Online Services, Social Security Number and Card

Need a Replacement Social Security Card?

November 23, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

You can now apply for a replacement Social Security card online using your personal my Social Security account. If you meet all requirements and live in some states or the District of Columbia, you can start using this service today. Go to for more information.

map of the united states

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. James J.

    Well I have missed the boat somewhere! Please direct me to the link. My understanding if you live in one of the states listed you can apply online for replacement. I just don’t see where?

  2. James J.

    I have looked everywhere for a link to replace a SS card after I have logged in. The site runs me around in circles and I find no link to do this online. Yes I live in a state that can apply online.

    • R.F.

      Thanks for the feedback James. We checked; the my Social Security application and links to the site used to apply online for a replacement Social Security card, appear to be up and running. Please try again.

    • Gurudeva B.

      Please let me know whether I can get replacement social security card in person as I have been staying in a hotel and still waiting for a job to reestablish my residence.

      • R.F.

        Yes, you can apply for a replacement Social Security card in person. Typically, you should receive your replacement Social Security card by mail within 10 business days, after we process your application.
        To locate the nearest office or card center, click here. To learn more on the process and what documents you will need to get a card Please visit our “New or Replacement Social Security Number and Card” web page. Thanks.

  3. Mario R.

    I have a question on regards to what benefits cover a legal Alien as compare to a born Citizen. Maybe you can tell me where I can find the answer. thank you.

    • R.F.

      Thank you for your question Mario. Social Security benefits are payable to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents in the same way. However, there are many factors that could determine your eligibility. Current law requires that an individual earns 40 credits to qualify for Social Security retirement benefits. Work Credits are the “building blocks” we use to find out whether an individual has the minimum amount of covered work to qualify for each type of Social Security benefits. We hope this information helps!

  4. Kathleen Z.

    I read that Social Security is the most efficient government program ever. Why does Paul Ryan want to gut it? What is he allowed to make millions of Americans fear they’ll lose their SS and Medicare? Why do Republicans go after low income people so viciously?

    • Collyn

      Good question Kathleen!

  5. Johnston P.

    Where can I get help for my father (Betwel Assu Palik; DOB: 10/18/1930; Date of Employment and Separation: 1950 to 1977; Social Security Number: He don’t remember)
    He need help for Social Security he earned from his worked in Guam, Saipan, and Kwajalein since 1950 during the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The United States Navy controlled the TTPI from a headquarters in Guam until 1951, when the United States Department of the Interior took over control, administering the territory from the base in Saipan and Guam.

    Very appreciated your help and assistance.

  6. Besty

    I am working two jobs to make ends meet. However my doctors are saying that I need to retire. My duties are getting harder for me to perform and more difficult to function with the medicine. But How would I live if I quick my job to apply until the application was complete? What are the rules? Are there any exceptions?

    • R.F.

      The earliest age you can apply for reduced Retirement Benefits is 62. In the other hand, Disability Benefits are paid to people who are unable to work because of a medical condition that is expected to last one year or more or to result in death. A person may still be eligible for disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program if they work. However, their earnings cannot exceed a certain amount. This is called the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) limit. If eligible, you could consider applying for retirement benefits and also apply for disability benefits before you reach your full retirement age. You can start receiving your retirement benefits while we consider your application for disability benefits and wait for a medical decision. For more information visit our “Frequently Asked Questions” web page on disability. Please call us at 1-800-772-1213 between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday or contact your local Social Security office for further assistance. We hope this information helps.

  7. Richard

    If I start receiving benefits at 70 and continue to work, will my benefits increase accordingly or am I at the maximum?

    • Daniel

      Yes I would like to know also if my benefit increases since I have worked after receiving SSA.

      • R.F.

        Hi Daniel. Generally, if you continue to work while receiving retirement (or survivors) benefits, your monthly benefit amount could increase. Each year, we review the records for all working Social Security recipients to see if additional earnings may increase monthly benefits. If an increase is due, a new monthly benefit amount is established on your record automatically. We will send you a letter telling you of your new benefit amount. We hope this information helps.

        • Crystal F.

          When will the judge make a decision on my disability. Had my hearing June 27th 2016

          • R.F.

            Hi Crystal. The length of time it takes to receive a decision after a hearing varies. We care about our customers and are working as fast as we can. For security reasons, we do not have access to information about your account in this venue. In your situation, we encourage you to contact your local office or call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) and speak to one of our representatives. Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 7:00a.m. and 7:00p.m. Thanks!

    • R.F.

      Hi Richard. Each year, we review the records for all working Social Security recipients to see if additional earnings may increase their monthly benefits. If your earnings for the prior year are higher than one of the years we used to compute your retirement benefit, we will recalculate your benefit amount. If an increase is due, a new monthly benefit amount is established on your record automatically.

  8. Alex G.

    When can I be in control of opting out of social security? We the people want that.

    • Teresa

      So “WE the people want that” Who is it you represent?

      • Sharon

        Believe me…. when it comes time to get your Social Security check you will be thankful.

        • Anthony r.

          We the working class will most likely never see any benefit from the money taken from our pay each week.

          I would also like to opt out!

          • J.Y.

            Thanks for using our blog, Anthony. If you are referring to opting out of Medicare Part B, you are in luck. If you wish to terminate your enrollment, a signed request for termination and a personal interview are required. Pleas contact your local Social Security office for further instructions. Your coverage will end the first day of the month after Social Security gets your request. We hope this helps.

        • Jennifer W.

          Social Security will be long gone before most of us are old enough to benefit from it.

      • Alex G.

        I represent myself, a hardworking American immigrant. Give me that choice you trumpet about the whole world.

        • Eva J.

          If I didn’t have my SS I wouldn’t be able to live. Who’s going to support you in your old age or if you get injured and can’t work like me.

    • R.F.

      Thank you for your question Alex. People generally cannot voluntarily withdraw or stop participating in the Social Security program. Unless specifically exempt by law, everyone working in the United States must pay Social Security taxes on earnings from covered employment. The law makes an exemption only in very limited circumstances for members of certain religious groups.

    • Av

      You all want that until you or your family member is the one who becomes disabled

      • Sharon

        So very true. I thank God everyday for Social Security. When my husband was killed in 1974 it was a blessing and helped me support my child.

    • Mr W.

      yes , who do you represent? the Koch bros. or ALEC , or Ryan ,etc. ? just asking because real people know the value that SSA is cannot be replaced ! period!

      • Alex G.

        I represent myself, a hardworking American immigrant. And I want a choice the one used to called freedom of choice not a replacement a simple choice.

        • Collyn

          Alex, your only choice is to move to and work in another country. In the USA we pay for Social Security.

          • Ed

            Not really! You go outside USA, you lose your Healthcare benefits, SSI, Food allowance, etc. except your SSA. Not good SSA Policy!

        • Eva J.

          American immigrant then go back to your country and not pay SS.

          • R.F.

            Our blog — Social Security Matters — gives readers information about a variety of topics, including our programs, online services, current events, and human-interest stories, usually in greater detail than typically shared on our other social media platforms. Our blog encourages discussion and offers important retirement and disability-related solutions.
            While we welcome general participation from all of our followers, we ask all participants to please be considerate and polite to others when posting comments. Thank you for your support and for using our blog.

    • mark t.

      Because we live in a fascist totalitarian state – that’s why you can’t opt out of this fantastic high return savings program


    please help me welcome about SSA, am very satisfying to be with us.

    • Polly D.

      Replace social security card

      • Michael c.

        I need to replace my social security card asap

  10. ata

    It must be a slow news day. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

    • Robin H.

      Does anyone know if you can use the temporary paper copy of ID that give you at the license commissioner’s office as proof of I’d when trying to obtain a ssh card..
      The reason I ask is because I lost everything in a fire and am due to start a new job an a few 1st I went to health dept pd $15 to get a copy of birth certificate,next to the License commissioner and got a “state issued”ID for $41.25,Then to the SSA just to be told after waiting an hour while Federal Employees waited on 2 customer’s,when my turn came I was told by some Asswhole that I had to wait for hard copy of ID. To come 2 weeks can I win

      • J.O.


      • Karin

        Why are they a**holes for doing their job?

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