Frauds & Scams, Online Services

Protecting Your Social Security

September 15, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

man and woman sitting at table, looking at laptop

At Social Security, protecting your personal information is more important than ever. We continue to evaluate and improve our robust cyber-security program to safeguard your information. The thing is, we can’t do it alone. You can help us secure your information by taking one of these steps:

  • Open your personal my Social Security account. A my Social Security  account is your gateway to many of our online services. Create your account today and take away the risk of someone else trying to create one in your name, even if they obtain your Social Security number.
  • If you already have a my Social Security  account, but haven’t signed in lately, take a moment to log in. We’ll send a one-time security code to your cell phone or to your email address each time you sign in with your username and password. The security code is part of our enhanced security feature to protect your personal information. Keep in mind that your cell phone provider’s text message and data rates may apply. If you suspect identity theft, report it to our Office of the Inspector General. 
  • If you know your Social Security information has been compromised, and you don’t want to do business with us online, you can contact us to block any automated telephone and electronic access to your Social Security record. No one, including you, will be able to see or change your personal information on the internet or through our automated telephone service. If you block access to your record and then change your mind in the future, you can contact us and ask us to unblock it after you prove your identity. This resource is available to certain victims of domestic violence or identity theft and those who need extra security.

We will continue to do our part to protect what’s important to you. And we’ll continue to advise you on how to protect yourself.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Pat S.

    Why is the website not available 24 hours? I am trying to log into my account, but apparently it is “after hours.” That’s ridiculous to only be able to log in certain hours!

  2. Hospitals &.

    Health and Welfare (HAW).11th ed. HA-17-9-17 Summary:
    Text:: and .doc

    To supplement Chapter 3 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers §71-§154, Subchapter V Battle Mountain Sanitarium Reserve, §151-154. To end poverty in the United States by 2020. To produce a federal budget surplus FY 18 by deleting the Allowances, Other Independent Agencies (on-budget and off-budget) and Other Defense – Civil Programs rows from the Government Outlays by Agency Ledger (GOAL) under Art. 2(2) of the US Constitution. To amend the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour 2009-2017 to ‘$7.50 in 2018 and 3% more every year thereafter.’ under 29USC§206(a)(1)(D). To support the Treasury’s decision to abolish the refundable premium and cost sharing reduction subsidy FY 18 all the action now takes place under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) <15.0%. To begin to experimentally reduce Medicare Part A HI tax revenues received by the Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund from the 2.9% payroll tax rate to 2.6% payroll tax received, and continue to reduce federal outlays for Parts B and D to 3% annual growth from FY 14 beginning FY 18 when a zero growth policy would take over for all three programs to try to keep federal health outlays under the $1 trillion limbo bar until national health expenditures are less than 10% of GDP. To raise the patient's share in nursing homes to the greater of $300 or 30% of benefits, by Treasury under 24USC§14a or fee under 24USC§414. To amend the 1.8% DI tax rate starting January 1, 2019 in Sec. 201(b)(1)(T) of the Social Security Act under 42USC§401(b)(1)(T) to either 2.1% DI tax, or 2.0% DI tax if OASI pays $240.4 billion including 2.5% interest for CY09-CY15 to replicate to the extent possible revenue that would have been received if the OASDI tax had been properly adjusted by Public Law 112-96. To replace the Adjustment of the contribution and benefit base under Section 230 of the Social Security Act 42USC§430 with 'There is created in the Treasury a Supplemental Security Income Trust Fund.' To tax the rich the full 12.4% Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) tax on all their income to pay 16-24 million children growing up poor SSI benefits FY18. To publish a highly simplified online SSI application form without any In-kind-support maintenance (ISMs) and optional disability questionnaire, for speedy Income and Eligibility Verification System in Sec. 1137 of the Social Security Act under 42USC §132b-7. To end benefit attrition with a 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) rule every year inflation continues to run about 2.7% and the Trust Fund Ratio is greater than 20% under Sec. 215(i) of the Social Security Act 42USC§415(i). To make an exception to the rule to pay $777 mo. SSI a 5.7% COLA is needed from CY17, a 2.7% COLA CY18 followed by 3% COLA to $777 SSI CY19 and 3% COLA every year for low incomes to compete with 2.7% average annual inflation. To change the due date of the Annual Reports from April 1, April fool’s day, to 'summer solstice June 20-21' in Sec. 1161 of the Social Security Act under 42USC§1320c-10. 14 weeks of paid maternity protection under ILO Convention 183 (2000).

    Be the Democratic-Republican (DR) two party system Fired

  3. tony

    I would go with Block Electronic Access. I don’t want anyone stealing my free disability money that I got for my mental disorder. As long as I get the free disability money every month in my bank account, I don’t need to check the My Social Security account.

  4. Karen

    In light of the Equifax breach, what now would prevent a thief from calling any government office and pretending they are you? I have recently called to speak with a SS agent, and the typical questions they ask–Social Security #, birthdate, address, phone #, are all things that the Equifax thieves now have. PLEASE put in place some extra security measures, such as secret questions, PINs, or voice recognition so the telephone agent can verify the identity of the person who’s calling. Otherwise, our country will be in DEEP trouble if 143 million Americans, or 2/3 of all American adults, have their government and medical accounts compromised. THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE RIGHT AWAY!!!!

  5. Charmaine E.

    Hey i think this is awesome

  6. meziani e.

    no publique

  7. meziani e.

    +213798916648 since 2009 2017 nil moyene

  8. meziani e.

    obscur your techn

  9. Sarah S.

    I learned through Equifax that my information was included in the recent security breech . I have contacted all 3 credit reporting companies but wonder what action I should take to secure my Social Security account and information? Do you have a “freeze” process? How should I hand,e this? So far my credit report is not showing any attempts to fraudulently access my accounts, just want to be sure I am protecting myself.
    Please advise. Thank you

  10. Belinda A.

    How do you see. How much money in. Your social security?

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