paperwork so let’s just cut her off and not give her any food then you get discriminated or retaliated against these low income housing tax credit providers they can not renew your lease for no reason at all and again not following federal laws according to the Fair Housing Act and they throw you out you have nowhere to go and you’re homeless living in your car with severe medical conditions and no one cares but yet they’re so worried of giving us extra money or overpayment when we’re the ones being beaten up and taking advantage of and we’re not getting anything even when the pandemic was going on in our state we didn’t see a dime they took our social self-employed unemployment claim denied us of that when we showed proof that it was self-employed with the schedule says they still denied us the federal funds and kept it why isn’t anybody ever going after the ones that are really doing stuff illegally and not going after the stuff going after the innocent disabled children and seniors that are paying the price for their actions.and then the federal money that comes in for legal aid you can just forget that cuz you can’t even get an attorney to fight cuz nobody wants to represent you so you’re stuck homeless and your hands are tied behind your back and you have nowhere to go and you don’t know what to do cuz you don’t have the finances you know you got to remember a lot of people that are on Social Security didn’t ask for it number one I rather work than to be on SSDI but I can’t there’s no way because you know how can you do that when you have blocked arteries and only 20% of blood flow in your legs and then on top of that I get a parasite attacking my cornea and ended up scarred for life due to contaminated tap water now who’s going to compensate me for all this that’s going on because of what everybody has done to my family especially the state of Tennessee and denying us assistance and help that apparently I’ve already paid for through my bike attacks and they are stereotyping because I’m on SSDI and say I make too much money and can’t help us and then list us as Ron SSI when the state of Tennessee doesn’t even participate in the program of SSI and they make it sound like they’re doing us a favor. The government has ruined my health and quality of life. Didn’t we just get ripped off during the new cola for 2023 didn’t Congress approve actually let’s see 17.4% in COLA for Social Security because of the pandemic and we didn’t get no stimulus check when everybody else got a fourth one the ones that got left behind were the ones on Social Security and we got ripped off when they cut off our children at 17 years old especially when my son is disabled in a wheelchair we couldn’t get a stimulus check because he turned 17 and December but you realize how much money it takes to raise a disabled child and then you don’t give us any help and I’m on Social Security he’s on Social Security and then you cut us off we don’t get nothing but all these other people just kept on giving and giving and getting all this money and we got nothing and we’re still getting nothing and you’re making it sound like you’re owing us a big favor by applying for SSI on top of SSDI we should be able to get the extra money we’re the ones getting ripped off and we’re the ones that are the taxpayers that are paying your salary and everybody else in the government. And now we’re getting ripped off again with the 8.7% that Social Security owes us we were supposed to get to 8.7%, 2023 and 2024 cuz that’s what they approved because of the pandemic now what happened to that money where did it go. And then they’re worried about overpayment when we’re the ones getting ripped off.

  5. Elaine S.

    Hi, my name is Elaine and am on SSI only because I don’t have enough work credits paid in. I don’t understand why that I can not collect my deceased sons SSDI that he got approved for AFTER he died. He was a single young man and had no children. That leaves his SSDI with no one else that can collect it. I supported him all through his lifge from birth to death. Financially supported him even when he was working because he had to barrow money for gas to get back and forth, but I was told that he would have had to support me, makes no sence to me. They should change that stipulation to parents can collect their adult childs SSDI if they never married or had children.

  6. A.C.

    Hi, Lara. The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program is a needs based program that pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources. SSI amounts are based, in part, on the income available to recipients and can vary depending on where an individual lives, since some states provide supplemental payments. For more information about the SSI program and how to apply, please visit our Supplemental Security Income webpage. We hope this helps. 

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