Disability, Retirement, Survivors

Plan for Your Future During Financial Literacy Month

April 13, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 2, 2023

Young family placing coins in a piggy bankFinancial Literacy Month is focused on educating people about the importance of planning for a secure financial future. Every April, we like to remind you that Social Security is a vital part of any financial plan. We have online tools to help you understand your potential Social Security benefits and how they fit into your financial future.

You should periodically review your Social Security Statement using your personal my Social Security account. Your Statement is an easy-to-read summary of the estimated benefits you and your family could receive, including potential retirement, disability, and survivors benefits.

Our Plan for Retirement tool in your personal my Social Security account allows you to check various benefit estimate scenarios. You can compare the effect different future earnings and retirement benefit start dates have on your future benefit amount.

Please let friends and family know they can take steps to improve their financial knowledge by signing in to their secure my Social Security account. If they don’t have an account, they can easily create one.

We also encourage you to join us for our Financial Literacy Month Twitter chat on Friday, April 15, 2022 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern time. We’re co-hosting with America Saves to bring you tips for planning a secure financial future. Follow @SocialSecurity and @AmericaSaves on Twitter – and use #FinancialLiteracyChat. We hope to see you there!

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About the Author

Dawn Bystry, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications

Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications


  1. EmmaJ

    How can you plan for the future when you’re on Social Security disability insurance and you just got beaten down by your state of Tennessee.

  2. Stephanie P.

    Hello I am 61 and planning on withdrawing social security next year at 62. I received a lump sum from 401k. Would this reduce my retirement benefit

    • A.C.

      Hi, Stephanie. It sounds like you are referring to how your benefit is figured. Thanks for your question. We use the highest 35 years of earnings to compute an individual’s benefit amount. If the individual does not have 35 years of earnings, we will use all of the earnings on the record. We will factor in an annual total of $0.00 earnings for each of the remaining years.Your payment amount is based on when you decide to start your benefits, once you have reached your age of entitlement. Use our retirement planner to check out your options. For additional specific questions, please call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., for assistance. You can also contact your local Social Security office. We hope this helps.

  3. Kambiz N.

    Hi! Thank for creating a new blog and on the decision to make a better SSA where there is a flexibility of correcting date of birth in records and the fact that your encouraging me to get a social security number. All of these efforts are noble acts however I might need to have a direct email or communication with the high commissioner of the SSA to discuss the information regarding my personal identifiable information and discuss the method which I believe would provide the protection that usually those whom face challenges about for those whom are not only eligible but mandatory to have unique ID’s but until then and seeing if we could land on a solution and agreement don’t use in any sort of meaning taking a phone number or old secret social security number that previously by an anonymous source that came up to my screen saying that globally universities or some other institutions could use the phone number of mine and tag themselves to me and extract to it by admins or sone applicable laws to pay for their financial needs or other. This statement violates my independent sovereignty and status and not only be considered an unauthorized fraud but an act of financial war crime. Therefore please be advised to open for me a direct non Puplic communication system as a soon as possible where I could give you the real legal and lawful method that isn’t fraud and doesn’t violate constitutional and international laws and gives a sustainable and flourishing dynamic allows to correct the mistakes of the past secures todays and boosts tomorrows blossoms

  4. Deb C.

    I suggest these articles, which are going out to people already receiving social security (seniors), be about how to manage living on social security, how to get part time senior jobs, how taxes work for social security, limits on earnings, how to manage savings and investments, how to get help as we age. Articles directed to younger people before getting social security are useless to us.

  5. Deb C.

    I think Laura r. should get a tax lawyer about her social security issues. Try contr contacting local university accounting dept for info and help.

  6. Laura r.

    I would like for someone to review our account, send 2017 to now 2022 we’ve been having issues they have miscalculated information since day one and they’re trying to penalize us if we were the ones that input the information in the system.our social security office keeps Denying to answer questions or denying information when we ask for it in letter format writing. Our representative that it’s in charge of our case has told me that he doesn’t have time to deal with our account that he doesn’t have time for also that’s his manager told him not to answer our calls and questions. When he’s the one in charge of our case he’s the one in putting the information that keeps changing every day. The operation manager keeps ignoring our calls . We have submitted forms after forms to review we have ask costly to get answer. we were supposed to get a back payment because they knowledge that they create a mistake since day one . but as soonest got created his Manager and the operation manager started to tell him that we we’re not going to see that the back payment because it was the other office mistake and it’s not their problem we only got partial Of a back payment with out and explanation We keep asking for the letter and it keeps getting denying. don’t know where they have created an over payments One day is one amount and then next week they lower the amount and then it goes back again without given us a explanation in letter Do you have submitted dispute also we ask for a review we did it in person we did it on online.
    We have asked for reconsideration but no answer. We need help

    • A.C.

      Hi, Laura. We are sorry to hear about your experience. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to continue to work with your local Social Security office. You can also submit feedback by visiting our Contact Social Security page. Once there, select the “Email Us” link. This will take you to the “Email A Question to our Support Team” form where you can complete and submit a compliment, complaint, or suggestion. We hope this helps.

  7. Bill

    Yea, the government is going to lecture me about financial responsibility…what a joke!

  8. David K.

    Also agree. Zoom. Actually, I wouldn’t have anything to do with Twitter, now or ever.

  9. Jacqueline D.

    How can you plan for the future when you’re on Social Security disability insurance and you just got beaten down by your state of Tennessee. They have me listed as SSI I meant denied benefits in assistant for over 13 years they just came after me and say that life no longer eligible for the qmb they said I made too much money and I just got a letter the other day from the snap program they’re also cutting me off saying I made too much money hand they left me homeless these low income housing tax credit providers here I’m at 60 years old with a chronic condition about to lose my eyesight about to lose probably my right leg because it’s just losing circulation and going numb and turning blue but does anybody care no I got to put up with Tennessee and their shenanigans. They have destroyed my family in 10 minutes, they mentally tormented my disabled son it was diagnosed with SMA and has been in a wheelchair since he was five years old and when I ask for help no one help to him or me they denied us for over 13 years. So how can anyone save for the future number one they’re killing me and my son and nobody would do anything about it we can’t even live in peace anymore and prosperity I got to live in poverty and have then violate my civil human Disability Rights and then you can’t even get an attorney to represent you that’s another constitutional violation. Do you know how much money I have lost because of this covid and the pandemic and how many people took advantage of the federal funds that came into the state I lost a lot I could even get my unemployment self employed that the president promised us it after you show all the evidence and you are honest and forthcoming and you give them all the paperwork and they still deny you and stole your money and then made me lose my vehicle does anybody care probably not oh, I could have bought a house I got to jump something invested with my money that I was entitled to being self-employed but now I have to get ripped off like the millions of others that got ripped off that were self-employed independent contractors that kept this economy going if it wasn’t for us the state then federal employees when he got a dime their paychecks would have been in the toilet and I think it still should be why should we pay their salaries while they’re sitting back and they’re taking advantage of us and destroying us mentally physically emotionally what more can y’all do to us. And now you’re ruining our children

  10. Glria J.

    May I suggest alternative educational methods other than high tech methods for those who are not “techies”.

    • bonnie k.

      I am not a big twitter fan and use facebook less and less.
      In these days of zoom, that should be a primary portal.

      • Betty, I.

        I totally agree with Bonnie that zoom Conferences should be set up.

        There are too many they do not have Twitter, and other media sources.

        Betty, Iowa

    • John

      I agree with Bonnie.

      • Mirinda

        Planning for the financial future is an important moment in the life of each of us. Unfortunately, this is not taught at school, and the desire to take rash consumer loans does not contribute to financial stability in society. When I last took a loan at https://fitmymoney.com/best-short-term-loans/ I was explained in detail what the penalties would be in case of delay, what the interest on the loan would be, and I planned the loan repayment schedule. But many people do not think about it, they do not save for the education of children, and then pay off loans for many years.

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