Online Services

Our Online Benefits Application

October 4, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

woman relaxing on couch, using laptop Social Security is committed to protecting and securing the information entrusted to us. We’re constantly looking for ways for you to save time by conducting your business anytime, anywhere, using our online services.

Our online benefits application provides a high level of security and protection for the information you provide. Filing online gives you the freedom and convenience to file for various types of benefits including Retirement, Disability, Supplemental Security Income, and Medicare.

Follow these simple steps to begin:

  1. Review the information on our Retirement/Spouse’s, Disability, Medicare, or Supplemental Security Income Benefits page to make sure you meet the requirements to apply for benefits online and have the information you will need to do so.
  2. Create or sign in to your personal my Social Security account. 
  3. File your claim online.
  4. Check the status of your claim by signing in to your personal my Social Security account.

You should be able to complete and submit your application all at once. But if that’s not possible, you can return to your application and continue right where you left off!

After you’ve completed your application, we’ll also give you a confirmation number to check the status, and information on what to do next. If we are not able to process the request, we will provide specific information on how to contact us by phone or schedule an office appointment.

Applying for benefits online is safer, easier, and more secure than ever!

Learn more by watching our videos on our online retirement, spouse’s, and Medicare benefits application and our online disability benefits application.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Gary D.

    SS needs to fix its website regarding an application for a new account to allow the information submitted whenever a person has a change of address without the SS having their new address in their files. The address submitted in the application should be accepted as their nrw address.

  2. James S.

    This is a blatant lie. SS online applications expose you to SSA fraud and they seem to be doing little to fix the flaws in their system. These flaws allowed a thief to steal $17,000 of my benefits and it took me six months and hours of sitting in the local office to correct their records.

    SSA actually wired money to a phony account and AFTER doing so they decided to notify me. They were so proud of sending my benefits to a thief they didn’t even give me a chance to stop it.

    DO NOT file for benefits online. Go to the painful process of sitting in the office for hours on end or you will regret it.

    • Randy M.

      I know what you mean, however Its good that you could afford all the travel, even though you had no benefits, at least they didn’t make a bogus overpayment on your account, and then cut your benefits, till It was played back..

  3. Raymond H.

    I am living in the Philippines. How do I get a my Social Security account?

    • R.F.

      Thank you for your question, Raymond. We appreciate you trying to use our online services. At this time you must have a U. S. mailing address to create or to access your online account. The “my Social Security” authentication system requires address verification as one of the essential criteria for issuing an account. People with APO/FPO/DPO addresses can create an account overseas, but our system does not support registration and account creation for users with a foreign address yet.
      For assistance related to your Social Security benefits, please contact the nearest Federal Benefits Unit or U.S. Embassy in your area. Also, our Office of International Operations home page provides more information to assist our customers living abroad.
      We hope this information helps!

  4. Barry C.

    I have been trying to get info on me getting access to my account after 2 months of getting no help I found my user name and pw. Then I went online yesterday with a activation code that you guys sent me and that did not work. Then your sytem said I tried to many times an locked me out. Thanks for all of the NO help guys I really appreciate it.

    • R.F.

      We’re sorry that you had difficulty accessing your account, Barry. For assistance, please call our dedicated my Social Security-Hotline. To reach this hotline, call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778), Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. At the voice prompt, say “helpdesk”. Or contact your local Social Security office. Thanks!

    • Jo R.

      I ran into the same situation about making an account and logging in. I had to go to the local office for them to reset my data that was linked with my name and social security number. Then i was able to set up my online social security account online again. But i had to go to my local office for them to reset my information for me to set up a new account. Hope this helps you.

      • Bridget W.

        I forgot user and password what can I do set up account 10 years ago

  5. Mrs. M.

    Good morning, it’s 8:10 am NZ time now, it’s been ages ago that all my documents was return back to me for “NOTARIZED” all but I don’t have enough budget to do it. I only got “ORIGINAL COPY” of my MEDICARE A /Eligibility Cert. for Housing Loan the Green documents, DD214 of US armyDischarge/Death Cert. of my ex-husband /Birth Cert. of my son registered on US Embassy that’s why he got his US passport.My Marriage cert. for citizenship and registered voting documents. etc. All od my documents need about more than $1,000 for $75.00 per page, Please help. We stay here in NZ for almost 19 years now,only Permanent Res.Thank you for email and have a Great day. God bless us all.

    • John

      Go to the nearest Embassy and ask for help.

    • Jo R.

      I went to the local library and was able to find a free notary public who was willing to notarize my divorce documents for no cost at all. I was so appreciative that I donated $20 dollars to her for her services. However, i live in Texas. I hope this helps even if I’m not a local from your area.

  6. James E.

    I have the code which you just sent to me

  7. vicki n.

    Is this information replacing the usual October/yearly social security handbook that is mailed each year? Thank you

    • Laurie B.

      I don’t think so since I just got my 2019 handbook in the mail a few days ago.

  8. Claudia B.

    I am currently on disability and have turned 65 how do I go from disability to Social Security

    • John

      You do nothing, SS automatically converts you to retirement when you reach full retirement age, currently 66 for most folks.

    • R.F.

      Hello Claudia. Social Security disability benefits automatically change to retirement benefits when disability beneficiaries attain their full retirement age. Benefits are not interrupted with this transition and the benefit amount will generally remains the same. Thanks!

  9. Marika O.

    Do I have to apply for benefits again? I already receive Social Security and am very grateful! Please let me know not to worry. Thanks! Marika

    • John

      Your question does not indicate why you believe you’d have to file again.

    • R.F.

      Hello Marika. If you already receive Social Security benefits, you do not need to apply again. Thanks!

  10. Eugene O.

    If I apply on-line as the representative for the disabled applicant is there a way that I can electronically submit medical records/report as well as my appt of rep form ( 1696) , fee agreement and 1695 form ?

    • AKA

      Before your application for someone else can be accepted, permission must be obtained from the individual or medical evidence/legal evidence shown that demonstrates they are not capable of managing their own affairs.
      Any forms that can not be submitted electronically can be submitted in person or by mail. You would be so advised.

    • R.F.

      Hello Eugene, you can mail or take the forms and new medical evidence for the pending claim to your local Social Security office.
      For further assistance, please call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Thanks!

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